• 제목/요약/키워드: herpesvirus

검색결과 137건 처리시간 0.025초

핵산유도체들의 항 Human Immunodeficiency Virus in vitro 약효평가와 작용기전연구 (In vitro Evaluation of Anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Activity of Nucleoside Derivatives and Studies on Their Mode of Action)

  • 이종교;김동기;김지현;김해수;피미경;박종백;김백
    • 대한바이러스학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1997
  • To evaluate in vitro anti-HIV efficacies of nucleoside derivatives, MT-4 cell line was infected with HIV-1 and HIV-2 respectively and treated with various compounds and the formerly approved drugs such as AZT, d4T, ddC and ddI. CPE method was used to evaluate their antiviral activity. Most dideoxynucleosides, AZT, d4T, ddC and ddI, showed anti-HIV activities against both viruses but no other compounds including anti-herpesvirus drugs did any. Further experiments were carried out to study their inhibitory mechanism of viral adsorption. The results showed no inhibition of syncytium formation due to an interaction between the gp120 expressed in HIV -infected cell surface and CD4 receptor on the uninfected cell surface in the presence of AZT. AZT showed no activity up to $100\;{\mu}g/ml$. Inhibition of reverse transcriptase (RT) in the presence of AZT-triphosphate was tested by using RT expressed in E. coli and purified and its $IC_{50}$ was 4.5 nM.

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대본청 앵무(Psittacula eupatria )로부터 PCR에 의한 avian polyomavirus 최초 검출 (First detection of avian polyomavirus by PCR from Alexandrine Parakeet (Psittacula eupatria) in Korea)

  • 김희정;이선락;박최규
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2014
  • In early April 2014, a month-old Alexandrine Paraqeet (Psittacula eupatria) that was raised in a domestic aviary located in Gyungju-si, Korea was suddenly died and submitted to Animal Disease Intervention Center, Kyungpook National University in order to diagnose the causative agent. In post-mortem examination, the bird had abnormally developed feathers on the neck and abdomen region and subcutaneous hemorrhages on the neck and cheek adjacent to the beak. At necropsy, the bird had hemorrhage on the muscle of the femoral region, ascites, multi-focal hemorrhages on the epicardium, and diffuse hemorrhages on the sub-serosa of proventriculus and gizzard, suggesting typical avian polyomavirus (APV) infection. The partial large tumor (T) antigen gene of APV was detected by PCR from tissues of the heart, lung, liver, kidney, proventriculus and feathers of the APV-suspected birds. However, other pathogenic virus-specific nucleic acid common with psittacine birds such as avian bornavirus, psittacine beak and feather disease virus and psittacid herpesvirus were not detected from the mixed tissue samples of the bird, indicating this case is due to single infection of APV. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the partially amplified large T antigen DNA was confirmed to have 99~100% homology with that of the previously reported APV strains. This case report describes the first detection of APV in Alexandrine Paraqeet in Korea.

Detection of viral infections in wild Korean raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides koreensis)

  • Yang, Dong-Kun;Lee, Seoug Heon;Kim, Ha-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Taek;Ahn, Sangin;Cho, In-Soo
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2017
  • Wild raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides koreensis) may play a role transmitting several pathogens to humans and pet animals. Information concerning the incidence of rabies, canine distemper virus (CDV), canine parvovirus (CPV), canine adenovirus type 2 (CAdV-2), canine parainfluenza virus type 5 (CPIV-5), and canine herpesvirus (CHV) is needed in wild raccoon dogs. In total, 62 brain samples of raccoon dogs were examined for rabies virus (RABV) and CDV, and 49 lung samples were screened for CDV, CAdV-2, CPIV-5, and CHV. No RABV, CAdV-2, CPIV-5, or CHV was identified, but nine CDV antigens (8.1%, 9/111) were detected. Moreover, 174 serum samples from wild raccoon dogs were screened for antibodies against the five major viral pathogens. The overall sero-surveillance against CDV, CPV, CAdV-2, CPIV-5, and CHV in wild raccoon dogs was 60.3%, 52.9%, 59.8%, 23.6%, and 10.3%, respectively. Comparisons of the sero-surveillance of the five pathogens showed that raccoon dogs of Gyeonggi province have slightly higher sero-positive rates against CDV, CPV, and CHV than those of Gangwon province. These results indicate high incidences of CDV, CPV, and CAdV-2 in wild raccoon dogs of two Korean provinces and a latent risk of pathogen transmission to companion and domestic animals.

인간 내인성 레트로 바이러스와 신경학적 장애 (Human endogenous retroviruses and neurologic disorders)

  • 황문현;심영제
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2017
  • 인간 내인성 레트로 바이러스는 약 3~4 천만 년 전 인간게놈에 통합되기 시작했던 화석바이러스로서 인간게놈의 약 8%를 구성하고 있다. 이러한 고대의 레트로 바이러스는 연속된 유전자변이로 인해 본래의 기능을 잃게 됨으로써 "쓸모없는 DNA (junk DNA)"로 여겨져 왔다. 그러나 최근 연구는 모든 인간 내인성 레트로 바이러스가 단지 침묵을 지키는 승객만이 아님을 보여준다. 현재까지는 이들 바이러스가 인간 질병의 직접 원인이 된다는 것은 밝혀지지 않았으나, 다발성 경화증, 정신 분열증 및 근 위축성 측삭경화증을 포함한 신경학적 장애와 인간면 역결핍바이러스 (HIV)나 헤르페스 등의 바이러스 감염, 여러 유형의 암과 같은 질환을 가진 환자에서 인간 내인성 레트로 바이러스의 DNA가 과도발현 됨을 보여주는 연구들이 다양하게 이루어지고 있다. 이 리뷰논문은 신경학적 질환에 대한 인간 내인성 레트로 바이러스의 가능한 관련여부를 다루고 있다.

Human Cytomegalovirus Inhibition of Interferon Signal Transduction

  • Miller, Daniel M.;Cebulla, Colleen M.;Sedmak, Daniel D.
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2000
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV), a beta-herpesvirus with worldwide distribution, exhibits host persistence, a distinguishing characteristic of all herpesviruses. This persistence is dependent upon restricted gene expression in infected cells as well as the ability of productively infected cells to escape from normal cell-mediated anti-viral immunosurveillance. Type I (IFN-$\alpha$/$\beta$) and type II (IFN-γ) interferons are major components of the innate defense system against viral infection. They are potent inducers of MHC class I and II antigens and of antigen processing proteins. Additionally, IFNS mediate direct antiviral effects through induction effector molecules that block viral infection and replications such as 2', 5-oligoadenylate synthetase (2, 5-OAS). IFNS function through activation of well-defined signal transduction pathways that involve phosphorylation of constituent proteins and ultimate formation of active transcription factors. Recent studies have shown that a number of diverse viruses, including CMV, EBV, HPV mumps and Ebola, are capable of inhibiting IFN-mediated signal transduction through a variety of mechanisms. As an example, CMV infection inhibits the ability of infected cells Is transcribe HLA class I and II antigens as well as the antiviral effector molecules 2, 5-OAS and MxA I. EMSA studies have shown that IFN-$\alpha$ and IFN-γ are unable to induce complete signal transduction in the presence of CMV infection, phenomena that are associated with specific decreases in JAKl and p48. Viral inhibition of IFN signal transduction represents a new mechanistic paradigm for increased viral survival, a paradigm predicting widespread consequences in the case of signal transduction factors common to multiple cytokine pathways.

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Prevalence study of respiratory pathogens in Korean cats using real-time polymerase chain reaction

  • Lee, Mi-Jin;Park, Jin-ho
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2022
  • Pathogens such as feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Chlamydia felis, Mycoplasma felis and Pasteurella multocida usually cause feline upper respiratory tract disease (URTD). Real-time PCR was used to analyze the detection and prevalence of the most common respiratory pathogens in cats with (n=69) and without respiratory signs (n=31). Pathogens were detected in 53 cats, divided into 37 (69.8%) with a single pathogen, 15 (28.3%) with two pathogens, and 1 (1.9%) with three pathogens. M. felis had the highest detection rate in 29 (42.0%) cats, P. multocida was detected in 18 (26.1%), FHV in 10 (14.5%), FCV in 7 (10.1%), B. bronchiseptica in 3 (4.3%), and C. felis in 2 (2.9%). M. felis was the most frequently detected pathogen in cats living outdoors without vaccination. Of the 37 cats infected with single pathogen, nasal discharge was observed in 13 (35.1%), ocular signs in 6 (16.2%), drooling in 5 (13.5%), dyspnea in 3 (8.1%), and asymptomatic in 10 (27.0%). In 51 outdoor and 49 indoor cats, pathogens were detected in 35 (68.6%) and 18 (36.7%) cats, respectively. Of the 29 cats infected with M. felis, 22 (75.9%) showed respiratory signs, and 7 (24.1%) were healthy. In the age of the 53 positive cats, 10 (18.9%) were under the age of 1 year, 26 (49.1%) were aged 1~3 years, and 17 (32.1%) were aged 3 years or older. Although the number of cats in the study was small, the results can provide valuable data on the prevalence of URTD in Korean cats.

Incidence and sero-surveillance of feline viruses in Korean cats residing in Gyeonggi-do

  • Yang, Dong-Kun;Park, Yu-Ri;Kim, Eun-ju;Lee, Hye Jeong;Shin, Kyu-Sik;Kim, Ju-Hun;Lee, Kyunghyun;Hyun, Bang-Hun
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제62권3호
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    • pp.24.1-24.7
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    • 2022
  • Incidences of major feline viral diseases provide basic information for preventing viral disease in cats. Despite the growing interest in feline viral diseases, sero-surveillances have been lacking. In this study, we analyzed the diagnoses of feline viral diseases and conducted a sero surveillance of feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), feline calicivirus (FCV), feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1), and feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) in Korean cats. Of the 204 confirmed cases since 2015, the numbers of diagnoses for FPV, FIPV, FCV, feline influenza virus, and FHV-1 were 156, 32, 12, 3, and 1 case, respectively. In total, 200 sera, collected between 2019 and 2021, were screened for the presence of antibodies against FPV, 2 FCVs, FHV-1, and FIPV using a hemagglutination inhibition test and a virus-neutralizing assay (VNA). The overall seropositive rates in cats tested for FPV, the 2 FCVs, FHV-1, and FIPV were 92.5%. 42.0%, 37.0%, 52.0%, and 14.0%, respectively. A low correlation (r = 0.466) was detected between the VNA titers of 2 FCV strains. The highest incidence and seropositive rate of FPV reveal that FPV is circulating in Korean cats. The low r-value between 2 FCVs suggests that a new feline vaccine containing the 2 kinds of FCVs is required.

한강 하구에 서식하는 수산생물의 법정전염병 및 기생충 감염 조사 (Investigation of Reportable Communicable Diseases and Parasites in Aquatic Organisms Living in the Estuary of the Han River)

  • 김진희;송준영;이정호;허준욱;권세련;권준영
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.306-315
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    • 2019
  • 한강 하구는 오염물질과 병원성 미생물의 유입 및 확산 가능성으로 인해 이곳에 서식하는 수산생물에 피해가 발생할 수 있다. 하지만 지금까지 이 지역 서식 생물에 대한 법정전염병 병원체 감염 여부가 조사된 자료는 찾아보기 힘들다. 본 연구에서는 한강 하구 전류리에 서식하는 수산 생물 중 잉어과 어류와 갑각류를 대상으로 법정전염병(잉어봄바이러스병, SVC; 잉어허피스바이러스병, KHVD; 유행성궤양증후군, EUS; 흰반점병, WSD) 및 기생충의 감염 여부를 조사하였다. 전류리 유역에서 채집된 어류는 잉어과 어류가 가장 많았으며 주연성 어류와 일차 담수어가 같이 관찰되었고, 갑각류는 해산종이 채집되었다. 채집된 잉어과 어류와 갑각류에 대해 PCR을 이용한 법정전염병 검사 결과 이들 질병에 감염된 개체는 없었다. 기생충성 질병 검사 결과 공중보건상 위협요인인 간흡충이 검출되지는 않았지만 일부 어류에서 다른 흡충류의 metacercaria와 nematode, cestode, copepod, 단생충 및 구두충 등의 감염을 확인할 수 있었다. 이상의 결과는 아직 한강 하구가 주요 수산생물 전염병 병원체에 심각하게 오염되지 않았음을 의미한다. 그러나 한강의 수질 상태는 지속적으로 변화하고 수서 생태계에 대한 전염병의 파괴력은 예측하기 힘들 정도로 위험하므로, 지속적인 방역 노력이 진행되어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해 조사 지역을 전류리뿐만 아니라 이곳보다 상류로 확대하고 조사 개체 수를 늘려서 질병모니터링을 실시할 필요성이 제기된다.

단(單)클론성 항체(抗體)를 이용한 소전염성비기관염(傳染性鼻氣管炎)바이러스 진단법(診斷法) 개발 I. 소전염성비기관염(傳染性鼻氣管炎)바이러스에 대한 단(單)클론성 항체(抗體) 생산(生産) (Application of Monoclonal Antibody to Develop Diagnostic Techniques for Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus I. Production of Monoclonal Antibodies against Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus)

  • 전무형;김덕환;이헌준;안수환;권창희
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.401-408
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    • 1987
  • 세포융합기술(細胞融合技術)을 이용하여 소전염성비기관염(傳染性鼻氣管炎)바이러스(IBRV) 항원(抗原)에 대응(對應)하는 9주(株) 단(單)클론성항체(性抗體)를 생산하였으며, 이들 항체(抗體)의 특성(特性)을 형광항체법(螢光抗體法), 혈청중화시험(血淸中和試驗) 및 전기영동분석법(電氣泳動分析法)으로 시험(試驗)하였다. 생산된 2종(種)의 단(單)클론성 항체(抗體)중 8종(種)은 IBRV이외의 Pseudorabies virus, Infectious laryngotracheitis virus, Marek's disease virus, Japanese B encephalitis virus, Porcine parvovirus, Transmissible gastroenteritis virus, Hogcholera virus와 교차반응(交叉反應)이 없는 특이항체(特異抗體)였으나 1종(種)은 Pseudorabies virus와 교차(交叉)하는 항체(抗體)였다. 이들 단(單)클론성 항체중 중화능력(中和能力)이 있는 2주(株)는 IBRV 항원단백(抗原蛋白)중 분자량 72K 또는 125K 달톤의 항원(抗原)에 대응하는 항체(抗體)였으며, 94K 달톤의 항원(抗原)에 대응하는 단(單)클론성 항체(抗體)는 중화력(中和力)이 인정되지 않았다. 한편 1종의 교차반응성(交叉反應性) 항체(抗體)는 분자량 100K 달톤의 IBRV 항원(抗原)과 40K의 Pseudorabies virus 항원(抗原)에 대응하는 항체(抗體)로 밝혀졌다. 생산된 항체(抗體)중 중화력(中和力)이 있고 IBRV 항원(抗原)의 72K 달톤 단백질(蛋白質)에 대응하는 7-C-2 항체(抗體)를 이용하여 야외분리주(野外分離株) IBRV의 항원(抗原) 동정(同定)이 가능(可能)하였다.

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소아 심장이식 후 림프증식성 질환의 진단을 위한 Epstein-Barr Virus 정량 검사의 유용성 (Clinical Utility of Epstein-Barr Viral Load Assay to Diagnose Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients)

  • 김준일;이진아;김영휘
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2017
  • 목적: 소아 심장이식 환자에서 림프증식성 질환(posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder [PTLD]) 발생과 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) 정량값의 상관관계를 분석하고, PTLD의 발생에 영향을 주는 인자들에 대해서 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 2006년 1월부터 2015년 3월까지 최근 9년간 서울아산병원 어린이병원에서 심장이식을 받은 18세 미만 환자 중 이식 후 최소 1개월 이상 추적 관찰이 가능한 경우를 대상으로 후향적으로 의무기록을 분석하였다. 결과: 총 40명의 심장이식 환자의 진단 시 나이의 중앙값은 11.5세(범위, 0.3-17.8세)였으며 이 중 3명에서 이식 후 4.3개월, 6.3개월 및 17개월째 PTLD가 발생하였다. 이식 후 혈중 EBV 정량 검사를 시행한 28명 중 최소 1회 이상 EBV 바이러스혈증이 관찰된 경우는 7명이었으며, PTLD로 진단받은 환자 3명이 모두 ${\geq}10,000copies/mL$의 EBV 바이러스혈증이 선행되어 있었다. PTLD 발생군은 PTLD 비발생군에 비해 어린 나이에 이식을 받았으며(P=0.021), 초기 및 최고 혈중 EBV 역가가 더 높은 경향을 보였으나 통계적인 차이는 없었다. 결론: 소아 심장이식 환자에서 이식 당시 어린 연령 및 이식 후 EBV 바이러스혈증 동반 여부가 PTLD 발생과 관련이 있었다. 추후 전향적인 연구를 통해서 소아 심장이식 환자에서 PTLD 발생을 적절히 예측할 수 있는 EBV 정량값의 지표를 구하는 것이 필요하겠다.