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The Expenditure Pattern of the Indebted Overspending Households (적자부채가계의 지출구조 및 유형별 특성)

  • Lee, Seong-Lim;Sung, Young-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.45 no.10
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2007
  • The causes of indebted overspending were investigated by examining household expenditure patterns using the data from the 2002 Family Expenditure Survey. The five major expenditure categories were identified by factor analysis, and the six types of indebted overspending were clustered. About 28% of the indebted overspending was done out of necessity, and food, utilities, housing, and health care accounted for about 42% of the household expenditure. Luxury spending accounted for about 25% of the overspending by indebted households who spent about 24% of the household expenditure on clothing, entertainment, and private education. Cars (22%) and education (20%) were found to be other major causes of indebted overspending. Paying off debt and durable purchases were identified as the major causes of indebted overspending, but had a low frequency. Finally, the financial status of the four major types of indebted overspending households was evaluated.

Basic Study on the Development of Impact Protective Pants and Falls of Elderly Women (여성노인의 낙상실태 및 충격보호팬츠 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Lee, Jin Suk;Park, Jung Hyun;Lee, Jeong Ran
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.945-953
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to develop protective pants to relieve impact from falls and to present basic data for the development. The survey results are as follows; First, 45% of the respondents were in their 60s and 55% of them were in their over 70s and older. Also, 64% of them have fallen once for the past year and 36% of them have fallen twice or more. The older they were, the more there were those who have fallen twice or more. This indicated the older people has experienced more fall accidents again after a initial fall accident. Second, as per accident situations, the survey showed that fall accidents happened the most in the winter and in the afternoon (12-18 pm). Also, it happened on a street mostly and they were wearing sneakers or hiking boots when they got a hurt slipped in a front or side by missing their step in a walk. The injury areas are mostly knee and ankle. They had the bruises or a sprain in their knee and ankle mostly. The rate of bone fracture was 19.5%. Therefore, the protection area to falls in lower body is the knee. But hip and hip joint should be protected with knee as well because those are usually be broken when it is damaged. Third, approximately 80% of those who were hospitalized for treatment had surgery. Patients who had surgery were rather in their over 70s than in their 60s. The older they were, the more serious their fracture was. The period of hospital or outpatient treatment is more than three weeks in many cases. They responded their health got worse after falls. Aftereffects of accidents were physical discomfort, anxiety and medical costs. Falls to the old makes physical damage, psychological damage, which cause reduced physical activity and the increased cost of health care with economic losses. So it results on a negative impact on the life of the old. Fourth, elderly females were rarely aware of impact protective clothing and they have never purchased such clothing. For impact protective pants, the major consideration was suitable design for their body types. They liked casual style with front or side pockets and simple designs without any patterns or decorations. As per pants materials, they responded that they need functionality, activity and elasticity. Among the functional points, insulation of cloths are considered importantly, so the heat reservance of material in the impact protective pants should be considered carefully.

The effect of Muscle Enforcement Exercise program on Activity of daily living Improvement and Posture Balance of the Institution Old (근력강화 운동프로그램이 시설 노인의 일상생활 동작 수행 개선에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee Chul-In;Park Rae-Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.90-114
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to examine the influence and effect of muscle enforcement program on Activity of daily living(ADL) improvement and posture balance of the old, and to provide more effective muscle enforcement program and educational data. The muscle enforcement exercise program was performed on the old(institution, 16 men, 10 women) for 8 weeks from April 22, 2002 through June 17,2002. Programed Exercise 1 - Exercise 10 were practised 8 times per program for 3 days a week. The load of exercise was increased per two weeks. The methods of measurement were questionnaire, Indiana 47903(action-response analysis machine) and Sample exercise protocol for KAT 2000(balance training device). SAS/PC statistic analysis was used for data analysis. T-test was used for analysis of change before and after exercise in this study. The summary and conclusions are as follows. 1. On subjectively recognized health states, the healthy were 42.3%. On the satisfaction with health states, the satisfied were 50.0%. On the factors of effects on daily-life behavior performance, the group who had troubles was 50% and the group who was so and so was 34.6% compared with the old of the same age. On prospect about health states in the future, the group who would be better was 38.%. On effective methods for problem solving, exercise was 42.3%.88.5% of respondents answered the need of health care. The participation intention in health program was 92.3%. 2. On the change of psychological emotion and behavior aspects, the group who had repeated complaints or anxieties and reduced activities or interests was effective(P<0.01). 3. On the improvement effects of IADL difficulties, the group who had difficulties in doing daily-life indoors was improved effectively compared with before and after exercise(P<0.01). On medication management, the effects of improvement after exercise were high compared with before exercise(P<0.01), the effects of improvement was high on the whole. 4. On the effects of ADL function improvement, putting on upper clothing and lower clothing was improved effectively(P<0.05), toilet use and individual sanitation was improved effectively(P<0.05). 5. On the effects of action-response, the results of 8weeks regular exercise program were not different significantly compared with before and after exercise. The behavior quickness of the old by muscle enforcement program was not increased. This means that the old needs much time for exercise sense training because of the regression of cognition sense. 6. In the effect of posture balance, the whole grades were effective from 1272.69 before excercise to 476.92 after exercise(P<0.01). Especially right balance 657.65 was lowered to 208.57 after exercise most effectively(P<0.01). Rear balance 776.34 before exercise was lowered to 136.65 after exercise. The results of measurement were significant(P<0.05).

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A Study on the Origin of Clothing (의복(衣服)의 기원(起源)에 대한 연구(硏究) - 선사(先史) 시대(時代)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Ran-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.6
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 1982
  • Wearing a clothes in human living is very rightful and reasonable things. And it's also the necessaries of living. So now, I want look around about origin of clothes from the prehistorical age, how they start and why they need to wear a clothes. As human culture is unknown origin, human clothes origin is also unknown origin, too. So many different people made unlike story about that, and it is very difficult to say correct birth of clothes. It must be reflection by a time, by a place, by a mankind, until this days, the history of human progress is 2,000,0003,000,000 years. And from after the "Old Adam" man understand what is shame and disgrace, so that made them cover of their private parts, also it is a motive of human clothes. Since after pass a long time, the earth has many changes as it were weather, and for take care of human body from cold, people start make clothes and it's a second object of wearing a clothes. And third object of wearing clothes is after opportunity of development human culture, people desire for an aesthetic sence and for full-fill that feeling they start make a beautiful clothes with accessories and it is motive and a purpose of a human start wear a clothes. So I can say, for origin birth of clothes is 1. Protect of human body. 1) be adapted for different weather and different circumstance. 2) take care self from outside injurg. 2. Decorate for aesthetic sence. 1) Theory of Amulets. 2) Theory of symbolism. 3) Theory of Sex attraction. 4) Aesthetic Theory. 5) Theory of chastity. 6) Multi-theory And material for clothes they made from natural wilds like leaves, fur, skin of wood. skin of fishes and feather etc. But after develop of human knowledge people invent fiber, and use a knitted goods and woven stuff also first of all. They start use those kind that they just cover of their private parts as a belt and astring with leaves and a beast skins. But until this days it's taken big development with human knowledge and most important influence of develop was weather. So modern clothes for present days, must care with. physicology, preservation of health, living activity, dressing, morals, and etiquette etc.

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Qualitative research of single-person household for a wearable healthcare system providing ischemic heart disease information and a cardiac arrest alarm: Focusing on unmarried workers in their 30s (허혈성 심장질환과 심정지 알람을 제공하는 웨어러블 헬스케어 시스템에 대한 1인 가구원의 질적 연구: 30대 미혼 직장인을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jin;Chae, Ha-Eun;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.235-251
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the single-person household's demand for a wearable healthcare system that provides the ischemic heart disease and cardiopulmonary alarm to be developed. In this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with six unmarried individuals in their thirties who were in the workplace and the results were interpreted by Giorgi's phenomenological analysis method. The study results indicated that although the wearable healthcare system was implemented with high-technology functions that serve the intended purpose, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as aesthetics, comfort, and ease of washing. In this study, we found that the variables influencing the interviewees' intent to accept healthcare services are complex and cannot be attributed to one factor alone; this study has also shown a variety of interpersonal correlations. In addition, although health-care research focusing on the elderly has been conducted in the past, it is suggested that younger generations such as those in their thirties can also be studied as health care service adopters.

Contamination of operator's clothing by aerosols during scaling (스케일링 시 에어로졸에 의한 술자의 의복 오염도)

  • Kang, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Ye-Jin;Min, Ji-Yeon;Park, Seul-Gi;Woo, Ju-Hee;Goong, Haw-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Administration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2017
  • Recently interest in infection control is increasing in hospitalsnfection control has become more important in the overall health care practiceental hospital also requires thorough infection control. There are various kinds of vectormedical clothing. Contaminated clothing of a hospital staff can be a vector of nosocomial infecton. actual case of nosocomial infecton caused by contaminated medical clothing, nursing students were measuring contamination levels of uniforms and pathogenic microorganism wdetected in front of the uniform and pocket. There is also a high risk of exposure to contamination in the dental hospital. We conducted a study to enhance awareness about infection and proper clothing management by comparing before and after contamination of clothing caused by aerosols produced during scaling. Subjects were scaling operators' uniforms in the department of dental hygiene, K University located in Daejeon. Before scaling, the uniform was sterilized by autoclavecaling was performed times in the same place (an average of 60 minutes per person, a total of 180 minutes). ive parts of the uniform (sleeves, chest, belly, thigh, edge of pants) contracted Rodak-plate for 15 seconds. After incubating the contacted Rodak-plate at 37℃ incubator, contamination levels by measuring the number of colonies. As a result, all parts increased number of colonies. ontamination order chestedge of pants thigh belly sleeves. Increase rate of colonies was also high in the order chest edge of pants thigh belly sleeves. This study showed seriousness of clothing contaminationcaused by aerol produced during scalingcontamination of clothing can be a path to nosocomial infecton. According to th study, infection control for clothing as well as dental instruments should be implemented and thorough infection control training needed for dental staff. In further researches, practical infection prevention supplementing clothing management method.

A Study on a Special Lifestyle and Population of Golf (골프의 대중화에 따른 라이프스타일 특성연구)

  • Lee Sun-Jae;Je Eun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.1 s.91
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2005
  • According to a rise in leisure time thanks to a five-day workweek system, the population of golf tends to rise day by day as exercise not extreme and doing together with nature, and as a sport with high concentration degree, by virtue of people who have an interest in health care and who strive to enjoy a leisure life. This study targeted the whole male and female golfers who reside in the areas of Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and are now playing golf, carried out sampling, and finally used 485 sheets for analyzing data. The study results were as follows; First, as a result of analyzing the whole lifestyle propensity depending on golfers' gender, it was shown that, as a result of making it type by factor, a male golfer was classified into shopping intention, fashion intention, family intention and tradition intention, and a female golfer was divided into shopping intention, fashion intention, family intention and man-and-woman equality intention. Second, as a result of analyzing a characteristic of gender depending on the standard of selecting goods, it showed the difference between genders as for the standard of selecting goods in case of purchasing golfwear, and it showed the difference in style/design, physique fitness, wearing of a famous golfer, convenience of laundry and management, and functionality, and male golfers were shown to select after seeing the clothes which a famous golfer did wear, compared to female golfers. Also, it could be seen that there was difference depending on the standard of selecting goods and the purchasing propensity in case of buying golfwear.

Methods to determine the size of pant patterns with curved design lines and their three dimensional construction using 3D virtual fitting (곡선 절개형 바지의 패턴사이즈 변형방법과 가상착의곡면3D)

  • Lee, Heeran
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2016
  • With the advent of smart clothing for health care and sports, the sophisticated designs with curved seams are drawing attention. One of the problems in those clothing is to determine the design curves in 2D pattern, such that it corresponds to the lines on the intended 3D body. Moreover, the difficulty increases when the original pattern needs to be changed for various sizes and body types. We compare two methods of pattern enlargement in this paper: one is the offset/projection type, and the other is the split grading type. For the enlarged pattern with offset/projection type, the 3D surface offset was first adopted to transform the standard lower body to the target larger size; next, the design lines were projected to the new 3D surface, following which the 3D pattern was developed from the newly transformed 3D surface. In the second method, the enlarged pant patterns were developed by the split grading method. Here, a 3D pattern was developed from the initial body, and then enlarged to the target size by the conventional split grading method. Two feminine pants patterns were examined by 3D virtual fitting. We observed that the 3D offset/projection pants pattern was well fitted, having an evenly distributed surplus, as compared with the sample developed using the split grading method. The difference between the two patterns were apparent at the location where several curved lines merged.

Current State of the Childrearing Culture in Korean Families (가정생활 문화에 대한 의식과 실태: 한국인의 양육문화)

  • Chong, Young-Sook;Park, Young-Yae;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out with the purpose of capturing current state of Korean family life culture related to childrearing. The Questionnaire developed for this study in order to delineate the values and perceptions related to general childrearing practices in present Korean families consisted of 73 items concerning prenatal care and child birth, child caring and rearing, and role division and value education. Subjects were mothers of young and primary school children currenly residing in Seoul area and Choongchung province of South Korea. Four hundred and four questionnaires were analyzed, and the summary of results were as follows. First, both the respect for children's individual needs concerning food, clothing, and health-related behaviors and the pursuit of convenience in everyday life on the part of mothers appeared to be important and valued by Korean mothers. Second, the basic values and traditional meanings of family events such as prenatal care, children's birthday, especiall the first one, and family rituals and gatherings still appeared to be exsiting and influential, but there seemed to have been some changes both in their formal aspects and detail contents. Third, meaningful differences in childrearing attitudes were found according to mother's place of growth, educational level, and her employment status. Finally, traditional distinction between sexes and sex-role division in childrearing seemed to have weakened to some extent, which was particularly among mothers with higher educational level or residing in big cities.

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A Study on Relationship between Well-Being Lifestyles and Herbal Cosmetics Benefits Sought of Female Consumers (여성소비자의 웰빙 라이프스타일과 한방화장품 추구혜택과의 관계 연구)

  • Choi, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between well-being lifestyles and herbal cosmetics benefits sought of female consumers. The data were collected from 301 women living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Gwangju, Busan, and Gyeongnam province in June, 2011. Statistical methods including frequency, F-test, t-test, Duncan test, factor analysis, Cronbach's α, correlation coefficient, and multiple regression were used for this study. The results of this study were as follows.: The well-being lifestyles were composed of five factors, 'health pursuit activity', 'eco-friendly product interest', 'eco-friendly dietary', 'eco-friendly clothing', and 'eco-friendly housing'. The herbal cosmetics benefits sought were composed of seven factors, 'special function pursuit', 'skin 'fitness pursuit', 'brand pursuit', 'nutritional reinforcement pursuit', 'economy pursuit', 'fragrance pursuit', and 'scarcity pursuit'. The well-being lifestyles and herbal cosmetics benefits sought according to female consumers's demographic characteristics showed a difference. Female consumers's well-being lifestyles showed that correlation with the herbal cosmetics benefits sought. Female consumers's well-being lifestyles had a influence on their herbal cosmetics benefits sought. The study results are highly expected to be used as valuable sources in marketing strategies for herbal cosmetic industries.

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