• Title/Summary/Keyword: health care clothing

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A Development of the Prototypes of Smart Sportswear for Trekking and Jogging (트레킹 및 조깅을 위한 스마트 스포츠웨어의 프로토타입 개발)

  • Kim Young-Jun;Kim Hoo-Sung;Seo Jung-Hoon;Lee Sun-Young;Lee Joo-Hyeon;Hwang Eun-Soo;Cho Hyun-Seung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a modular model of smart clothing which can integrate various digital devices in clothing, maintaining the inherent attribute of clothing. For achieving this purpose, several technological devices for the smart clothing for listening to music, bio-monitoring, and environment monitoring were developed, through multidisciplinary cooperation. As the result, total four design prototypes of smart sportswear(trekking wear, jogging wear) for the application of entertainment and health care were suggested.

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The Effects of Sociocultural Attitudes toward Appearance and Appearance Management Attitudes on Fashion Behaviors - Focused on College Students - (외모에 대한 사회문화적 태도와 외모관리 태도가 패션행동에 미치는 영향 - 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Ku, Yang-Suk
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.811-820
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    • 2012
  • This study identifies the factor structure of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, appearance management attitudes, fashion behaviors, and the effects of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and appearance management attitudes on fashion behaviors. Questionnaires were administered to 255 college students living in Daegu Metropolitan City and Kyungbook province. The data collected were analyzed using frequency, factor analysis, multiple regression, and t-test. The findings were as follows. Sociocultural attitudes toward appearance were composed of two factors (body internalization and appearance recognition). Appearance management attitudes were composed of four factors (shape management recognition, weight management, appearance satisfaction, and health care). Fashion behaviors were composed of six factors (convenience, fashion following, self-satisfaction, attractiveness, pursuit of change, and pleasure). Gender of college students showed a distinction between the sub-variables of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance factors (body internalization) and appearance management attitudes (weight management) and fashion behaviors (convenience, fashion following, self-satisfaction, and pleasure). Women had more desire to have a similar looking body of TV celebrities than men. The effects of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and appearance management attitudes on each fashion behavior variables (convenience, fashion following, self-satisfaction, attractiveness, pursuit of change, and pleasure) were explained by the factors of body internalization and appearance recognition, and weight management, appearance satisfaction, and health care. College students produced fashion appropriate to the situation. Strategies of fashion marketing based on these results are as follow. Through mass media, advertisers help university students realize a healthy outlook and create a social atmosphere that can promote healthy body attractions.

Living Conditions of the Rural Elderly: Clothing, Nutrition, Housing, and Psychological Adjustment (농촌지역 노인의 생활실태 조사연구 -의.식.주생활 및 심리적 적응을 중심으로-)

  • 윤복자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.65-86
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    • 1990
  • Living conditions of the rural elderly were assessed in terms of clothing behavior, health and nutritional status, housing and envioronmental condition, and psychological adjustment. The subjects were eighty individuals over sixty residing in the rural community of Iksan-kun, Chollabukdo. The interview method using questionnaires, direct measurement, and observation was used for this study. Data were compared with those obtained from a previous study of the elderly residing in an urban area. Clothing behavior showed that the elderly residing in the rural community were more concerned about plain and conservative design of clothes than their urban counterparts. Special protective clothes for cropdusting with agricultural chemicals had not been prepared. The following urgent needs were pointed out: development and supply of agricultural chemical protective clothing and development and education of appropriate washing and clothing care methods. The health status of the elderly was generally good, but poor eating habits were found more frequently in the rural elderly than among the urban dwellers. Several dietary nutrient intakes were insufficient. Contrasting the urban elderly with the rural group, it was found that the urban group lacked sufficient vitamin A and vitamin C and the urban women had insufficient calorie whereas the rural group was deficient in protein, vitamin A, calorie, and fat. A significant relationship was found between dietary nutrient intake and health index, food habit points, self recognized health status, meal satisfaction, and economic status. Urgent needs of the development of a nutrition education program for the elderly were pointed out. Most of elderly residing in the surveyed rural communities were living alone or with their spouse only, therefore only one room was used among the three or four available rooms. Most of the rural elderly were living either in a traditional Korean house built with differing floor levels or in a modified Korean style house. Minimal modernization had been made for kitchen facilities such as sink and gas range or for heating facilities with the briquette boiler. However, sanitary space such as lavatory and bathroom had not been remodeled. A housing welfare program for rural communities should be implemented at the national level. The comparison of psychological characteristics of the rural elderly with their city counterparts revealed that the rural elderly have a more stable psychological status and optimistic attitude than those living in a city. However, it was found that most of the elderly did not have any future plan. Community programs for the elderly including hobbies or leisure activities or education programs to generate close interpersonal relationships with their children should be developed and provided.

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A Study on the Free formaldehyde in Nonwoven Fabrics -with emphasis on the fusible bonded webs- (부직포 중에 잔존하는 유리 Formaldehyde에 관한 연구 -접착심지를 중심으로-)

  • Song Myoung Kyoun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 1979
  • As the fabric merchandises become more diversified and the pre-condensates of resin are used in increasing amount to enhance the quality of so-called 'easy care' in such fabric goods, form-aldehyde, which is extricated from nonwoven fabrics, has posed problems. The result of the study conformed, firstly that the fusible bonded webs sold in the current market contained a considerable amount of formaldehyde, i.e. the minimum of 552μg/g and the maximum of 2,123μg/g. Secondly, formaldehyde fond in many of such fabric goods was unable to be removed completely even after washed for, three times. Thirdly, the degree of permeation of HCHO into other part of the fabric proved to be high and. when kept in a poly bag over 10days. the amount of formaldehyde tended to increase. Such experiment, therefore, demonstrates that the methods of delivery and storage employed in the current distribution structure must be thoroughly re-examined. The conclusion of this study shows that we should be more concerned with the adverse effects of formaldehyde for the health of consumers. let alone the increase of export of such merchandises.

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Classification of Consumer Review Information Based on Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction with Availability/Non-availability of Information (구매후기 정보의 충족/미충족에 따른 소비자의 만족/불만족 인식 및 구매후기 정보의 유형화)

  • Hong, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.1099-1111
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    • 2011
  • This study identified the types of consumer review information about apparel products based on consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the availability/non-availability of consumer review information for online stores. Data were collected from 318 females aged 20s' to 30s', who had significant experience in reading consumer reviews posted on online stores. Consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction with availability or non-availability of review information on online stores is different for information in regards to apparel product attributes, product benefits, and store attributes. According to the concept of quality elements suggested by the Kano model, two types of consumer review information were determined: Must-have information (product attribute information about size, fabric, color and design of the apparel product; benefit information about washing & care and comport of the apparel product; store attribute information about responsiveness, disclosure, delivery and after service of the store) and attracting information (attribute information about price comparison; benefit information about coordination with other items, fashionability, price discounts, value for price, reaction from others, emotion experienced during transaction, symbolic features for status, health functionality, and eco-friendly feature; store attribute information about return/refund, damage compensation and reputation/credibility of online store and interactive and dynamic nature of reviews among customers). There were significant differences between the high and low involvement groups in their perceptions of consumer review information.

Wife's Employment and Family Expenditures (주부취업과 가계소비지출)

  • 양세정
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.169-186
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of wife's employment to the family expenditures. The data used in the study was 28,329 husband-wife families taken from 1994 Expenditure Survey of Urban Families. The results showed that total expenditure for employed-wife families was 1,171,651won, which is more than 1,078,788won for non-employed-wife families. After controlling other income(total family income minus wife's income), employed-wife families spent more than non-employ-wife famillies for all expenditure categories. Also, when family income and other characteristics to be constant, expenditures of employed-wife families were more on food way from home, domestic services, public transportation, personal care services, and fees, but less on food at home, utilities, health care, and communication, compared to those of non-employed-wife families. Families with high-income-employed wife spent more on clothing services, but less on education, than those with non-employed-wife families.

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Analysis of Patent Technology Trend of Domestic Brassiere (국내 브래지어 특허기술동향 분석)

  • Jeong, Eunyeong;Kwak, Seongyeong;Park, Soonjee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.321-341
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the domestic patent trends of brassiere to provide fundamental data for promising technology. Relevant patents were searched by inputting the key words of "brassiere" and IPC code "A41C" on patent information search service of KIPRIS. A search for bras patents from 1985 to 2019 revealed 533 registered applications out of the total 744 listed. The IPC code with the highest portion (40%) was A41C3/00 (brassiere), followed by A41C3/14 (forming inserts, 21.6%), and A41C3/12 (component parts, 13.3%). To arrange the guidelines of the content of brassiere patents, we carried out a qualitative technology analysis on 744 patents, to extract 850 technology cases applied in patents. From the technological features of each case, main categories were classified into two parts (function and structure) and function was divided into 7 sub-categories that included physiological comfort, physical comfort, utility, healthcare, appearance, and economic value. As for the structure, cup showed the highest portion (37.9%), followed by pad (16.5%), and wings (13.2%). From the aspect of function, appearance showed the highest portion (30.8%), followed by usability (22.2%), physiological comfort (14.6%), physical comfort (14.6%), economic value (10.7%), and health care (7.4%).

Maternal Caretaking Behavior of Primiparous (산욕 초기 초산모의 신생아 양육행동)

  • Lee Ja Hyung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the maternal caretaking behaviors during the first 3 days postpartum. The sample consisted of 132 healthy, married women and their baby was full-term & normal also. Data were collected from April to June 1995 and analyzed using SPSS. The results of this study are as follows : 1. Primiparous mothers feel difficulty in performance of caretaking behavior for their baby was especially bathing, umblical cord care, identify the crying & baby's condition. But mothers feel doing so well was diaper change, clothing, immunization etc. 2. The results revealed that caretaking behaviors was not related to age, education & family. After the birth of a baby, the baby needs caring of parents especially mother. So, the mother feel difficulty in performance of maternal role. It means higher educational need for mother. Nurses were the primary source for caretaking behavior during early postpartum period at hospital and home also. Therefore the nurse need the strategies of nursing intervention to increase for caretaking activites of primiparous mothers. Further research is needed to determine which strategies affect the mother's competence of their caretaking behavior.

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A Study on the Demand for Equipent Development in Nursing (간호기기 개발수요 조사연구)

  • Chang, Soon-Book;Kim, Eui-Sook;Whang, Ae-Ran;Kang, Kyu-Sook;Suh, Mi-Hae
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 1996
  • The objectives of thes study were to identify the need for equipment development in nursing, and to determine the priorities for that development. The study was descriptive study done between March 2 and May 30, 1995, in which the subjects, including 421 patients, 223 family members, and 198 nurses from neurosurgery, orthopedic, rehabilitation medicine, internal medicine and intensive care units of nine general hospitals in Seoul, completed a questionnarie developed by the research team. The questionnaire consisted of 35 open and closed questions. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The results ware summarized as follows: 1) The average age of the nurses was 27.9 years, 48% of the patients were between 20 and 40 years of age, and 17% were over 60. The average lingth of experience for the nurse subjects was four years five months with 36.9%. having over five years experience. The most frequent diagnoses of patients were spinal disc(35.9%), internal medicine disease(26.0%), cerebral vascular accident(16.6%) and spinal cord injury(10%) 2) Many of the nurses(96.4%) reported deficiencies with existing equipment and 96.5% of the nurses, but only 79.8% of the patients, nurses' time. Further, 82.3% of the nurses and 75.8% of the patients felt that the development of new equipment would lead to a decrease in the cost of nursing care. 3) Nurses felt that the greatest areas of inconvenience were patient feeding(71.7%), hygiene(71.2%), caring for a patient confined to bed(70.7%), patient clothing(67.2%), mobility transfers(63.5%) and urinary elimination(52.0%). However, patients and family members listed the following as being the most inconvenient: urinary elimination(58.7%), Hygiene(50.5), feeding(48.4%), mobility transfers(47.1%) and bed care(45.2%). 4) Generally the nurses listed more inconveniences and patients and family members listed more demands for the development of equipment. These included utensils with large handles, and regulators for tube feedings; mattresses that provide for automatic position change and massage, which have patient controlled levers and a place for bed pan insertion; automatic lifts or transfer from bed to wheelchair; equipment to facilitate washing and oral hygiene as well as equipment that will allow patients with spinal cord injuries easy access to showers; a bed pan/urinal for women that is comfortable and effective from which urine can be measured and disposed of easily; disposable dressing sets and tracheostomy care sets and a convenient way of measuring changes in wound size; a safe delivery system for oxygen, a variety of mask sizes and better control of humidity, tracheal material than at present, as well as a communication system for patients with tracheostomies; clothing that will allow access to various parts of the body for treament or assessment without patients having to remove all of their clothing; and finally a system that will allow the patient to control lighting, telephones and pagers. Priority areas for equipment development reported by the nurses were, urinary elimination(58. 7%), hygiene(50.5%), feeding(48.4%), mobility transfers(47..1%), bowel elimination(40.8%). Those reported by the patients family members were feeding(71.7%), hygiene(70.0%), bedcare(70.7%), clothing(67.2%), mobility transfers(63.6%), urinary elimination(52.9%) and bowel elimination(50.5%) Altogether, nurses, patients and family members listed the following as priorities; clothing (178), bed care(144), urinary elimination(92), environment(81), hygiene(70). Further, a health professional forum listed urinary elimination, oxygen delivery, medication delivery, mobility transfers, bed care and hygiene in that order as priority areas. From this study it can be concluded that the first need is to develop equipment that will address the problems of urinary elimination. To do (l)This nurses who are interested in equipment development should organize an equipment development team to provide a forum for discussion and production of equipment for nursing.

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Appearance Management Behaviors and Motives by Body Image of College Men (남자 대학생의 신체이미지에 따른 외모관리 행동과 동기)

  • Ryou, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the appearance management behaviors and motives differentiated by the body image of college men. A questionnaire was designed for the survey and the subjects were 228 college in Pusan and the Kyongnam province, Korea. The statistical analyses were carried out in the forms of frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test. The findings throughout the research are as follows; First, according to the multidimensional body image of the subjects, the college men were classified into three groups, i.e. the appearance concerning and satisfied group, the weight concerning group, and the appearance indifferent group. The appearance management behaviors of the college men consist of innovative appearance management, weight reduction, appearance management through apparel and fashion products, body shape care, skin care, hair care and health care. Second, the weight concerning group showed a higher BMI than those of the other groups. The means of the monthly income and the expenses for the appearance management of the appearance indifferent group were lower than those of the other groups. Third, the college men were generally shown to pursue the motive improving sociality. The appearance concerning and satisfied group and the weight concerning group indicated higher pursuing motives than the appearance indifferent group in the appearance management motives. Finally, there were significant differences in the appearance management behaviors among the three groups. While the weight concerning group showed the more concerning appearance management behaviors, the appearance indifferent group had the least appearance concerning tendency.