• 제목/요약/키워드: harvesting effect

검색결과 576건 처리시간 0.022초

Studies on the Development of a Tea Harvesting Machine

  • Okada, Yoshiichi;Gejima, Yshiinori
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1996년도 International Conference on Agricultural Machinery Engineering Proceedings
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    • pp.478-487
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    • 1996
  • A " plucking rolls device" was developed in this study to improve the quality of harvested tea leaves. In this report, the outline of the system and the results of performance experiments in our laboratory are discussed. Tow kinds of performance experiments were carried out. The first experiment checked harvesting accuracy by using a plucking unit that was developed for harvesting machine installation. The second experiment was a harvesting experiment which utilized a fron bar in order to prevent cutting of the tea buds which had been a problem in precious experiments . As a results of the first experiments , it was confirmed that selective harvesting obtained high quality tea leaves. but a cutting problem that, when the harvesting seed was faster than the working speed, which was non-selective harvesting , was also seen. In the second experiment, the cutting rate decreased to a maximum of 50% level, when tea buds most bent ahead by the front bar. The effect was seen that cutt ng problem was alleviated from this.

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고구마 수확작업체계별 생력효과의 차이 (Effect of Harvesting System on Labor-saving in Sweetpotato Cultivation)

  • 김학신;이준설;정미남
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.400-403
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    • 2011
  • 고구마 수확단계에서 작업체계에 따른 생력효과를 조사하고자 순치기와 1열식과 2열식 수확기를 이용하여 시험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같았다. 1. 고구마 수확단계 작업체계는 순치기+비닐제거+2열식 기계수확 +인력굴취가 ha당 106.4시간, 순치기+비닐제거+1열식 기계수확 +인력굴취가 ha당 111.3시간 및 순치기와 비닐제거 작업을 생략하고 1열식 기계수확+인력굴취가 당 107.6시간으로 관행(인력 333.2시간/ha) 대비 각각 68.1%, 66.6% 및 66.8%의 생력효과가 있었다. 2. 고구마 손상개수율은 인력수확이 8.6%인데 비해 기계 2열식이 4.4%, 기계1열식이 5.3%로 약 43.9%가 적게 발생되었으며, 품종에 손상개수율은 연미 6.2%, 신천미5.1%, 하얀미 4.7%, 건미 3.4% 순으로 차이가 있었다. 3. 수확단계 비용절감효과는 ha당 고구마 손상개수율을 포함한 수확단계의 비용이 관행(인력) 2,963천원에 비해 고구마 순치기와 수확기의 이용에 의해 62.9~81.2%인 1,865~2,406천원 절감되었다.

타공 패널의 다공률에 따른 에너지 하베스팅에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Energy Harvesting according to the porosity of Perforated Panel)

  • 박하준;이민협;유무영
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2023년도 가을학술발표대회논문집
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    • pp.113-114
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    • 2023
  • As the available resources are gradually depleted, interest in renewable energy is increasing. Various energy harvesting technologies are emerging, and energy harvesting using solar, solar, and wind power is used in the highest range. Depending on the abnormal climate, solar heat and solar power differ in energy harvest, but the wind is fixed compared to the sun. Therefore, it was intended to maximize the effect of energy harvesting by using the venturi effect, which has a change in wind speed according to the turbine used for wind power generation and wind pressure. Therefore, in this paper, we want to see the difference in the amount of power generated by the turbine after increasing the wind speed using the venturi effect.

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Yield and Chemical Composition of Cassava Foliage and Tuber Yield as Influenced by Harvesting Height and Cutting Interval

  • Khang, Duong Nguyen;Wiktorsson, Hans;Preston, Thomas R.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제18권7호
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    • pp.1029-1035
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    • 2005
  • A 3${\times}$4 factorial field experiment with a complete randomised split-plot design with four replicates was conducted from June 2002 to March 2003 at the experimental farm of the Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to determine effects of different harvesting heights (10, 30 and 50 cm above the ground) and cutting intervals (45, 60, 90 and 285 days) on yield of foliage and tubers, and chemical composition of the foliage. Cassava of the variety KM 94 grown in plots of 5 m${\times}$10 m at a planting distance of 30 cm${\times}$50 cm was hand-harvested according to respective treatments, starting 105 days after planting. Foliage from the control treatment (285 days) and all tubers were only harvested at the final harvest 285 days after planting. Dry matter and crude protein foliage yields increased in all treatments compared to the control. Mean foliage dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) yields were 4.57, 3.53, 2.49, and 0.64 tonnes DM $ha^{-1}$ and 939, 684, 495 and 123 kg CP $ha^{-1}$ with 45, 60, 90 and 285 day cutting intervals, respectively. At harvesting heights of 10, 30 and 50 cm the DM yields were 4.27, 3.67 and 2.65 tonnes $ha^{-1}$ and the CP yields were 810, 745 and 564 kg $ha^{-1}$, respectively. The leaf DM proportion was high, ranging from 47 to 65%. The proportion of leaf and petiole increased and the stem decreased with increasing harvesting heights and decreasing cutting intervals. Crude protein content in cassava foliage ranged from 17.7 to 22.6% and was affected by harvesting height and cutting interval. The ADF and NDF contents of foliage varied between 22.6 and 30.2%, and 34.2 and 41.2% of DM, respectively. The fresh tuber yield in the control treatment was 34.5 tonnes $ha^{-1}$. Cutting interval and harvesting height had significant negative effects on tuber yield. The most extreme effect was for the frequent foliage harvesting at 10 cm harvesting height, which reduced the tuber yield by 72%, while the 90 day cutting intervals and 50 cm harvesting height only reduced the yield by 7%. The mean fresh tuber yield decreased by 56, 45 and 27% in total when the foliage was harvested at 45, 60 and 90 day cutting intervals, respectively. It is concluded that the clear effects on quantity and quality of foliage and the effect on tuber yield allow alternative foliage harvesting principles depending on the need of fodder for animals, value of tubers and harvesting cost. An initial foliage harvest 105 days after planting and later harvests with 90 days intervals at 50 cm harvesting height increased the foliage DM and CP yield threefold, but showed only marginal negative effect on tuber yield.

마늘 수확 기계화 기술의 지역 적응성 시험 (Field Test for Regional Adaptability Improvement of Garlic Harvesting Mechanization Technology)

  • 우제근;최경식;최일수;최용;유승화
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2023
  • Garlic is one of the major seasoned vegetables in Korea along with peppers and onions. Although it is a major cash crop, the aging population of farmers and rising labor and production costs are cited as the reasons for the decreasing production. Accordingly, it is necessary to introduce and spread garlic cultivation mechanization technology to reduce the input labor demand. In this study, conducted a field demonstration in Jeollanam-do using garlic harvesting machinery. In addition, it was intended to improve the mechanization rate of garlic harvesting by deriving factors that can apply to garlic harvesting machines in Jeollanam-do and investigating regional adaptability. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the harvesting performance of the garlic harvester and garlic collector in Jeollanam-do met the agricultural machine test standards. In addition, as a result of calculating the input effect of the mechanized work system compared to the conventional garlic harvesting work system, it was found that there was a labor-saving effect of 96.02%.

Lanthanide-Cored Supramolecular Systems with Highly Efficient Light-Harvesting Dendritic Arrays towards Tomorrow′s Information Technology

  • Kim, Hwan-Kyu;Roh, Soo-Gyun;Hong, Kyong-Soo;Ka, Jae-Won;Baek, Nam-Seob;Oh, Jae-Buem;Nah, Min-Kook;Cha, Yun-Hui;Jin Ko
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 2003
  • We have developed novel lanthanide-cored supramolecular systems with highly efficient light-harvesting dendritic arrays for integrated planar waveguide-typed amplifiers. Er$^{3+}$ ions were encapsulated by the supramolecular ligands, such as porphyrins and macrobicyclics. The supramolecular ligands have been designed and synthesized to provide enough coordination sites for the formation of stable Er(III)-chelated complexes. For getting a higher optical amplification gain, also, the energy levels of the supramolecular ligands were tailored to maintain the effective energy transfer process from supramolecular ligands to erbium(III) ions. Furthermore, to maximize the light-harvesting effect, new aryl ether-functionalized dendrons as photon antennas have been incorporated into lanthanide-cored supramolecular systems. In this paper, molecular design, synthesis and luminescent properties of novel lanthanide-cored integrated supramolecular systems with highly efficient light-harvesting dendritic arrays will be discussed.d.

벌집형 압전 발전 소자의 구동방식에 따른 출력 특성 (A Study on the Generating Characteristics Depending on Driving System of a Honeycomb Shaped Piezoelectric Energy Harvester)

  • 정성수;강신출;박태곤
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2015
  • Recently, energy harvesting technology is increasing due to the fossil fuel shortages. Energy harvesting is generating electrical energy from wasted energies as sunlight, wind, waves, pressure, and vibration etc. Energy harvesting is one of the alternatives of fossil fuel. One of the energy harvesting technologies, the piezoelectric energy harvesting has been actively studied. Piezoelectric generating uses a positive piezoelectric effect which produces electrical energy when mechanical vibration is applied to the piezoelectric device. Piezoelectric energy harvesting has an advantage in that it is relatively not affected by weather, area and place. Also, stable and sustainable energy generation is possible. However, the output power is relatively low, so in this paper, newly designed honeycomb shaped piezoelectric energy harvesting device for increasing a generating efficiency. The output characteristics of the piezoelectric harvesting device were analyzed according to the change of parameters by using the finite element method analysis program. One model which has high output voltage was selected and a prototype of the honeycomb shaped piezoelectric harvesting device was fabricated. Experimental results from the fabricated device were compared to the analyzed results. After the AC-DC converting, the power of one honeycomb shaped piezoelectric energy harvesting device was measured 2.3[mW] at road resistance 5.1[$K{\Omega}$]. And output power was increased the number of harvesting device when piezoelectric energy harvesting device were connected in series and parallel.

바이몰프 압전센서의 진동에너지 수확에 관한 연구 (A study of vibration energy harvesting for the bimorph piezoelectric sensor)

  • 김용혁
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2010
  • Vibration energy harvesting is an attractive technique for potential powering of low power devices such as wireless sensors and portable electronic applications. Most energy generator developed to date are single vibration frequency based, and while some efforts have been made to broaden the frequency range of energy harvester. In this work, The effect of energy harvesting were investigated at various vibration frequencies, vibration beams, vibration point and test masses. The maximum output voltage of the bimorph piezoelectric cantilever was shifted according to vibration point. Vibration frequency with maximum output voltage decreased with the increasing length of vibration beam and increasing test mass. The sample with vibration beam length 0.5 L generated a peak output voltage of 32 $V_{rms}$ and shows a 45 % increase in voltage output in comparison to the corresponding original bimorph. It was found that a piezoelectric bimorph has a possibility to be as the energy harvesting cantilever, which is successfully tuned over a vibration frequency range to enable a maximum harvesting energy.

Effect of Modified Electrode on Energy Harvesting Based on Contact Electrification

  • Junmin Lim;Jeongcheol Shin;Changsuk Yun
    • 공업화학
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.473-477
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    • 2024
  • The technology of harvesting energy wasted in daily life is becoming increasingly important for sustainable energy production and climate change. In this study, we investigated an electrochemical energy harvesting system using blue energy generated by the movement of electrodes. We observed that energy could be harvested based on the electrification phenomenon that occurs when an electrode comes into contact with an electrolyte, particularly when the electrode is modified with a self-as-sembled monolayer (SAM) containing the fluorocarbons. The static charges, which are generated by electrification based on the energy level difference between the electrode and the electrolyte, could be transferred to an external circuit. Additionally, we discovered that structural features of SAM molecules are related to the efficiency of energy harvesting, including the number of fluorocarbons. This system successfully powered an LED, proving the practicality of electrochemical harvesting using blue energy. The results suggest the potential for developing more efficient and high-output energy harvesting systems through the application of various SAM molecules.

빗물이용의 수문학적 평가: 2. 수문학적 평가 (Hydrological Evaluation of Rainwater Harvesting: 2. Hydrological Evaluation)

  • 김경준;유철상;윤주환
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.230-238
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    • 2008
  • This study evaluated the economic aspect of the rainwater harvesting facilities by hydrologically analyzing the inflow, rainwater consumption, rainfall loss, tank storage, and overflow time series to derive the net rainwater consumption and the number of days of rainwater available. This study considers several rainwater harvesting facilities in Seoul National University, Korea Institute of Construction Technology and Daejon World Cup Stadium and the results derived are as follows. (1) Increasing the water consumption decreases the number of days of rainwater available. (2) Due to the climate in Korea, a larger tank storage does not increase the amount and the number of days of water consumption during wet season (June to September), but a little in October. (3) Economic evaluation of the rainwater harvesting facilities considered in this study shows no net benefit (private benefit). (5) Flood reduction effect of rainwater harvesting facilities was estimated very small to be about 1% even in the case that 10% of all the basin is used as the rainwater collecting area.