• 제목/요약/키워드: ground water pollution

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Basic study of new concept environment-friendly pile foundations with earthquake resistant foundation and lateral reinforcement on rapid-transit railway bridge (고속철도교 기초 내진 및 수평저항성능 보강형 신개념 친환경말뚝 신공법의 실용화 기초연구)

  • SaGong, Myung;Paik, Kyu-Ho;Lim, Hae-Sik;Cho, Kook-Hwan;Na, Kyung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.880-894
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    • 2010
  • The Grout injected precast pile is widely used in rapid-transit railway bridge recently. The existing portland cement of well used filling at injected precast method that with low strength and environmental pollution, unstable in which ground water contamination by cement flow out, ground relaxation by water down, decrease of horizontality resistance and durability and load transfer divide etc. In particular, as in rapid-transit railway bridge need to secure safety from different angle with vibration of high speed train, horizontal force when train stop and earthquake. Works of foundation construction consider to requirements of the times to coal yard green growth. Together, new green foundation method for possible economics and securing of reduce the term of works are material to developments. Therefore, we carried out study that it is using and development new concept environment - friendly filling include durability and earthquake resistance, for secure safety and minimize environment pollution. To achieve this, we carried out difference tests that new green fillings of underwater concrete, high liquidity, high viscosity, early stiffness as compared to existing portland cement fillings. As results, new green filling have outstanding application at precast pile method and micropile construction method with vertical bearing capacity, horizontal bearing capacity and many case. From now on we will be looking forward to development of new environment-friendly foundation method from various further studies.

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Studies on Pollutant Concentrations in Ground Water and Their Behavior in Soils , Cheju Island. I. Changes in Nitrate-nitrogen Concentration in Ground-water near Hotel complexes and Business district During the Period form 1987 to 1992 (제주도 지하수중 오염물질의 농도와 토양중 그의 행동에 관한 연구 1. 호텔 및 상가주변에서의 지하수중 NO3N의 농도 변화 (1987-1992))

  • Hyun, Hae-Nam;Oh, Sang-Sil;Koh, Seung-Hak
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to investigate the degree of ground water pollution used for drinking water in Cheju Island. Samples were collected monthly from 31 wells of 10 divided areas and were analyzed for NO3N, pH, SO4, Cl and hardness from 1987 to 1992. NO3N concentrations in the samples, with the exception of sample No.23, did not exceed the standard concentration of drinking-water(10mg/l). NO3N concentrations at area 10, unpolluted area, ranged from <1.0 mg/l to just over 1.2 mg/l. However, samples from the business district of the area 8 showed the concentrations ranging from 5 mg/l in 1987 to 8.l mg/l in 1992 with a mean of 6.8 mg/l, about 5 times higher than those from the area 10. NO3N concentration in sample No. 23 increased from 4 mg/l in 1987 to 12.6 mg/l in 1991. Average rate of increase in NO3N in samples of No. 1, 2, 4, and 8 at area 8 was about 1.2mg/l per year in the study period. The ground water at area 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 showed in the range of pH 7 to 8.1, being similar to area 10. However, pH at area 8 was in the range of 6.6 to 7.3, being lower than that in the other areas. Hardness at area 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were in the range of 30 to 80 mg/l, being higher than that at area 10. Those at area 8 were the highest among all the other areas tested. The results of this study suggest that NO3N contamination in ground water could be a problem at hotel complexes and business district in Cheju Island.

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The Study on Constructing Underground Wall to Prevent Seawater Intrusion on Coastal Areas (지하수댐 물막이벽 시공법과 해안지역 염수침입 방지기술 개선 방안)

  • 부성안;이기철;김진성;정교철;고양수
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.215-234
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    • 2002
  • Groundwater Dam is one of the reliable techniques to get huge amount of groundwater abstraction for municipal, agricultural, drinking, industrial water supply system. It can be a major technique to solve water shortage problems when it based on the sufficient watershed, proper topology, and adequate aquifer distribution and pollution control, Groundwater Dam had initiated its construction by RDC(former KARICO) in early eighties in Korea and 4 of it in total were added more until late eighty. However, this technique has shrunken its application due to gradually decreased yield rate after sever years of construction. After we studied several existing sites precisely, we concluded that the main reason of decreasing yield rate was come form engineering roughness on construction in early nineties. Theoretically, the technique itself seemed to be little detectives however, there were a little application in the fields in Korea. With the recent advance in engineering fields, those defects in construction would be no longer obstacle to construct underground wall and the technique could be a one of major ground water production technique in the future. It is essential to study following items thoroughly before select the appropriate site. The topography and the site of the underground wall, aquifer distribution, the specific technique for wall construction to block groundwater flow effectively and strict quality control during construction are critical. The surface and ground water monitoring data should be collected. Sustainability of the Groundwater Dam with huge groundwater abstraction in long term should be based on the long-term water balance analysis for each site. The water quality, environmental effect analysis and maintenance achedule should be also analyzed and planned in prior. It is suggested that the two consecutive underground wall in the coastal area to prevent seawater intrusion beneath a single wall.

Study on the Utilization of Sawdust Bedding Barn for Dairy Cows II. Comparision of utilization efficiency of the different depth of sawdust bedding for dairy cows (착유우의 톱밥발효우사 이용 연구 제2보 :착유우 톱밥발효우사의 톱밥상 처리방법에 따른 이용효과 비교)

  • 권두중;권응기;정석근;한정대;정석찬;강승원;강상열;정형섭;장학주
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of depth of sawdust bedding and ground material in dairy cattle barn. Treatment included the concrete floor with a 10cm or 30cm sawdust and the earth floor with a 30cm sawdust. Eighteen cows were assigned to 3 pens with 16.5㎥/head bedding area. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The temperature of sawdust bed was highest in the earth floor with 30cm sawdust, and the moisture content of sawdust bed was highest in the concrete floor with 10cm sawdust bed. 2. Cows defecate feces 9.2, 8.7 and 9.3 times a day in 10cm sawdust on concrete floor(10S+C), 30cm sawdust on concrete floor(30S+C) and 30cm sawdust on non concrete floor(30S+ NC) respectively. In average, they excreta 9.1 times/day(85.8%) in the sawdust beds and 1.5 times/day(14.2%) in the feeding alley. 3. The ratio of daily water amount deposited vapor to total water amount deposited in sawdust beds was 74.0%, 61.5% and 47.1% in 10S+C, 30S+C and 30S+NC respectively. 4. N.P.K contents in the sawdust beds were higher for 10S+C compared with other treatments. 5. When 30cm of sawdust was applied on the earth ground NO3-N contents in the sawdust bed was 37.7, 14.1 and 15.0ppm in depth of 30, 60 and 90cm under the ground, respectively, indicating some possibility of water pollution.

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Study of Pro-environmental Development for Golf Course in Korea (한국 골프장의 친환경적 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김광두
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 1998
  • Nowadays, there are increasing demands of golf courses and it is necessary to make more golf courses than the present. To do this, we need to improve the environmental problems with the regional inhabitants, and it is said that the first thing to be considered in developing any golf course in Korea is to preserve the environment. In this context, the purpose of this study is to set forth several design factors to lessen the negative impacts which are accompanied with the development of golf courses. 1. The present conditions of golf courses in Korea Many new golf courses have come into being, particularly since the late 1980s, and now, in the year of 1997, over one hundred of golf courses are doing their business, yet the number of golf course is still less than required. So far, over a half of them have been made in the vicinity of Seoul on account of various reasons, and this has adversely affected on our natural environment. This unreasonable development of golf courses has caused serious water pollution, landslides and the other problems. Also, the topography of Korea is not good for golf courses. Although the demands of golf courses are increasing, the suitable sites for them are very limited, and therefore it is sometimes unavoidable to make golf courses on steep hills. Consequently, in designing golf courses in Korea, the most important thing is the balance between natural environment and artificial environment. 2.Eco-friendly golf course design factors 1) The concept of eco-friendly golf courses Ecologically sustainable and sound golf courses which are made by eco-friendly approaches 2)Basic conditions of eco-friendly golf courses (1)The most suitable sites (2) Conservation of existing ground as much as possible (3)Proper use of agricultural chemicals which have great impacts on the environment (4) Reasonable use of fertilizers (5) Developing a specialized fertilizer only for grass (6) Adaptation of organic agriculture (7) Improvement of grass sorts (8) Establishing reservoirs for purifying the water from golf courses 3) Eco-friendly golf courses (1) Location-Enough area /Gentle slope/Winding ground/Including lakes or streams /Not crossing wind's main direction Facing south or southeast /Suitable soIl for grass /Good drainage /Low level of underground water (2)Course layout and design -Consideration about existing contours as much as possible -Adaptation of Scotish design trend -Various holes' configuration -Consideration toward surrounding landscapes -Reducing grass areas -Giving buffer zones -Adapting computer methods in the process of site analysis and design (3) Eco-friendly considerations in constructing and managing golf courses -Protection of wildlife -Reuse of existing forests and preservation of topsoil -Renovation of old-fashioned courses -Reducing grass areas -Purification of water -Standization of management -Strict regulations against chemicals -Recycling organic materials -Through separation of the water inside golf courses and out of bounds -Getting proper construction works done in a due time 4.Eco-friendly considerations from a viewpoint of cultural environment 1) Well-matched landscape design and events planning 2) Implement of identifications and awarding systerns 3)Acknowledgement of superintendents' qualitications in the maintenance of golf courses 4)Increasing public golf courses and keeping good relationships with the neighbors near golf courses Key words: Pro-environmental development, Golf course.

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Application of Earth Natural Grouting Using Micro Cement and Inorganic material (마이크로시멘트 무기질계 그라우팅 ENG의 적용성 연구)

  • Jung, Min-Hyung;Kim, Yong-Sik;Jung, Chun-Hak;Lee, Song
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2010
  • The Water glass grouting method has been applied frequently to penetration grouting in practice, but some problems, such as decrease of durability with the elapsed time and environmentally adverse effect, are raised recently. Hence, the Earth Natural Grouting method which uses micro cement and inorganic material is developed to overcomes those problems of the water glass grouting method, and is aimed for extensive ground injection bound. Volumetric strain test, syneresis test, unconfined compression test, triaxial permeability test, in-situ permeability test and heavy metal analysis were conducted to verify application of the ENG. As the result of tests, volumetric strain, syneresis and unconfined strength of the ENG were superior to those of the Water Glass SGR and ENG was proved to be impermeable. Also it is expected that the ENG would not have an effect on environmental pollution.

A Study on Non-point Source Pollutants from Pavement of Coastal Area and Guidance for Selecting BMP (연안지역 포장면 비점오염물질 유출 및 최적관리방안 시설의 선정을 위한 가이던스에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Woong;Park, Kisoo;Chen, Yaoping;Kim, Youngchul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.543-553
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    • 2013
  • In Korea, there have been many studies and progresses on various types of pilot scale or commercialized field scale Best Management Practices(BMP) during the last 10 years. Runoff characteristics of diffuse pollutants from different land uses are well identified and documented. However, for the coastal area connected directly with shoreline, runoff patterns and management schemes of non-point pollution were not fully studied. Recently, coastal area is emerging as a new development axis especially in west coast side of Korea such as Incheon city and Chungnam province, thus urbanized area rapidly increased but there are no buffer zones and BMP facilities to aim at preventing direct discharge of the first flush into coastal sea and beaches. In this study, parking area in Deacheon harbor, Boryeong City in Chungnam Province was selected and rainfall runoff was monitored for two year period in order to examine run-off features from which proper type of BMP suitable for coastal area is proposed. Coastal area usually has a low ground water level and consists of plain land, so that large scale BMP such as storm water retention pond and wetland requiring great excavation works is not best management plan. In addition, monitoring study shows that storm water from the paved parking area has a high salinity compared with those in storm water from the inland. High salinity is detrimental for the vegetation. Therefore, BMP employing least vegetative cover and also in terms of maintenance is a good option such as infiltration trench and porous pavement.

Water Quality Management of Simple Piped Water Supply System and Its Satisfaction of the Residents (簡易上水道의 水質管理實態와 給水利用住民의 滿足度)

  • Chae, Han-Uk;Park, Jae-Yong;Moon, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 1999
  • For the purpose of inquiring into the actual conditions of water quality management of Simple Piped Water Supply(SPWS) and the satisfaction and attitudes of inhabitants about utilizing water-supply, this research was done through the questionnaires, the investigation of surrounding environment and water quality analysis in the Sangju city, Kyungsang-pookdo during 4 months from March to June, 1998. The fountainhead of SPES using ground water accounted for 65.3%, which was the highest rate in the group. Most of them was at least 10 years in the number of utilization year. 79.6% of them were exposed to many sorts of surrounding pollution origins. The examination of water was performed only through a test about water purification and 24.5% of them disinfection by chlorine also no residual chlorine was detected at all. All the waterworks did not have any education to the managers of water quality and 81.5% of them held physical examination. As a result of the water examination about SPWS, 65.3% of them were found incongruity and the valley and springing water accounted for higher than the underground water in the rate of incongruity. Looking into the details of the result in the water examination, a category of colon bacilli was ranked in the highest rate and the next one was general bacilli, nitric acid nitrogen and turbidity in order. In the satisfaction degree of the water quality, the satisfied accounted for 44.6%, and 29.2% each. Over the state of satisfaction about the ways of water examination, satisfaction accounted for 44.6%, and unsatisfaction 28.3%. Summarizing the result of the above-stated, the state of Water Quality Management of the SPWS was in a poor condition. Thus for the water Quality Management, systematic and scientific water Quality Management mainly by the administrative organization other than voluntary management by the village should be done beyond doubt. Additionally the opinions and demands of inhabitants utilizing the water supply have to be positively reflected in the affairs of water Quality Management so that the distrust of inhabitants to the SPWS should be settled.

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Permeable Coastal Pavement Structure for Shore Protection and Removal of Non-point Source Pollutants (연안재해 방지 및 비점오염원 유출저감을 위한 투수블록의 특성 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Shik;Kim, Jong-Yeong;Han, Sangsoo;Kwon, Soonchul
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2019
  • Due to climate change, coastal areas are being flooded with torrential rain, typhoons, and tsunamis. In addition, non-point source pollutants (NPSs) that accumulated on the ground, streets, and buildings during the dry season are washed off by rain and stormwater runoff, which adds to the damage associated with environmental pollution, e.g., pollution that makes its way into the ocean. Recently, low impact development (LID) has been considered as a means of controlling water circulation and NPSs. In the coastal area, permeable blocks have been constructed mainly to reduce the flood damage caused by waves. Some important design factors that must be considered to ensure long-term performance are the permeability coefficient, clogging, and the efficiency of the removal of total suspended solids (TSS), but currently there are no standardized design criteria or testing techniques that are used worldwide. Herein, we analyzed the permeability coefficient and the TSS removal efficiency tendency according to the permeability area ratio with an easily-detachable, permeable block filled with calcinated yellow soils as the filter media. Our lab-scale tests indicated that, when the permeability area ratio was 25%, the reduction of the permeability coefficient after clogged was 11%, which was a significant decrease compared to other cases. Permeability persistence increased when the permeability area ratio increased from 50% to 75%. The TSS removal efficiency decreased as the permeability area ratio increased. Our pilot-scale test indicated that the TSS removal efficiency was more than 80% higher in all cases. We also found that the permeability persistence was excellent as the permeability area ratio increased, and, in actual construction, it is effective to set 5.3% of the total area as permeable area in terms of permeability and economic feasibility.

New Approach to Air Quality Management (대기오염관리의 새로운 접근방법)

  • 윤명조
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 1993
  • International concern over the environmental pollution is ever increasing, and diversified countermeasures must be devised in Korea also. Global trend, damages, problems and countermeasures with respect to issues mentioned in the Rio Declaration, such as prevention of ozone layer destruction, reduction of migratory atmospheric pollution between neighboring countries, and prevention of global greenhouse effect, were discussed in this report. Conclusion of the report is summarized as follows : A. Measurement, Planning and Monitoring (1) Development and implementation of a global network for measurement and monitoring from the global aspects such factors as related to acid rain(Pioneer substances, pH, sulfate, nitrate), effect of global temperature(Air temperature, CO2, CH4, CFC, N2O) and destruction of ozone layer(CFCS). (2) Establishment of network system via satellite monitoring movement of regional air mass, damage on the ozone layer and ground temperature distribution. B. Elucidation of Present State (1) Improvement and development of devices for carbon circulation capable of accurately forecasting input and output of carbon. (2) Developmental research on chemical reactions of greenhouse gas in the air. (3) Improvement and development of global circulation model(GCM) C. Impact Assessment Impact assessment on ecosystem, human body, agriculture, floodgate, land use, coastal ecology, industries, etc. D. Preventive Measures and Technology Development (1) Development and consumption of new energy (2) Development of new technology for removal of pioneer substances (3) Development of substitute matter for CFCS (4) Improvement of agriculture and forestry means to prevent the destruction of ozone layer and the greenhouse effect of the globe (5) Improvement of housing to prevent the destruction of ozone layer and the greenhouse effect of the globe (6) Development of new technology for probing underground water (7) Preservation of forest (8) Biomass 5. Policy Development (1) Development of strategy model (2) Development of long term forecast model (3) Development of penalty charge effect and expense evaluation methods (4) Feasibility study on regulations By establishing the above mentioned measures for environmentally sound and sustainable development to establish the right to live for humankind and to preserve the one and only earth.

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