• Title/Summary/Keyword: gray zone

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Analysis of Threat Factors of the Chinese Maritime Militia and the Prospect of Maritime Disputes between Korea and China (중국 해상 민병대의 위협요인 분석 및 한·중 해양 분쟁 전망)

  • Park, Byeung chan
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.83-113
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    • 2022
  • Although China's maritime militia has not been well known despite its long history, it is recently emerging as a serious threat to maritime security, causing neighboring countries' security concerns due to the growing number of maritime disputes with China. In this regard, it is now time to clearly define the true nature of the Chinese maritime militia. A close look at the organization and roles of the Chinese maritime militia reveals that it is an organization that is systematically managed and operated by the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army of China. Its role is to serve the purpose of "contributing to the protection and expansion of China's marine interests." In addition, the threat factors of the Chinese maritime militia were analyzed by examining the cases of maritime disputes between the Chinese maritime militia and neighboring countries. First, the Chinese maritime militia has implemented the "Gray Zone Strategy." Second, it is a systematic organization supported by the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army. Third, it is a maritime power that cannot be ignored as the world's largest militia organization. Fourth, it has a strategic flexibility that enables the execution of the dual mission of working for a living such as commercial fishing and serving in the maritime militia. The threats of the Chinese maritime militia are not limited to Southeast Asian countries located in the South China Sea. This is also the case in Korea as the country cannot avoid maritime disputes with China such as the Ieodo issue and the boundary delimitation of the West Sea. Accordingly, this study was focused on presenting a predictable scenario and countermeasures based on the analysis through a scenario technique with respect to the two cases that are most likely to occur in Korea-China relations. Finally, beyond identifying the nature of the Chinese maritime militia, this study takes a further step to share considerations as to how the organization may operate and develop in the future and how we can cope with its moves.

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Characteristics of Lode Development and Structural Interpretation for the High Au Contents within the Fault Gouge Zones in Jinsan Au Mine, Chungcheongnam-do (충남 금산 진산금광산의 광맥 발달특성과 단층점토에 농집된 고품위 금함량에 대한 구조지질학적 해석)

  • Shin, Dongbok;Gwon, Sehyeon;Kim, Young-Seog
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2015
  • Jinsan gold deposit is a hydrothermal vein type deposit consisting of several fissure filling quartz veins developed within the Changri Formation of the Ogcheon Supergroup in Geumsan, Chungnam. This study is to provide an efficient exploration and development strategies based on the characteristics of the geology, geological structure, core logging, and ore vein occurrence and grade for the four pits (New pit, Main pit, Yanghapan pit and Teugho pit). Quartz veins are mostly developed with the strike of $N10^{\circ}-25^{\circ}W$ and $N5^{\circ}-20^{\circ}E$, and the thickness is in the range of 0.1~0.5 m, sometimes extending to over 1m. Although the quartz veins commonly form massive shape, they sometimes show zonal structure, comb structure as well as brecciated texture. Major ore minerals are pyrite and chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, marcasite, electrum and chalcocite are also accompanied as minor phases. Gray and milky white quartz veins, which are occasionally crosscut by calcite vein, also include fluorite. Ore evaluations for the 22 samples revealed that the samples from the pits generally have very low Au contents, lower than 1 g/t, but some clay samples of drilled core show very high Au concentrations, up to 141 g/t, indicating that Au content is much higher within fault gouges rather than within fresh quartz veins. This may represent that gold might have been reworked and reprecipitated by hydrothermal fluids in association with reactivation of the faults, and thus suggest that ore occurrence in this deposit is very complex and irregular and therefore more precise and systematic exploration is required.

Material Characteristics and Provenance Interpretation for Chloritic Beads from the Boseong Geoseokri and Haenam Buntori Sites, Korea (보성 거석리 및 해남 분토리 유적 출토 녹니석제 구슬의 재질특성과 원산지 해석)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Chan-Hee;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.23
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2008
  • This study focuses on identification of mineralogical and geochemical characteristics and interpretation of raw material sources for prehistoric chlorite beads excavated from Geoseokri site in Boseong and Buntori site in Haenam, Korea. These prehistoric beads consist of three grayish blue ring-shaped beads, one dark green tubular bead and one greenish black tubular bead that show acicular-columnar and fibrous microtexture. The beads are composed of $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, MgO and FeO as majors and a trace amount of $K_2O$, CaO and Na_2O$. Mineral species is mostly chlorite with a small amount of quartz and feldspar. Quantitative analysis indicates that the grayish blue ring-shaped beads and the dark green tubular bead belong to clinochlore and the greenish black tubular bead does to the boundary between clinochlore and sheridantie. Chlorite is a hydrous phyllosilicate mineral and it shows various microtexture of acicular, sheeted, earthy, granular andfibrous shapes. As its hardness is 2, chlorite is easily engraved due to its softness. It has aesthetic worthy as it shows green, black and greenish gray colors and pearly to greasy luster as well. These factors would lead to the extensive use of chloritic beads as ornaments from prehistoric times. Though the mineral sources of the chlorite beads can be found in central western region of Chungnam and Iwon of Hamnam, those areas are too distant from the two relic sites. Instead, chlorite ores commonly occur as altered products in wall rock alteration zone of every hydrothermal deposit. Therefore, it is probable that raw materials of chlorite were supplied from neighboring hydrothermal environment rather than far deposits. The result needs further study to verify raw material provenance interpretation, supply, manufacture and distribution on the basis of archaeological points of view.

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Variation of Soil Physical Characteristics by Drainage Improvement in Poorly Drained Sloping Paddy Field (배수불량 경사지 논 토양의 배수방법에 따른 토양 물리성 변화)

  • Jung, Ki-Yuol;Yun, Eul-Soo;Park, Chang-Young;Hwang, Jae-Bok;Choi, Young-Dae;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Lee, Hwang-A
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.704-710
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    • 2012
  • The lower portion of sloping paddy fields normally contains excessive moisture and the higher water table caused by the inflow of ground water from the upper part of the field resulting in non-uniform water content distribution. Four drainage methods namely Open Ditch, Vinyl Barrier, Pipe Drainage and Tube Bundle for multiple land use were installed within 1-m position from the lower edge of the upper embankment of sloping alluvial paddy fields. This study was conducted to evaluate soil physical characteristics by drainage improvement in poorly drained sloping paddy field. The results showed that subsurface drainage by Pipe Drainage improves the productivity of poorly drained soils by lowering the water table and improving root zone soil layer condition. In an Pipe drainage plot, soil moisture drained faster as compared to the other drainage methods. Infiltration rate showed high tendency to Piper Drainage method about $20.87mm\;hr^{-1}$ than in Open Ditch method $0.15mm\;hr^{-1}$. And Similarly soil water and degree of hardness and shear strength phase of soil profile showed a tendency to decrease. From the above results, we found that when an subsurface drainage was established with at 1m position from the lower edge paddy levee of the upper field in sloping poorly drained paddy fields Pipe Drainage was the most effective drainage system for multiple land use.

Management Guideline and Avifauca of Odaesan area in Odaesan National Park (오대산 국립공원 오대산 지역의 야생조류상 및 관리 방안)

  • 이우신;박찬열;조기현
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to investigate the avifauna and to suggest the management discipline for the protection of bird community in Odaesan National Park. Field survey was carried over 2 main trails by line transect method from mid June to early December in 1996. The 1st section included the area from Woljongas to Sangwonsa 7km distance. The 2nd section survey started from Sangwonsa via Bukdaesa and the summit of Odaesan to Sangwonsa 9.8 km distance. The study results were as follows ; The observed birds belonged to 9 orders 22families 52species, they also had Black Woodpecker(Dryocopus martius)designated as natural monument No. 242, Chinese Sparrow Hawk(Accipiter soloensis) and Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus) as natural munumet No. 323, Scops Owl(Out scops)and Korean Wood Owl(Strix aluco) as No. 324. These birds also were classified into 25 species for residents, 16 species for summer visitors, 8 species for passage migrants, 3 species for winter visitors, respectionely. The 2nd section showed a high species richness and individuals in every season, however, had a difference in species composition with 1st section. Nesting guild of breeding bird community used highly in order of bush, hole, and canopy as a nest resources. It is suggested that high bush-nesting guild had a deep relationship with bush layer located in the ecotone of 1st section and that located in the high elevated zone in 2nd section. Hole-nesting guild such as Black Woodpecker(Dryocopus martius), Gray-headed Woodpecker(Picus canus) and Great Spotted Woodpecker(Dendrocopos major) were surveyed only in 2nd section, so it could be attribute to the small fragmentation and the growing of high diameter at breast height(D.B.H) tree in 2nd section. It is urgent that the management of camping ground and people for the conservation of brook in 1nd section, trail protection for the prevention from trail enlargement in 2nd section for the bird protection. Artificial food in snowy winter will provide the good breeding condition with the residents and migrants. And, the endeavor to lessen the habitat fragmentation will be beneficial to the birds who have a large home range such as Black Woodpecker(Dryocopus martius) and Korean Wood Owl(Strix aluco). For the control of Domestic Dove(Columba livia) populations, it could be recommended that the elimination of their nesting resources by net.

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Human Thermal Environment Analysis with Local Climate Zones and Surface Types in the Summer Nighttime - Homesil Residential Development District, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (Local Climate Zone과 토지피복에 따른 여름철 야간의 인간 열환경 분석 - 경기도 수원시 호매실 택지개발지구)

  • Kong, Hak-Yang;Choi, Nakhoon;Park, Sookuk
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2020
  • Microclimatic data were measured, and the human thermal sensation was analyzed at 10 local climate zones based on the major land cover classification to investigate the thermal environment of urban areas during summer nighttime. From the results, the green infrastructure areas (GNIAs) showed an average air temperature of 1.6℃ and up to 2.4℃ lower air temperature than the gray infrastructure areas (GYIAs), and the GNIAs showed an average relative humidity of 9.0% and up to 15.0% higher relative humidity. The wind speed of the GNIAs and GYIAs had minimal difference and showed no significance at all locations, except for the forest location, which had the lowest wind speed owing to the influence of trees. The local winds and the surface roughness, which was determined based on the heights of buildings and trees, appeared to be the main factors that influenced wind speed. At the mean radiant temperature, the forest location showed the maximum value, owing to the influence of trees. Except at the forest location, the GNIAs showed an average decrease of 5.5℃ compared to GYIAs. The main factor that influenced the mean radiant temperature was the sky view factor. In the analysis of the human thermal sensation, the GNIAs showed a "neutral" thermal perception level that was neither hot nor cold, and the GYIAs showed a "slightly warm" level, which was a level higher than those of the GNIAs. The GNIAs showed a 3.2℃ decrease compared to the GYIAs, except at the highest forest location, which indicated a half-level improvement in the human thermal environment.

A Preliminary Study on the Post-magmatic Activities Occurring at the Gonamsan Gabbroic Rocks in the Pocheon Area (포천지역 고남산 반려암질암 내 발생하는 후기 화성활동에 관한 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Eui-Jun;Shin, Dongbok
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.77-95
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    • 2022
  • The Gonamsan gabbroic complex in the Pocheon area, northwestern region of South Korea consists of a variety types of gabbroic rocks and associated Fe-Ti oxide deposits caused by magmatic differentiation. Post-magmatic intrusions (i.e., gabbroic pegmatite and pyroxene-apatite-zircon rocks) partly intruded into the gabbroic rocks. The gabbroic pegmatite occurs in monzodiorite and oxide gabbro of the complex, intimately and spatially associated with high-grade lenticular Fe-Ti oxide mineralization. The pegmatite can be subdivided into plagioclase-amphibole and pyroxene-olivine pegmatite, in which the contact surface is sharp. The plagioclase-amphibole pegmatite comprises plagioclase and amphibole, with lesser amount of pyroxene, ilmenite, sphene, apatite, and biotite. The pegmatite shows plagioclase-amphibole intergranular texture, in which the open space formed by large plagioclase laths (An2-26Ab72-98Or0-2) are infilled by amphibole. The pyroxene-olivine pegmatite is dark gray to black in color and also contains magnetite, ilmenite, spinel, apatite, and calcite as a minor component. The pyroxene (En35-36Fs8-9Wo55) and olivine (Fo84-85Fa15-16) partly show a poikilitic texture defined by smaller euhedral olivine enclosed by coarser clinopyroxene. Fe-Ti oxide minerals consist mainly of magnetite and ilmenite that are found interstitially to earlier formed silicates. Subsequently, they are encompassed by reaction rim (almost of amphibole and biotite) along the boundary with surrounding silicate minerals. Under the microscope, magnetite contains a lot of oxyexsolved ilmenite (trellis type) and spinel, and thereby is weakly enriched in magnetite-compatible elements such as Ti, Al, Mg, and V. The structure and textures at the contact zone as well as mineralogical disequilibrium between gabbroic pegmatite and the host gabbroic rocks suggest that the pegmatite may form as a result of accumulation from Fe-rich melt (or liquid) that occurred somewhere rather than in situ form from the host gabbroic rock during the magmatic differentiation. Consequently, the preliminary study suggests that further study on the post-magmatic activities can not only help us improve our understanding on magmatic fractionation but also provide critical information on Fe-Ti oxide mineralization in gabbroic rocks resulting from the magmatic differentiation.

Confronting the Enduring Fact of Japanese Colonialism in Korea -A Review of Chosenjins at the Japanese Imperial University (Jeong Jong-hyun, 2019, Humanist) (식민지 혹은 '영원재귀'의 시간과 마주하는 방법 - 정종현, 『제국대학의 조센징』(2019, 휴머니스트) -)

  • 장세진
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    • no.24
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    • pp.165-191
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    • 2019
  • Since July 2019, South Korea and Japan have been engaged in a cultural and economic conflict which originated in the differing stances of the two governments on the issues of sexual slavery and forced mobilization of Korean laborers before and during World War II. This ongoing dispute is a reminder that the fact of colonialism and the question of how it should be interpreted have not gone away: these are still present tense issues. The book's subtitle The Origin of the Korean Elite, What Did They Do When They Came back to Korea? makes clear that the elite class which held power and influence in the newly born Republic of Korea were actually educated in Japan, at the Japanese Imperial University. This book examines evidence which sheds light on the motives of Korean students attending the Imperial University, describing their academic studies and their lives after the liberation. By revealing this enduring substratum of "Japanese origins" at the heart of the South Korean establishment, a current which is not generally realized by Koreans today, the book allows us to re-examine our origins and thus to better understand our present-day identity and situation. It also addresses the question of how to confront these difficult questions, proposing a "historicization of what happened during the colonial period," which is not about hiding or minimizing the importance of our origins, but about facing up to reality as it actually happened.

A Study on the Conservation State and Plans for Stone Cultural Properties in the Unjusa Temple, Korea (운주사 석조문화재의 보존상태와 보존방안에 대한 연구)

  • Sa-Duk, Kim;Chan-Hee, Lee;Seok-Won, Choi;Eun-Jeong, Shin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.37
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    • pp.285-307
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    • 2004
  • Synthesize and examine petrological characteristic and geochemical characteristic by weathering formation of rock and progress of weathering laying stress on stone cultural properties of Unjusa temple of Chonnam Hwasun county site in this research. Examine closely weathering element that influence mechanical, chemical, mineralogical and physical weathering of rocks that accomplish stone cultural properties and these do quantification, wish to utilize by a basic knowledge for conservation scientific research of stone cultural properties by these result. Enforced component analysis of rock and mineralogical survey about 18 samples (pyroclastic tuff; 7, ash tuff; 4, granite ; 4, granitic gneiss; 3) all to search petrological characteristic and geochemical characteristic by weathering of Unjusa temple precinct stone cultural properties and recorded deterioration degree about each stone cultural properties observing naked eye. Major rock that constitution Unjusa temple one great geological features has strike of N30-40W and dip of 10-20NE being pyroclastic tuff. This pyroclastic tuff is ranging very extensively laying center on Unjusa temple and stone cultural properties of precinct is modeled by this pyroclastic tuff. Stone cultural propertieses of present Unjusa temple precinct are accomplishing structural imbalance with serious crack, and because weathering of rock with serious biological pollution is gone fairly, rubble break away and weathering and deterioration phenomenon such as fall off of a particle of mineral are appearing extremely. Also, a piece of iron and cement mortar of stone cultural properties everywhere are forming precipitate of reddish brown and light gray being oxidized. About these stone cultural properties, most stone cultural propertieses show SD(severe damage) to MD(moderate damage) as result that record Deterioration degree. X-ray diffraction analysis result samples of each rock are consisted of mineral of quartz, orthoclase,plagioclase, calcite, magnetite etc. Quartz and feldspar alterated extremely in a microscopic analysis, and biotite that show crystalline form of anhedral shows state that become chloritization that is secondary weathering mineral being weathered. Also, see that show iron precipitate of reddish brown to crack zone of tuff everywhere preview rock that weathering is gone deep. Tuffs that accomplish stone cultural properties of study area is illustrated to field of Subalkaline and Peraluminous, $SiO_2$(wt.%) extent of samples pyroclastic tuff 70.08-73.69, ash tuff extent of 70.26-78.42 show. In calculate Chemical Index of Alteration(CIA) and Weathering Potential Index(WPI) about major elements extent of CIA pyroclastic tuff 55.05-60.75, ash tuff 52.10-58.70, granite 49.49-51.06 granitic gneiss shows value of 53.25-67.14 and these have high value gneiss and tuffs. WPI previews that is see as thing which is illustrated being approximated in 0 lines and 0 lines low samples of tuffs and gneiss is receiving esaily weathering process as appear in CIA. As clay mineral of smectite, zeolite that is secondary weathering produce of rock as result that pick powdering of rock and clothing material of stone cultural properties observed by scanning electron micrographs (SEM). And roots of lichen and spore of hyphae that is weathering element are observed together. This rock deep organism being coating to add mechanical weathering process of stone cultural properties do, and is assumed that change the clay mineral is gone fairly in stone cultural properties with these. As the weathering of rocks is under a serious condition, the damage by the natural environment such as rain, wind, trees and the ground is accelerated. As a counter-measure, the first necessary thing is to build the ground environment about protecting water invasion by making the drainage and checking the surrounding environment. The second thing are building hardening and extirpation process that strengthens the rock, dealing biologically by reducing lichens, and sticking crevice part restoration using synthetic resin. Moreover, it is assumed to be desirable to build the protection facility that can block wind, sunlight, and rain which are the cause of the weathering, and that goes well with the surrounding environment.