• Title/Summary/Keyword: glucose content

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Selection of the Superior Potato Clones Based on Acrylamide Reduction for Cold Chipping (아크릴아마이드 저감화된 콜드칩 가공용 우수감자 계통 선발)

  • Jin, Cheng Wu;Hwang, Won Nam;Cho, Dong Ha;Kang, Wie Soo;Lim, Hak Tae
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.603-612
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    • 2012
  • In order to select potato clones for making cold chip, this study analyzed the glucose content, acrylamide content, and the correlation between the two properties after harvest, $4^{\circ}C$ and $8^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage, and $20^{\circ}C$ heating treatment of 47 breeding clones and control cultivars 'Atlantic', 'Sumi', and 'Gui Valley'. In all of the control cultivars and 47 clones, glucose content was below 0.25% and acrylamide content was below 1000 ppb just after harvest, but after $4^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage both the glucose content and acrylamide content increased rapidly and only 4 clones H7, H13, H16, and H40 showed a level below 500 ppb. In $8^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage as well both contents increased, but the increase was relatively smaller than that in $4^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage. In addition, $20^{\circ}C$ heating treatment decreased both contents. In the results of analyzing the correlation between glucose content and acrylamide content at low-temperature storage, a positive correlation was observed. In conclusion, clones H7, H13, H16, and H40 showing low glucose content even at low-temperature treatment were found to contain less acrylamide and therefore they were selected as potato clones suitable for making cold chip.

Comparative Studies on the Effects of Total, Protopanaxadiol and Protopanaxatriol saponins of Ginseng 1. Their Effects on Lipid and Glucose Content in Rat Serum (인삼 총사포닌, 디올계 및 트리올계 사포닌의 효과 1. 흰쥐 혈청 지질 및 당함량에 미치는 영향)

  • 임창진;박은희;홍순근;이동권
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1981
  • Total saponin, protopanaxadiol-saponin and protopanaxatriol-saponin were isolated and purified from the side roots of red ginseng. After we administered them orally into rats during 5 weeks, we observed their effects on lipid and glucose content in rat serum. The change in body weight of protopanaxatriol- saponin treated group was slightly larger than those of other groups. Total lipid content in total saponin treated group showed an increase of about 20 % over that in control group. However, protopanaxadiol-saponin and protopanaxatriol- saponin treated groups showed no change. While triglyceride content in total saponin treated group decreased 29oyo compared to it s content in control group, its content in protopanaxatriol-saponin treated group increased 45%. Three saponin treated groups showed lower value than control group in total ant free cholesterol levels. While glucose content in total saponin treated group decreased slightly, that in Protopanaxadiol-saponin treated group decreased slightly compared to that in control group. And protopanaxatriol- saponin trented group showed the significant decrease of 25%. From these results, it is supposed that total saponin accelerates the conversion of lipid into glucose and that protopanaxatriol- saponin accelerates the conversion of glucose into lipid.

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Glucose Content and pH of Broiler and Porcine Blood Plasma by Glucose Oxidase or Baker's Yeast Addition (Glucose Oxidase 및 제빵용 효모 첨가에 따른 육계와 돼지의 혈장 포도당과 pH 변화)

  • Lee, Jae-Jun;Yi, Young-Hyoun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.416-420
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    • 1999
  • The effects of GOD and yeast on glucose content and pH of broiler and porcine blood plasma were investigated. The initial glucose concentration of broiler and porcine blood plasma were $150mg/100cm^{3}\;and\;143mg/100cm^{3}$, respectively. Addition of GOD and yeast decreased glucose contents in broiler and porcine plasma. As expected, plasma glucose content decreased as incubation time increased. While 1080 and 1110 min were required to remove glucose from both broiler and porcine plasma at GOD 5 units/g and 480 and 1020 min were required at GOD 10 units/g, respectively; both required 240 min at 0.3% yeast (w/w). The Maillard reaction can be prevented by desugarization. During the removal of glucose, pH of the plasma decreased. As glucose content in plasma leveled off, the pH value of plasma increased. Therefore, pH may be used as an index of desugarization.

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Changes of Chemical Components during Storage in Sweet Potato Produced at Two Locations (산지가 다른 고구마 품종의 저장중 화학성분 변화)

  • Oh, Sung-Kun;Kim, Deog-Su;Chin, Moon-Sup;Seong, Rak-Chun
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 1994
  • This experiment was conducted to obtain the basic information of the major chemical components for breeding high quality varieties of sweet potatoes [Ipomoea batatas (L) Lamk]. Six recommended varieties were cultivated at the experimental plots of Hwasung and Suwon in 1992. Starch value. glucose, fructose, maltose, and sucrose content were analyzed with time intervals during storage period. Starch value of Shinyulmi was the highest among six varieties in both locations. Glucose and fructose contents were appeared wide variations in varieties and locations. Shinyulmi showed the highest maltose content and Yulmi had the highest sucrose content in two locations. Total sugar contents were higher in Shinyulmi and Yulmi. Starch value, glucose, fructose, maltose, and sucrose content were stable during storage period, however these were differed between locations.

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Optimization of Two-stage Pretreatment from Soybean Hull for Efficient Glucose Recovery

  • Jung, Ji-Young;Choi, Myung-Suk;Yang, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2012
  • Soybean hull is an attractive feedstock for glucose production. To increase the glucose conversion in acid hydrolysis, a pretreatment method combined steam explosion with alkali pretreatment for soybean hull was studied. For first step pretreatment, steam explosion conditions (log Ro 2.45) were optimized to obtain maximum solid recovery and cellulose content. In the second step pretreatment, the conditions for potassium hydroxide pretreatment of steam exploded soybean hull were optimized by using RSM (response surface methodology). The optimum conditions for minimum lignin content were determined to be 0.6% potassium hydroxide concentration, $70^{\circ}C$ reaction temperature and 198 min reaction time. The predicted lignin content was 2.2% at the optimum conditions. Experimental verification of the optimum conditions gave the lignin content in similar value with the estimated value of the model. Finally, glucose conversion of pretreated soybean hull using acid hydrolysis resulted in $97.1{\pm}0.4%$. This research of two-step pretreatment was a promising method for increasing the glucose conversion in the cellulose-to-glucose process.

Application of Saccharified Acorn-starch for Biomass and Lipid Accumulation of Microalgae (당화된 도토리의 전분이 미세조류 바이오매스 증식과 바이오오일 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Jung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.197-204
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    • 2016
  • The growth of the algae strain Chlorella vulgaris under mixotrophic conditions in the presence of saccharified acorn-starch (acorn-glucose) was evaluated with the objective of increasing biomass growth and triacylglycerols (TAGs) content. The results indicated that 81.3% of starch was converted to glucose in acorns. C.vulgaris algal strains grown with acorn-glucose produced higher biomass and TAGs content than with autotrophic growth. The highest biomass production and TAGs content with 3 g/L acorn-glucose were 12.44 g/L and 32.9%, respectively. Biomass production with 3 g/L acorn-glucose was 16.4 fold higher than under autotrophic growth condition. These findings suggested that 3 g/L acorn-glucose is economic and efficient for biomass production/productivity and TAGs content of microalgae. This study provides a feasible way to reduce the cost of bioenergy production from microalgae.

Changes in Sugar Content and Invertase Activity in Plum Fruits during the Maturation (자두과실(果實)의 성숙중(成熟中) 당함량(糖含量) 및 Invertase의 활성변화(活性變化))

  • Kim, Hyun Ju;Moon, Kwang Deok;Sohn, Tae Hwa
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.6
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1988
  • The changes of sugar content and invertase activity during maturation of plum fruits, and properties of the enzyme were investigated in this study. The soluble sugars in plum fruits were mainly sucrose, glucose and fructose. The sucrose content in the fruit increased slowly at the early stage of maturation and then decreased slightly. At the final stage, the sucrose content increased remarkably with maturation. The contents of glucose and fructose increased slowly at the early stage of maturation following decrement at middle stage. At the final stage, glucose content decreased continuously while fructose content increased again following decrement. Invertase activity in the fruit increased during maturation showing maximum at the onset of color change and after that, decreased remarkably. The optimum pH and temperature of invertase activity were pH 5.0 and $65^{\circ}C$, respectively. The enzyme was most stable at pH 5.0 and retained 75% of its activity after incubation at $70^{\circ}C$ for 15min. The enzyme was activated by $Cu^{{+}{+}}$, $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, but inhibited by $Hg^{{+}{+}}$ remarkably.

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Seasonal Variation in Contents of Sugars in Different Parts of Broccoli

  • Bhandari, Shiva Ram;Kwak, Jung-Ho
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.276-282
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    • 2015
  • Seasonal variation in the contents of sugars (fructose, glucose, and sucrose) in the floret, leaf, and stem of broccoli were studied in ten commercial broccoli cultivars. Plants were grown in the spring and fall seasons in 2011. In both seasons, glucose was the major constituent, comprising about 50% of the total sugar content in the floret and leaf tissue of most cultivars, whereas the broccoli stem showed an unusual pattern of accumulation. Sucrose exhibited greater cultivar dependency as well as seasonal variation compared to fructose and glucose in floret and leaf tissues. The floret tissue had a higher total content of sugar in the spring compared to the fall due to an increase in glucose and fructose. However, most of the leaf and stem tissues of broccoli had a higher total sugar content in the fall compared to the spring. Furthermore, stem and leaf tissues possessed a relatively higher total sugar content compared to floret tissue in both seasons. 'Grandeur' broccoli contained a significantly greater amount of total sugar in both floret and leaf tissues in both seasons, whereas 'YuDoRi No.1' broccoli exhibited the highest total content of sugar in stem tissue. At overall, the results showed significant influences of genotype, plant part and growing season on sugar content in broccoli.

Effect of Growth Retardants on Free Sugar and Protein Content of Sedirea japonica Seedlings Cultured In Vitro (생장억제제 처리가 기내 배양한 나도풍란 (Sedirea japonica) 유묘의 유리당 및 단백질 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Dong-Hoon;Jee Sun-Ok
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.145-149
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    • 2005
  • This experiment was conducted to identify the effect of several plant growth retardants on changes of endogenous free sugar and protein content in seedlings of Sedirea japonica cultured in vitro. The content of free sugar in the leaf was decreased as the treated growth retardant concentration was increased. Glucose content was higher than fructose and sucrose content in the leaf. Free sugar content of the root was increased as concentrations of growth retardants were increased. Sucrose content was higher compared with the content of fructose and glucose. The content of protein in the leaf was decreased as the growth retardants concentration was increased, but the tendency of protein content in the root was contrary to that in the leaf.

The Contents of Free Sugar and Alcohol in Traditional Soy Sauce Prepared from Meju under Different Formations (형상이 다른 메주로 제조한 재래식 간장 중의 유리당과 알코올 함량)

  • 서정숙;이택수
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 1993
  • The Kinds of soy sauce were prepared using the brick type of conventional meju(A), the brick type of meju of Aspergillus oryzae(B), and the grain type of meju of Aspergillus oryzae(C). Free sugar and alcohol were analyzed in accordance to aging time of those products. Galactose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, and mannose were detected in all kinds of soy sauce. In soy sauce 4 galactose, glucose, arabinose, and xylose were shown in the order of content. The content of galactose in soy sauce A and soy sauce C were shown higher than that in soy sauce B alt during the time. The content of glucose was highest among that of all kinds of free sugars at the beginning of preparation, but the content of glucose was lower than that of arabinose and xylose after 60 days. The contents order of total free sugar was soy sauce C > soy sauce B > soy sauce A. The content of ethyl alcohol was shown 6.23∼19.10mg%, and that of isobutyl alcohol was 8.70∼ 169.03 ppm in all soy sauces, but those of soy sauce C was higher than those of other soy sauces.

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