• Title/Summary/Keyword: glass beads

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Consolidation and Adhesion of Cellulose Nitrate of Folklore Artifacts in the 19~20th Century (19~20세기 생활민속자료에 사용된 셀룰로오스 나이트레이트의 강화와 접착 연구)

  • Oh, Joon Suk;Lee, Sae Rom;Hwang, Min Young
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.459-470
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    • 2018
  • Cellulose nitrates were used for folklore artifacts(ornamental beads and pipes in hatstrings, frames of eyeglasses, ornamental eyeglass cases, headband ornaments, and jeogori buttons) between the 19th and 20th centuries; however, they are susceptible to cracking, crazing, embrittlement, and crumbling due to deterioration. To consolidate and adhere deteriorated cellulose nitrate folklore artifacts, water-soluble acrylic emulsion adhesives were investigated. For consolidation, Plextol D 498, which has the lowest viscosity in low concentrations, was used. In adhesive films whose glass transition temperature(Tg) is lower than room temperature, the tensile stress and modulus decreased and the strain increased; therefore, the flexibility was high. The Plextol D 498 and Plextol D 498 and Dispersion K 52 films maintained their adhesiveness and flexibility after artificial-sunlight-accelerated ageing, and Plextol D 498 and Dispersion K 52 films hardly caused yellowing. Plextol D 498 was the most stable for accelerating ageing. A low concentration of Plextol D 498 emulsion resulted in the best permeability on the surface of cellulose nitrate, compared with other acrylic emulsions. To prevent ornamental hatstrings from cracking, crazing, embrittlement, and crumbling, a Plextol D 498 emulsion was used. After applying low concentrations(1%, 3%) of the emulsion to consolidate the fragments and high concentration to adhere the fragments, the ornamental hatstrings were protected from crumbling by deterioration, and their fragments were well-adhered. To preserve it from deterioration by oxygen and humidity, the treated ornament was sealed with an oxygen-barrier film using a low-humidity oxygen scavenger.

Measurement of the Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient for the Saturated Granular Medium in the Water Tank and Comparison to Predictions by the Biot Theory (수조에서 입자 매질의 평면파 반사계수 측정과 Biot 이론에 의한 예측)

  • Lee Keun-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.246-256
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    • 2006
  • The plane wave reflection coefficient is an acoustic property containing all the information concerning the ocean bottom and can be used as an input parameter to various acoustic propagation models. In this paper, we measure the plane wave reflection coefficient, the sound speed, thd the attenuation for saturated granular medium in the water tank. Three kinds of glass beads and natural sand are used as the granular medium. The reflection experiment is performed with the sinusoidal tone bursts of 100 kHz at incident angles from 28 to 53 degrees, and the sound speed and attenuation experiment are performed also with the same signal. From the measured reflection signal, the reflection coefficient is calculated with the self calibration method and the experimental uncertainties are discussed. The sound speed and the attenuation measurements are used for the estimation of the porosity and permeability, the main Biot parameters. The estimated values are compared to the directly measured values and used as input values to the Biot theory in order to calculate the theoretical reflection coefficient. Finally, the reflection coefficient predicted by Biot theory is compared to the measured reflection coefficient and their characteristics are discussed.

Recirculating Integrated System for the Treatment of Authentic Integrated-textile-dyeing Wastewater from Dyeing Industrial Complex (염색산업단지 종합폐수처리용 재순환 통합시스템)

  • Lee, Eun Ju;Lim, Kwang-Hee
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.837-845
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    • 2017
  • A recirculating integrated system composed of a fluidized biofilter filled with waste-tire crumb media fixed with return sludge from wastewater treatment facility of D dyeing industrial center, and a UV/photocatalytic reactor packed with calcined $TiO_2$ coated-glass beads as photocatalyst-support, was constructed and was run to treat authentic textile-dyeing wastewater from D-dyeing industrial center, which was mixed with an alkaline polyester-weight-reducing wastewater and a wastewater from sizing process. As a result, its total removal efficiency(RE(tot)) of $COD_{cr}$ and colors were ca. 81% and 55%, respectively. The synergy effect of the recirculating integrated system to enhance total removal efficiency(RE(tot)) of $COD_{cr}$ and colors were evaluated at most ca. 7% and 3%, respectively. The fluidized biofilter and the UV/photocatalytic reactor were responsible for ca. 94% and 6% of the total $COD_{cr}$ removal efficiency, respectively, and were also responsible for ca. 86% and 14% of the total color-removal efficiency, respectively. Thus, the degree of the UV/photocatalytic reactor-unit process's contribution to RE(tot) of color, was about 2.4 times of that to RE(tot) of $COD_{cr}$. Therefore, the UV/photocatalytic reactor facilitated the more effective elimination of colors by breaking down the chemical bonds oriented from colors of dyes such as azo-bond, than $COD_{cr}$. In addition, the effect of the removal efficiency of each unit process(i.e., the fluidized biofilter or the UV/photocatalytic reactor) of the recirculating integrated system on RE(tot) of $COD_{cr}$ and colors, was analysed by establishing its model equation with an analytic correlation.

Measuring Water Content Characteristics by Using Frequency Domain Reflectometry Sensor in Coconut Coir Substrate (FDR(Frequency Domain Reflectometry)센서를 이용한 코코넛 코이어 배지내 수분특성 측정)

  • Park, Sung Tae;Jung, Geum Hyang;Yoo, Hyung Joo;Choi, Eun-Young;Choi, Ki-Young;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 2014
  • This experiment has investigated suitable methods to improve precision water content monitoring of coconut coir substrates to control irrigation by frequency domain reflectometry(FDR) sensors. Specifically, water content changes and variations were observed at different sensing distances and positions from the irrigation dripper location, and different spaces between the FDR sensors with or without noise filters. Commercial coconut coir substrates containing different ratios of dust and chips(10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7) were used. On the upper side and the side of the substrates, a FDR sensor was used at 5, 10, 20, 30cm distances respectively from the irrigation dripper point, and water content was measured by time after the irrigation. In the glass beads, sensors were installed with or without noise filtering. Closer sensing distance had a higher water content increasing rate, regardless of different coir substrate ratios. There were no differencies of water content increasing rates in 10:0 and 3:7 substrates between the upper side and the side. Whereas, 7:3 and 5:5 substrates showed higher increasing rates on the upper side measurements. Substrates with higher ratios of chip(3:7) had lower increasing rates than others. And, with noise filters, the exatitude of measurement was improved because the variation and deviation were reduced. Therefore, in coconut coir with FDR sensors, an efficient water content measurment to control irrigations can be achieved by installing sensors closer to an irrigation point and upper side of substrates with noise filters.

3-Dimensional ${\mu}m$-Scale Pore Structures of Porous Earth Materials: NMR Micro-imaging Study (지구물질의 마이크로미터 단위의 삼차원 공극 구조 규명: 핵자기공명 현미영상 연구)

  • Lee, Bum-Han;Lee, Sung-Keun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2009
  • We explore the effect of particle shape and size on 3-dimensional (3D) network and pore structure of porous earth materials composed of glass beads and silica gel using NMR micro-imaging in order to gain better insights into relationship between structure and the corresponding hydrologic and seismological properties. The 3D micro-imaging data for the model porous networks show that the specific surface area, porosity, and permeability range from 2.5 to $9.6\;mm^2/mm^3$, from 0.21 to 0.38, and from 11.6 to 892.3 D (Darcy), respectively, which are typical values for unconsolidated sands. The relationships among specific surface area, porosity, and permeability of the porous media are relatively well explained with the Kozeny equation. Cube counting fractal dimension analysis shows that fractal dimension increases from ~2.5-2.6 to 3.0 with increasing specific surface area from 2.5 to $9.6\;mm^2/mm^3$, with the data also suggesting the effect of porosity. Specific surface area, porosity, permeability, and cube counting fractal dimension for the natural mongolian sandstone are $0.33\;mm^2/mm^3$, 0.017, 30.9 mD, and 1.59, respectively. The current results highlight that NMR micro-imaging, together with detailed statistical analyses can be useful to characterize 3D pore structures of various porous earth materials and be potentially effective in accounting for transport properties and seismic wave velocity and attenuation of diverse porous media in earth crust and interiors.