• Title/Summary/Keyword: generalized model

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Association Metabolic Syndrome with Sarcopenia in Korean Stroke Patients : Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data(2008-2011) (뇌졸중 유병자의 대사증후군과 근감소증의 관련성: 국민건강조사(2008년-2011년)자료를 근거로)

  • Choi, Sook-Hee;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the association metabolic syndrome with sarcopenia in Korean stroke patients. We used the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data from 2008 to 2011 and enrolled a total of 316 stroke patients older than 40 years. Data were analyzed by Rao-Scott ${\chi}^2-test$, generalized linear model and composite sample multiple logistic regression. The prevalence of sarcopenia was 47.3% in men and 46.3% in women. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 50.3% in men and 73.6% in women. After adjusting for age, smoking status, alcohol consumption, exercise, education, income, sroke sequla and stroke duration, men with sarcopenia had increased risk of metabolic syndrome (95% CI: 2.454-18.482, p<.001). This finding can be used to develop evidence-based health promotion program to prevent stroke reccurance for stroke patients.

Underlying Values of Real-time Traffic Information on Variable Message Sign Using Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) (조건부가치추정법을 이용한 VMS교통정보의 기본가치 추정연구)

  • Lee, Gyeong-A;Kim, Jun-Gi;O, Seong-Ho;Lee, Yeong-In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2011
  • In the benefits of ITS, there are intangible gains from real-time traffic information as well as classical gains such as travel time saving. These intangible gains are difficult to be estimated by existing transportation investment appraisal commonly used in SOC investment. The major reason is not because of the absence of methodology but because of the absence of generalized values of particular benefits from real time traffic information. This research explores the value of real-time traffic information on VMS that is the most representative of ITS services, by using CVM with Double Bounded Dichotomous Choice Question. Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) functions of drivers are built with survival functions using various types of probability distribution functions such as Exponential, Log-logistic, and Weibull functions. The results reveal that Log-logistic distribution is the most appropriate distribution model to estimate WTP, and the estimated coefficients are stable through LR (Likelihood Ratio) test. For the further study, it is recommended to perform statistical tests of temporal and spatial transferability that is not examined in this research due to the lack of data.

Analysis of Changes in Rainfall Frequency Under Different Thresholds and Its Synoptic Pattern (절점기준에 따른 강우빈도 변화 및 종관기후학적 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Jeong;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.791-803
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    • 2016
  • Recently, frequency of extreme rainfall events in South Korea has been substantially increased due to the enhanced climate variability. Korea is prone to flooding due to being surrounded by mountains, along with high rainfall intensity during a short period. In the past three decades, an increase in the frequency of heavy rainfall events has been observed due to enhanced climate variability and climate change. This study aimed to analyze extreme rainfalls informed by their frequency of occurrences using a long-term rainfall data. In this respect, we developed a Poisson-Generalized Pareto Distribution (Poisson-GPD) based rainfall frequency method which allows us to simultaneously explore changes in the amount and exceedance probability of the extreme rainfall events defined by different thresholds. Additionally, this study utilized a Bayesian approach to better estimate both parameters and their uncertainties. We also investigated the synoptic patterns associated with the extreme events considered in this study. The results showed that the Poisson-GPD based design rainfalls were rather larger than those of based on the Gumbel distribution. It seems that the Poisson-GPD model offers a more reasonable explanation in the context of flood safety issue, by explicitly considering the changes in the frequency. Also, this study confirmed that low and high pressure system in the East China Sea and the central North Pacific, respectively, plays crucial roles in the development of the extreme rainfall in South Korea.

A New Clock Routing Algorithm for High Performance ICs (고성능 집적회로 설계를 위한 새로운 클락 배선)

  • 유광기;정정화
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.36C no.11
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 1999
  • A new clock skew optimization for clock routing using link-edge insertion is proposed in this paper. It satisfies the given skew bound and prevent the total wire length from increasing. As the clock skew is the major constraint for high speed synchronous ICs, it must be minimized in order to obtain high performance. But clock skew minimization can increase total wire length, therefore clock routing is performed within the given skew bound which can not induce the malfunction. Clock routing under the specified skew bound can decrease total wire length Not only total wire length and delay time minimization algorithm using merging point relocation method but also clock skew reduction algorithm using link-edge insertion technique between two nodes whose delay difference is large is proposed. The proposed algorithm construct a new clock routing topology which is generalized graph model while previous methods uses only tree-structured routing topology. A new cost function is designed in order to select two nodes which constitute link-edge. Using this cost function, delay difference or clock skew is reduced by connecting two nodes whose delay difference is large and distance difference is short. Furthermore, routing topology construction and wire sizing algorithm is developed to reduce clock delay. The proposed algorithm is implemented in C programming language. From the experimental results, we can get the delay reduction under the given skew bound.

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An Empirical Study on the Effect of Protection of Property Right on Foreign Direct Investment - Focused on US. Multinational Corporations - (지적재산권 보호가 해외직접투자 유입에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구 - 미국 다국적기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Seok-Min
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the effect of protection of property right on foreign direct investment. With the US. multinational corporations over the periods from 2000 to 2008, this study used the FEM and system GMM, and found that the change of protection of property right level positively affects attracting foreign direct investment while protection of property right level itself does not. In the analyses on high income and low income countries(by income level), only the change of protection of property right level positively affects attracting foreign direct investment in low income countries. In considering the problem of heteroscedasticity on the error term, this study used FGLS and PCSE estimation methods. It is reported that the change of protection of property right level positively affects attracting foreign direct investment while protection of property right level itself does not. And only the change of protection of property right level positively affects attracting foreign direct investment in low income countries. This result means the change of protection of property right level is a key determinant to attract foreign direct investment.

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A Study On The Economic Value Of Firm's Big Data Technologies Introduction Using Real Option Approach - Based On YUYU Pharmaceuticals Case - (실물옵션 기법을 이용한 기업의 빅데이터 기술 도입의 경제적 가치 분석 - 유유제약 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Hyuk Soo;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2014
  • This study focus on a economic value of the Big Data technologies by real options model using big data technology company's stock price to determine the price of the economic value of incremental assessed value. For estimating stochastic process of company's stock price by big data technology to extract the incremental shares, Generalized Moments Method (GMM) are used. Option value for Black-Scholes partial differential equation was derived, in which finite difference numerical methods to obtain the Big Data technology was introduced to estimate the economic value. As a result, a option value of big data technology investment is 38.5 billion under assumption which investment cost is 50 million won and time value is a about 1 million, respectively. Thus, introduction of big data technology to create a substantial effect on corporate profits, is valuable and there are an effects on the additional time value. Sensitivity analysis of lower underlying asset value appear decreased options value and the lower investment cost showed increased options value. A volatility are not sensitive on the option value due to the big data technological characteristics which are low stock volatility and introduction periods.

OD trip matrix estimation from urban link traffic counts (comparison with GA and SAB algorithm) (링크관측교통량을 이용한 도시부 OD 통행행렬 추정 (GA와 SAB 알고리즘의 비교를 중심으로))

  • 백승걸;김현명;임용택;임강원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2000
  • To cope with the limits of conventional O-D trip matrix collecting methods, several approaches have been developed. One of them is bilevel Programming method Proposed by Yang(1995), which uses Sensitivity Analysis Based(SAB) algorithm to solve Generalized Least Square(GLS) problem. However, the SAB a1gorithm has revealed two critical short-comings. The first is that when there exists a significant difference between target O-D matrix and true O-D matrix, SAB algorithm may not produce correct solution. This stems from the heavy dependance on the historical O-D information, in special when gravel Patterns are dramatically changed. The second is the assumption of iterative linear approximation to original Problem. Because of the approximation, SAB algorithm has difficulty in converging to Perfect Stackelberg game condition. So as to avoid the Problems. we need a more robust and stable solution method. The main purpose of this Paper is to show the problem of the dependency of Previous models and to Propose an alternative solution method to handle it. The Problem of O-D matrix estimation is intrinsically nonlinear and nonconvex. thus it has multiple solutions. Therefore it is necessary to require a method for searching globa1 solution. In this paper, we develop a solution algorithm combined with genetic algorithm(GA) , which is widely used as probabilistic global searching method To compare the efficiency of the algorithm, SAB algorithm suggested by Yang et al. (1992,1995) is used. From the results of numerical example, the Proposed algorithm is superior to SAB algorithm irrespective of travel patterns.

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Impacts of Urbanization on Groundwater Flow and Salt Transport in a Coastal Aquifer, Suyeong-Gu, Busan, Korea (한국 부산광역시 수영구 지역 해안 대수층 내의 지하수 유동 및 염분 이동에 대한 도시화의 영향 삼차원 수치 모의)

  • Cho, Hyeon-Jo;Kim, Jun-Mo
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2009
  • A series of three-dimensional numerical simulations using a generalized multidimensional hydrodynamic dispersion numerical model is performed to simulate effectively and to evaluate quantitatively impacts of urbanization on density-dependent groundwater flow and salt transport in a coastal aquifer system, Suyeong-Gu, Busan, Korea. A series of steady-state numerical simulations of groundwater flow and salt transport before urbanization with material properties of geologic formations, which are established by numerical modeling calibrations considering all the urbanization factors, is performed first without considering all the urbanization factors. A series of transient-state numerical simulations of groundwater flow and salt transport after urbanization is then performed considering the urbanization factors individually and all together. Finally, the results of both numerical simulations are compared with each other and analyzed. The results of the numerical simulations show that density-dependent groundwater flow, salt transport, and seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer system are intensively and extensively impacted by the urbanization factors. Especially, these urbanization factors result in the changes of the total groundwater volume and salt mass in the coastal aquifer system. However, such impacts of each urbanization factor are not spatially uniform but locally different.


  • Kim, Dae-Won;Trippe, Sascha;Lee, Sang-Sung;Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Jae-Young;Algaba, Juan-Carlos;Hodgson, Jeffrey A.;Kino, Motoki;Zhao, Guang-Yao;Wajima, Kiyoaki;Kang, Sincheol;Oh, Junghwan;Lee, Taeseok;Byun, Do-Young;Kim, Soon-Wook;Kim, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2017
  • We present a study of the inexplicit connection between radio jet activity and ${\gamma}$-ray emission of BL Lacertae (BL Lac; 2200+420). We analyze the long-term millimeter activity of BL Lac via interferometric observations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) obtained at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz simultaneously over three years (from January 2013 to March 2016); during this time, two ${\gamma}$-ray outbursts (in November 2013 and March 2015) can be seen in ${\gamma}$-ray light curves obtained from Fermi observations. The KVN radio core is optically thick at least up to 86 GHz; there is indication that it might be optically thin at higher frequencies. To first order, the radio light curves decay exponentially over the time span covered by our observations, with decay timescales of $411{\pm}85$ days, $352{\pm}79$ days, $310{\pm}57$ days, and $283{\pm}55$ days at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz, respectively. Assuming synchrotron cooling, a cooling time of around one year is consistent with magnetic field strengths $B{\sim}2{\mu}T$ and electron Lorentz factors ${\gamma}$ ~ 10 000. Taking into account that our formal measurement errors include intrinsic variability and thus over-estimate the statistical uncertainties, we find that the decay timescale ${\tau}$ scales with frequency ${\nu}$ like ${\tau}{\propto}{\nu}^{-0.2}$. This relation is much shallower than the one expected from opacity effects (core shift), but in agreement with the (sub-)mm radio core being a standing recollimation shock. We do not find convincing radio flux counterparts to the ${\gamma}$-ray outbursts. The spectral evolution is consistent with the 'generalized shock model' of Valtaoja et al. (1992). A temporary increase in the core opacity and the emergence of a knot around the time of the second ${\gamma}$-ray event indicate that this ${\gamma}$-ray outburst might be an 'orphan' flare powered by the 'ring of fire' mechanism.

Effects of Hook and Bait Types on Bigeye Tuna Catch Rates in the Tuna Longline Fishery (다랑어 연승어업에서 눈다랑어 어획률에 미치는 낚시 및 미끼의 효과)

  • Kim, Soon-Song;Moon, Dae-Yeon;An, Doo-Hae;Hwang, Seon-Jae;Kim, Yeong-Seung;Bigelow, Keith;Curran, Daniel
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2008
  • A pelagic tuna longline research cruise in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean from September to October of 2006 was conducted to compare catch rates with the use of different hook type and bait combinations. Traditional tuna hooks (J 4) and three circle hook types (C15, C16, C18), along with five bait types (chub mackerel (CM), jack mackerel (JM), milkfish (MF), sardine (SD), and squid (SQ)) and hook number as a proxy for hook depth were evaluated for their effect on bigeye tuna catch rates (fish per 1,000 hooks) using Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). Results from 28 sets indicated significant differences in bigeye catch rates between individual longline sets and hook number. The GLM explained 33% of the deviance in bigeye catch rates with these two factors. An alternative model formulation included bait type which had a small effect (explaining 2.7% of the deviance) on catch rates. Hook type had a negligible and non-significant effect in the GLMs. These results indicate that all of the hooks and baits tested are equally effective at catching bigeye tuna and that hook number (depth) was the paramount operational factor in explaining bigeye tuna catch rates.