• Title/Summary/Keyword: fruit-growers

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Health Condition and Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in Fruit-growers (과수작목 농업인의 건강실태 및 근골격계 통증호소율)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ran;Lee, Kyung-Suk;Kim, Hyo-Cher;Ko, Eun-Sook;Song, Eun-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the factors regarding work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in fruit-growers and offer the fundamental data for work improvement. The 587 fruit-growers (409 males and 178 females) working with 5 kinds of fruit: apple, pear, peach, grape, and mandarin participated in a questionnaire survey regarding MSDs and health condition in 2004 and 2005. The results are as follows: 1. Smoking rate was highest in apple growers. 2. Drinking rates were highest in male peach growers and in female grape growers. 3. Regular exercise rates were higher in pear and mandarin growers. 4. Physical and mental fatigue was higher in females than in males in most cases. 5. The prevalence rate of medically diagnosed diseases was highest for osteoarthritis (16.4%), herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP, 13.5%), and chronic gastritis/gastric ulcer (10.5%). As well as, the prevalence of dermatosis was higher in pear and mandarin growers. 6. The prevalence rate of musculoskeletal symptoms among the various pain areas was highest for lower back, shoulders, and knees. The prevalence rate was also high for lower back, shoulder, and knee pain in apple and grape growers. 7. The significant indexes used determining the musculoskeletal symptoms were BMI, working period, and regular exercise. These results can be practically used for work improvement for the fruit-growers to prevent MSDs.

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A Study on Management Performance and Efficiency of New Domestic Kiwi Fruit 'Gold' Growers (국산 참다래 골드 신품종 도입농가의 경영성과 및 경영효율성 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Hyoung;Chae, Yong-Woo;Park, Joo-Sub
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the farms growing domestic kiwi fruit 'Gold' on their management performance and efficiency in order to reduce the risks involved with introducing new kind of crops for growing, and suggest improvements. First, the result of analysis showed that domestic kiwi fruit 'Gold' growers' income were higher than the average growers due to the fruit's high unit price and productivity. Second, the analysis of management efficiency resulted in scale efficiency having greater impact on inefficiency rather than pure technical efficiency. As for the analysis of technical efficiency, the depreciation costs of agricultural facilities had the greatest influence on its inefficiency. Third, inefficient farms put in excessive inputs across the board, while labor costs(self labor cost + hired labor cost) were the largest factor of optimal inputs according to the models of technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency. Fourth, because of greater reliance on mechanical tools from rising labor costs, there's a need for individual farms to avoid buying farming equipments and instead share the equipments of nearby farms and agricultural cooperatives, or start renting agricultural machines from companies.

Current Trends in the Development of Fruit Sorters in Japan

  • Maeda, Hironu;Mizuno, Toshihiro;Kouno, Yoshihide
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.1302-1311
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    • 1993
  • In the 90 years or so since the beginning of the 20 th century , orchard growing and agricultural fields in Japan have undergone considerable change in terms of production volume, a seen in Fig. 1. as this change in volume progressed, sorting and packing machines have also grown from the first wooden tools, almost too simple to be called " machines" into sophisticated devices that bring together diverse technologies such as machinery , electronics, and optics. Nowadays, Japan/s agricultural industry is facing unprecedentedly serious labor shortage and the rapid aging of its experienced growers and producers, In additions, Japan has changed from a society oriented towards high-volume production and consumption to a more selective society which prefers smaller volume with the tastes of naturally ripended produce. With consumer trends changing there is a new demand on the part of growers for equipment that can not only measure the external quality of produce , but can measure inte nal quality as well.

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Breeding of a New Late-season Pear Cultivar 'Mansoo' with Large Sized High Quality and Long Storability (저장력 강한 고품질 대과 만생종 배 '색수(晩秀)' 육성)

  • Kim, Whee-Cheon;Hwang, Hae-Sung;Shin, Il-Sheob;Shin, Yong-Uk;Lee, Don-Kyun;Kang, Sang-Jo;Moon, Jong-Youl;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.66-70
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    • 2001
  • 'Mansoo' is a late-season pear cultivar with extra large and high quality fruit of long storability, which was released by National Horticultural Research Institute in 1995. The cultivar originated from the cross between 'Danbae' and 'Okusankichi' at Suwon in 1978, had been under regional adaptability test at nine areas in the name of 'Wonkyo Na-15' for 4 years since 1992. It was vigorous in tree growth and upright in tree shape. Its flower bud is easily maintained, resulting in higher productivity than 'Danbae' and 'Okusankichi'. It bloomed a day later than 'Niitaka', and showed cross-compatibility with 'Niitaka', 'Chojuro' and some other varieties. Harvesting time of 'Mansoo' is late October in Suwon. The fruit shape is oblate and skin color is light yellowish brown. The fruit weighed 600-700 g and has 12-13% soluble solids content. The flesh is soft, juicy, and has negligible grit. It is resistant to black leaf rot (Alternaria kikuchiana Tanaka).

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Identification of Self-incompatibility Genotypes of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) by PCR and Test Crosses

  • Jun, Ji Hae;Nam, Eun Young;Kwon, Jung Hyun;Chung, Kyeong Ho;Yoon, Ik-Koo;Yun, Seok-Kyu;Shin, Yong-Uk;Kwon, Soon Il
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.368-374
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    • 2011
  • Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars show a gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system, like other fruit species of Rosaceae family. Thus, it is necessary to determine their S-genotypes in order for stable fruit set in commercial cultivation. S-genotypes of apricots were determined by PCR and test crosses. Three sets of consensus primers designed from Prunus S-RNases were used to amplify fragments containing the first and second S-RNase intron, respectively. Through the results obtained from the 3 PCRs, we could identify SI genotypes of 33apricot cultivars. Several cultivars such as 'Heiwa', 'Yamagata No.3' and 'Shinsuoomi' had the self-compatible (Sc) allele. Self-pollination tests revealed that cultivars with Sc allele were self-compatible. Cross-pollination tests confirmed that there was cross-incompatibility between the cultivars with the same S-genotypes. These results might be very useful for growers for effective pollination and for breeders using these in cross breeding programs.

Fruit Quality Characteristics in Second Generation (F2) Hybrid Cultivar of Minipaprika (Capsicum annuum L.)

  • Luitel, Binod Prasad;Lee, Taek Jong;Oyuntugs, Tserendendev;Kang, Won Hee
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2011
  • A field experiment was conducted to examine the fruit quality characters in second generation ($F_2$) hybrid cultivar and to compare the fruit characters with original $F_1$ hybrid cultivar of minipaprika (yellow and orange type) at the Research Farm, Hwacheon in July, 2010. Fruit characters varied within $F_2$ population of each minipaprika type. In minipaprika yellow, fruit weight varied from 12.2 g to 50.8 g (average 28.5 g) and fruit length/width varied from 1.4 to 2.8 (average, 2.0). Pericarp thickness ranged from 1.8 mm to 4.1 mm (average, 2.9 mm). Total soluble solid (TSS) varied from $6.2^{\circ}Brix$ to $13.5^{\circ}Brix$ with an average of $8.7^{\circ}Brix$. Fruit volume varied from 10.3 cc to 46.7 cc with an average of 24.4 cc. In minipaprika orange type, fruit weight ranged from 19.7 g to 42.4 g (average, 29.0 g) and fruit length/width varied from 1.5 to 2.6 (average, 2.0). Pericarp thickness varied from 2.1 mm to 4.1 mm with an average of 3.0 mm. TSS varied from $5.0^{\circ}Brix$ to $12.2^{\circ}Brix$ (average, $7.9^{\circ}Brix$) and average fruit volume was 24.6 cc ranging from 10.7 cc to 35.0 cc. The average fruit quality characters in $F_2$ population in both yellow and orange minipaprika did not differ from their $F_1$ hybrid parent and $F_2$ seed can be an additional way to supply high yielding hybrid cultivars at lower cost to the minipaprika growers.

Comparative phenolic compound profiles and antioxidative activity of the fruit, leaves, and roots of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) according to cultivation years

  • Chung, Ill-Min;Lim, Ju-Jin;Ahn, Mun-Seob;Jeong, Haet-Nim;An, Tae-Jin;Kim, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2016
  • Background: The study of phenolic compounds profiles and antioxidative activity in ginseng fruit, leaves, and roots with respect to cultivation years, and has been little reported to date. Hence, this study examined the phenolic compounds profiles and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free-radical-scavenging activities in the fruit, leaves, and roots of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) as a function of cultivation year. Methods: Profiling of 23 phenolic compounds in ginseng fruit, leaves, and roots was investigated using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with the external calibration method. Antioxidative activity of ginseng fruit, leaves, and roots were evaluated using the method of DPPH free-radical-scavenging activity. Results: The total phenol content in ginseng fruit and leaves was higher than in ginseng roots (p < 0.05), and the phenol content in the ginseng samples was significantly correlated to the DPPH free-radical-scavenging activity ($r=0.928^{****}$). In particular, p-coumaric acid ($r=0.847^{****}$) and ferulic acid ($r=0.742^{****}$) greatly affected the DPPH activity. Among the 23 phenolic compounds studied, phenolic acids were more abundant in ginseng fruit, leaves, and roots than the flavonoids and other compounds (p < 0.05). In particular, chlorogenic acid, gentisic acid, p- and m-coumaric acid, and rutin were the major phenolic compounds in 3e6-yr-old ginseng fruit, leaves, and roots. Conclusion: This study provides basic information about the antioxidative activity and phenolic compounds profiles in fruit, leaves, and roots of Korean ginseng with cultivation years. This information is potentially useful to ginseng growers and industries involved in the production of high-quality and nutritional ginseng products.

Survey of Physiological Disorders in Greenhouse Fruit Vegetables in Kyungbuk Province (경북지방 시설과채류의 생리장해 발생조사)

  • Hwang, Jae Moon;Um, Jeong;Yi, Young Keun
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.737-741
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    • 1999
  • We surveyed the physiological disorders of fruit vegetables grown in the greenhouse in Kyungbuk province in 1998. Greenhouses used for cultivation were mostly single or multi-span iron pipe houses covered with polyethylene film. Single span greenhouses were used for strawberry, oriental melon and watermelon. Fifty six percent of the surveyed farms was a mono-cropping system for oriental melon and tomato. There were greenhouses used for successive cultivation for 10 years or more for strawberry and oriental melon in Koryeong and Seongju. Varieties of fruit vegetables cultivated were diverse, especially in cucumber and watermelon. In strawberry, malformed fruits were observed most frequently in March and the small fruits at late harvest period. Leaf chlorosis, stunt plants and runner outbreak were also found during the growing season. In tomato, occurrence of malformed fruits was severe from March to May, and occurrence of cracked fruits and blossom- end rot was also severe in October and November. The self topping and abnormal stem in tomato were problem in hydroponic cultures in August and November, respectively. Malformed cucumber fruits, such as curved, club shaped, irregular shaped and narrow necked, occurred at late season. Umbrella-shaped leaf in cucumber in summer were caused by calcium deficiency. Most serious disorders were fermented and malformed fruits occurring from March to May in oriental melon, and cracked fruits occurring from April to May in watermelon. At late growing stage of melons the leaf chlorosis occurred with complex symptoms of leaf disease. Growers had little knowledge on physiological disorders, and also on diagnose and measures to cure the disorders. Most growers pointed out that poor soil environment and temperature management in the greenhouse as the main causes of physiological disorders.

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Effects of Elevated Spring Temperatures on the Growth and Fruit Quality of the Mandarin Hybrid 'Shiranuhi' (봄철 가온처리가 부지화의 생장과 과실품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Young-Eel;Kang, Seok-Beom;Han, Seung-Gab;Kim, Yong-Ho;Choi, Young-Hun;Koh, Seok Chan;Oh, Soonja
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2015
  • The effects of elevated spring temperatures on the growth and fruit quality of the mandarin hybrid 'Shiranuhi' [(Citrus unshiu ${\times}$ C. sinensis) ${\times}$ C. reticulata] were investigated in plastic greenhouses, to develop a cropping system to improve the quality of the fruit and increase the income of growers on Jeju Island, South Korea. Under conditions of elevated temperature I ($25/15^{\circ}C$, day/night) and elevated temperature II ($28/18^{\circ}C$, day/night) during early spring, budburst was advanced by 11 and 15 d, and full bloom by 22 and 45 d, respectively, compared to those of the plants grown at ambient air temperature in a plastic greenhouse. Elevated temperatures decreased the number of spring shoots but increased mean spring shoot length and leaf area. Growing 'Shiranuhi' trees at elevated temperatures resulted in increases in mean fruit weight and fruit L/D ratio (> 1.0). In addition, fruit color development was significantly advanced in trees grown under elevated temperatures during early spring, which allowed the fruit to be harvested 1-2 months earlier than trees grown under ambient air temperature. Fruit soluble solids content (SSC) and titratable acidity (TA) at harvest were similar between elevated temperature I and ambient air temperature, but were significantly higher than at elevated temperature II. Considering fruit quality, harvest time, and yield, the elevated temperature treatment regime of $25/15^{\circ}C$ (day/night) during early spring could be useful for cultivation of the mandarin hybrid 'Shiranuhi' to increase the income of growers.

Breeding of Middle Season Pear Cultivar 'Shinil' with Attractive Appearance for Chuseok Season (외관(外觀)이 수려한 추석(秋夕) 출하용 중생종 배 '신일(新一)' 육성(育成))

  • Kim, Whee-Cheon;Hwang, Hae-Sung;Shin, Yong-Uk;Shin, Il-Sheob;Lee, Don-Kyun;Kang, Sang-Jo;Cheon, Byung-Deok;Moon, Jong-Youl;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2001
  • 'Shinil' pear cultivar (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) which was originated in a cross between 'Shinko' (non-patented, released in 1941) and 'Hosui' (non-patented, released in 1972) in 1978 was released as a middle season harvest variety. Its usual picking time coincided with 'Chuseok' season which is one of the most famous national holiday in Korea. The fruit showed high soluble solids content and good appearance. The cultivar was preliminarily selected in 1991, and its regional adaptability was evaluated in the name of 'Wonkyo Na-13' at 9 sites for four years from 1992, and finally selected and named in 1995. 'Shinil' is medium in tree vigor like 'Hosui' and spreading in tree habit as 'Niitaka', a leading cultivar in Korea, and consistently very productive. It has high resistance to black rot caused by Alternaria kikuchiana and pear necrotic spot caused by pear necrotic spot virus. Its full bloom is one day earlier than that of 'Niitaka' cultivar and harvest time is September 25 at Suwon area which is 3 days later than that of 'Hosui'. Fruit is round in shape with a deep medium stalk cavity and medium calyx basin and has attractive light yellow brown skin color. The fruit weight ranges between 300 and 400 g, which is similar to 'Chojuro', 'Shinko', and 'Hosui'. Soluble solid content is approximately at the level of 13-14 Brix, which is higher than that of 'Chojuro'. The flesh is cream-white, very juicy, and light grit with soft and fine texture.

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