• Title/Summary/Keyword: food and nutrition label

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Analysis of the Difference in Nutrients Intake, Dietary Behaviors and Food Intake Frequency of Single- and Non Single-Person Households: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), 2014-2016 (1인가구와 다인가구의 영양소섭취, 식행동 및 식품섭취빈도에 대한 차이분석 : 제 6, 7기 국민건강영양조사(2014~2016)자료 활용)

  • Kang, Na-Yeon;Jung, Bok-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study was performed to compare the dietary life of single- and non single-person households in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods: A nationally representative sample of 20,421 19-64-year-olds who had 24-hour recall data was taken from the 2014-2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Single- and non single-persons were compared for nutrient intake, dietary behaviors, food consumption patterns, nutrition education and confirm nutrition label. Results: The dietary intakes of dietary fiber and iron were lower in single-person households than in non single-person households. The lower the level of education and income, the lower the nutrient intake of single-person households. In the case of those aged 19 to 29, the breakfast skipping rate was higher in single-person households than in non single-person households. The higher the education level, the higher the breakfast skipping rate and the eating out frequency in the single-person households. In the food intake survey, the frequency of healthy food intake in single-person households was much lower than that of non single-person households. The confirmation rate of nutrition labeling was lower in single-person households than in non single-person households. Conclusions: This study shows that single-person households have poorer health-nutritional behaviors than multi-person households. Therefore, a nutrition education program based on the data of this study needs to be developed for health promotion of single-person households.

Consumer Preference for the Types of Labels of Cereal Products and Purchase Intention of Nutrition-labeled Products (시리얼제품의 표시유형별 선호와 영양표시 제품의 구매의도)

  • You, So-Ye;Park, Myeong Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.327-342
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study were to explore consumer preference for the types of nutrition label of cereal products and to identify some influencing factors on purchase intention and choice probability of nutrition-labeled products. First, most of the respondents preferred the nutrition fact panel with traffic light-GDA(TL-GDA), while the nutrition fact panel only type and the nutrition fact panel with front-of-package(FOP) type were preferred by few respondents. However, consumers evaluated higher for TL-GDA type and FOP symbol type, while the nutrition fact panel only type was evaluated much lower. Second, consumer preference for label types was partially related with 'eating breakfast' and consumer evaluations of the types of labels for the nutrition fact panel only and the nutrition fact panel with FOP were found to be significantly different by gender. Lastly, both purchase intention and choice probability for nutrition-labeled products were found to be significantly influenced by information search and product attitude. In addition, choice probability was found to be significantly influenced by individual characteristics such as gender and grade. It is necessary to find the relationship between nutrition labels and consumer response as this can help consumers make a better choice of food as well as providing some useful information on consumers to the related parties such as companies and consumer organizations.

A Study on Dietary Behaviors, Health-Related Lifestyle of Adult Visitors at Public Health Centers in Gyeonggi Urban Area (경기 도시 지역 보건소 성인 방문자의 식생활과 건강 관련 라이프스타일 조사)

  • Kwon, Jong-Sook;Kim, Kyungmin;Seo, Hyun-Chang;Lee, Yoonna;Lim, Seunggeon;Choi, Young-Sug
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.611-625
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate dietary behaviors and health-related lifestyles of adult visitors at a public health center in Gyeonggi urban area. A survey using questionnaire was conducted with 949 visitors at Seongnam public health centers from June to August, 2012. The data from 905 respondents were analyzed by gender, consisting of 322 males and 583 females, and age group, consisting of 243 low-age group (LA), 312 middle-age group (MA), 350 high-age group (HA), aged 20 to 30 years, 31 to 50 years, and 51 to 69 years, respectively. Average Body Mass Index was 23.0, which increased with age, and education level was high in LA. 59.0 percent of the subjects had various diseases, and the incidence of hypertension was the highest, followed by allergy, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, joint rheumatism. Incidence rates of chronic disease increased with age, which were lower than those from 2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Weekly drinking frequency rate and smoking rate decreased with age, and exercise performing rate was high at male and HA, which showed the same tendency as KNHANES. Female and HA showed more healthy dietary behaviors such as restricting salt, sugar, oily foods, foods containing food additives, calorie, caring for balanced diet, and referring to nutrition label. Subjects chose stress as the first factor, followed by diet, exercise, etc., among 13 suggested factors which strongly influence on human's life-span. In general, public health center visitors, especially female and HA, showed better dietary behaviors and health-related lifestyles compared with KNHANES.

College Students' Dietary Behavior for Processed Foods and the Level of Perception on Food Labeling Systems According to the Level of Nutrition Knowledge in Won Ju Province (원주지역 대학생의 영양지식에 따른 가공식품 관련 식행동과 식품표시 인식)

  • Won, Hyang-Rye;Yun, Hye-Ryoung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.379-393
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    • 2011
  • This study compared the college students' dietary behavior for processed foods, who will be the main consumers in the future and looked for the measures to understand and establish the right food labeling system by surveying the level of understanding and utilization of food labeling. The data was analysed by SPSS win 17.0 program, and the results are as follows. For the standard of selecting processed foods, the group with high nutrition knowledge considered the reliability of foods as important and the group with low nutrition knowledge considered the products introduced in TV commercial as important. When purchasing processed foods, the group with high nutrition knowledge considered nutrition, taste, price, appearance(shape), and the consumable period more than the group with low nutrition knowledge. For trans fat, the group with high nutrition knowledge learned more about it than the group with low nutrition knowledge. The ratio of confirming food nutrition label was higher in the group with high nutrition knowledge. Regarding the level of confirming individual food labels, the highest level was for milk and dairy products. And there was significant difference for the processed products of meat, cookies, bread and noodles. It was found that the level of confirmation was higher in the group with high nutrition knowledge. And the most important indication for individual food product was the consumable period. To preserve the purchased foods, the group with high nutrition knowledge preserve the foods in line with the description written on the food cover sheet, and this group used to return or exchange the products when they found them spoiled or purchased by mistake. The group with high nutrition knowledge knew more about the nutrition indication than the group with low nutrition knowledge. The necessity of nutrition indication for processed foods and the need of education and PR(Public Relation) were acknowledged higher in the group with high nutrition knowledge. For the effect of nutrition indication, it showed that the group with high nutrition knowledge thought it would improve the quality and the group with low nutrition knowledge thought it would be helpful when comparing the product with others. The group with high nutrition knowledge showed higher understanding level about nutrition indication than the group with low nutrition knowledge.

Relationship Between Prevalence of Allergic Diseases and Recognition of Food Nutrition Labeling (알레르기 질환 진단 경험과 식품 영양표시 인지의 관련성)

  • Han, Yun-su;Jung, Woo-young;Hwang, Yun-tae;Kim, Ji-yeon;Lee, Yejin;Kwon, Ohwi;Noh, Jin-won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.434-444
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    • 2019
  • Prevalence of allergic diseases is influenced by environment and dietary life. It is key to improve daily food life to relieve them. Food nutrition labeling is useful to do it by offering nutrition information. The purpose of the study is to find relationship between experience of diagnosis of allergic diseases and recognition of food nutrition labeling. The data of 4,928 people with experience on diagnosis allergic rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis of 2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey was used. According to the result of binary logistic regression analysis, those who had experience in being diagnosed with an allergy showed high awareness in food labels. There were differences between allergy diagnosis groups and allergy non-diagnosis in affecting factors of residence, income level, subjective health status and body-shape perception. Support measures are needed to enhance access and convenience to nutrition education and nutrition labeling to support nutrition labeling utilization.

Study on the Establishment of Nutrient Requirements for Commercial Supplementary Foods for Infants and Young Children (국내 시판 이유식류의 영양성분규격 설정 방안)

  • 김동연;김경희;최혜미
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.624-632
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to evaluated the nutrition quality of the commercial supplementary foods for infants and young children and to seek a solution to the establishment of standards of nutrient requirements for supplementary foods in Korea. Information on food ingredients, nutrient contents, claims about usefulness of food components and instructions for feeding preparation were obtained from the labels of 33 commercial supplementary foods manufactured by 4 different domestic companies. According to the standard of supplementary foods for infants and young children described in the Korean Food Code, the commercial supplementary foods were categorized into two different types, weaning food and baby food. All the commercial weaning foods were in powder form and mainly composed of cereals, whereas all the baby foods were mainly composed of fruits in the form of canned juice. The weaning foods contained more nutrients than the baby foods did, and the nutrient levels of the weaning foods expressed as nutrient density on energy basis were higher than the RDA for infants aged 5 to 11 months, suggesting that the commercial weaning foods provide adequate amounts of nutrients. If one followed the instructions for feeding preparation appearing on the label, however, recommended amounts of intake of the weaning foods would provide too much energy as well as nutrients. There were many differences in nutrient standards of weaning foods between the Korean Food Code and Codex international food standard. In conclusion, the establishment of standards for nutrient requirements for the supplementary foods requires significant scientific studies on what nutrients are the most inadequate in Korean infants and young children feeds and what levels of nutrients should be added to the foods in order to supplement their nutrition. In addition, it is very important to have a strong scientific basis to support our standard when discrepancies exist between our standard and the international standard. (Korean J Community Nutrition 2(4) : 624-632, 1997)

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Understanding and Importance-Performance Analysis of Food Allergen Labeling System (알레르기 유발식품 표시의 이해도와 중요도-수행도 분석 -서울·경기지역의 식품업체 종사자를 대상으로-)

  • Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Chung, Myung-Sub;Park, Si-Eun;Paik, Jin-Kyoung;Hong, Wan-Soo
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze food allergy labelling for the arrangement of improvement plans. Survey was done as a quantitative research targeting food industry employees with 399 random workers in Seoul and Gyonggi area. The data was analyzed using SPSS windows (ver. 12.0) for frequency analysis, t-test and factor analysis. The importance and performance of the food allergen labelling were divided by 15 items. Only 43.1% of the workers understood the operation allergic food labels. The first improvement on allergic food labels was "using boldface for food allergen labes". The importance of all of these factors was significantly higher than performance. The selection attributes with relatively low the performance but high importance(2 quadrant) were "consumer education for allergic food labels" and "training of professional counselors on food allergy". Therefore, the factors to be improved through the IPA were consumer education and training of professional counselors. With this research and extended efforts for revision of laws, reliability of food industry and accuracy of food labelling would improve, thereby boosting the productive commercial activities in labelling code.

Perception and Utilization of Food Labeling System of Middle School Students in Gwangju (광주지역 중학생의 식품표시에 대한 인식 및 이용실태)

  • Kim, Yun-Ji;Jeon, Eun-Raye;Yoo, Maeng-Ja;Jung, Lan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.796-806
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate dietary attitude, and nutritional knowledge of middle school students in Gwangju and examine their perception and utilization of food labeling systems. The total and mean dietary attitude scores were 75 and 49.47, respectively. The total and mean nutrition knowledge scores were 15 and 10.88, respectively. Girls showed significantly higher nutrition knowledge than boys (p<0.01). Overall, 62.9% of respondents checked food labeling, and there were significant differences in dietary attitudes among groups that did and did not checking labeling (p<0.001), with higher dietary attitude being associated with checking the label. Moreover, higher nutritional knowledge was associated with checking the food label. Individuals who checked the food label considered the expiration date (54.9%), product name (14.4%) and price (10.2%). The main reasons for checking food labeling were (in descending order) to confirm the expiration date (61.6%), determine the ingredients and nutritional information, learn how to store the product, and compare the price and weight with other products. The overall satisfaction with the food labeling system was 16.20 out of 30, and significant differences (p<0.001) were observed among individuals with high, moderate and low dietary attitudes, as indicated by satisfaction scores of 17.54, 16.32 and 14.86, respectively. Individuals with high, moderate and low dietary attitudes had nutritional knowledge scores of 15.79, 16.08, and 17.08 respectively. The overall score for understanding nutrition labeling was 4.71 out of 7, and the understanding differed significantly among groups (p<0.01), with those with moderate food attitudes having the highest score.

Association between Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake and Dietary Quality using Nutritional Quotient among Adults in Daegu, Korea (대구지역 성인의 가당음료 섭취와 영양지수를 활용한 식사의 질과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Kilye;Lee, Yeon-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.350-362
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study investigated an association between sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake and the dietary quality of adults in Deagu, Korea. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in 1,022 adults aged 19 ~ 49 years (502 men and 520 women) in the Deagu area of Korea. Daily intake of SSB was obtained by the food frequency questionnaire, and the dietary quality was assessed using the nutrition quotient (NQ) for Korean adults. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the association between dietary quality and daily intake of SSB in adults. Results: Daily intake of SSB was 463.6 mL/d for total subjects, and the highest intakes were sweetened coffees (192.7 mL/d), followed by carbonated drinks (77.1 mL/d). Higher intake of SSB was associated with higher intake frequency of fast food or sweet and greasy bread, processed beverage, ramyon, eating out or delivery food and night snack, and also associated with lower frequency of water, breakfast intake and nutrition label checking in men or women. Men and women who had a higher intake SSB had significantly greater odds for being in the low grade of NQ (P for trend = 0.0006 for men, P for trend = 0.0007 for women), especially in the moderation factor (P for trend < 0.0001 for men and women). Conclusions: This study showed that high SSB intake was significantly associated with low dietary quality among adults. These study results suggest that nutrition education programs and guidelines should be provided to adults for improving their consumption of SSB and related diets.

The association between nutrition label utilization and disease management education among hypertension or diabetes diagnosed in Korea using 2018 Community Health Survey: a cross-sectional study (고혈압·당뇨병 진단자의 영양표시 활용과 질환관리교육의 연관성: 2018년 지역사회건강조사 자료를 활용한 횡단연구)

  • Miran Jin;Jayeun Kim;Kyuhyun Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study examined the association between the experience of disease management education and the use of nutrition labels according to the sociodemographic characteristics and health behaviors of people diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes living in the community. Methods: Among the participants from the Community Health Survey (2018), 74,283 individuals diagnosed with hypertension or diabetes were included in the study population. According to gender, this study evaluated nutrition label use by the experience of disease management education, individual sociodemographic characteristics, and health behavior. Finally, using multiple logistic regression analysis, the association between disease management education and nutrition labels was calculated using the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Males (24.5%) experienced more disease management education than females (22.6%). In addition, younger age, higher education level, and higher equalized personal income experienced more disease management education (P < 0.001). The educational experience rate was higher in the male subjects who did not smoke or were involved in high-risk alcohol consumption (P < 0.001). In addition, the rate of disease management education experience was significantly higher for both men and women who exercised by walking (P < 0.001). The use of nutrition labels was higher in females (9.9%) than males (5.8%), and both males and females were significantly higher in young age, high education, high income, and professional and office positions (P < 0.001). The utilization rate of nutrition labels was high in non-smoking male subjects and high-risk-drinking female subjects. In addition, the utilization rate of nutrition labels was significantly higher in males and females who exercised by walking and those who experienced disease management education (P < 0.001). After adjusting for individual sociodemographic characteristics, health behavior, and disease management education, the use of nutrition labels was high among females (OR 3.19, 95% CI 2.85-3.58), high income (Q4; OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.41-1.87, Q5; OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.37-1.84) and highly educated (high school; OR 2.87, 95% CI 2.62-3.14, above college; OR 5.60, 95% CI 5.02-6.23) while it was low in the elderly (OR 0.43, 95% CI 0.40-0.47), and economically inactive (OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.76-0.96). The use of nutrition labels was high in non-smokers (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.13-1.48), nonhigh-risk drinkers (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.08-1.38), and subjects who exercised walking (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.34-1.54). There was no difference in the utilization rate of nutrition labels according to obesity, and the utilization rate of nutrition labels was significantly higher in subjects who had experienced disease education (OR 1.34, 95% CI 1.24-1.44). Conclusions: Education on the use of nutrition labels, which contributes to food selection for healthy eating, might be a tool for dietary management. Moreover, the utilization rate can be a good indicator for predicting the proportion of the population practicing the guide for disease management. Improving the utilization rate of nutrition labels through disease management education can be a useful intervention for people with chronic diseases who need healthy eating habits for disease management and preventing complications, particularly those diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes.