• 제목/요약/키워드: flat band voltage shift

검색결과 30건 처리시간 0.027초

Analysis of Flat-Band-Voltage Dependent Breakdown Voltage for 10 nm Double Gate MOSFET

  • Jung, Hakkee;Dimitrijev, Sima
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2018
  • The existing modeling of avalanche dominated breakdown in double gate MOSFETs (DGMOSFETs) is not relevant for 10 nm gate lengths, because the avalanche mechanism does not occur when the channel length approaches the carrier scattering length. This paper focuses on the punch through mechanism to analyze the breakdown characteristics in 10 nm DGMOSFETs. The analysis is based on an analytical model for the thermionic-emission and tunneling currents, which is based on two-dimensional distributions of the electric potential, obtained from the Poisson equation, and the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation for the tunneling probability. The analysis shows that corresponding flat-band-voltage for fixed threshold voltage has a significant impact on the breakdown voltage. To investigate ambiguousness of number of dopants in channel, we compared breakdown voltages of high doping and undoped DGMOSFET and show undoped DGMOSFET is more realistic due to simple flat-band-voltage shift. Given that the flat-band-voltage is a process dependent parameter, the new model can be used to quantify the impact of process-parameter fluctuations on the breakdown voltage.

Silicon Nitride Films Prepared at a Low Temperature (${\leq}200^{\circ}C$) for Gate Dielectric of Flexible Display

  • Lee, Kyoung-Min;Hwang, Jae-Dam;Lee, Youn-Jin;Hong, Wan-Shick
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보디스플레이학회 2009년도 9th International Meeting on Information Display
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    • pp.1402-1404
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    • 2009
  • The silicon nitride films for gate dielectric were deposited by catalytic chemical vapor deposition at low temperature (${\leq}200^{\circ}C$). The mixture of $SiH_4$, $NH_3$ and $H_2$ was used as source gases. The current-voltage (I-V) and the capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the films were measured. The breakdown voltage and the flat band voltage shift of samples were improved by increase of the $NH_3$ contents and $H_2$ dilution ratio. The defect states were analyzed by photoluminescence (PL) spectra. As the defect states decreased, the breakdown voltage and the flat band voltage shift increased.

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Pt-MIS Capacitor 소자의 수소가스 검지특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Hydrogen Detection Characteristics of the Pt-MIS Capacitor Device)

  • 권경환;이승환;김영환;이동희;성영권
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1997년도 추계학술대회 논문집 학회본부
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    • pp.333-335
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    • 1997
  • This paper was performed to investigate the characteristic of the Pt-MIS(Metal Insulator Semiconductor) capacitor composed of the LPCVD nitride on the oxide for the hydrogen gas detection. Pt was used as catalytic metal for detecting the hydrogen gas and the flat band voltage shift was measured at various hydrogen concentration and catalytic metal thickness. We found the flat band voltage shift was proportional to the hydrogen concentration and catalytic metal thickness was little effect to the response time.

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LPCVD 질화막을 이용한 MIS 소자의 수소가스 검지 특성 (Hydrogen Detection Characteristics of the MIS Structure Using the LPCVD Silicon Nitride)

  • 권경환;이승환;김명환;이동희;성영권
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1997년도 하계학술대회 논문집 C
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    • pp.1264-1266
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    • 1997
  • This paper reports the characteristic of tile MIS structure composed of the LPCVD nitride on the oxide for the hydrogen gas detection. Pt was used as catalytic metal for detecting the hydrogen gas and the flat band voltage shift was measured at various hydrogen concentration. We found the flat band voltage shift was proportional to the hydrogen concentration.

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Influence of the hydrogen post-annealing on the electrical properties of metal/alumina/silicon-nitride/silicon-oxide/silicon capacitors for flash memories

  • Kim, Hee-Dong;An, Ho-Myoung;Seo, Yu-Jeong;Zhang, Yong-Jie;Kim, Tae-Geun
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.21
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    • pp.122-122
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    • 2008
  • Recently, Metal/Alumina/Silicon-Nitride/Silicon-Oxide/Silicon (MANOS) structures are one of the most attractive candidates to realize vertical scaling of high-density NAND flash memory [1]. However, as ANO layers are miniaturized, negative and positive bias temperature instability (NBTI/PBTI), such as the flat band voltage shift, ${\Delta}V_{FB}$, the interfacial trap density increase, ${\Delta}D_{it}$, the gate leakage current, ${\Delta}I_G$. and the retention characteristics, in MONOS capacitors, becomes an important issue in terms of reliability. It is well known that tunnel oxide degradation is a result of the oxide and interfacial traps generation during FN (Fowler-Nordheim) stress [2]. Because the bias temperature stress causes an increase of both interfacial-traps and fixed oxide charge could be a factor, witch can degrade device reliability during the program and erase operation. However, few studies on NBTI/PBTI have been conducted on improving the reliability of MONOS devices. In this work, we investigate the effect of post-annealing gas on bias temperature instability (BTI), such as the flat band voltage shift, ${\Delta}V_{FB}$, the interfacial trap density shift, ${\Delta}I_G$ retention characteristics, and the gate leakage current characteristics of MANOS capacitors. MANOS samples annealed at $950^{\circ}C$ for 30 s by a rapid thermal process were treated via additional annealing in a furnace, using annealing gases $N_2$ and $N_2-H_2$ (2 % hydrogen and 98 % nitrogen mixture gases) at $450^{\circ}C$ for 30 min. MANOS samples annealed in $N_2-H_2$ ambient had the lowest flat band voltage shift, ${\Delta}V_{FB}$ = 1.09/0.63 V at the program/erase state, and the good retention characteristics, 123/84 mV/decade at the program/erase state more than the sample annealed at $N_2$ ambient.

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급속 열처리 공정에 의한 초박막 재산화 질화산화막의 유전 특성 (Dielectrical Characteristics of Ultrathin Reoxidized Nitrided Oxides by Rapid Thermal Process)

  • 이용재;안점영
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제16권11호
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    • pp.1179-1185
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    • 1991
  • 초박막 재산화 질화산화막을 $1050^{\circ}C-1100^{\circ}C$ 온도에서 20, 40초 동안 산소 분위기에서 램프 가열 방법의 급속 열처리 공정에 의해 형성 시켰다. 초박막의 전기적 특성은 누설전류, 항복전압, 시간종속 항복과 F-N 관통을 분석 하였다. 질화와 재산화 조건에 따른 전하포획의 의존성 즉 고전계 스트레스에 유기되는 항복전하량$(Q_{BD})$ 증가 여부와 평탄대역 전압이동$(\DeltaV_{FB})$을 연구하였다. 분석 결과에 의하면, 급속 열처리 재산화시 유전적 성질이 상당히 개선되었고, 항복전하량은 증가되었으며, 평탄대역전압은 감소 되었다.

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Ni/CNT/SiO2 구조의 4H-SiC MIS 캐패시터의 전기적 특성 (Electrical characteristics of 4H-SiC MIS Capacitors With Ni/CNT/SiO2 Structure)

  • 이태섭;구상모
    • 전기전자학회논문지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.620-624
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구에서는, Ni/CNT/$SiO_2$ 구조의 4H-SiC MIS 캐패시터를 제작하고 전기적 특성을 조사하였다. 이를 통하여 4H-SiC MIS 소자에서 탄소나노튜브의 역할을 분석하고자 하였다. 탄소나노튜브는 이소프로필알코올과 혼합하여 $SiO_2$ 표면에 분산하였다. 소자의 전기적 특성 분석을 위하여 300-500K의 온도 범위에서 소자의 정전용량-전압 특성을 측정하였다. 밴드 평탄화 전압은 양의 방향으로 shift되었다. 정전용량-전압 그래프로부터 계면 포획 전하 밀도 및 산화막 포획 전하 밀도가 유도되었다. 산화막의 상태는 4H-SiC MIS 구조의 계면에서 전하 반송자 또는 결함 상태와 관련된다. 온도가 증가함에 따라 밴드 평탄화 전압은 음의 방향으로 shift되는 결과를 얻었다. 실험 결과로부터, Ni과 $SiO_2$ 계면에 탄소나노튜브를 첨가함에 따라 4H-SiC MIS 캐패시터의 게이트 특성을 조절 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

Pt-MIS 커패시터 소자의 수소가스 검지특성 연구 (A Study on Hydrogen Detection Characteristics of the Pt-MIS Capacitor Device)

  • 성영권;이승환;고중혁;이동희
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기물성ㆍ응용부문C
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1999
  • The characteristics of $H_2$ gas detection have been investigated using the Pt-MIS capacitor composed of the LPCVD nitride on the oxide. The flat band voltage shift is measured as 0.1 V in 1,000 ppm $H_2$ gas ambient and to be independent of Pt catalyst thickness. It is found that the flatband voltage shift is proportional to the hydrogen concentrations. The response and recovery time of Pt-MIS capacitor are 5 mins and 25 mins respectively. The samples of 30nm thick Pt revealed much higher sensitivity than that of 150nm samples. The samples of 150nm Pt showed that the flatband voltage shift of the device is due to the formation of the dipole layer of the adsorbed hydrogen atoms at the Pt-insulator interface.

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증착시 도핑된 비정질 Si 게이트를 갖는 MOS 캐패시터와 트랜지스터의 전기적 특성 (Electrical Properties of MOS Capacitors and Transistors with in-situ doped Amorphous Si Gate)

  • 이상돈;이현창;김재성;김봉렬
    • 전자공학회논문지A
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    • 제31A권6호
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, The electrical properties of MOS capacitors and transistoras with gate of in-situ doped amorphous Si and poly Si doped by POCI$_3$. Under constant current F-N stress, MOS capacitors with in-situ doped amorphous Si gate have shown the best resistance to degradation in reliabilty properties such as increase of leakage current, shift of gate voltage (V$_{g}$). shift of flat band voltage (V$_{fb}$) and charge to breakdown(Q$_{bd}$). Also, MOSFETs with in-situ doped amorphous Si gate have shown to have less degradation in transistor properties such as threshold voltage, transconductance and drain current. These improvements observed in MOS devices with in-situ doped amorphous Si gate is attributed to less local thinning spots at the gate/SiO$_2$ interface, caused by the large grain size and the smoothness of the surface at the gate/SiO$_2$ interface.

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$Al_2{O_3}$절연박막의 형성과 그 활용방안에 관한 연구 (A study on the growth of $Al_2{O_3}$ insulation films and its application)

  • 김종열;정종척;박용희;성만영
    • E2M - 전기 전자와 첨단 소재
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 1994
  • Aluminum oxide($Al_2{O_3}$) offers some unique advantages over the conventional silicon dioxide( $SiO_{2}$) gate insulator: greater resistance to ionic motion, better radiation hardness, possibility of obtaining low threshold voltage MOS FETs, and possibility of use as the gate insulator in nonvolatile memory devices. We have undertaken a study of the dielectric breakdown of $Al_2{O_3}$ on Si deposited by GAIVBE technique. In our experiments, we have varied the $Al_2{O_3}$ thickness from 300.angs. to 1400.angs. The resistivity of $Al_2{O_3}$ films varies from 108 ohm-cm for films less than 100.angs. to 10$_{13}$ ohm-cm for flims on the order of 1000.angs. The flat band shift is positive, indicating negative charging of oxide. The magnitude of the flat band shift is less for negative bias than for positive bias. The relative dielectric constant was 8.5-10.5 and the electric breakdown fields were 6-7 MV/cm(+bias) and 11-12 MV/cm (-bias).

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