• Title/Summary/Keyword: first symptom

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A Clinical Study on the Diagnosis and Observation of Functional Dyspepsia - Focused on Algometer

  • Gi-Hwan Rho;Gyu-Ho Choi;Sang-Hyun Lee;Hyeon-Min Noh;Seo-Hyung Choi
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study aimed to determine whether comparing the pressure pain threshold (PPT) with an algometer before and after treatment for functional dyspepsia is of diagnostic value and investigate a possible correlation between PPT measured using an algometer and symptom improvement before and after treatment. Methods: A total of 99 patients with functional dyspepsia symptoms admitted to the OO Korean Medical Hospital from April 14, 2020 to January 21, 2021 were investigated. On the 1st and 14th days of hospitalization, the pressure of the first pain complaint at acupuncture points Juque (巨厥, CV14), Shangwan (上脘, CV13), Zhongwan (中脘, CV12), Xiawan (下脘, CV10), Guanuan (關元, CV4), Tianshu (天樞, ST25), and Daju (大巨, ST27) was measured using the algometer, and the visual analog scale (VAS) scores for patient's symptoms were evaluated. The algometer PPT and patient-symptom VAS scores were compared by repeated measures corresponding to the sample t-test to analyze the changes after treatment. A correlation analysis was performed to identify the correlation between patient-symptom VAS scores and algometer PPT. Results: The PPT measured using the algometer significantly increased after treatment in the 99 patients. The patient-symptom VAS score decreased significantly in most cases as treatment progressed. Analysis of the correlation between algometer PPT and patient-symptom VAS scores revealed some notable negative correlations. Conclusion: The algometer can help to set the diagnostic and treatment baselines for patients with functional dyspepsia.

The effect of job insecurity, employment type and monthly income on depressive symptom: analysis of Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging data

  • Myeong-Hun Lim;Jong-Uk Won;Won-Tae Lee;Min-Seok Kim;Seong-Uk Baek;Jin-Ha Yoon
    • Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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    • v.34
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    • pp.24.1-24.13
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    • 2022
  • Background: In modern society, depression is serious issue that causes socioeconomic and family burden. To decrease the incidence of depression, risk factors should be identified and managed. Among many risk factors for depression, this study examined socioeconomic risk factors for depression. Methods: We utilized first (2006), second (2008), and third (2010)-wave data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA). Depressive symptom was measured with the 10-item Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, Short Form (CES-D-10) in the survey in 2008 and 2010. Three risk factors including job security, employment type and monthly income were measured in the survey in 2006. The association between risk factors and depressive symptom was analyzed by Cox proportional-hazard model. Results: We analyzed data from 1,105 workers and hazard ratios (HRs) for 3 risk factors were significant entirely. In addition, regular worker with high income group is the most vulnerable group of poor job insecurity on depression among male workers (HR: 1.73; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07-2.81). Finally, HRs for 7 groups who had at least 1 risk factor had higher HRs compared to groups who had no risk factors after stratifying 3 risk factors. In the analysis, significantly vulnerable groups were total 5 groups and the group who had highest HR was temporary/daily workers with poor job security (HR: 2.51; 95% CI: 1.36-4.64). The results concerning women, regardless of job type, were non-significant. Conclusions: This study presented one or more risk factors among poor job security, low income, temporary/daily employment type increase hazard for depressive symptom in 2 or 4 years after the exposure. These results inform policy to screen for and protect against the risk of depression in vulnerable groups.

A Study on the Symptom Distress and Suffering of Five Major Cancer Patients (암질병에 따른 암환자의 불편감과 고통에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Mi-Hyoung;Kim, Boon-Han
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The study was to furnish basic raw materials that evaluate the efficacy of meatal care according to the form and the relative importance of symptom distress which most of cancer sufferers have been experienced. For that, an investigation of five diverse major cancer symptom distress made a comparison between symptom distress and degree of suffering. Method: Study subjects were 138 inpatients with stomach cancer, lung cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), large intestine cancer and breast cancer, except those in the terminal-stage, in 'H' university hospital in Seoul and 'K' center in Ilsan gathered from November 20, 2002 to February 20, 2003. To measure the correlation between feeling of discomfort and agony caused by cancer, 5 point scale (from zero to four), stood on the basis of Symptom Distress Scale (SDS, Rodes & Watson, 1987), was used for this study and the Cronbach's coefficient alpha was 0.95. Accumulated data was analyzed with SPSS 10.0 for window, also used by ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Pearson's Correlation Analysis. Results: 1. Symptom distress of cancer patients was noted and defined in their severity-fatigue, anorexia, pain, depression, dyspepsia, changing appearance and nausea. The degree of symptom distress was fatigue, dyspepsia, depression, anorexia, pain, changing appearance and the degree of suffering was nausea, pain, anorexia, dyspepsia, vomiting, breathing difficulty, changing appearance and fatigue. 2. Examining the difference of degree of symptom distress in each cancer cases, it takes the precedence of them. First, in case of stomach cancer, depression, pain, vomiting and nausea were shown in sequence. In case of lung cancer depression, pain, sleeping problem, anxiety, changing appearance, inattentiveness and vomiting were showed in sequence, depression, changing appearance, sleeping problem, pain in case of HCC, depression, pain in case of large intestine cancer and lastly in case of breast cancer changing appearance, depression, pain and anxiety were shown in sequence. The category of the degree of symptom distress that has a signifiant difference was anorexia, activity discomfort, fatigue, constipation or diarrhea, breathing difficulty, dyspepsia, caughing, fever or chillness, scotoma and urinary disorder. Verifying the highest degree of symptom distress in each cancer cases, anorexia was 1.94(F=4.00, p<.01) in stomach cancer, activity discomfort was 0.97(F=3.08, p<.01) in lung cancer and HCC, fatigue was 2.32(F=4.64, p<.01) in HCC, constipation or diarrhea was 1.83(F=22.31, p<.001) in large intestine cancer, breathing difficulty was 1.83(F=4.00, p<.01) in lung cancer, dyspepsia was 2.69(F=9.98, p<.001) in stomach cancer, coughing was 1.53(F=20.49, p<.001) in lung cancer, fever or chillness was 1.23(F=6.88, p<.001) in lung cancer, scotoma was 1.20(F=3.02, p<.05) in lung cancer and urinary disorder was 1.54(F=11.56, p<.001) in HCC. 3. Examining the difference degree of suffering on cancer cases, the result was as follows; depression of lung cancer was 1.17(F=3.76, p<.01), anorexia of stomach cancer was 1.61(F=3.89, p<.01), constipation or diarrhea of large intestine cancer was 1.42(F=10.43, p<.001), changing appearance of breast cancer was 1.65(F=5.43, p<.001), breathing difficulty of lung cancer was 2.27(F=18.57, p<.001), dyspepsia of stomach cancer was 1.97(F=13.56, p<.001), coughing of lung cancer was 1.70(F=22.07, p<.001), fever or chillness of lung cancer was 1.13(F=4.41, p<.01), scotoma of lung cancer was 0.87(F=3.34, p<.05), anxiety of lung cancer was 0.87(F=4.50, p<.001) and urinary disorder of HCC was 1.43(F=16.71, p<.001). 4. In consequence, comparing between symptom distress and degree of suffering on cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, lung cancer patients showed the highest feeling of discomfort following stomach cancer, HCC, breast cancer and large intestine cancer(F=2.88, p<.05). On those undergoing radiotherapy, lung cancer, HCC, breast cancer, large intestine cancer was in sequence(F=3.78, p<.05) and those resisting radiotherapy, lung cancer, HCC, stomach cancer, large intestine cancer and breast cancer was in sequence(F=2.72, p<.05). 5. Correlation between symptom distress and degree of suffering on cancer patients was generally significant. Conclusion: this study not only defines a significant correlation between symptom distress and degree of suffering but also proffers basic data to evaluate the efficient meatal care depending upon diverse spectrums of symptom distress and degree of suffering.

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  • Joe, Sook-Haeng;Nam, Min;Lee, Hyeon-Soo;Song, Soo-Shic
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 1996
  • Premenstrual symptoms can begin at anytime after menache and usually remit with menopause. Numerous studies of the premenstrual symptoms have been reported, based on mature woman and clinic patients. As yet, however, no prospective study has specially examined the extent or nature of PMS in adolescents. The authors investigated the pattern of mood, behavior and physical symptom changes in the menstrual cycle for 230 high school students who reported premenstrual symptoms by using Baily Rating form(DRF), The scores on 21 symptoms of DRF were recorded daily for at least one menstrual cycle. The results as follows : 1) 1.7%(4/230) of the subjects who reported premenstrual symptoms met criteria for premenstrual dysphoric disorder(PMDD) by 30% change criteria. 2) The pattern of symptom changes in the menstrual cycle showed a clear increase in mean daily symptom score at premenstrual -1,-2 day. and reaching a maximum scores at the first day, rapidly decreased at day 4 during menstruation. 3) The mean daily symptom score in the menstrual phase was significantly higher than those in the premenstrual and postmenstrual phase, and significantly higher in the premenstrual phase than that in postmenstrual phase. 4) The scores of the subjects with longer duration of menstrual bleeding were higher than those of the subjects with the shorter duration. Particularly in the menstrual phase, there was a significant difference on the mean scores of physical symptom duster between the longer and shorter group. These results demonstrated that the mean daily pattern of symptom changes in the menstrual cycle for the subjects was similar pattern of change for the PMDD group, except high level of symptom scores if premenstrual phase. The adolescents might experienced more physical discomfort than the other symptoms in the menstrual phase Especially the subject with longer duration of mense flow were more likely to report more discomfort than that of shorter duration.

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Identification of Acremonium acutatum and Trichothecium roseum isolated from Grape with White Stain Symptom in Korea

  • Oh, Soh-Young;Nam, Ki-Woong;Yoon, Deok-Hoon
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2014
  • During 2010 and 2012 grape harvest seasons in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, a white stain symptom was observed on the harvested grape fruits in 'Campbell-Early' and 'Kyoho' varieties. In samples collected from the infected vine, two different strains of pathogenic fungi have been found and identified as Acremonium acutatum and Trichothecium roseum based on fungal morphology and nucleotide sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and supported by the phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA-ITS region. The DNA homologies of the isolated strains were 99.8% and 99.6% identical with T. roseum (IFB-22133) and A. acutatum (CBS682.71), respectively. In the pathogenicity test, the spores of A. acutatum and T. roseum sprayed on the grapes caused white stain symptoms on the fruits in two weeks after the artificial inoculation, which is similar to observations in the field. To our knowledge, this is the first report of white stain symptoms caused by A. acutatum and T. roseum on the grapes in Korea.

The Study about the "Donguisasangshinpyun" focused on the Sasang Prescriptions of "Donguisusebowon" ("동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)" 신정방(新定方)을 중심으로 한 "동의사상신편(東醫四象新編)"에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yun;Bae, Hyo-Sang;Park, Seong-Sik
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2010
  • 1. Background and purpose: The purpose of this study is to find the characteristic of "Donguisasangshinpyun" through comparison and analysis of "Donguisusebowon" and "Donguisasangshinpyun". 2. Methods: First we compare the composition of Sasang prescription with the same name in "Sinchukbon" and "Gabobon" to the composition of Sasang prescription in "Donguisasangshinpyun" "Donguisasangshinpyunchebang"(東醫四象新編劑方). And we compare the difference of "Donguisusebowon" and "Donguisasangshinpyunchebang" about symptom of Sasang prescription. The third is to find the utilization of Sasang prescription in "Donguisasangshinpyun" "Donguisasangyongyakhuebun"(東醫四象用藥彙分). 3. Results and Conclusions: 1) There are some Sasang prescriptions with the same name in "Donguisasangshinpyunchebang", "Sinchukbon" and "Gabobon". The composition of Sasang prescription in "Donguisasangshinpyun" is based on "Sinchukbon" better than "Gabobon". 2) The symptom of Sasang prescription in "Donguisasangshinpyunchebang" are more various than the symptoms in "Donguisusebowon". We find new symptom of Sasang prescription in "Donguisasangshinpyun" that does not exist in "Donguisusebowon". 3) The Sasang prescription of "Sinchukbon" is utilized much more than the Sasang prescription of "Gabobon" in "Donguisasangyongyakhuebun".

The studies of east-western medicine on Rheumatoid arthritis (류머티스성 관절염(Rheumatoid arthritis)에 대한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kwon, Young-Dal;Song, Yong-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2 s.28
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    • pp.373-396
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    • 1994
  • The studies look at the causes, pathology, symptom, diagnosis, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the sight of east-western medicine. Following are the results : 1. Rheumatoid arthritis korean-medically belongs to symptom such as Bi(痺), Poung Bi(風痺), Tong Poung(痛風), Youk Jeol Poung(歷節風), Bak Hoe Poung(白虎風), Bak Hoe Youk Jeol Poung(白虎歷節風), etc. 2. The causes of Rheumatoid arthritis are endopathic and exopathic : endopathically it tis related to Chil Jeong(七情) and visceral imbalance, and exopathically it is related to Euk Eum (六淫) and environmental factors. 3. To figure out rheumatoid arthritis, we need to diagnose first the joint symptom and the general body condition, we need about 6 weeks to get the exact decision after the serologic test, the immune and inheritance test, the synovium test. 4. There are four kinds of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis : medicin, acupucture and moxibustion, suction cup and purging away the blood, physical therapy. Cheong Eol So Bi(淸熱消痺) can be used for the acute stage and Jang Bu Seong Shai(臟腑盛衰) is to be considered for the chronic stage. 5. Rheumatoid arthritis should be constantly treated to prevent the patient from the deformity of joint complication.

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Tobacco mosaic virus Detected in Vegetatively Propagated Petunia Hybrids 'Surfinia'

  • Chung, Bong-Nam;Kim, Jeong-Soo;Cho, Jeom-Deog;Cheong, Seung-Ryong;Jeong, Myeong-Il
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.34-36
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    • 2007
  • Introduction of vegetatively propagated Petunia hybrids since 1992 led to increasing virus infections of propagation material. Petunia hybrid 'Surfinia' cultivated for pot-plant showed yellowing symptom along with stunt. Flowers were smaller in size and showed color-break symptom. Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV-pet) was isolated from the diseased petunia. Healthy petunia plants inoculated with TMV-pet induced mottle on leaves and color-break on flowers, and plants were stunted. Nucleotide sequences of coat protein gene amplified from RNA prepared from Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun infected with TMV-pet were determined(GenBank accession no. DQ981481). It showed 99.0% nucleotide sequence homology with TMV-potato3-2(GenBank accession no. AF318215) isolated from potato showing yellow mosaic and stunt symptom, and with a TMV Korean strain(GenBank accession no. X68110). This is the first reported observation of TMV from vegetatively propagated petunia in Korea.

Common functional Problems during Pregnancy and Association with Nutritional Status and Weight of Newborns (임신기의 입덧 및 변비 증상과 임신부의 영양상태 및 신생아 체중과의 관계)

  • 최봉순;이인숙;신정자;박명희;정효지
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.138-148
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    • 2003
  • Morning sickness during pregnancy is a very common functional problem with different kinds of symptom, but little data are available concerning the nutrition intervention program fur pregnant women in local area. A total of 152 pregnant women who had experienced morning sickness were surveyed to investigate the relationships between morning sickness, nutrient intakes and pregnancy outcome. The results showed that prevalent symptoms were nausea (68.4%), heartburn (59.2%), morning sickness (48.7%), vomiting (42.1%), and constipation (44.7%). The onset of the symptom occurred during the first 3 months (9.3 $\pm$ 2.3 weeks) ; 21.1% of the subjects was experienced two symptom at the same time. This significantly correlated with vomiting (p < 0.01), nausea (p < 0.001), morning sickness (p < 0.001), and heartburn (p < 0.01) with pregnancy weight. There were also correlations between the four symptoms and nutrient intakes. Mean birth weight of 21 newborns was 3.06 $\pm$ 0.42 kg, and the one and five minutes of Apgar scores were 7.74 $\pm$ 0.99 and 8.84 $\pm$ 0.69, respectively. There were negative correlations between vomiting and pregnancy outcomes (p < 0.05). Our data support that morning sickness, especially vomiting during pregnancy is associated with Apgar score and body weight of newborn. (Korean J Community Nutrition 8(2) : 138~148, 2003)

A Case Study of a Taeyangin Patient with Vertebrobasilar Insufficient after Mistreat as Taeeumin. (태음인으로 오치(誤治)한 추골뇌저동맥부전증 태양인 환자 치험 1례)

  • Kang, Seok-Hwan;Jeon, Soo-Hyung;Na, Young-Ju;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.338-349
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    • 2016
  • Objectives This case study was about a Taeyangin patient with transient ischemic attack(TIA) due to vertebrobasilar insufficiency(VBI). In this study, we report the progress of mistreat with Taeyangin as Taeeumin and the improvement of symptoms after rediagnosis as Taeyangin. Methods Patient's chief complain was weakness of lower limbs, dysarthria and dizziness. Patient first time took Taeeumin prescription such as Chunghyulganggi-tang, Chunsimyonja-tang and Sanyakbopaewon-tang. After occuring side effects we changed the prescription to Taeyangin herbal medicine such as Ogapijangchuk-tang gagam and Mihudeungsikjang-tang gagam. Result and Conclusion Patient suffered from diarrhea by taking Taeeumin prescription and symptom was continue. After changing of prescription to Taeyangin herbal medicine, not only chief symptom but also original symptom was improved.