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A Study on the Characteristics of Interior Elements of Frank Lloyd Wright's Residential Design (F. L. Wright의 주택특성과 실내디자인 요소분석에 관한 연구)

  • 서수경
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.5
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 1995
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, a master of the 20th Century Ar-chitecture, contributed tremendously in creating a wholly new form of American architecture called Prairie Style. His idea behind the development of the building structur-al system, organic relationships between inner and outer space, horizontal vertical lines, and idea of extending and expanding interior spaces came from nature. He had completed over 390 projects throughout his life and 90% of those projects were residential design. The most typical characteristic shared by many of his residential design was that each design element, whether it is functional or aesthetical, has close relationship to or-ganic nature, human scale, theoretical floor plants, and maximum emphasis on horizontal lines in respect to na-ture. His concept of "flow of spaces" reformed common the-ory of room next to room in a enclosed space. His sense of "wall" was no longer the side of a box. Careful selec-tion of finishing materials, colors, and natural images en-hance the design as well. F.L. Wright was an artist, designer, and architect who believed the exterior space should have direct relationship to the interior space. His architectural philosophy was not only to design exterior of architecture but also to ful-fill his space through the careful development of interior elements such as furniture, and lighting fixture. Even the patterns for leaded glass windows were designed to have unified appearance from outside to inside of the house. The objective of this study was to analyze floor plans, spatial organizations, and interior design elements of the houses which represent the best of F.L. Wright's design principles and philosophy behind Prairie Style. The meth-od used to collect informations for this study was based on books, articles, journals, and actual site visits. actual site visits.

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Assessment on Saline Water Intrusion between Types of Injections of Artificial Reclaimed Water and Extractions in Artificial Aquifer (인공 하수처리수 주입과 양수 방식에 따른 인공 대수층의 해수침투평가)

  • Kang, Jeong-Ok;Lee, So-Jung;Kim, Chang-Gyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.603-612
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    • 2006
  • The study with laboratory sandbox model has been carried out to address potential use of reclaimed water, as a way for artificially recharging the coastal aquifer, to effectively prevent from seawater intrusion. To do this, we assessed hydraulic and geochemical properties depending upon various extraction and recharging conditions. While solely being recharged, the intrusion could be significantly retarded than those of recharge and extraction implied together. At 0.5 to 2 for the ratio of the extraction over the recharge rate, the fresh water was exploited from the tank, where the void regime was simultaneously saturated with the recharged water. In the meantime, the saline water zone was diluted and back-tracked by the recharged water due to forming a hydraulic geochemical barrier around the injection well. However, if the ratio was being increased to greater than 4, saltwater more deeply intruded to the freshwater zone because the artificial recharge was not sufficiently supplied to timely back-fill the void space. When the aquifer water was intermittently extracted at the ratio of $0.5{\sim}2$ over the recharge rate, the value of S.M.I. decreased, but increasing it to more than 4 unlikely escalated the value of S.M.I as much as $3{\sim}47%$ indicating that the salt water intruded. It finally revealed that the proper ratio of extraction/recharge or intermittent extraction would efficiently retracted seawater intrusion while the freshwater sources could be conservatively utilized.

Changes of Qualities in Vacuum Packed Fermented Pork Using a Korean Traditional Sensoning During Storage (전통양념으로 발효숙성하여 진공포장한 돼지고기의 저장 중 품질 변화)

  • Jin, S.K.;Kim, I.S.;Hah, K.H.;Hur, S.J.;Park, K.H.;Lyou, H.J.;Bae, D.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2005
  • Outside muscle of pork ham were cut to cube(7 $\times$ 10 $\times$2 ern) and three Korea traditional seasonings such as soybean paste(Tl), garlic paste(T2), red pepper paste(T3) were seasoned by the proportions of meat to seasonings(1 : 1), respectively. The seasoned samples were fermented by fill into plastic box at 0 $\pm$ 1 $^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. And then, the fermented meat from each pack was vacuum-packaged and stored at 0 $\pm$ 1 $^{\circ}C$ for up to 9 weeks. pH and shear force were decreased during storage periods in all treatment groups and WHC was decreased with storage in T2. The saccarinity of T1 was increased and salinity increased during storage in all treatment groups. pH of T2 was increased than that of other treatments, while decreased saccarinity and shear force of in T2. The salinity were higher in the order of T1 > T2 > T3. Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) value were increased with storage in all treatment groups. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TSARS) value of Tl was increased with storage while it was decreased T2. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TSARS) value was higher in the order of T1 > T3 > T2 at 9weeks of storage. Surface meat L' values of T1 was increased with storage and T3 decreased with storage whereas, surface meat a' values of T1 was decreased with storage, and T2 was increased with storage. Surface meat b' values of T3 was decreased with storage. Escherichia coli were decreased during storage periods in all treatment groups.

A Study on Earth Pressure Properties of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Used as Back-fill Material (뒷채움재로 이용한 고로 수쇄슬래그의 토압특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Baek, Won-Jin;Lee, Kang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2006
  • Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) is produced in the manufacture process of pig-iron and shows a similar particle formation to that of natural sea sand and also shows light weight, high shear strength, well permeability, and especially has a latent hydraulic property by which GBFS is solidified with time. Therefore, when GBFS is used as a backfill material of quay or retaining walls, the increase of shear strength induced by the hardening is presumed to reduce the earth pressure and consequently the construction cost of harbor structures decreases. In this study, using the model sand box (50 cm$\times$50 cm$\times$100 cm), the model wall tests were carried out on GBFS and Toyoura standard sand, in which the resultant earth pressure, a wall friction and the earth pressure distribution at the movable wall surface were measured. In the tests, the relative density was set as Dr=25, 55 and 70% and the wall was rotated at the bottom to the active earth pressure side and followed by the passive side. The maximum horizontal displacement at the top of the wall was set as ${\pm}2mm$. By these model test results, it is clarified that the resultant earth pressure obtained by using GBFS is smaller than that of Toyoura sand, especially in the active-earth pressure.

Mammalian Cloning by Nuclear transfer, Stem Cell, and Enzyme Telomerase (핵치환에 의한 cloning, stem cell, 그리고 효소 telomerase)

  • 한창열
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.423-428
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    • 2000
  • In 1997 when cloned sheep Dolly and soon after Polly were born, it had become head-line news because in the former the nucleus that gave rise to the lamb came from cells of six-year-old adult sheep and in the latter case a foreign gene was inserted into the donor nucleus to make the cloned sheep produce human protein, factor IX, in e milk. In the last few years, once the realm of science fiction, cloned mammals especially in livestock have become almost commonplace. What the press accounts often fail to convey, however, is that behind every success lie hundreds of failures. Many of the nuclear-transferred egg cells fail to undergo normal cell divisions. Even when an embryo does successfully implant in the womb, pregnancy often ends in miscarriage. A significant fraction of the animals that are born die shortly after birth and some of those that survived have serious developmental abnormalities. Efficiency remains at less than one % out of some hundred attempts to clone an animal. These facts show that something is fundamentally wrong and enormous hurdles must be overcome before cloning becomes practical. Cloning researchers now tent to put aside their effort to create live animals in order to probe the fundamental questions on cell biology including stem cells, the questions of whether the hereditary material in the nucleus of each cell remains intact throughout development, and how transferred nucleus is reprogrammed exactly like the zygotic nucleus. Stem cells are defined as those cells which can divide to produce a daughter cell like themselves (self-renewal) as well as a daughter cell that will give rise to specific differentiated cells (cell-differentiation). Multicellular organisms are formed from a single totipotent stem cell commonly called fertilized egg or zygote. As this cell and its progeny undergo cell divisions the potency of the stem cells in each tissue and organ become gradually restricted in the order of totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent. The differentiation potential of multipotent stem cells in each tissue has been thought to be limited to cell lineages present in the organ from which they were derived. Recent studies, however, revealed that multipotent stem cells derived from adult tissues have much wider differentiation potential than was previously thought. These cells can differentiate into developmentally unrelated cell types, such as nerve stem cell into blood cells or muscle stem cell into brain cells. Neural stem cells isolated from the adult forebrain were recently shown to be capable of repopulating the hematopoietic system and produce blood cells in irradiated condition. In plants although the term$\boxDr$ stem cell$\boxUl$is not used, some cells in the second layer of tunica at the apical meristem of shoot, some nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac, and initial cells of adventive buds are considered to be equivalent to the totipotent stem cells of mammals. The telomere ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes cannot be replicated because the RNA primer at the end of a completed lagging strand cannot be replaced with DNA, causing 5' end gap. A chromosome would be shortened by the length of RNA primer with every cycle of DNA replication and cell division. Essential genes located near the ends of chromosomes would inevitably be deleted by end-shortening, thereby killing the descendants of the original cells. Telomeric DNA has an unusual sequence consisting of up to 1,000 or more tandem repeat of a simple sequence. For example, chromosome of mammal including human has the repeating telomeric sequence of TTAGGG and that of higher plant is TTTAGGG. This non-genic tandem repeat prevents the death of cell despite the continued shortening of chromosome length. In contrast with the somatic cells germ line cells have the mechanism to fill-up the 5' end gap of telomere, thus maintaining the original length of chromosome. Cem line cells exhibit active enzyme telomerase which functions to maintain the stable length of telomere. Some of the cloned animals are reported prematurely getting old. It has to be ascertained whether the multipotent stem cells in the tissues of adult mammals have the original telomeres or shortened telomeres.

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Changes of in Vacuum Packed Pre-aged Venison with Seasoning during Chilled Storage (양념으로 사전 숙성하여 진공포장한 사슴고기의 냉장저장 중 품질 변화)

  • Kim Il-Suk;Jin Sang-Keun;Hah Kyung-Hee;Park Seok-Tae;Kwuak Kyung-Rak;Park Jung-Kwon;Kang Yang-Su;Chung Ku-Young
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the quality characteristics of the vacuum packed pre-aged venison with seasoning during chilled storage. The ham of deer were cut to cube and two seasonings such as red pepper sauce (T1) or soy sauce (T2) were seasoned by the proportions or meat to seasonings (1:1), respectively. The seasoned venison was aging by fill into plastic box at $0\pm1^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. And then, the aged meat from each pack was vacuum-packaged and stored at $0\pm1^{\circ}C$ for up to 28 days. pH were significantly decreased with storage periods in all treatments (p<0.05). Salinity $(\%)$ were no significant differences in T1 during the whole storage, but T2 had significantly high content $(1.33\%)$ at the storage days of 28 (p<0.05). Saccarinity $(\%)$ of T1 were significantly higher than that of T2 during the whole storage periods (p<0.05). As storage time extended the value of $L^*$ and $b^*$ in T1 were increased and those values decreased in T2. $a^*$ and shear force $(g/cm^2)$ or T1 and T2 were increased as the storage period passed In the result of sensory evaluation. all treatment had relatively high score $(T1\;6.75\~T2\;7.00)$ in overall acceptability during the storage period of 28 days. In conclusion, this study suggest that vacuum packed pre-aged venison with seasoning may be useful for new deer meat menu.

Quality Characteristics of Aerobic Packed Pork during Storage after Fermentation with Soy Sauce, Red Pepper and Soybean Paste Seasonings (간장, 고추장 및 된장 양념으로 발효시킨 함기포장 돈육의 저장기간 동안 품질 특성)

  • Jin, S.K.;Kim, I.S.;Hah, K.H.;Lyou, H.J.;Park, K.H.;Lee, J.R.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.679-690
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the quality characteristics of aerobic packed pork during storage after fermentation with soy sauce, red pepper and soybean paste seasonings. The ham of pork were cut to cube($7{\time}10{\time}2$cm) and Korea traditional seasonings such as soy sauce(T1), red pepper paste(T2), soybean paste(T3) were seasoned by the proportions of meat to seasonings(1:1), respectively. The seasoned sample were fermented by fill into plastic box at $1{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. And then, the fermented meat from each pack was aerobic packed and stored at $1{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ for up to 28 days. The pH of T1 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T2 and T3 at 1 day of storage, but were significantly(P<0.05) higher at 14 and 28 days of storage. The water-holding capacity of T1were significantly(P<0.05) higher compared to T2 and T3 at 1 and 28 days of storage. The shear force of T3 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T1 during storage. The surface meat L* values of T3 were significantly(P<0.05) higher than those of T1 and T2, but a* and b* values of T2 were significantly(P<0.05) higher. The volatile basic nitrogen(VBN) of T3 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T2 at 1 and 14 days of storage, but T1 were significantly(P<0.05) lower at 28 days of storage. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS) of T3 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T1 and T2. The total plate counts of T1 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T2 and T3 at 1 day of storage, but T2 were significantly(P<0.05) lower at 14 and 28 days of storage. The Escherichia coli of T1 and T3 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T2 at 1 day of storage. The Lactobacilli spp. of T2 were significantly(P<0.05) lower compared to T1 and T3.