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  • Moon, Joo-Hoon;Park, Sang-Jin;Min, Byung-Soon;Choi, Ho-Young;Cho, Gi-Woon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.100-115
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide containing nerve fibers in rat pulp after dentinl injury by means of immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscope. The Spague-Dawley rats weighing about 250-300gm were used. The animals were devided into normal control and experimental groups. Experimental animals were sacrified 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 21days after dentinal injury (dentin cutting, and then acid etching with 35% phosphoric acid) on the maxillary molar teeth. The maxillary teeth and alveolar bone were removed and immersed in the 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), then were decalcified with 15% formic acid for 10 days. Serial frozen 50μm thick sections were cut on a cryostat. The rabbit CGRP antibody was used as a primary antibody with a dilution of 1:2000 in 0.01M PB. The sections were incubated for 48 hours at 4C, and placed into biotinylated antirabbit Ig G as a secondary anti body with dilution of 1:200 in 0.01M PB and incubated in ABC(avidin-biotin complex). The peroxidase reaction was visualized by incubating the sections in 0.05% 3,3 diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride containing 0.02% H2O2. For the confocal laser scanning microscopic examination, Primary antibody reaction was same as immunoperoxidase stainning, but fluorescein isothiocyanate(FITC)-conjugate antirabbit IgG as a secondary antibody was used. The confocal laser scanning microscope was used for the examination. A series of images of optical sections was collected with a 20x objective at 3μm intervals throughout the depth of specimen. FITC fluerescence was registrated through a 488nm and 568nm excitation filter, and images were saved on optical disk. The stereoscopic images and three dimentionnal images were reconstructed by computer software, and then were analyzed. The results were as follows : 1. In normal control group, CGRP containing nerve fibers were coursed through the root with very little branching, and then formed a dense network of terminals in coronal pulp. 2. A slight increase in CGRP containing nerve fibers at 1 and 2day postinjury was noted subjacent to the injury site. In the 4day group, there were an extensive increase in the number of reactive fibers, followed by a partial return toward normal levels at 7~10 day postinjury, and return by 21days. 3. The sprouting of the CGRP containing nerve fibers was evident within 2day after dentinal injury, and by 4days there was a maximal increased, but was decreased at 7days and returned to normal 10~21 day postinjury. 4. In confocal laser scanning microscopic exammination, the distinct distribution pattern and sprouting reaction of CGRP containing nerve fibers were observed in stereoscopic images and three dimentional images. These results suggest that CGRP containing nerve fiber can be important role in the response to dental injury and pain regulation.

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Development of Method for Possibility Assessment on Organic Resources for Using Raw Material of Compost (유기성자원의 퇴비원료로 활용 가능성 평가방법 개발)

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Seong, Ki-Seog;So, Kyu-Ho;Shin, Jung-Du;Lee, Jeong-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to find a system for screening organic resources with 16 species, 62 samples which were selected to randomizing point from city, province and industrial areas in the whole country. Content of organic matters were 65.3 in all samples so that they were largely over than 60%, raw material regulation of compost. Concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus were 0.74.8, they could look for effect of the nitrogen and phosphorus supply as a raw material of compost. In case of 8 elements concentrations of heavy metal, they were too high to use as raw materials of compost which were over to regulation limit in Cu, Cr, Ni, and As from fiber industry, Ni from food company and leather industry, and the others are adapt to limit levels. HEM contents fro the highest to 113mgkg1 from liber industry and PAHs content were the highest to 3,462ugkg1 from paper-mill manufacture. Distribution of PAHs concentiations were naphthalene>phenanthrene>pyrene>fluoroanthene>acenaphthene. Microtox(R)EC50 values for bioassay were pharmaceutical company>paper-mill manufacture>industrial area sewage sludge>fiber industry>urban sewage sludge>metropolitan sewage sludge. HEM between Zn, Cu, and Ni was significant at the 99% and between Cd was significant at the 95%, Microtox between Hg and BEM significant at the 95%.

Comparison of Heating Characteristics of Electric Heating Element Heater and Oil Hot Air Heater in Single Span Greenhouses (전기발열체 난방기 및 유류온풍 난방기의 단동온실 난방 특성 비교)

  • Kwon, Jin Kyung;Kim, Seung Hee;Shin, Young An;Lee, Jae Han;Park, Kyeong Sub;Kang, Youn Koo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.324-332
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    • 2017
  • The comparative experiments were conducted for single span greenhouses where cucumbers were cultivated to analyze the effect of heating between a carbon fiber electric heating element heater and an oil hot air heater in terms of the inside climate, energy consumption and plant growth. In order to analyze the effect of heating capacity, 6, 9, and 16 kW of electric powers were supplied to the electric heating element for same setting temperature of 15?. As a result, as the heating capacity increased, the number of ON-OFF cycles of the electric heating element and the temperature inside the greenhouse increased proportionally. In the comparison of two heaters, it was shown that the temperature and relative humidity distributions of the electric heating element installed greenhouse was much uniform than those of the oil hot air heater installed greenhouse. The heating energy consumptions during the heating period of 79 days were 867L for the oil hot air heater and 8,959 kWh for the electric heating element heater, and the heating costs were 607 and 403 thousand won respectively. In the electric heating element installed greenhouse, the cucumber growth was slightly better and the yield was 4.3% higher than those of the oil hot air heater installed greenhouse, but there were no statically significant difference in the cucumber growth and yield between greenhouses.

A Study on Characteristics of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Using PCM and TEM in Life Environment Surroundings of Seoul (서울지역 생활환경주변의 공기 중 석면분포 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jinhyo;Lee, Suhyun;Kim, Jihui;Oh, Seokryul;Shin, Jinho;Eom, Seokwon;Chae, Youngzoo;Lee, Jinsook;Koo, Jayong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.613-623
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    • 2013
  • This study is purposed to evaluate the airborne asbestos concentrations in life environment surroundings in Seoul. In study, we investigated airborne asbestos concentrations in thirteen subway stations, four monitoring networks and each vicinity roadside, six stream surroundings, four tunnels quarterly and we also investigated relationship between the airborne asbestos concentrations and ambient temperature in monitoring networks and time-based airborne asbestos concentration variability for two typical monitoring networks, two subway stations transferred and used by lots of people through Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The airborne asbestos concentrations by PCM for 4 objects of study were less than the detection limit (7 fiber/mm2) in 111 (50%) out of 223 samples. The highest concentration was 0.0130 f/cc. But additional TEM analysis result for samples exceeding the guideline value for indoor air quality (0.01 f/cc) proposed by the Ministry of Environment (Korea), no asbestos was detected. Similarly TEM analysis result for 124 samples, no asbestos was detected. The average airborne asbestos concentrations by PCM in subway stations, monitoring networks, streams and tunnels were 0.0041±0.0027 f/cc, 0.0015±0.0011 f/cc, 0.0024±0.0012 f/cc and 0.0016±0.0020 f/cc. All objects of study were satisfied with the guideline value for indoor air quality. The relationship between the airborne asbestos concentrations and ambient temperature in monitoring networks was generally positive correlation (r = 0.660). The higher ambient temperature was and the more transient population was, the airborne asbestos concentrations by time for two subway stations were increased. While the airborne asbestos concentrations for two monitoring networks showed no variation pattern according to time.

Studies on the improvement and Utilization of Pasture on the Forest III. Seasonal herbage production and utilization of pasture on the forest (임간초지의 개량 및 이용에 관한 연구 III. 임간초지에서 계절별 목초생산성 및 이용성)

  • 이형석;이인덕
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1989
  • This experiment was carried out to determine the seasonal herbage production and utilization during the growing season of pasture on the forest (shading 30%). Plant height, leaf area index(LAl), dry matter(DM) production and distribution, chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD), herbage utilization percentage and chewing efficiency were investigated using the Corridale sheep. Experimental field was treated by one plot design(3 rep.) and performed from 1987 to 1988 at Chungnam National University, Daejon. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The highest plant height and LA1 were observed in May(35.0 cm, 4.89), followed by April(28.0 cm, 4.23), while the plant height and LA1 in October (13.0 cm, 0.49) showed very low. 2. During the growing season, about 58.3 % of annual DM production (7240 kg/ha) was produced during the spring (April, May and June) and the highest DM production was obtained in May (2040 kg/ha), which was more than 28.2 % of total DM production. However, DM production in July and August was about 24.2 % and those in September and October (17.5 %) was very low, but the difference of DM production from June to September was small. 3. The maximum DM production per day (65.8 kg/ha) was observed in May, followed by June (28.7 kglha), while DM production per day in October (16.5 kg/ha) showed very low (p <0.01). 4. Crude protein content and IVDMD of herbage samples during the spring (April, May and June) were higher, while crude fiber, ADF, and NDF content were lower in an summer growth herbage samples (July and August), but autumn growth herbage samples was intermediate. Crude ash content and IVDMD of collected herbage samples were slightly more, while crude fiber, ADF and NDF content were slightly less than offered and residued herbage samples during the growing season. 5. The maximum DM intake per metabolic body size was observed in May(68.9 g), followed by October (66.7 g), while very low in August (52.5 g). Significant positive correlation (p <0.05) was found between DM intake and IVDMD. 6. Herbage utilization percentage was very high in April (83.4 %), while very low in August (64.0 %). The percentage of annual herbage utilization was about 75.5 %. 7. The maximum ruminating and chewing efficiency of herbage samples were observed in May, followed by October, while very low in August.

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Mixed Mode Analysis using Two-step Extension Based VCCT in an Inclined Center Crack Repaired by Composite Patching (복합재료 팻칭에 의한 중앙경사균열에서 2단계 확장 가상균열닫힘법을 사용한 혼합모우드해석)

  • Ahn, Jae-Seok;Woo, Kwang-Sung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1A
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2012
  • This paper deals with the numerical determination of the stress intensity factors of cracked aluminum plates under the mixed mode of KI and KII in glass-epoxy fiber reinforced composites. For the stress intensity factors, two different models are reviewed such as VCCT and two-step extension method. The p-convergent partial layerwise model is adopted to determine the fracture parameters in terms of energy release rates and stress intensity factors. The p-convergent approach is based on the concept of subparametric element. In assumed displacement field, strain-displacement relations and 3-D constitutive equations of a layer are obtained by combination of 2-D and 1-D higher-order shape functions. In the elements, Lobatto shape functions and Gauss-Lobatto technique are employed to interpolate displacement fields and to implement numerical quadrature. Using the models and techniques considered, effects of composite laminate configuration according to inclined angles and adhesive properties on the performance of bonded composite patch are investigated. In addition to these, the out-of-plane bending effect has been investigated across the thickness of patch repaired laminate plates due to the change of neutral axis. The present model provides accuracy and simplicity in terms of stress intensity factors, stress distribution, number of degrees of freedom, and energy release rates as compared with previous works in literatures.

Distribution of Vascular Plants and Plant Resources Characteristics in Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnamdo Province - Mt. Odo, Mt. Hwangmae, Mt. Daeam, and Muweol Peak - (경남 합천군의 관속식물 분포와 자원특성에 관한 연구 - 오도산, 황매산, 대암산, 무월봉을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Jong-Won;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Kang, Shin-Ho;Yang, Sun-Gyu;Park, Jeong-Mi;Jang, Chang-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.406-425
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    • 2010
  • The flora for resource plants in Hapcheon-gun were investigated 10 times from March to October, 2009. Based on collected voucher specimens, the flora of this area consisted of 489 taxa in total; 82 families, 292 genera, 427 species, 4 subspecies, 49 varieties and 9 forms. The resources plants in the area were categorized by usage into 9 groups including an unknown group: 187 edible, 126 pasturing, 137 medicinal, 112 dyeing, 52 ornamental, 16 timber, 9 fiber, 2 industrial taxa and 134 unknown resource plants were recorded respectively. In addition, there were 18 taxa of Korean endemic plants, 33 taxa of specific plants which were designated by the Ministry of Environment, and 2 taxa of rare plants. Furthermore, 44 taxa of naturalized plants were observed in this investigated area. The vegetation status of the investigated area was well conserved, but it is likely that the contaminated area could be rapidly increased and exacerbated by the climbers and development of forest roads. Therefore, the systems for conservation need to be prepared for the effective management of forests, and there must be special rules to control the number of climbers and visitors.

Vascular Flora of Gyeongju National Park - Focused on Mt. Nam, Mt. Toham, Mt. Danseok - (경주국립공원의 관속식물상 - 남산, 토함산, 단석산을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Jung-Won;Kim, Yong-Shik;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Kim, Gi-Song;Sung, Jung-Won;Lee, Chang-Hyeon;Park, Ki-Hwan;Yi, Myung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.170-195
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to investigate the vascular flora of Mt. Nam, Mt. Toham, and Mt. Danseok in Gyeongju National Park. The vascular plants were surveyed for 7 times from July 2011 to May 2012. The results were summarized as 436 taxa, 96families, 284 genera, 385 species, 4 subspecies, 41 varieties, and 6 forms. The 13 taxa were categorized as Korean endemic plants species and the other 7 taxa as rare plants species, which categorized by the Korea Forest Service. Based on the Floristic Degrees categorized by the Specific Distribution of Plants Species, one taxa grouped as the Floristic Degree V, 3 for Floristic Degree IV, and 9 for Floristic Degree III, 4 for Floristic Degree II, and 24 taxa for Floristic Degree I. The naturalized plants were recorded as 29 taxa, and their Naturalization Ratio and Urbanization Index were recorded as 6.65%, and 9.03%, respectively. 436 taxa listed consists of 182 taxa(41.7%) of pasturing plant, 176 taxa(40.4%) of edible plants, 147 taxa(33.7%) of medicinal plants, 52 taxa(11.9%) of ornamental plants, 18 taxa(4.1%) of timber plants, 16 taxa(3.7%) of stain plants, 8 taxa(1.8%) of fiber plants, 1 taxa(0.2%) of industrial plants and 79 taxa(18.1%) of unknown plants.

A Flora of Vascular Plants of Mt. Janggunbong (Bonghwa-gun) (장군봉(봉화군) 일대의 관속식물상)

  • Nam, Bo Mi;Jeong, Seon;Kim, Jae Young;Oh, Byoung-Un;Chung, Gyu Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.467-478
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to elucidate the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness of Mt. Janggunbong (1,136 m) in Bonghwa-gun, Gyeoungsangbuk-do. The vascular plants, collected 15 times from 2006 to 2015, consisted a total of 462 taxa; 82 families, 279 genera, 397 species, 2 subspecies, 55 varieties, 8 forms. 10 taxa of the Korean endemic plants were recorded and 1 taxon of Critically Endangered Species (CR), 5 taxa of Vulnerable Species (VU) and 7 taxa of Least Concerned Species (LC), categorized by the Korean Forest Service as rare plants, were investigated in this region. Furthermore, Ⅳ, Ⅲ degrees of floristic regional indicator plants, designated by the Korean Ministry of Environment, were included 8 taxa and 14 taxa, respectively. Based on the usefulness, edible, pasturing, medicinal, ornamental, timber, stain, industrial, fiber and unknown usefulness plants included 352 taxa, 107 taxa, 71 taxa, 18 taxa, 8 taxa, 5 taxa, 3 taxa, 2 taxa and 111 taxa, respectively. In addition, 28 taxa of naturalized plants were observed.

Preparation and Characterization of High Performance Activated Carbon Fibers from Stabilized PAN fibers (PAN계 안정화섬유로부터 고기능성 활성탄소섬유의 제조 및 특성)

  • 임연수;유기상;문숙영;정윤중;김명수;함현식
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 2003
  • Activated carbon fibers were prepared from stabilized PAN fibers by physical and chemical activation to compare their characteristics. In this study, stabilized PAN fibers were activated by physical activation with steam and CO2, and by chemical activation with KOH. The fabricated activated carbon fibers were evaluated and compared such as specific surface area, pore size distribution, pore volume, and amount of iodine adsorption. In the steam activation, a specific surface area of 1635 m2/g was obtained after heat treatment at 990C. Otherwise, in the CO2 activation, produced activated carbon fibers had been a specific surface area of 671 m2/g after heat treatment at 990C. In chemical activation using KOH, a specific surface area of 3179 m2/g was obtained with a KOH/ stabilized PAN fiber ratio of 1.5 : 1 at 900C. Nitrogen adsorption isotherms for fabricated activated carbon fibers showed type I and transformation from type I and II in the Brunauer-Deming-Deming-Teller (B.D.D.T) classification. Increasing specific surface area Increased the amount of iodine adsorption in both activation methods. Because the ionic radius of iodine was smaller than the interior micropore size of activated carbon fibers.