• 제목/요약/키워드: fast food consumption

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북한이탈주민의 식사의 질 평가: 성인 영양지수를 기반으로 (Assessment of diet quality of adults from North Korea: using nutrition quotient (NQ) for Korean adults)

  • 권새별;김경남;신문경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제56권2호
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    • pp.217-230
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 성인영양지수 조사지를 바탕으로 북한이탈주민의 전반적인 식사의 질을 평가하고자 진행되었다. 특히 연령대별 식품 섭취 빈도와 식습관 및 식행동, 영양 지수의 차이를 분석하였다. 대상자는 서울 및 경기 일부 지역의 만 19-64세 성인 166명을 대상으로 진행되었으며 각 연령대별로 20대 41명, 30대 41명, 40대 41명, 50대이상 43명으로 연령대를 평준화하였다. 연령대가 낮을수록 라면, 패스트푸드, 과자 (초콜릿, 사탕 포함), 달거나 기름진 빵 (케이크, 도넛, 단팥빵 등), 가당 음료 등 고에너지 식품 섭취 빈도와 외식, 야식 섭취 비율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 20대 연령대에서 총점 NQ, 절제 영역 총 점수가 낮고 등급은 '하'로 판정된 비율이 높았다. 50대 연령대에서 절제영역의 점수가 높게 나타난 원인은 라면, 패스트푸드, 과자, 달거나 기름진 빵, 가당 음료 등과 같은 고에너지 식품 섭취 빈도도 낮기 때문인데, 이는 이 집단이 절제력있는 식사를 하고 있는 것으로 비춰질 수도 있으나 중년층에서 패스트푸드, 라면과 같은 식품의 기호도가 낮아 아예 섭취 고려 대상이 아니라는 점에 주목해야 한다. 본 연구에서 주목해야 할 점은 연령이 낮을수록 식사의 질이 매우 열악하게 나타나 식사의 질 개선을 위한 맞춤형 영양 교육 프로그램 개발 및 보급의 필요성을 시사한다. 이에 본 연구의 결과와 시사점이 북한이탈주민의 건강 증진을 위한 영양 교육과 이를 위한 정책 마련의 기초자료로 활용되기를 기대한다.

PL(제조물책임법)시행에 따른 국내 중소기업 대응 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study Countermeasures Method of Domestic Small and Medium Enterprise According to Product Liability Law)

  • 박주식;성호경;강경식
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2002
  • The modern society is changed into mass production, complicated circulation society and mass consuming society because of the development of the fast science technology since the occurrence of the industrial revolution. Also, the human life style is changed into the abundant consumption society because of the appearance of the various products. The society change like the above provide comfortable life to us. but We are facing with danger for the bad food, illegal medicines and bad products. So, To solve the danger like the above, The Product Reliability Law be made. The both The enterprise and consumer need The Product Reliability Law to protect one's own interest. The consumer is claiming to use the product of safety of the resonable price and good quality in modern society, So, 1 studied on countermeasures of domestic enterprise to increase the competitive power of the enterprise according to Product Reliability Law

향토음식 인지도에 관한 실증적 연구 - 경남 하동군 지역을 중심으로 - (A Verification Study on the Strengthening of Recognition of Native Cuisine - with respect to Hadong-Gun Area, Kyungsangnam-Do -)

  • 이연정;박성수;최수근
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2004
  • Rather than focusing on the general recognition of the area and extensive preference about its native cuisine, this study carried out more practical examination on the recognition of the native cuisine by presenting the more detailed introduction of the native cuisine in Hadong area. The findings of this study can be used as basic materials to devise measures for the instillation and advertisement of Hadong area's image, the development and maintenance of its native cuisine benefiting the activation of the local economy, and the reestablishment of Hadong area's native cuisine culture. First, the overall recognition of Hadong area's native cuisine was low and more consumption needs to be boosted by merchandising its foods through the strengthening of recognition. Second, correlation between this area's native cuisine was revealed and tables need to be set and menus need to be organized with this correlation in mind. Basic materials for suggestion sale were garnered. Third, given that most outside tourists visit Hadong by word mouth of all the information sources available, it is highly likely that positive word of mouth through satisfaction with native cuisine will raise the overall recognition of the area. Fourth, precise subdivision market and target market need to be specified. Though the factors like economic costs and the time required cannot be overlooked in strengthening recognition, consistent advertisement to the middle-aged people who are over 40 and live in Kyungsang-Do area will contribute to the fast rise in the recognition of Hadong area's native cuisine, leading to the possibility of economic development in the process.

중학생의 식습관, 편식 및 식품군별 섭취 비교 - 성별, 지역별 비교 - (Comparative Study on Dietary Habits, Unbalanced Diet and Intake of Food Groups in Middle School Students - by Gender and Region -)

  • 김명희;김혜연;연지영
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • This research was designed to examine the dietary habits and unbalanced diet of middle school students by gender and region. The survey was conducted using questionnaires on dietary habits and unbalanced diet administered to 726 students (urban: 367, rural: 359). The obesity index using BMI showed that the largest proportion of girls was 'underweight' in both regions, which showed a significant difference by region (p<0.001). Male students in urban areas prefer salty taste more than rural students (p<0.05). In urban areas, problems relating to dietary habits were 'unbalanced diet' and 'overeating' in male students and 'frequent snacks' and 'irregular mealtime' for female students (p<0.01). The frequencies of skipping breakfast (p<0.01), snack intake (p<0.001), eating out (p<0.001) and fast food consumption (p<0.001) were significantly higher in urban students than in rural students, and the reason for eating snacks was 'hungry' in urban students and 'habitually' and 'delicious' in rural students (p<0.01). Unbalanced diet was significantly higher in rural students compared with urban students (p<0.001) and male students compared with female students in urban (p<0.05), and the factors affecting dietary habits were mostly related to family. Male students in urban areas showed a significantly lower intake frequency of 'fish, tofu and beans' (p<0.05) and 'milk and yogurt' (p<0.05), but higher intake frequency of 'vegetables' (p<0.001) compared with female students. Male students in rural areas showed a significantly lower intake frequency of 'meat' (p<0.05) but higher intake frequency of 'milk and yogurt' (p<0.05) compared with female students. Urban students showed a significantly higher intake frequency of food groups compared with rural students. To conclude, desirable nutrition education on meal regularity, snack choice, and problems relating to unbalanced diet should be conducted in schools.

체격지수에 따른 기숙사 여대생의 건강과 관련된 식행동과 영양소 섭취량에 대한 연구 (A study on food behavior to related health and daily food intakes of female dormitory students according to BMI)

  • 강금지
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구에서는 자취 형식의 기숙사에 살고 있는 여대생들의 건강과 관련된 식행동과 영양소 섭취 실태를 알아보고 이들을 BMI에 따라 저체중군과 정상체중군으로 나누어 비교한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1.평균 연령은 18-20세가 66.3%, 21-25세 33%, 26-27세 0.6%순이었다. 한달 평균 용돈은 20-30만원 41.4%, 30-40만원 34.3%, 40만원 이상 14.6%, 20만원 이하가 8.4%였다. 평균 식비는 10-15만원 42.2%, 15-10만원 27.9%였다. 건강상의 문제는 없다 77.3%, 변비 33.9%, 소화불량 32.6%, 빈혈 21.4%, 위장질환 13.2%순이었다. 2. 평균 신장은 162.37$\pm$4.36cm 평균 체중은 52.48$\pm$5.54kg, BMI 19.89$\pm$1.89이었다. 저체중군(BMI 20이하)은 53.1%로, 평균신장 162.61$\pm$14.19, 체중 48.99$\pm$3.60kg, BMI는 18.51$\pm$0.98이었다. 정상체중군(BMI 20-25이하)은 46.9%로, 평균 신장 162.37$\pm$4.36cm 체중 58.43$\pm$4.63kg, BMI는 21.46$\pm$1.38이었다. 3. 건강에 대한 자가 인식은 BMI에 상관없이 대부분이 보통 이상(76.4%)으로 대답하였다 저체중군(28.7%)이 정상체중군(17.9%) 보다 건강이 좋지 않다고 생각하였다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.05). 자기 체형에 대한 이미지는 저체중군의 63.4%가 '보통 체형'이라고 생각하였고, 정상체중군에서는 73.1%가 '살찐 편'이라고 생각하였다.(p'||'&'||'lt;0.001). 체중조절의 경험은 정상체중군이 유의성있게 많았다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.001). 체중조절에 사용된 방법은 음식 덜 먹기, 운동, 한 끼 굻기, 간식 안 먹기 순이었다. 운동은 거의 하지 않았으며, 음주 횟수는 한달에 1-2회가 가장 많았고(45.5%), 흡연은 '안 한다'가 95.1%였다. 영양제는 저체중군이 정상체중군보다 더 많이 복용하였다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.05). 4. 81.4%가 불규칙한 식사를 하고, 거르는 끼니는 아침이 89.6%로 가장 많았고, 거르는 이유는 시간이 없어서(75.4%), 먹을 것이 마땅치 않아서(28.3%) 순이었다. 간식섭취는 하루 2번이 가장 많았고, 저체중군이 정상체중군 보다 '간식을 거의 먹지 않는다'라고 대답한 학생이 유의적으로 많았다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.05). 좋아하는 간식은 두 군 다 과자, 과일류 순이었다. 정상체중군이 저체중군보다 빵과 케?을 더 많이 먹었다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.05). 나쁜 식습관으로는 불규칙한 식사(60.5%), 과식(39.2%)순이었다. 정상체중군이 저체중군보다 맵고 짠것을 더 먹는 것으로 나타났고(p'||'&'||'lt;0.05), 저체중군이 편식을 더 많이 하였다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.01). 5. 외식시 맛과 가격을 우선적으로 고려하였고, 하루에 한번 이상은 외식을 하며, 외식장소는 분식점과 학교 식당이며, 선택하는 음식은 한식, 일품요리, 분식 순이었다. Fast food 이용 횟수는 '거의 가지 않는다'가 가장 많았고, 일주일에 3-4번 순이었다. 정상체중군이 저체중군보다 이용횟수가 많았다 (p'||'&'||'lt;0.05) 6. 식품을 주로 구입하는 곳은 동네 슈퍼와 대형 슈퍼였고, 밥은 적어도 하루에 한번은 하고, 반찬은 주로 집에서 부쳐오는 반찬을 먹고 있으며, 하는 요리의 종류는 찌개, 국 순이었다. 7. 우유와 유제품군에서는 우유를 가장 자주 마시고 있으며, 아이스크림, 요구르트 순이었다. 육류군은 계란, 두부와 햄과 소세지의 순으로 자주 먹었으며, 정상체중군이 저체중군보다 소고기, 돼지고기, 닭고기, 햄과 소세지를 덜 자주 먹었다(p'||'&'||'lt;0.05). 곡류는 밥은 하루에 한번은 먹으며, 채소는 김치는 하루에 한 번씩은 먹으나, 담색, 황색, 녹색채소의 섭취 횟수는 낮았다. 과일은 일주일에 1-2회 이상 먹었으며, Fast food중에서는 햄버거를 가장 자주 먹으며, 음료는 커피를 가장 많이 마셨다. 8. BMI에 따른 열량과 영양소에는 차이가 없었다. 평균 열량은 1575.3Kcal로 권장량의 78.7%이었고. 단백질은 권장량의 124.7%, 비타민 A 101.0%, 비타민 B$_1$ 131.0%, 비타민 B$_2$ 82.3%, 나이아신 89.7%, 비타민 C 78.1%, 철분은 80.2%이었다. 칼슘은 권장량의 57.0%로 가장 낮았다. 이상의 결과로 여대생은 체중 과다보다는 저체중의 비율이 높았는데 이들이 가임 연령층이라는 것을 고려하여 본 다면 이에 대한 식생활 대책이 필요하다. 기숙사의 여대생의 건강과 관련된 행동, 식행동과 영양소 섭취는 집에서 있는 여대생과 비교하여 불규칙한 식사의 비율이 높았고, 아침 결식율도 높으며, 채소와 과일의 섭취 빈도가 낮음을 알 수 있었다. BMI에 따라서는, 저체중과 정상체중의 여학생간에는 식행동과 영양소 섭취에 큰 차이가 없음을 알 수 있었다. 기숙사생들이 바른 식습관을 가지기 위하여 기숙사 자체와 학교의 영양교육을 통하여 간편한 아침식사, 간단히 할 수 있는 요리 등을 강좌를 통하여 가르치고, 학생들이 가장 많이 이용하는 학교식당이 식단의 다양함과 질을 높일 수 있도록 식단 개발이 필요하다고 생각된다.

  • PDF

코로나19로 인한 청소년의 경제적 상태 변화에 따른 한국 청소년의 식생활 및 건강에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effect of Dietary Life and Health on the Changes in Economic Conditions of Korean Youths due to COVID-19)

  • 김호경;남형경
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.765-772
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to understand the influence of COVID-19 on youth daily life by analyzing the correlation between youth health and diet according to whether economic status has changed due to COVID-19 and to provide basic data on program construction for the welfare of socially marginalized adolescents. As a result of the study, the proportion of respondents who answered that there was a change in economic status at a high rate for decreased academic performance (p<0.001), stress perception, and suicidal thoughts (p<0.001), and the proportion of decreased number of breakfasts and increased fast food consumption (p<0.001) was also high. These results of the study are thought to be the reason for the increase in adolescents who are alienated due to changes in home conditions due to COVID-19, which is expected to affect the physical and mental health of adolescents who lack communication and guidance, and the increase in delinquents rate due to reduced academic concentration and increased junk food intake. Therefore, through this study, it can be helpful to use basic data for the development of welfare programs such as non-face-to-face as basic data for teenagers alienated from COVID-19.

Mukbang's Foodcasting beyond Korea's Borders: A Study Focusing on OTT Platforms

  • Lim, Jia
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.470-479
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    • 2022
  • Mukbang is a type of foodcasting where a host records or streams their eating rituals for audience consumption in live format. With origins in South Korea via the online broadcast genre found on Afreeca TV in the mid-2000s, the phenomenon has since found global popularity. Its development as a full-fledged genre is based on a communication culture that invites people to a meal rather than to talk to one another; viewers watch in silence as a host consumes a copious number of dishes from Korean gastronomy to fast food to other ethnic cuisine on display. An invitation to eat means the beginning of a public relationship that quickly turns to a private shared experience. This study analyzes several Mukbang video postings and makes use of Linden's culture approach model to provide a view toward a number of cross-cultural connections by Koreans and non-Korean audiences. Prior to the study, 10 Korean eating shows were selected and used as standard models. Korean Mukbang mainly consists of eating behavior and ASMR, with very few storytelling or narrative devices utilized by its creators. For this reason, eating shows make a very private connection. In other ways, this paper shows how 28 Mukbang-related YouTube contents selected by Ranker were evolving and examined through notions of acculturation and reception theory.

Renoprotective and antioxidant effects of Saururus chinensis Baill in rats fed a high-fructose diet

  • Choi, Ha-Neul;Park, Yong-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Hye;Kang, Min-Jung;Jeong, Soo-Mi;Kim, Hyeon-Hoe;Kim, Jung-In
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.365-369
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the preventive effect of Saururus chinensis Baill against renal damage induced by a high-fructose diet in rats. The rats (n = 30) were fed either a cornstarch-based (65%), high-fructose (65%), or high-fructose (64.5%) diet with 0.5% S. chinensis Baill extract for 10 weeks. Twenty-four hour urine collections were obtained and the animals were sacrificed after an overnight fast. Serum urea and creatinine and urine albumin were measured using colorimetric methods, and creatinine clearance was determined. In addition, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced glutathione (GSH), and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the kidney were determined. Kidney samples were also examined histologically. The fructose-fed rats showed renal dysfunction, indicated by decreased creatinine clearance, increased albumin in the urine, and increased urea and creatinine in the serum. These renal function parameters were comparable to control levels in rats that consumed S. chinensis Baill. Fructose consumption increased renal TBARS and reduced GSH and SOD activity, whereas these levels were near-normal in the rats consuming S. chinensis Baill The kidneys of fructose-fed rats showed glomerular basement membrane thickening, mesangial matrix expansion, and tubule dilation. These pathological changes were not seen in the rats that consumed S. chinensis Baill. Therefore, S. chinensis Baill effectively alleviated fructose-induced renal damage in these rats, at least partially due to antioxidant activity.

Quercetin attenuates fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia in animal models of diabetes mellitus

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Kang, Min-Jung;Choi, Ha-Neul;Jeong, Soo-Mi;Lee, Young-Min;Kim, Jung-In
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the hypoglycemic effects of quercetin (QE) in animal models of diabetes mellitus (DM). A starch solution (1 g/kg) with and without QE (100 mg/kg) or acarbose (40 mg/kg) was orally administered to streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats after an overnight fast. Postprandial plasma glucose levels were measured and incremental areas under the response curve were calculated. To study the effects of chronic feeding of QE, five-week-old db/db mice were fed an AIN-93G diet, a diet containing QE at 0.08%, or a diet containing acarbose at 0.03% for 7 weeks after 1 week of adaptation. Plasma glucose and insulin, blood glycated hemoglobin, and maltase activity of the small intestine were measured. Oral administration of QE (100 mg/kg) or acarbose (40 mg/kg) to STZ-treated rats significantly decreased incremental plasma glucose levels 30-180 min after a single oral dose of starch and the area under the postprandial glucose response, compared with the control group. QE (0.08% of diet) or acarbose (0.03% of diet) offered to db/db mice significantly reduced both plasma glucose and blood glycated hemoglobin compared to controls without significant influence on plasma insulin. Small intestine maltase activities were significantly reduced by consumption of QE or acarbose. Thus, QE could be effective in controlling fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels in animal models of DM.

경기지역 일부 주야간 여대생들의 식생활 습관과 영양섭취 상태에 대한 연구 (A Study of Dietary Habits and Intakes for Female College Students of Day and Night Class in Kyunggido Area)

  • 이영근;현영희;황윤경;이윤신
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the food habits and the dietary intake of female college students at day and night class in the Kyunggido area. The questionnaires were collected from 294 students(151 day class and 143 night class students) out of 350 in total. The results are as follows: Breakfast for day class students and breakfast and dinner of night class students were skipped more than 3 times a week. The main reason was short of time. In the behavior of food intake, the frequency of yellow-green vegetables, milk and seaweeds intake was low in all respondents. 18.4% of night class students ate out 3 times a day. In the kind of menu for eating out, Korean food was the most frequent. snack food the second, and fast food came last. 23.9% of students ate something 2 or 3 times a day between meals. The main reason for eating between meals was the desire to eat for day class students, and hunger for the night time students. Consumption of coffee was 0.76 cup a day Daily mean of calory intake was 1.394 kcal and the ratio of carbohydrate. protein lipid was 61:14:25. The intakes of iron and niacin of the day class students were higher than those of night class students. There was no significant difference in intake of other nutrients between day and night class students. Intake of calcium and iron did not reach 50% of Korean RDA.

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