• Title/Summary/Keyword: exponential law

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Exponential Stabilization of an Axially Translating Tensioned Beam by Boundary Control Together with a Passive Damper (길이방향으로 이동하고 장력을 가진 보의 경계제어를 통한 지수안정화)

  • 최지윤;홍금식
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2003
  • An active control of the lateral vibration of a translating tensioned Euler-Bemoulli beam is investigated. The dynamics of the translating tensioned beam is represented by a non-linear hyperbolic partial differential equation. A right boundary control law based upon the Lyapunov's second method is derived. The transverse motion of the translating tensioned beam is controlled by a time-varying external force besides a passive damping applied at the right boundary. Exponential stability of the closed loop system is proved. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

Effect of power law index for vibration of armchair and zigzag single walled carbon nanotubes

  • Khadimallah, Mohamed Amine;Hussain, Muzamal
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.621-632
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    • 2020
  • This research deals with the study of vibrational behavior of armchair and zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes invoking extended Love shell theory. The effects of different physical and material parameters on the fundamental frequencies are investigated. By using volume fraction for power law index, the fundamental natural frequency spectra for two forms of single-walled carbon nanotubes are calculated. The influence of frequencies against length-to-diameter ratios with varying power law index are investigated in detail for these tubes. To discretize the governing equation in eigen-value form, wave propagation approach is developed. Complex exponential functions have been used and the axial model depends on boundary condition that has been described at the edges of carbon nanotubes to calculate the axial modal dependence. Computer software MATLAB is utilized for the frequencies of single-walled carbon nanotubes and current results shows a good stability with comparison of other studies.

Stability analysis for a dissipative feedback control law

  • Kang, Sung-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.869-876
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    • 1995
  • Piezo devices such as piezoceramic patches knwon as collocated rate sensor and actuators are commonly used in control of flexible structure (see, e.g., [1]) and noise reduction. Recently, Ito and Kang ([4]) developed a nonlinear feedback control synthesis for regulating fluid flow using these devices.

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Bayesian Value of Information Analysis with Linear, Exponential, Power Law Failure Models for Aging Chronic Diseases

  • Chang, Chi-Chang
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.200-219
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    • 2008
  • The effective management of uncertainty is one of the most fundamental problems in medical decision making. According to the literatures review, most medical decision models rely on point estimates for input parameters. However, it is natural that they should be interested in the relationship between changes in those values and subsequent changes in model output. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the ranges of numerical values for which each option will be most efficient with respect to the input parameters. The Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process(NHPP) was used for describing the behavior of aging chronic diseases. Three kind of failure models (linear, exponential, and power law) were considered, and each of these failure models was studied under the assumptions of unknown scale factor and known aging rate, known scale factor and unknown aging rate, and unknown scale factor and unknown aging rate, respectively. In addition, this study illustrated developed method with an analysis of data from a trial of immunotherapy in the treatment of chronic Granulomatous disease. Finally, the proposed design of Bayesian value of information analysis facilitates the effective use of the computing capability of computers and provides a systematic way to integrate the expert's opinions and the sampling information which will furnish decision makers with valuable support for quality medical decision making.

Modified cyclic steel law including bond-slip for analysis of RC structures with plain bars

  • Caprili, Silvia;Mattei, Francesca;Gigliotti, Rosario;Salvatore, Walter
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.187-201
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    • 2018
  • The paper describes a modified cyclic bar model including bond-slip phenomena between steel reinforcing bars and surrounding concrete. The model is focused on plain bar and is useful, for its simplicity, for the seismic analyses of RC structures with plain bars and insufficient constructive details, such as in the case of '60s -'70s Mediterranean buildings. The model is based on an imposed exponential displacements field along the bar including both steel deformation and slip; through the adoption of equilibrium and compatibility equations a stress-slip law can be deducted and simply applied, with opportune operations, to RC numerical models. This study aims to update and complete the original monotonic model published by the authors, solving some numerical inconsistencies and, mostly, introducing the cyclic formulation. The first aim is achieved replacing the imposed linear displacement field along the bar with an exponential too, while the cyclic behaviour is described through a formulation based on the results of parametric analyses concerning a large range of steel and concrete properties and geometric configurations. Validations of the proposed model with experimental results available in the current literature confirm its accuracy and the reduced computational burden, highlighting its suitability in performing nonlinear analyses of RC structures.

Bending analysis of exponentially varied FG plates using trigonometric shear and normal deformation theory

  • Sunil S. Yadav;Keshav K. Sangle;Mandar U. Kokane;Sandeep S. Pendhari;Yuwaraj M. Ghugal
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.281-302
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, bending analysis of exponentially varying functionally graded (FG) plate is presented using trigonometric shear deformation theory (TSDT) considering both transverse shear and normal deformation effects. The in-plane displacement field consists of sinusoidal functions in thickness direction to include transverse shear strains and transverse displacement include the effect of transverse normal strain using the cosine function in thickness coordinate. The governing equations and boundary conditions of the theory are derived using the virtual work principle. System of governing equations, for simply supported conditions, Navier's solution technique is used to obtain results. Plate material properties vary across thickness direction according to exponential distribution law. In the current theory, transverse shear stresses are distributed accurately through the plate thickness, hence obviates the need for a shear correction factor. TSDT results are compared with those from other theories to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the present theory. The current theory is in excellent agreement with the semi-analytical theory.

Comparative study on the buckling analysis of exponential, power and sigmoidal sandwich FGM plates under hygro-thermal conditions

  • Aman Garg;Mohamed-Ouejdi Belarbi;Li Li;H.D. Chalak;Abdelouahed Tounsi;A.M. Zenkour
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.431-462
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    • 2024
  • The buckling mode of failure is very common in case of plates, especially when their aspect ratio is large. In the present study, an endeavour has been made to carry out the hygro-thermal-induced buckling-based study of sandwich functionally graded (FG) plates made up of different material variation laws. A comparative study has been carried out between FGM plates made up of power, exponential and sigmoidal law using higher order zigzag theory. Nine-noded C-0 finite element has been used. It has been observed that the buckling behaviour of sandwich FGM plates under hygrothermal conditions is widely influenced by the geometry of the plate and the value of the law coefficient.Also, the nature of boundary condition widely affects the behavior of the plate.

Empirical Correlations for Penetration Height of Liquid Jet in Uniform Cross Flow - A Review

  • No, Soo-Young
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.176-185
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    • 2011
  • The empirical correlations for the prediction of penetration height of liquid jet in crossflow are reviewed and classified in this study. Around thirty different correlations had been proposed by many investigators. It has generally known that the penetration height of a liquid jet in a cross-flow is a function of the liquid to air momentum flux ratio and the normalized downstream distance from the injector. However, several researchers incorporated the Weber number, liquid-to-water or air viscosity ratio, pressure ratio or Reynolds number, temperature ratio in the empirical correlations. The existing correlations can be grouped as correlations in a power-law, logarithmic, and exponential forms, respectively. Correlations in a power-law form can be further classified as three groups such as basic form, Weber number form and other parameters form. It should be pointed out that correlations in a logarithmic form in terms of Weber number or any other parameters could not be found. Universal correlation has still not been established due to the significant discrepancies between various correlations suggested to date. Several of the studies reported the significant discrepancies of predicted values by the existing correlations. The possible reasons for discrepancies will be summarized as measurement technique, assumptions made in defining terms in the liquid to air momentum flux ratio, difficulties in defining the boundaries of the liquid jets, and nozzle/injector geometry. Evaluation of validity for the correlations proposed recently by several investigators is essentially required. Those include eight power-law forms, two logarithmic forms, and one exponential form.

Performance of water-jet pump under acceleration

  • Wu, Xian-Fang;Li, Ming-Hui;Liu, Hou-Lin;Tan, Ming-Gao;Lu, You-Dong
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.794-803
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    • 2021
  • The instantaneous acceleration affects the performance of the water-jet pump obviously. Here, based on the user-defined function, the method to simulate the inner flow in water-jet pumps under acceleration conditions was established. The effects of two different acceleration modes (linear acceleration and exponential acceleration) and three kinds of different acceleration time (0.5s, 1s and 2s) on the performance of the water-jet pump were analyzed. The results show that the thrust and the pressure pulsation under exponential acceleration are lower than that under linear acceleration at the same time; the vapor volume fraction in the impeller under linear acceleration is 27.3% higher than that under exponential acceleration. As the acceleration time increases, the thrust gradually increases and the pressure pulsation amplitude at the impeller inlet and outlet gradually decreases, while the law of pressure pulsation is the opposite at the diffuser outlet. The main frequency of pressure pulsation at the impeller outlet is different under different acceleration time. The research results can provide some reference for the optimal design of water-jet pumps.

Vibration Control of an Axially Moving String: Inclusion of the Dynamics of Electro Hydraulic Servo System

  • Kim, Chang-Won;Hong, Keum-Shik;Kim, Yong-Shik
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.342-347
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, an active vibration control of a translating tensioned string with the use of an electro-hydraulic servo mechanism at the right boundary is investigated. The dynamics of the moving strip is modeled as a string with tension by using Hamilton’s principle for the systems with changing mass. The control objective is to suppress the transverse vibrations of the strip via boundary control. A right boundary control law in the form of current input to the servo valve based upon the Lyapunov’s second method is derived. It is revealed that a time-varying boundary force and a suitable passive damping at the right boundary can successfully suppress the transverse vibrations. The exponential stability of the closed loop system is proved. The effectiveness of the control laws proposed is demonstrated via simulations.

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