• Title/Summary/Keyword: experiencing characteristics

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Introduction of Integrated Coastal Management Program and Sustainable Development of Fishing Villages in Cheonsu Bay Region (연안통합관리계획의 도입과 천수만 어촌의 지속가능발전)

  • 김부성
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.184-205
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    • 2003
  • Sustainable Development(SD) is an important concept for the future of the coastal area, and for development of fishing villages. Since 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro many governments and local authorities throughout the world have been engaged in preparing and implementing $\ulcorner$Agenda 21$\lrcorner$. Many projects which previously would have been identified as environmental protection are now presented under the banner of sustainable development. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) is an extension of sustainable development. ICM was presented as a framework for resolution of coastal use conflicts. The aim of the present paper is to assess sustainable development potential of fishing villages in Cheonsu Bay Region according to implementation of ICM. Cheonsu Bay Region was known as one of the productive fishing grounds and Cheonsu Bay Region preserved unique characteristics of traditional fishing villages. But this region is now experiencing many changes through the massive reclamation projects like Seosan A B Project. After a brief overview of concepts and history of SD and ICM, the reclamation process and its impacts on both fishery and fishing communities in Cheonsu Bay Region are discussed. According to their changing environmental and socio-economic characteristics after the reclamation, ca 35 representative coastal villages in this region can be classified into 5 types. Many coastal villages shows diversity in their economic activities, as tourism and recreation function becomes more and more important in this region. In present-day Cheonsu Bay Region, it is possible to differentiate fishing village cooperatives(FVO) with high potential of sustainable fishery development, FVOs with medium potential, FVOs with low potential on the basis of 14 selected indicators.

Technological Diversities Observed in Bronze Objects of the Late Goryo Period - Case Study on the Bronze Bowls Excavated from the Burial Complex at Deobu-gol in Goyang - (고려 말 청동용기에 적용된 제작기술의 다양성 연구 - 고양 더부골 고분군 출토 청동용기를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Ik Hwan;Lee, Jae Sung;Park, Jang Sik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.208-227
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    • 2013
  • Twenty-seven bronze bowls excavated from the Goryo burial complex at Deobu-gol were examined for their microstructure and chemical composition to characterize the bronze technology practiced by commoners at the time. Results showed that the objects examined can be classified into four groups: 1) objects forged out of Cu-near 22%Sn alloys and then quenched; 2) objects cast from Cu-below 10% Sn alloys containing lead; 3) objects cast from Cu-10%~20% Sn alloys containing lead and then quenched; 4) objects forged out of Cu-10~20% Sn alloys containing lead and then quenched. This study revealed that the fabrication technique as determined by alloy compositions plays an important role in bronze technology. The use of lead was clearly associated with the selection of quenching temperatures, the character of inclusions and the color characteristics of bronze surfaces. It was found that the objects containing lead were quenched at temperatures of $520^{\circ}{\sim}586^{\circ}C$ while those without lead were quenched at the range of $586^{\circ}{\sim}799^{\circ}C$. The presence of selenium in impurity inclusions was detected only in alloys containing lead, suggesting that the raw materials, Cu and Sn, used in making the lead-free alloys for the first group were carefully selected from those smelted using ores without lead contamination. Furthermore, the addition of lead was found to have significant effects on the color characteristics of the surface of bronze alloys when they are subjected to corrosion during interment. In leaded alloys, corrosion turns the surface light green or dark green while in unleaded alloys, corrosion turns the surface dark brown or black. It was found that in fabrication, the wall thickness of the bronze bowls varies depending on the application of quenching; most of the quenched objects have walls 1mm thick or below while those without quenching have walls 1mm thick or above. Fabrication techniques in bronze making usually reflect social environments of a community. It is likely that in the late Goryo period, experiencing lack of skilled bronze workers, the increased demand for bronze was met in two ways; by the use of chief lead instead of expensive tin and by the use of casting suitable for mass production. The above results show that the Goryo bronze workers tried to overcome such a resource-limited environment through technological innovations as apparent in the use of varying fabrication techniques for different alloys. Recently, numerous bronze objects are excavated and available for investigation. This study shows that with the use of proper analytical techniques they can serve as a valuable source of information required for the characterization of the associated technology as well as the social environment leading to the establishment of such technology.

A phenomenon Study on Acceptance Universe of K-pop Audience : Focused on Group Aespa's Universe Case (K-pop 수용자의 세계관 수용 현상 연구 : 그룹 에스파의 세계관 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nakyung
    • Trans-
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    • v.12
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    • pp.173-222
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    • 2022
  • This thesis examines the 'universe' acceptance phenomenon, currently used as a content strategy in the K-pop field, from the perspective of K-pop audiences, and then attempts to identify their experience of acceptance and the meaning of the universe. For this, tweets related to the universe acceptance experience of Aespa, the group utilizing the universe as a content strategy the most actively, were collected, and this data was analyzed according to a phenomenological approach, an approach to explore the structure of personal experience and the essence of a phenomenon. As a result of analyzing using Moustakas' method, the semantic structure of the universe acceptance phenomenon of K-pop audiences was derived based on 21 thematic units. It was found that current K-pop audiences are experiencing active cultural consumption rather than unilateral or passive through acceptance of the universe. This means that K-pop audiences have the characteristics of active audiences that produce meaning, interact with other fans, and exert influence on outside of community. At the same time, these characteristics affect acceptance of the universe. Simultaneously, through active acceptance experience, it is found that K-pop audiences give a new meaning in the K-pop universe, as "marketing assets", "fandom community assets", and "K-pop industry expansion assets." Among them, the recognition of 'marketing assets' was reaffirmed as a basis for supporting related previous studies. In addition, it derived the new values of the universe in the K-pop field by discovering the meaning of "fandom's specific assets" and "assets of the K-pop industry for expansion". These meanings had not been found that previous studies from the producers' point of view. And then, for the purpose of expanding the value of the universe in the future, it was discussed the direction of the new meaning of the universe. Finally, this study is meaningful in that it revealed the semantic structure of the universe acceptance phenomenon and discovered a new meaning of the universe in the K-pop field. Additionally, it was intended to contribute to expanding the field of research by suggesting various follow-up studies from various perspectives.

Fossil Saline Groundwater and Their Flushing Out At Gilsan Stream Catchment in the Western Coastal Area of Seocheon, Korea (서천 해안지역 길산천 소유역에서의 고염분 지하수와 씻김 현상)

  • Sang-Ho Moon;Yoon Yeol Yoon;Jin-Yong Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.671-687
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    • 2022
  • It has been reported that about 47% of groundwater wells within 10 km from the coastline in the western/southern coastal areas of Korea were affected by seawater. It has been interpreted that the cause of groundwater salinization is seawater intrusion. The Gilsan stream in the Seocheon area was a tidal stream until the Geumgang estuary dam was constructed and operated. Therefore, it is likely that the Gilsan stream catchment was deposited with sediments containing high-saline formation water prior to the use of landfill farmland at this catchment area. The groundwater in this study area showed EC values ranging from 111 to 21,000 µS/cm, and the water quality types were diverse including Ca(or Na)-HCO3, Ca(or Na)-HCO3(Cl), Na-Cl(HCO3), Na-Cl types. It is believed that this diversity of water quality is due to the mixing of seawater and fresh groundwater generated by infiltration of precipitation and surface water through soil and weathered part. In this study, we discussed whether this water quality diversity and the presence of saline groundwater are due to present seawater intrusion or to remnant high-saline pore water in sediments during flushing out process. For this, rain water, surface water, seawater, and groundwater were compared regarding the water quality characteristics, tritium content, oxygen/hydrogen stable isotopic composition, and 87Sr/86Sr ratio. The oxygen/hydrogen stable isotopic compositions indicated that water composition of saline groundwaters with large EC values are composed of a mixture of those of fresh groundwater and surface water. Also, the young groundwater estimated by tritium content has generally higher NO3 content. All these characteristics showed that fresh groundwater and surface water have continued to affect the high-saline groundwater quality in the study area. In addition, considering the deviation pattern in the diagrams of Na/Cl ratio versus Cl content and SAR (sodium adsorption ratio) versus Cl content, in which two end members of fresh surface-ground water and seawater are assumed, it is interpreted that the groundwater in the study area is not experiencing present seawater intrusion, but flush out and retreating from ancient saline formation water.

The Changes of System Design Premises and the Structural Reforms of Korean Government S&T Development Management System (시스템 설계전제의 변화와 공공부문 과학기술발전관리시스템 구조의 개혁)

  • 노화준
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this paper is to think about what structural reforms of the Korean government S&T development management system might be. Korean society is currently experiencing a drastic socio-economic transformation. The results of this transformation should be reflected on the determining process of the directions and breadths of structural reforms of government S&T development management system. Because the government system design will be based on the premises of socio-economic conditions under which administrative activities perform and also this socio-economic changes can influence on changes of the premises of government management system design. Moreover, S&T development management system is a subsystem of government system so that the directions of structural reform of those subsystems should be considered in the broad framework changes in the development management system of the government. For the last forty years, the Korean government S&T development management system has been based on the premises including transformation from an agrarian society to an industrial society, authoritarianism and centrally controlled institutions, and exteremely small portions of private investments for science and thechonology R & D of the total. Recently, however, the premises of Korean government S&T development management system have rapidly changed. the characteristics of these changes are including tranformation from an industrial society to a knowledge and information intensive society, globalization, localization, and relatively large portion of private investments for science and technology R & C of the total. The basis of government reforms in Korea was the realization of the performances and values through the enhancement of national competitive capacity, attainment of lean government, decentralization and autonomy. However, the Korean government has attached a symbolic value of strategic organizations representing strong policy intentions of government for the science and technology based development. Most problems associated with the Korean government S&T development management system have grown worse during 1990s. Many people perceive that considerable part of this problem was generated because the government could not properly adapt itself to new administrative environment and the paradigm shift in its role. First of all, the Korean government S&T development management system as a whole failed to develop an integrated vision under which processes in formulating science and thechology development goals and developing consistent government plans concerning science and technology development are guided. Second, most of the local governments have little organizational capacity and manpowers to handle localized activities to promote science and technology in their regions. Third, the measure to coordinate and set priorities to invest resources for the development of science and technology was not effective. Fourth, the Most has been losing its reputation as the symbol of ideological commitment of the top policy maker to promote science and technology. Various ideas to reform government S&T development management system have been suggested recently. Most frequently cited ideas are as follow : (ⅰ)strengthen the functions of MoST by supplementing the strong incentive and regulatory measures; (ⅱ)create a new Ministry of Education, Science & Technology and Research by merging the Ministry of Education and the MoST; (ⅲ)create a new Ministry of Science & Technology and Industry ; and(ⅳ)create a National Science and Technology Policy Council under the chairmanship of the President. Four alternatives suggested have been widely discussed among the interested parties and they each have merits as well as weaknesses. The first alternative could be seen as an alternative which cannot resolve current conflicts among various ministries concerning priority setting and resource allocation. However, this alternatives can be seen as a way of showing the top policymaker's strong intention to emphasize science and technology based development. Second alternative is giving a strategic to emphasize on the training and supplying qualified manpower to meet knowledge and information intensive future society. This alternative is considered to be consistent with the new administrative paradigm emphasizing lean government and decentralization. However, opponents are worrying about the linkages and cooperative research between university and industry could be weakening. The third alternative has been adopted mostly in nations which have strong basic science research but weak industrial innovation traditions. Main weakness of this alternative for Korea is that Korean science and technology development system has no strong basic science and technology research traditions. The fourth alternative is consistent with new administrative paradigms and government reform bases. However, opponents to this alternative are worried that the intensive development of science and technology because of Korea's low potential research capabilities in science and technology development. Considerning the present Korean socio-economic situation which demands highly qualified human resources and development strategies which emphasizes the accumulations of knowledge-based stocks, I would like to suggest the route of creating a new Ministry of Education, Science & Technology and Research by intergrating education administration functions and science & technology development function into one ministry.

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Study of Chinese Propaganda Paintings from 1949 to 1966: Focusing on Oil Paintings and Posters (1949년~1966년 시기 중국 선전화 연구 - 유화와 포스터를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Heui-Weon
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.4
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    • pp.77-104
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    • 2006
  • The propaganda paintings in oil colors or in forms of posters made from 1949 to 1966 have gone through some changes experiencing the influence of the Soviet Union Art and discussion of nationalization, while putting political messages of the time in the picture planes. The propaganda paintings which have been through this process became an effective means of encouraging the illiterate people in political ideologies, production, and learning. Alike other propaganda paintings in different mediums, the ones which were painted in oil colors and in the form of posters have been produced fundamentally based on Mao Zedong's intensification of the literary art on the talks on literature at Yenan. Yet, the oil paintings and posters were greatly influenced by the socialist realism and propaganda paintings of the Soviet Union, compared to other propaganda paintings in different mediums. Accordingly, they were preponderantly dealt in the discussions of nationalization of the late '50s. To devide in periods, the establishment of People's Republic of China in 1949 as a diverging point, the propaganda paintings made before and after 1949 have differences in subject matters and styles. In the former period, propaganda paintings focused on the political lines of the Communists and enlightenment of the people, but in the latter period, the period of Cultural Revolution, the most important theme was worshiping Mao Zedong. This was caused by reflection of the social atmosphere, and it is shown that the propaganda painters had reacted sensitively to the alteration of politics and the society. On the side of formalities, the oil paintings and posters made before the Cultural Revolution were under a state of unfolding several discussions including nationalization while accepting the Soviet Union styles and contents, and the paintings made afterwards show more of unique characteristics of China. In 1956, the discussion about nationalization which had effected the whole world of art, had strongly influenced the propaganda paintings in oil colors more than anything. There were two major changes in the process of making propaganda paintings in oil colors. One was to portray lives of the Chinese people truthfully, and the other was to absorb the Chinese traditional styles of expression. After this period, the oil painters usually kept these rules in creating their works, and as a result, the subject matters, characters, and backgrounds have been greatly Sinicized. For techniques came the flat colored surface of the new year prints and the traditional Chinese technique of outlining were used for expressing human figures. While the propaganda paintings in oil colors achieved high quality and depth, the posters had a very direct representation of subject matters and the techniques were unskilled compared to the oil paintings. However, after the establishment of People's Republic of China, the posters were used more than any other mediums for propagation of national policy and participation of the political movements, because it was highly effective in delivering the policies and political lines clearly to the Chinese people who were mostly illiterate. The poster painters borrowed techniques and styles from the Soviet Union through books and exhibitions on Soviet Union posters, and this relation of influences constantly appears in the posters made at the time. In this way, like the oil paintings, the posters which have been made with a direct influence of the Soviet Union had developed a new, sinicised process during the course of nationalization. The propaganda paintings in oil colors or in forms of posters, which had undergone the discussion of nationalization, had put roots deep down in the lives of the Chinese people, and this had become another foundation for the amplification of influences of political propaganda paintings in the following period of Cultural Revolution.

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The Association of Oral Impacts on Daily Performances for Children (C-OIDP), Oral Health Condition and Oral Health-Related Behaviors (어린이 일상생활구강영향지수(C-OIDP)와 구강관리 및 구강건강행태와의 관련성)

  • Jo, Hwa-Young;Jung, Yun-Sook;Park, Dong-Ok;Lee, Young-Eun;Choi, Youn-Hee;Song, Keun-Bae
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.242-248
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the factors affection the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances for Children (C-OIDP) in elementary and middle school students, and identify the association between oral health-related behaviors, oral health condition and C-OIDP. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three schools in Incheon, Asan, Korea. A total of 175 selected children were interviewed by a trained examiner using a questionnaire. Oral Health Related Quality of Life was assessed by the Korean version of C-OIDP. Socio-economic characteristics, oral health-related behaviors, oral health condition and C-OIDP were verified using the questionnaire. ANOVA analysis was performed to determine the oral health and C-OIDP, and multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the factors affecting the C-OIDP. The activities with the greatest effect were eating (28.0%), cleaning teeth (22.9%), and smiling (18.9%). In the logistic regression model, the high item score of C-OIDP was associated with experiencing dental caries and gum pain in the past month. The more the C-OIDP prevalence item, the more the fillng deciduous tooth surface (fs) (p=0.024), caries experienced deciduous tooth surface (dfs) (p=0.049), total caries tooth surface (ds+DS) (p=0.021), and total caries experienced tooth surface (dfs+DMFS) (p=0.047). It can be concluded that the factors affecting C-OIDP are fs, dfs, dfs+DMFS, and gingival pain. Based on these results, we can improve C-OIDP to advance preventive practice.

A Study on Psychological Rehabilitation to Decrease Powerlessness in the Elderly Population (노인의 무력감 완화를 위한 심리 재활에 관한 연구)

  • 김조자;임종락;박지원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.506-525
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    • 1992
  • Older people, because of the psychological and physiological changes related to the aging process are more vulnerable to experiencing powerlessness than any other age group. This self destructive cycle of depression in older people related to the experience of continued and long term powerlessness can lead even to death. The purpose of this study was to measure powerlessness and resources to increase power in older people, and to measure the effectiveness of a psychological rehabilitation program for reducing powerlessness. The research methodology used was a two step process. In the first step, a survey was done of perceived powerlessness and power resources comparing four groups of elderly people ; those living at home, those in hospital, those living in nursing homes and those attending educational programs for the elderly. The total sample size was 236. In the second step, a psychological rehabilitation program was carried out, pre and post measurements were taken related to this program. The sample consisted of 29 residents in a nursing home. The results of the study are as follows : 1. Powerlessness was classified as cognitive, emotional, activity and learning. The lowest score for powerlessness was in the area of activity, that is the people in the sample felt more power concerning their activities. The highest score was in the area of cognition where they felt they had less power. 2. When the different groups of elderly were compared, it was found that the residents of the nursing home had the highest score on perceived powerlessness and the group who were living at home had the lowest score. 3. Among the general characteristics, the factors influencing the powerlessness score were age, sex, level of education, financial resources and health status. In the interaction effects among these factors, it was found that level of education and health status were factors influencing perceived powerlessness. The elderly with lower education and poorer health status had the higher scores for perceived powerlessness. 4. The power resources could be classified into the following areas : physical strength, emotional strength, positive self-image, energy, knowledge, motivation and belief system. Belief system was given the highest score among the power resources and energy, knowledge and motivation were given low scores. 5. The group participating in an educational program for the elderly had the highest score for power resources while the group made up of residents of a nursing home had the lowest score as well as the highest score for perceived powerlessness. 6. The factors influencing the power resource scores were sex, level of education, financial resources and health status. In the analysis of the interaction effect among the factors, it was found that sex, level of education and financial resources were the factors that influenced the power resource score, that is, women, those with a low level of education and those with poor financial resources reported a lower level of power resources. 7. There was a negative correlation between perceived powerlessness and power resources in the elderly in this study. Since power resources explainded 49% of the variance for powerlessness, it can be concluded that the power resources can be used to reduce powerlessness. 8. The psychological rehabilitation program was carried out with the nursing home residents over a period of five weeks. No statistically significant difference was found in the scores on powerlessness between the pre and post tests, but there was a slight decrease in the raw scores on the post test for emotional, activity and learning powerlessness. There was a statistically significant increase in the power resource scores for emotional strength, positive self-image, energy, knowledge and motivation in the post test as compared to the pre test. In conclusion, the study indicates that a psychological rehabilitation program for the elderly could be effective in increasing power resources and this in turn could lead to a decrease in perceived powerlessness.

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A Study on the Relationship between the Experience of Sanhujori, the Traditional Postpartal Care in Korea and Present Health Status of Chronic Arthritis Female Patient (만성관절염 여성 환자의 산후조리 경험과 건강상태와의 관계)

  • Yoo, Eun-Kwang;Lee, Sun-Hyae;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.217-230
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this descriptive correlational study was to define the relationship between the experience of Sanhuujori, Korean traditional non-professional postpartal care after delivery and abortion and present health status of chronic arthritis female patient who visited to outpatient clinic of rheumatic internal medicine at a hospital located in Seoul, Korea. A convenience sample of 64 women who orally agreed to be a participant and data were collected form October 1996 to May, 1997 for sis months by way of interview with semistructured questionnaire. The data were analyzed by the SPSS pc program using t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post hoc and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of the study were as follows ; Mean age of participants was 53.2 years and mean number of children was 3.1. Mean frequency of abortion was 2.1 times per woman. Seventy four percentage of respondents did not have Sanhujori after abortion. The mean period of Sanhujori after delivery was 17.7, 15.2, 13.8 days from the first child to third child and shorter than that of general woman such as 20.0, 19.0, 17.3 days in the previous study. On the subjective evaluation of whether the women did Sanhujori well or not, the rate of 'did Sanhujori wrongly' was the highest rank in each child where as general woman 'did Sanhujori well' at the first child, 'moderate' at the second and third child and 'did Sanhujori wrongly' at the 4th and fifth child. The health status implies both subjective health status women perceived and the rate of complaints of physical symptom distress women are experiencing presently. The respondents of 82.5% perceived them as unhealthy or sick and 68.9% of women complained more than two symptoms. Mean number of physical symptom distress women complained was 2.33. The main sites of physical symptom distress were upper & lower extremities 69.1% including knee and hand, whole body 19.1%, neck 3.7%, waist & shoulders 2.7% respectively. The characteristics of the symptoms were mostly pain 60%, swelling 19.8%, rigidity & deformity 7.9% respectively, sensation of heat 6.8% and weakness 1.7%. Women perceived the etiology of the chronic arthritis as stress 25.8%, 'did Sanhujori wrongly' & overwork 23.4% respectively, genetic 12.9%, malnutrition, 4.8%, and aging process 3.2%. There were significant positive correlation between subjective health status and the period of Sanhujori after delivery of the second child(r=-0.22) and negative correlation with the number of child at the level of 5% of significance statistically(r=0.27). There were significant negative correlation between the rate of complaints of physical symptom distress and the subjective evaluation whether she did Sanhujori well or not at the level of 5% of significance statistically(r=-0.23). And the rate of complaints of physical symptom distress in the group of women who experienced abortion was significantly higher than that of women who did not experience it at the level of 5% significance statistically(t=2.00) In conclusion, this finding reconfirmed the possible relationship between health status of chronic arthritis female patient and the experience of Sanhujori after delivery & abortion. It provides a challenge to the professional care givers to research further on the effects of Sanhujori on the health status, health recovery after abortion or delivery from the various aspects through the crosssectional and longitudinal research for the refinement of the reality of not only as cultural phenomenon but as conceptual model for the appropriateness of intervention and quality of care for desirable health outcomes.

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Development and Application of an Evaluation Model for Biotope Appraisal as Related to Nature Experiences and Recreation (비오톱의 자연체험 및 휴양가치 평가모형 개발과 적용)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hyun-Taek;SaGong, Jung-Hee;Ra, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2010
  • The main focus of this research is the establishment of a systemic evaluation model based on objective evaluation indices, which are drawn to assess the experiencing of nature and recreational value at the level of the district unit. First of all, as a result of a literature review, a total of 10 indices can be drawn including vegetation structure, pavement rate, and hemeroby to evaluate an assessment of natural experiences and recreational value. Also, as a result of expert survey analysis, all evaluation index items were above 4.4, which is a high importance average. Hemeroby and unique landscape factor items in particular were above 5.8, which is very high. In addition, as a result of implementing a factor analysis to classify evaluation indices according to characteristics, three factors arise: 'landscape structure and quality of natural experience', 'typical availability', and 'quality of aesthetic and visual sense.' Based on the above survey analysis results, the 'quality of aesthetic and visual sense' was the highest, at 3.510. The classification 'landscape structure and quality of natural experience' was the lowest, at 3.035. A systemic value evaluation model was established by comprehensively analyzing these results. To verify the validity of the evaluation model drawn, real sites are selected and applied. First of all, as a result of a biotope types classification of sites, biotope type groups are classified into a total of 13 including the stream biotope while its subordinate biotope types are classified into a total of 61 groups. Lastly, as a result of biotope value evaluation, which was a previously established evaluation model, there are a total of 16 types including vegetation-abundant natural rivers and small-scale woodlands near forests in grade I. There are 9 types in grade II, 8 in grade III, 8 in grade IV, 19 in the least-valuable grade V.