• Title/Summary/Keyword: experiencing characteristics

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The Characteristics of Elementary School Students' Prediction Changes by the Suggestion Types for Situation in Repeated Anomalous Situation - Focused on Buoyancy - (반복되는 불일치 상황에서 상황 제시 방법에 따라 초등학생들이 예상을 바꾸는 특성)

  • Jeon, Ah-Reum;Noh, SukGoo;Park, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.298-310
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of elementary school students' prediction changes by the suggestion types in a multiple anomalous situation. We investigated the responses, the rate and time of changing prediction, and cognitive conflicts of the students when repeated anomalous situation was suggested in experimental or logical way in science classes focused on buoyancy. As the anomalous situation was repeated, the students to change the prediction increased in number and also the rates to choose the correct prediction became higher. The group who was exposed in experimental way changed their prediction more than in logical way. In addition, when we classified the students to change the prediction by types, the group in experimental way showed higher rate of NM, MM type and FFT type. With anomalous situation repeated, cognitive conflicts of the students has been gradually declining in both groups. But it seemed that the group in experimental way experienced higher mental conflicts. In particular, as students changed the prediction more and arrived at the correct answer after changing their prediction, all the more so. It is concluded that the degree of students' changing prediction and experiencing cognitive conflict can be different according to the suggestion types for situation. Therefore the correlation with cognitive conflict factors can be also observed with the types of students' reactions.

The impact of the Characteristics of Posting at Social Media Service on the Consumer Responsiveness in the Comics Publication Industry (출판 만화 기업의 소셜 네트워크 서비스 게시글의 속성이 소비자 호응도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Hyesun;Shin, Hyung-Deok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2013
  • Recently, comics pulication industry is experiencing long-time recess in Korean market. To overcome the difficulties firms are trying to develop various tools which fit new technological environments, but previous research tend to have focused too much on web-base contents such as webtoons, rather than communication effectiveness through social network services. Thus, this study investigated the relationship between the characteristics of postings at social network service and the consumer responsiveness. In the results, we found that posting with visual images and event invitations were positively associated with consumer responsiveness, and the amount of information was negatively associated with the responsiveness. This study shows some implications on how firms can effectively enhance communication with consumers through social network service.

A Study on the Current Trend of Special Exhibition Home and Abroad (국내.외 전문전시 동향에 관한 고찰)

  • 손유찬
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 1991
  • The exhibition activity that a company is rendering to their consumers for the purpose of advertisement, sales promotion and enhancement of company inage get more and more internationalized and specialized. A company is changing from mass production system to small quantity production of various kinds to meet consumer's individualization and differentiation. Also, a company is experiencing a major change in their marketing strategy. As the society is entering on Information Age, the contents that a company intends to give consumer may be different individually. If a consumer is informed wrong information of the goods, a company needs a place to meet consumer face to face where the consumer feels and understands the substance of the goods. This is the current characteristics of Exhibition Media. Based on the result of the current Special Exhibition home and abroad along with background and characteristics of special Exhibition, this study sets a following task reflecting the general trend of social, cultural and economic atmosphere. First, Current Exhibition Industry will be diversified into more Specialized Exhibition, while our Exhibition Industry is very shaky under severe international competition. Also, Exhibition Plan that involves with architecture, interior, graphic, industrial design and advertisement, etc., needs international competitiveness while enhancing identity of Exhibition Plan along with comprehensive marketing strategy in the future. Second, Among most of the local special Exhibitions which invite the general public are normally invited for company public relation contrary to those of U.S.A. and Europe. This signifies of our industrial and social structure's by-product. As the future exhibition become Information Com$$\mu$ication Exhibition which requires specialized technical explanation, the correct description of the goods should be set as a Judgement basis of Exhibition Plan. Third, In parallel with increase of the Exhibition, the equipment expenses of a company goes up continuously. In view of this, a study $$\mu$t be oriented for re-use and curtailment of expenditure of those equipment. Also, as the use of Assembly System B on the rise as a result of diversification of special Exhibition, a study on the development of new material & design for Exhibition Equipment only B required.

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Stress and Burn-Out Experience in Caregivers of Patients with Senile Dementia (치매환자 부양자의 스트레스와 소진경험)

  • Son, Gye-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was done to identify the experience of stress and burn-out in caregivers of patients with senile dementia. Method: To evaluate the degree of stress and burn-out in caregivers of patients with senile dementia, 64 caregivers and matched to 64 patients with senile dementia at a Primary Health Care Post in South Kyung Sung Province were selected. The study was carried out from March 6 to March 30, 2001. Data on the degree of dementia in the patients was measured by the MMSE-K (Mini-Mental State Examination-Korea) and caregiver characteristics such as, sex, age, marital status, educational level, job, socioeconomic status, religion, number in family, relationship with patient, duration of care, and chronic disease in caregiver were collected by direct interview with a questionnaire. Results: Of 64 patients with senile dementia, 15.6% were classified as mild dementia (MMSE score 20-24) and 84.4%, as severe dementia. There were no significant characteristics of caregivers associated with the degree of stress and burn-out experience. The degree of burn-out in these caregivers of patients with severe dementia (mean value 94.3) was significantly higher than the 81.4 for those caring for patients with mild dementia (p<0.05). However, the degree of stress was not significantly related with the degree of dementia. The proportion experiencing severe burn-out (above score 4) was 54.7% in the physical domain, 90.6% in the emotional domain, and 73.4% in psychiatric domain, respectively. Conclusion: The above findings suggest that the degree of stress and burn-out experienced by caregivers of patients with senile dementia are high. Also the degree of burn-out experienced by in caregivers of patients with severe dementia was higher than for those caring for patients with mild dementia.

The Influence of Personal Characteristics and Social Environment on Adolescent's Smoking (개인적 특성과 사회환경이 청소년의 흡연에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Eun-Seong;Bae, Sang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This study identified how personal characteristics, family environment, governmental policy for the prevention and cessation of smoking might influence on adolescent smoking. Methods: This study used data from the 2006 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey of 71,404 middle school and high school students, giving a response rate of 90.9%. We selected 61,508 adolescents subjects of the final analysis without missing data on independent variables and dependent variables which are used in this study. This study used $\chi^2$ tests and logistic regression models. Variables were added to the regression model in three groups using a hierarchical approach.Results: Adolescents were significantly more likely to become current smokers if they were boys, were in a higher grade, and had lower academic achievement. Adolescents experiencing stress and depression were associated with increased risk of current smoking. Adolescents with single parents or students of non-living with parents comparing with students of living with parents showed the high possibility of smoking. Lower father's education was associated with increased likelihood of current smoking. Adolescents who were exposed to smoking at home were more likely to smoke. Adolescents without contacting with the antismoking media campaign was associated with increased likelihood of current smoking. Conclusion: Promoting antismoking media campaigns targeted at adolescent is required, and the smoking prevention education which are proper for subjects are required. Proper plans which could decrease the exposure of secondhand smoking should be established.

Intragenerational and Intergenerational Discrepancies in Eldercare Attitude and Behavior (노인부양의 불일치 : 태도-행위의 세대내 불일치 및 세대간 불일치)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.42
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    • pp.41-82
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to provide empirical findings about intragenerational and intergenerational discrepancies in eldercare attitude and behavior in Korea. Specifically, intragenerational discrepancies refer to phenomena in which eldercare attitude and behavior diverge from each other within the caregiving and care-receiving generations, respectively. Intergenerational discrepancies, on the other hand, refer to two kinds of phenomena, one in which eldercare attitudes are different between caregiver and care-receiver and the other in which eldercare behavior is differently recognized between the two parties. For the last couple decades, these kinds of discrepancies tended to be simply assumed without any coherent theoretical and/or empirical rationales. Thus, the current study tried to investigate the degree, pattern, and characteristics associated with the discrepancies. Analysis of data collected from 276 matched pairs of caregivers (i.e., daughters-in-law) and care-receivers (i.e., the elderly) in Kwangju and its suburb areas has indicated a substantial amount of both intra- and inter-generational discrepancies. In other words, both caregivers and care-receivers were found to be experiencing huge discrepancies between attitude and behavior in their respective generation: the factual discrepancies in attitude between the two generations were quite salient: the cognitive discrepancies in behavior between them were salient, too. In addition, it was also found' that the extent to which the discrepancies became salient differed for the three subdimensions of eldercare (i.e., emotional, economic, and physical care), and that such discrepancies have intimate relationships with a set of sociodemographic characteristics for caregivers - notably, age, educational attainment, area of residence, household income - on the one hand, and those for care-receivers - notably, gender, age, educational attainment, cohabitation, family size, inheritance, owned property - on the other. A series of theoretical, empirical, and clinical implications stemming from the findings were suggested and fully discussed in the context of Korean society.

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유방암환자의 통증과 우울의 관계

  • Han, Yeong-In;Han, Jeong-In;Son, Su-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study were to identify the relationship of depression and pain in patients with breast cancer. Method : The data was collected from 117 breast cancer patients who were admitted at K University hospital in Busan, from January 4, to January 31, 2003 using questionnaire method. Their depression was measured using depression scale developed by Zung(1965) and translated by Song(1977) and pain was measured using the Revised Melzack Pain Scale developed by Melzack(1975). The data were analysed by the SPSS WIN 11.0 PC program using frequency and percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Result : The results of this study were as follows: The mean and standard deviation of the total depression score were 48±7.89 in 20(lowest)-to-80(highest) scoring system. The analysis of the depression according to general characteristics of the breast cancer patients showed correlation at Age(F=5.81, p=.000), Education level (F=7.48, p=.000), Insurance for cancer(t=6.94, p=.010), Period after Dx(F=6.85, p=.001), Duration of pain experience(F=9.74, p=.000), Surgical method(F=3.87, p=.005), Stage(F=10.31, p=.000), and Lesion site(F=20.63, p=.000). The mean and standard deviation of the total pain score were .48± .40 in 0(lowest)-to-4(highest) scoring system. The analysis of the pain according to general characteristics of the breast cancer patients showed differentiation at Education level(F=3.75, p=.007), Income per mouth(F=3.77, p=.010), Period after Dx(F=3.77, p=.002), Duration of pain experience(F=5.48, p=.000), Stage(F=10.39, p=.000), and Lesion site(F=8.10, p=.000). There was a significant positive correlation between depression and pain(r=.37, p=.000) and between depression and discomfort(r=.37, p=.000). Conclusion : Patients with breast cancer experiencing depression and pain. Increase in depression was associated with increase in pain and discomfort. Nurses must provide patients with nursing care about the occurrence of depression and interventions to deal with pain control and prevent discomfort.

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Factors Affecting Dysmenorrhea of Middle School Girls (여중생의 월경곤란증에 영향미치는 요인)

  • Jeon, Ga-Eul;Kim, Young-Im
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing dysmenorrhea in middle school girls and to analyze the differences in dysmenorrhea according to personal factors of the subjects. Methods: This study was conducted from March 22 to April 2, 2010. The subjects of the study were 572 girls who attended three middle schools in Seoul and experienced dysmenorrheal. All were surveyed using the same questionnaire. Data were analyzed by the SPSS/WIN 12.0 program and included descriptive statistics, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. Results: 1) The mean age of the subjects was 13.53 years, and the mean age of first menstruation (menarche) was 11.94 years. The number of days between the onset of menstrual cycles was 30.01 days. Most of the respondents had irregular menstrual cycles and menstrual periods lasting 3 to 7 days long. 2) Chief menstrual pains were lower abdominal and back pain. Subjects reported experiencing severe lower abdominal and/or back pain, most commonly on the second day of menstruation. The average score of menstrual discomfort was over 60 points (63%). The average score per 6 points of dysmenorrhea was as follows: fatigue (3.48), sensitivity (3.27), disability of movement (3.27), napping or lying down (2.98), mood swings (2.95), interference with studies (2.87). 3) Individual subject characteristics influencing the onset of dysmenorrhea were as follows: high stress levels, being in poor health, having an irregular diet, being younger and having longer menstrual periods than most other subjects. Conclusion: During puberty, girls with earlier menarche complained of physical and emotional discomfort, and irregular menstrual periods. Therefore, we need to explain overall menstrual characteristics and individual differences in the occurrence of dysmenorrhea, in health education programs.

Characteristics and recent changes of the Hanbok industrial cluster in Gwangju, Korea (광주 한복산업 집적지의 특성과 최근 변화)

  • Heo, Seung-Yeun;An, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the characteristics and recent changes of the Hanbok industrial cluster in Gwangju Metropolitan City, in order to understand the problems in the activation of the Hanbok industry and to seek future policies. A total 32 companies comprise the 'Small Manufacturer Specialized Support Center of Hanbok' and were surveyed with a 41 questions with questions in four categories. The Gwangju Hanbok area has been in existence for more than 40 years and was composed of small groups of one or two manufacturers. They are experiencing the same difficulties as other Hanbok clusters, such as the aging of workers, the downturn of dress culture, and changing consumption paradigms. However, since 2015, various efforts have been made in order to seek countermeasures to cope with such difficulties, particularly with the foundation of the 'Small Manufacturer Specialized Support Center of Hanbok' with the support of the Ministry of Small Venture Business. This study focuses on the alterations in the current Hanbok industry due to the IT industrialization as well as the changes in the locations of the Hanbok clusters due to the revitalization of old towns by local governments., The results providing an opportunity to appreciate the problems therein and seek the solutions. Small manufacturers of the Hanbok cluster are trying to improve their entrepreneurship, digital technology application, and knowledge in accordance with the socio-economic trends, but they have limitations to practically apply it to business, barely keeping the minimum production base. The central government and the Gwangju should reinforce and expand the support for marketing and public relations for the Hanbok to foster the designer population, to establish mutual brands, to raise brand awareness, and to promote the technological perfection of the individual businesses, to allow them to cope with the current market trends, in order for the technological development and firm settlement of the local Hanbok industrial cluster.

A Study on the Planning Characteristics of a Healing Complex applying the Concept of Healing - Focusing on major complexes that have been constructed and operated in Korea - (치유개념을 적용한 치유단지의 계획특성 연구 - 국내 조성되어 운영되고 있는 주요 단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hoon;Chai, Choul-Gyun
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2019
  • There are more and more citizens suffering from severe fatigue, and they wish to escape from it and spend their leisure time for healing. As a result, buildings and complexes are being constructed nationwide with healing as their theme. Particularly, they tend to build facilities with concepts like a spa, beauty, healing, meditation, nature, or forest healing. The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of healing environment and the nationwide tendencies of building facilities with healing as their theme and also investigate the planning characteristics of complexes and architecture with three representative complexes as examples. Complexes intended for healing have immersion into nature being freed from one's routine as their concept. When planning the flow of human traffic within the complexes, they try to obtain the autonomy of choice as well as the diversity of space and experiential factors in order to provide opportunities for experiencing nature. In the complexes selected for a case study here, they have planned the factors of physical environment that are associated with one another based on architectural education programs using red clay, programs specializing poetry, and healing programs using food. Typically, this is centered around outdoor experiential space, indoor meditation and education space, or fitness space. Also, it is characterized by the planning of physical environment and the complex operation of programs. Particularly, public space is divided into communal space, resting space, and health and treatment space, and health/resting space is mainly intended for health and exercise, for example, fitness, spas, or jjimjilbang (Korean dry saunas). Also, it is characterized by the planning of pitched roofs harmonized with nature and also facade planning that can positively adopt the factors of natural environment.