• Title/Summary/Keyword: experience-based learning

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A study on user satisfaction in TUI environment (TUI 환경의 유저 사용 만족도 연구)

  • Choi, heungyeorl;Yang, seungyong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2015
  • An interface in smart device environment is changing to TUI(touch user interface) environment where a system is being controlled by physical touch, differently from a system controlled through conventional mouse and keyboard. What is more important than anything else in this TUI environment is to implement interface in consideration of learn ability and cognitive constructivism according to user's experience. Therefore, now is the time when it is necessary to carry out various studies on smart content design process going a step farther together with discussing the details of user's experience factor. Hence, this study was intended to look into what effect a user's experiential traits had on the production of contents for the purpose of measures for improving TUI user satisfaction in order to effectively realize contents in smart environment. Results were yielded by using a statistical empirical analysis such as cross-tabulation analysis according to important variable and user, paired t-test, multiple response analysis, and preference frequency analysis of user preference on the basis of a survey. As a result, a system was presented for implementing DFSS(Design For Six Sigma) process. TUI experience factor can be divided into direct habitual experience, direct learning experience, indirect habitual experience, and indirect learning experience. And in the results of study, it was possible to find that the important variables of this study had a positive effect on the improvement of use satisfaction with contents on the whole according to the user convenience of smart contents. This study is expected to have a positive effect on efficient smart device-based contents production by providing objective information according to empirical analysis to smart media-based developer and designer and presenting a model for improving the changed TUI usability.

A Study on the Concept of Learning Environment According to the Philosophy of Child-Centered Education in Europe in the Early 20th Century (20세기 초 유럽의 아동중심 교육철학에 따른 학습환경 개념에 대한 고찰)

  • Rieu, Ho-Seoup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2017
  • The main purpose of this research is to consider educational environment, concept, and spatial organization and its characteristic based on the early 20th century European child-centered educational philosophy. For this process, the study of the following have been done : 1) Literature review, which includes educational ideology, perspective of child development of Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, Peter Peterson, and Celestin Freinet. 2) Comparisons of spatial organization and classrooms of schools operated with the educational philosophy of mentioned philosophers from above. These schools have classrooms(or multi-purpose space near classroom) contained self-directed individual learning space, group and collaborative learning space, and training space of practical life. These configuration of learning space intended 1) learning based on individual child's interest, experience 2) developing of responsibility based on freedom 3) sociality and community spirit of children.

Cultural Heritage Experiential Learning Smart-Phone APP Using LBS (LBS를 활용한 문화유산 체험학습 스마트폰 APP)

  • Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Hyeong-Gyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.821-828
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposed CHELS-App that Smart-phone APP optimized cultural heritage experiential learning is configured can learning and sightseeing at the same time with experience the cultural heritage and enjoying the mission through quests to take advantage of the Smart-phone. CHELS-App is provide a guide maps by using the location-based service and cultural commentary(commentary, photos, quizzes, games, cartoon) with capability of event push about the Jongmyo Shrine as world heritage, and configured with capability of experience diary create and foot stamp through these experiences.

Tutors' Content Expertise and Experience on Student Satisfaction in Problem-Based Learning Nursing Curriculum (간호학 교육에서의 문제중심학습에서 튜터의 내용전문성과 튜터경험에 따른 학습자 만족도)

  • Kim, Soo-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.551-559
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the differences of student satisfaction depending on tutor's content expertise and experience in PBL of nursing. Nursing department, the subject of this study, is operating Hybrid PBL Curriculum that integrates the courses in nursing for all grades. Tutor's expertise was categorized based on their final dissertations and the clinical fields for which they worked. Tutor's experience in PBL is less than one year for beginners and more than 10 years for experts. After the PBL class for 6 weeks, the 3rd grade students were surveyed. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the student satisfaction according to the content expertise, however, the student satisfaction depending on tutor's experience and the interaction effect between tutor's content expertise and experience were not significant. This study has raised the importance of the role of tutor as content expert in PBL. It is suggested that future studies be repeated for more tutors with diverse subject areas and majors to examine the differences between diverse variables other than student satisfaction.

A Qualitative Study Focusing on the Learning Experience of Graduate Students with Master's Degree in Educational School Librarianship (사서교육전공 석사과정 졸업생의 학습경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.201-225
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the meaning and essence of the learning experiences of K University students majoring in educational school librarianship. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, an open-ended question-based focus group interview was conducted for 12 major students who had graduated from K University's master's degree course within two years. By analyzing the contents of the answers, 9 themes, 35 categories, and 104 concepts were derived from the learning experience in the master's course. Looking at the main analysis results for each area, the motive for entering the master's course was to acquire a librarian teacher qualification, which is a condition in applying for the employment examination. The Satisfaction with the learning experience was an average of 7.66 out of 10 points. In addition, the most dissatisfied parts during the master's course was the contents of the subjects and classes that were not helpful in the operation of the school library and the employment examination for librarian teachers, therefore the response was that improvement is necessary for the future development of the librarian master's degree curriculum.

Mobile Contents for Learning of English Presentation based on Android Platform (영어 구두 발표 학습을 위한 안드로이드 플랫폼 기반 모바일 콘텐츠 제작)

  • Park, Seong-Won;Oh, Duk-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we developed mobile contents and mobile learning system for learning of english presentation based on Android platform. First, the application including contents transfer system which enables contents run on Android platform was developed for learning of English presentation. Second, presentation contents which will be applied on the application were manufactured. The contents developed in this study are for learning English presentations. The contents are classified into two parts; Part 1 is for basic English presentations, and Part 2 is for advanced English presentations. Each part is made up with 9 units, and each unit is composed differently by topics. The number of whole chapter for both parts is 51. We analyzed the questionnaire responses with respect to UI satisfaction and satisfaction of the learning experience. The UI satisfaction results showed that 85% of the participants were satisfied at an ordinary or higher level with our system. And The satisfaction of the learning experience results showed that 95% of the participants were satisfied at the ordinary or higher level with our system.

Analysis of the successful experience in mathematics learning based on grounded theory (근거이론을 통한 수학학습의 성공경험에 대한 분석)

  • Kim, Hong-Kyeom;Ko, Ho Kyoung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.491-513
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    • 2023
  • High achievement in mathematics is a very complex process in which various factors such as cognitive factors, affective factors, and social and environmental factors work respectively and complementary. A number of previous studies conducted so far have shown that there are certain factors affecting math learning and these factors have positive or negative effects on it. However, these studies were conducted with limited variables and it was not possible to present a comprehensive analysis of what would be necessary to get good achievements in mathematics learning. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the process of experience of students who experienced success in mathematics learning using the analysis method of the grounded theory. In addition, the collected data was analyzed to explain the process of leading to the successful experience in mathematics learning. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that students form their identity as successful learners through the processes of 'new phase stage', 'experience accumulation stage', 'stand-up stage', and 'maintenance effort stage'. Through this study, we were able to get implications for what actions are needed to experience success in math learning by looking at the process of the experience what interviewees have gone through.

Analysis of Structural Relationships Among Metaverse Characteristic Factors, Learning Immersion, and Learning Satisfaction: With Gather Town (메타버스 특성요인과 학습 몰입 및 학습 만족도 간의 구조적 관계 분석 : 게더타운을 대상으로)

  • Kim, Na Rang
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.219-238
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    • 2022
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationships between interest, interaction level, presence, which are the characteristics of metaverse, learning immersion, and learning satisfaction, which are learning factors. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire survey technique was used to achieve the purpose of the study. A questionnaire survey was conducted from November 22 to December 5, 2021, with students with experience in non-face-to-face classes using Gather Town and a total of 114 copies of the questionnaire excluding those with insincere answers were used for empirical analysis. SPSS Win ver.23.0 was used for basic statistical analysis, and AMOS 22.0 was used for the establishment and analysis of a structural equation model. Findings According to the study findings, interest and interaction levels had effects on learning immersion and learning presence, self-efficacy on learning presence, and learning immersion and learning presence on learning satisfaction. This study is meaningful in that it conducted an empirical study to find variables for improving learning immersion by conducting classes based on metaverse. Based on the findings of this study, it was found that interest and interaction, which are the biggest characteristics of metaverse, sustain learning participation and immersion and increase presence thereby enhancing learning satisfaction so that the possibilities of metaverse as a next generation education platform passing the limit of existing real time video platforms can be peeped.

A study on Indirect Adaptive Decentralized Learning Control of the Vertical Multiple Dynamic System

  • Lee, Soo-Cheol;Park, Seok-Sun;Lee, Jeh-Won
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2006
  • The learning control develops controllers that learn to improve their performance at executing a given task, based on experience performing this specific task. In a previous work, the authors presented an iterative precision of linear decentralized learning control based on p-integrated learning method for the vertical dynamic multiple systems. This paper develops an indirect decentralized learning control based on adaptive control method. The original motivation of the learning control field was learning in robots doing repetitive tasks such as an assembly line works. This paper starts with decentralized discrete time systems, and progresses to the robot application, modeling the robot as a time varying linear system in the neighborhood of the nominal trajectory, and using the usual robot controllers that are decentralized, treating each link as if it is independent of any coupling with other links. Some techniques will show up in the numerical simulation for vertical dynamic robot. The methods of learning system are shown for the iterative precision of each link.

A Design-Based Research on Application of Artificial Intelligence(AI) Teaching-Learning Model in Elementary School

  • Kim, Wooyeol
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2021
  • Recently, artificial intelligence(AI) has been used throughout society, and social interest in it is increasing. Accordingly, the necessity of AI education is becoming a big topic in the education field. As a response to this trend, the Korean education authorities have also announced plans for AI education, and various studies have been performed in academic field to revitalize AI education in the future. However, the curriculum research on what differentiates AI education from existing SW education and what and how to train AI is still in its infancy. In this paper, Therefore, we focused on the experiences of elementary school students in solving problems in their own lives, and developed a teaching-learning model based on design-based research so that students can design a problem-solving process and experience the process of feedback. We applied the developed teaching-learning model to the problem-solving process and confirmed that it increased students' understanding and satisfaction with AI education.