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Measuring the Causal Relationships among Attitude toward Eating Seafood, Perceived Behavioral Control, Health Involvement, Behavioral Intention and Consumption (해산물 섭취에 대한 태도, 지각된 행동 통제, 건강 몰입, 행동 의도와 소비의 인과 관계 평가)

  • Kang, Jong-Heon;Ko, Beom-Seok
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.935-942
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the causal relationships among attitude toward eating seafood, perceived behavioral control (PBC), health involvement, behavioral intention and consumption. A total of 235 questionnaires were completed. A structural equation model was used to measure the causal effects of the constructs. The results of the study demonstrated that the structural analysis results for the data also indicated an excellent model fit. Health involvement had considerable effects on attitude and intention, which were statistically significant. The effects of attitude and PBC on intention were also statistically significant. Futhermore, the effects of attitude, PBC, and intention on consumption were statistically significant. As expected, intention had a significant effect on consumption. Moreover, health involvement had significant indirect effects on intention through attitude and PBC. Attitude had a significant indirect effect on consumption through intention. PBC also had a significant indirect effect on consumption through intention. By developing and testing conceptual models that integrated the relationship among variables such as health involvement and attitude, along with seafood consumption behavior, this study approaches a deeper understanding of how perceptions, on the importance of a healthy diet and other factors, influence consumption behavior.

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Measuring the Causal Relationships among Affective Belief, Ambivalence, Subjective Norm, Attitude, Intention to Consume and Meat Consumption (감정적 신념, 양면 가치, 주관적 규범, 태도, 소비 의도와 육류 소비의 인과 관계 평가)

  • Kang, Jong-Heon;Jeong, Hang-Jin
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the causal relationships among affective belief, ambivalence, subjective norm, attitude, intention to consume and meat consumption. A total of 318 questionnaires were completed. The structural equation model was used to measure the causal effects among constructs. The results demonstrated that the confirmatory factor analysis model provided excellent model fit. The proposed model yielded a significantly better fit to the data than the baseline model. The effects of affective belief, ambivalence and subjective norm on attitude were statistically significant. The effect of subjective norm on intention was statistically significant. As expected, subjective norm and attitude had significant effects on meat consumption. Moreover, affective belief, ambivalence and subjective norm had indirect influences on meat consumption. Subjective norm also had an indirect influence on intention. The overall findings offered strong empirical support for the intuitive notion that improving the level of attitude toward eating meat can increase favorable intentions and decrease unfavorable intentions to reduce future meat consumption.

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Shipyard Spatial Scheduling Solution using Genetic Algorithms

  • Yoon Duck Young;Ranjan Varghese
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2004
  • In a shipyard, there exist various critical decision making components pertaining to various production hindrances. The most prominent one is best-fit spatial arrangement for the minimal spatial occupancy with better pick-ability for the erection of the ship in the dock. During the present research, a concept have been conceived to evade the gap between the identification oj inter-relationships among a set of blocks to be included on a pre-erection area, and a detailed graphical layout of their positions, is called an Optimal Block Relationship Diagram A research has been performed on generation of optimal (or near Optimal) that is, with minimal scrap area. An effort has been made in the generation of optimal (or near-optimal) Optimal Block Relationship Diagram with the Goldberg's Genetic Algorithms with a representation and a set of operators are 'trained' specifically for this application. The expected result to date predicts very good solutions to test problems involving innumerable different blocks to place. The suggested algorithm could accept input from an erection sequence generator program which assists the user in defining the nature and strength of the relationships among blocks, and could produce input suitable for use in a detailed layout stage.

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ISSR을 이용한 고추나물 집단의 유전적 다양성과 계통학적 연구

  • Huh, Hong-Wook;Huh, Man-Kyu;Kang, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.6 s.86
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    • pp.805-810
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    • 2007
  • Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were performed in order to analyse the phylogenetic relationships of eight Hypericum electum populations in Korea. The six primers were produced 37 reproducible ISSR bands. Analysis of ISSR from individual plants of Korean H. erectum resulted in 22 polymorphic bands with 59.5%. Across populations, the mean number of alleles per locus was 1.348 and Shannon's information index was 0.203.Population Mt. Gyeryong had the highest expected genetic diversity (0.175) among all populations. When species were grouped by eight populations, within group diversity was 0.140 (Hs), while among group diversity was 0.472 (GST) on a per locus basis. The estimated gene flow (Nm) for H. erectum was very low (0.561). It is suggested that reproductive isolation by the isolation of geographical distance among H. electum populations and genetic drift may have played roles in shaping the population structure of this species. In phonetic tree, all populations were well separated from each other. Thus, ISSR markers are very effective in classifying natural population levels of genus Hypericum in Korea.

Use of 3D Printing Technology to Create Personal Fashion: UTAUT and Need for Uniqueness

  • Popov, Darinka;Koo, Sumin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of potential consumers toward using 3D printers to create their personal clothes. An online survey and a series of Welch's t-tests and ANOVA were conducted to investigate the differences in demographic characteristics, prior experiences in 3D printing, and levels of need for uniqueness among the sub-groups. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to test the relationships among variables of the modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). There were significant differences in gender and prior experiences regarding the UTAUT of personal 3D printing. The need for uniqueness has a positive effect on consumers' intention to use 3D printing technology for designing personal clothes and perception of the price of the 3D printer used to create individual clothes is important. Positive relationships were found between UTAUT variables as well as the use and purchase intentions. This study analyzed the potential for popularization of 3D printing technology to create fashion items and explore consumer willingness to embrace and use personal fashion designs. The results of this study are expected to assist consumers, designers, retailers and marketers, and experts in 3D printing technology by providing insight into consumer awareness and acceptance of personalized 3D-printed fashion and products.

Analysis on the Preference for each Emotional Component in Elementary School Space (초등학교 공간의 감성화 구성요소별 선호도 분석)

  • Sim, Hwa-Jeung;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction and recognition for applying to component of Emotion of the elementary school space with characteristics of child development. For the accomplishment of the study is to deduce types of emotional component and characteristics of child development based on literature and advanced research related to 'Child development and behavior', 'The elementary school space', and concept of 'children' and 'emotion'. In addition, The level of recognition of teachers and students about creation plan of school space by types of emotion component and preference and relationships of students on emotion component of elementary school space is investigated. The space environment has great influence in childhood going through big changes in physical, cognitive, emotional and social ways, Providing space environment built with emotion component such as 'affordance', 'diversity', 'territoriality', and 'relationships' considering characteristics of child development is most important of all, In particular, when building indoor space in elementary schools where students going through various development stages live, providing friendly environments for emotion of children put top priority on students in the decision-making process and guaranteed the participation of students is expected.

Relationships between Orientation Towards Finance, Financial Literacy, and Intention to Invest Among Saudis

  • Anass Hamadelneel, ADOW
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2023
  • Financial literacy (FL) is significant, as educated investors have a culture of savings and investment. The current study was conducted to identify the level of Orientation toward finance (ORTOFIN) and its impact on specific financial behavior variables like Financial Literacy (FL) and Intention towards investment (ITI). Data was randomly collected from 210 gainfully employed respondents using three standardized questionnaires. Demographics of the respondents were also collected. The data was analyzed using correlation and regression. The variables include ORTOFIN, Financial Literacy, and Intention towards Investment, while the control variables include gender, age, qualification, years of experience, and type of industry working. The results of the study show that all three variables (ORTOFIN, FL, and ITI) had significant relationships among themselves. In addition, it as has been found that ORTOFIN and FL positively influence investment intention. The finding that ORTOFIN and literacy are related to investment intention is new, as no past studies have examined this aspect, which is unique. The study also discusses the implications and limitations of the study, such as the impact of family involvement. It thus indicates a positive effect of the variables studied on investment intentions. The study is expected to stimulate further empirical examination of the variables.

Measuring the Effects of Belief, Subjective Norm, Moral Feeling and Attitude on Intention to Consume Organic Beef (유기농 쇠고기에 대한 신념, 주관적 규범, 도덕 관념과 태도가 소비 의도에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kang, Jong-Heon;Jeong, Hang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the causal relationships among belief, subjective norm, moral feeling, attitude, and the intention to consume organic beef. A total of 326 questionnaires were completed by adult in Jeonnam area. Structural equation modeling was used to measure the causal relationships among the constructs. The structural analysis results indicated an excellent model-data fit. The covariance effects of belief and subjective norm, and belief and moral feeling were statistically significant. The effects of belief and moral feeling on attitude and intention to consume were also statistically significant. As expected, attitude had significant effects on intention to consume. Moreover, attitude played a mediating roles in the relationship between belief and intention to consume. Finally, based on structural analysis, a model was proposed for the interrelations among belief, subjective norm and moral feeling towards organic food, attitude and intention to consume. It should be noted that the original organic food consumption model was modified, and should preferably be validated by future research. Other constructs, such as perceived behavior control and consumption, may be incorporated to form models that consist of new antecedent and consequence pairs.

Analyzing the Indirect Effect of Food Involvement on Vegetable Consumption among Adults in Jeonnam Area (전남지역 성인들의 음식 몰입이 채소 소비에 미치는 간접효과의 분석)

  • Kang, Jong-Heon;Jeong, Hang-Jing
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to measuring the causal relationships among food involvement, health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, weight control and vegetable consumption. A total of 290 questionnaires were completed. Structural equation model was used to measure the causal relationships among constructs. Results of the study demonstrated that the structural analysis result for the data also indicated excellent model fit. The effects of food involvement on health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, weight control and vegetable consumption were statistically significant. As expected, health, mood, sensory appeal and eight control had significant effects on vegetable consumption. Moreover, health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal and weight control played mediating roles in the relationship between food involvement and vegetable consumption. In conclusion, based on structural analysis, a model was proposed of interrelations among food involvement, health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, weight control and vegetable consumption. It should be noted that the original vegetable consumption model was modified and should, preferably, be alidated in future research. Other variables, such as attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control, may be incorporated to form vegetable consumption models that consist of new antecedent and consequence pairs.

The change of the mainbank relationships of SMEs after the 1997 financial crisis in Incheon-Kyunggi and Daejeon-Chungnam regions (외환위기 이후 중소기업의 주거래은행관계의 변화: 인천경기지역과 대전충남지역을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jin-Bae;Kim, Tae-Hun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.281-303
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    • 2007
  • This paper examines the mainbank relationships of SMEs after the 1997 financial crisis in Incheon-Kyunggi and Daejeon-Chungnam regions where local banks have been merged by national banks. The results are as follows. First, national banks(except Industrial Bank of Korea and Kookmin bank) are reluctant to be mainbanks of regional SMEs. Second, those firms which have mainbank relationships with national banks borrow from relatively large number of banks. Third, their size measured by employees are relatively large. These tendencies become clearer after the 1997 financial crisis. It is the Industrial Bank of Korea and Kookmin bank that play important roles as mainbanks of regional SMEs. National banks including the Industrial Bank of Korea and Kookmin bank cannot be relationship lenders to SMEs due to the Williamson-type organizational diseconomies. It means that to ease the regional financial problems regional financial institutions are expected to play more active roles.

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