• Title/Summary/Keyword: exchanges

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A Study on the Development of Professional Learning Community in Mathematics Based on the Collaboration with University and Its Affiliated Elementary School (대학과 협력한 초등수학 교사학습공동체의 발달 과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam Gyun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to explain the long term growth and development of elementary teachers' Professional Learning Communities(PLC) about mathematics implemented on an institutional basis. Especially, it is meaningful to analyze and present the development process and characteristics of PLC, which was started by the basis on the collaboration of a National University of Education and its affiliated elementary school. In this study, PLC activities during three years were analyzed according to the capacities and dimensions of a professional learning community. The developmental capacity of the PLC analyzed in this study can be summarized as follows. In the first year, development of organizational competence in terms of capacity, resources, structure, and system of exchanges was the main factor in personal competence, and the development of individual competence began to share collective learning and practice. In the second year, personal exchanges were active in all the topics of activities, and personal level competence was activated such that more activities of critical knowledge formation were performed on an individual level. On the basis of the development of the individual level formed in the second, individual competence and organizational capacity developed. Factors that have influenced the development of capacities of PLC include: disclosure of activities outside the community, participation in outsiders, provision of procedures to share equal participation and leadership, voluntary and critical participation of teachers, improvement of mathematics teaching methods, sharing themes and visions.

Growth Characteristics of Variety of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) as Affected by Number of Air Exchanges (느타리버섯의 품종별 환기횟수에 따른 생육특성)

  • Jang, Myoung-Jun;Ha, Tae-Moon;Lee, Yun-Hae;Ju, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.208-214
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of the number of air exchanges (NAE) on shape fruit body in two oyster mushrooms, Chunchu 2# and Suhan 2#. The suitable NAEs of Chunchu 2# were $1/10h^{-1}$ at primordial induction, $1/6h^{-1}$ at early stage of growth, $1/4h^{-1}$ at middle stage of growth, $1/4h^{-1}$ at late stage of growth and those of Suhan 2# were $1/6h^{-1}$ at primordial induction, $1/6h^{-1}$ at early stage of growth, $1/4h^{-1}$ at middle stage of growth, and $1/2h^{-1}$ at late stage of growth. In those conditions, the fruit bodies grew well. $CO_2$ concentration hardly affected the primordial formation of both mushrooms. However there were ventilation disturbances over 1500ppm. For instance, the end of pileus rolled up etc. As a result, Suhan 2# required higher ventilation compared with Chunchu 2# and the lower NAE was favorable for growth.

The Repair of MNNG-Induced DNA Damage and Its Relation to Chromosome Aberrations in Mammalian Cells (MNNG에 의한 DNA 회복합성과 염색체 이상과의 연관성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choon-Kwang;Lee, Chun-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 1980
  • The rates of escision repair at various doses and times after MNNG treatment in CHO cells were compared with the frequencies of chromosome aberrations to determine a possible relation between there two types of biological phenomena, and the results obtained were as follows: 1. the MNNG-induced excision repair was dose-dependent in te ranges between $0.5 \\times 10^-5$M. The maximum rate of excision repair was occurred in the cells soon after the treatment. The rates were then gradually decreased and appeared about 66% of 0 hour at 24 hours. 2. The rates of chromosome aberrations induced by MNNG was the highest at 6 hours, in which majority were chromatid deletions. The rates of chromatid deletions decreased, whereas chromatid exchanges increased with time, resulting is about equal rates at 24 hours after treatment. 3. The rates of excision repair at different times after MNNG treatment were roughly related to the total breaks per cell. The rates, however, did not show any relation to either chromatid exchanges or deletions. These results may suggest that excision repair may not be directly related to chromosome aberrations in MNNG treated CHO cells.

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The Effects of Fractionated Radiation on Chromosome Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Rat Lymphocyte Culture (방사선의 반복조사가 랫드 림프구의 염색체이상과 자매염색분체교환에 미치는 영향)

  • 이명구;이광성;조영채
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 1998
  • This study was undertaken to find out the bio-effects due to be a radiation fractionated exposure. The experimental animals were divided into the control group and the radiation exposure groups of 20cGy, 40cGy and 80cGy with 220 male Sprague-Dawley rats at 6 weeks old. The radiation exposure groups were fractionated exposed from each 20cGy, 40cGy and 80cGy for every 5 days. The chromosome aberrations, the frequency of SCE, the changes of body weight, hematological values and enzyme activities were investigated for the fractionating exposure times and the time after fractionated exposure. The results were summarized as follows 1. The body weight of the radiation exposure groups were significantly decreased compared with control group according to the increasing fractionated exposure times, and it was the lowest values at the immediately after the end of the fractionating exposed, but it was recovered with the level of control group at 3rd weeks gradually increased 1st week after fractionated exposure. 2. The values of WBC, RBC, Hb and Hct in the radiation exposure groups were significantly decreased than those the control group, but the values of GOT, GPT, ALP, and LDH in the radiation exposure groups were significantly increased than those of the control group. 3. The frequency of chromosomal aberration were increased according to the increasing fractionated exposure dose, and it showed the highest at 5th days after fractionated exposed. The types of chromosomal aberration were occurred such as a numerical abnormality, deletion, break and duplication, it was not recovered immediately and maintained high frequency than the control group. 4. The frequency of SCE were significantly increased according to the increasing fractionated exposure dose in 20cGy, 40cGy and 80cGy groups. But it was recovered the level of control group at 7th days after fractionated exposure. According to the above results, this study could confirm that the frequency of chromosomal aberration and SCE were increased with fractionated exposure dose, the other hand, the changes of body weight, hematological values and enzyme activity values were significantly affected according to the increasing fractionated exposure dose.

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An Enhanced Overload Control Mechanism for the Distributed Switching System supporting Various Types of Call Services (다양한 호 서비스를 고려한 분산형 중계교환기의 과부하 제어 기법)

  • Lee Jong-Hyup
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.744-751
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    • 2006
  • Even many kinds of Internet-based services have been generated due to the great development of the Internet. PSTN still exists in the center of the national infrastructure network and the transit exchanges will be maintained the core roles in PSTN for many years in the future. These transit exchanges often suffer from unexpected overload situation because they have to process Intelligent Network calls and mobile calls additionally as well as POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service). In this paper, we suggest an efficient overload control algorithm for the distributed transit switching system under the various types of call services. We also show that this algorithm can be implemented easily cooperating with the network management control functions. The simulation technique is used to show that the proposed algorithm effectively controls calls and maintains safely the call processor's load under the various kinds of overload situations.

A Study on the Costume through the Item Exchange of Parhae's Envoys for Ancient Japan -focused on the historical records of Japan (견일본발해사의 교류 품목에 나타난 복식 연구 -일본 사료를 중심으로-)

  • 전현실;강순제
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2003
  • Parhae and ancient Japan officially exchanged at 34 times during the period from AD.727 to AD.920. The envoys of each nation also sent the other nation with some items. The names of the items are identified by the historical records; those which Parhae presented to ancient Japan were leader shoes, which is called AmMoHwa(암모화), belt(대) various leaders and those which ancient Japan presented to Parhae were formal uniforms[관복], various textiles, coronet, shoes. We can recognize that the leader items of Parhae are frequently recorded as the gift to ancient Japan because they were the main manufactures in Parhae at that time. In addition, the government of ancient Japan gave the Parhae's envoys a high rank, five-grade(5위) and noble costumes like JinKaeEui(진개의) and so on were well-matched with their high rank. While being official exchanges, it is supposed that there were lots of other unofficial exchanges. Historically, in Japan, the time came under Nara(나양) era(AD.719~AD.794) and the beginning of PyungAn(평안) era(AD.794~AD.1192) and in the same way in Parhae, King Mun(737-793) reign. One of the features at that time is that Tang's culture was introduced to ancient Japan positively. Since Nara era strongly accepted Tang's culture, I assume that Nara costumes were affected by Tang's therefore they are the same as Tang's. In the same way, Parhae's costumes are the same as Tang's, too. The point is, it is expected that the costumes of Parhae which were exchanged with ancient Japan are similar to those of Nara by the medium of Tang's costumes.

The Influence of the Trade Goods Between the Chosun Dynasty and Japan on the Costume Culture of the Chosun Dynasty (I) -Centered on the imported goods from Japan- (조·일간의 교역품이 조선의 복식문화에 미친 영향(I) - 일본으로 부터의 수입품을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ja-Yeon;Park, Chun-Sun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.331-336
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    • 2003
  • This study is to research the influence of Caesalpinia sappan which was imported through the exchanges between the Chosun dynasty and Japanese envoys during the early Chosun dynasty. Korea interchanged politically and culturally with Japan since ancient times. Particularly, the good-neighbor foreign policy toward Japan grew into trade relations. The diplomatic mission, under the name of Tongshinsa, was dispatched 12 times in total. Plenty of goods were exchanged through the visiting of Japanese envoys as well as through the activities of Korean envoys. In other words, the Korean-Japanese relations were at first focused on the political and diplomatic etiquette and gradually evolved into economic exchanges. Trading goods were various, including food, clothing, etc. Caesalpinia sappan, a red dye, was the most imported goods from Japan, but it was sold at a very high price, which caused luxurious trends in clothing. However, these sumptuous moods of the upper classes were decreased in the 16th century. Some of the reasons are : the difficulties of Japan's trade with the Caesalpinia sappan producing countries in South-east Asia, the transition of the high classes' preference from red clothing into Chinese BaecSa and SaraNeungDan, and the comparative decrease in the demand of Caesalpinia sappan by the changed understanding of Honghwa. Therefore, the early Chosun dynasty's clothing trends were due to the relationships between the Chosun dynasty and Japan.

The Phenomena and Problems of the Supporting Activities to the Multicultural Families in Goryeong-gun (고령군의 다문화가정 지원현황과 과제)

  • Jo, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.347-366
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    • 2008
  • With the advent of the global era in earnest, and with the transnational migration and exchanges of capital, goods and cultures being actively progressed at regional level, the importance of a region as the immediate stage for such migration and exchanges is brought into relief. This study aimed to analyze the multicultural policies being implemented by Goryeong gun county and draw out points and problems by focusing on immigrant women on marriage who are the main subjects of the discourse on multiculturalism in Korea. According to this research, the supports for the multicultural families in Goryeong-gun were provided mainly by Goryeong-gun Office and Goryeong Office of Education and many similar contents in supporting activities overlapped. However, the related agencies were not linked sufficiently, and there were little efforts made to improve the contents of the supporting activities. In order to recognize accurately the multicultural phenomena in a region and make appropriate response and support for them, the regional government wi]] have to become the center for the support of multiculturalism and implement an integration policy so that the resources and people within the region can be used in the right place.

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The Garden Ponds of Baekje and Asuka (백제와 아스카(飛鳥)의 원지구성(園池構成))

  • Baik, Ji Soung;Kim, Jin Seung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2018
  • The historical exchanges between the Republic of Korea and Japan have broadly occurred, in terms of both political and cultural aspects, from ancient to modern times. Regarding ancient gardening culture, in particular, Asuka developed gardens with the gardening techniques passed down by the Baekje people. The development of the basic form of a garden pond along with its characteristics, established through such exchanges, is suggested by investigating its components through analysis of data from the gardens of Baekje and Asuka. In terms of the garden pond structure, homogeneity was confirmed between Baekje and Asuka, with a linear rectangular form as the basic design. In addition, the vertical construction technique was used by both ancient kingdoms. In terms of the types of stone used in building the shore of the garden pond, Baekje used diverse types such as natural stone, crushed stone, and cut stone. In contrast, rounded river stone was used by Asuka. Regarding the floor of the garden pond, Baekje used soil, which enabled the planting of lotus flowers. In contrast, Asuka used stones to pave pond floors, which made the growth of plants impossible. In terms of layout, Baekje used ornamental stones for pond landscaping, while Asuka used manmade island and water intake facilities in their pond construction. The effects of Baekje's garden culture on Asuka's garden building can be seen from its influence on the form of the garden pond and shore construction style. In terms of the construction of the garden pond's shore with the same stones and the stone flooring, the garden ponds of the Asuka Kingdom reveal technically unified and refined aspects.

Maps of Japan and the Understanding of Japan in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대의 일본지도와 일본 인식)

  • 오상학
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.32-47
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    • 2003
  • The Joseon had made maps of Japan with information that gained during the exchanges with Japan on the basis of the polio of maintaining amicable relations. The elaborate map of Japan similar to Haenggido was in Honilgangniyokdaekukdojido(Map of integrated lands and regions of historical countries and capitals, made in 1402, and more accurate map of Japan was found in Haedongjegukgi(Chronicle of the countries of the Eastern Sea, compiled by Sinsukju in 1471. These products were due to openness of foreign exchanges in 15th century. After 16th century, understanding of Japan based on China-centric view was intensified, as the confucianism of Chu-tzu planted its roots deeply in Joseon society as the social doctrine. These tendency were reflected in the map-making, accordingly many kinds of maps of Japan in the atlas were meager in contents and distorted in shorelines. Apart these currents, as comings and goings of official envoy became brisk, elaborated maps of Japan were imported and copied in the Joseon dynasty. Consequently these maps helped the elites of Joseon to raise understanding of Japan.