• 제목/요약/키워드: euphorbiaceae

검색결과 80건 처리시간 0.022초

The allopolyploid origin of Euphorbia stevenii and E. boöphthona (Euphorbiaceae)

  • Ki-Ryong PARK
    • 식물분류학회지
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2022
  • To elucidate the ancestry of the allopolyploids E. stevenii and E. boöphthona, I examined eleven isozyme loci and 24 morphological characters from 28 populations representing five related Euphorbia species from Australia. According to an analysis of genetic and morphological data, three diploid species differentiated recently, but two independent polyploid species are estimated to have differentiated a relatively long time ago. Fixed heterozygosity for most isozymes in E. stevenii and E. boöphthona strongly suggests that these two species are allopolyploids rather than autopolyploids. The isozyme profiles of E. stevenii indicate that it is an allopolyploid that evolved from interspecific hybridization between the diploid E. tannensis and unidentified or extinct tetraploid species. In addition, isozyme patterns strongly suggest that E. stevenii was one of the ancestors of E. boöphthona. However, E. boöphthona showed a large number of fixed alleles that were not detected in any other Australian Eremophyton species. The most likely hypothesis for the origin of E. boöphthona is that it was formed by hybridization and chromosomal doubling between an extinct diploid species and the hexaploid E. stevenii.

대극과 등대풀의 수분연구 (Pollination study of Euphorbia helioscopia (Euphorbiaceae))

  • 김덕일;박기룡
    • 식물분류학회지
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 등대풀(Euphorbia helioscopia)의 생장 특성, 수분매개자 및 이들의 방문빈도를 알아보기 위해 통영지역에 서식하는 등대풀의 자연집단을 대상으로 수분실험을 수행하였다. 등대풀은 3월 초에 싹이 올라와 3월 중순부터 개화하여, 4월 중순까지 수분이 이루어졌으며, 4월초에서 5월초에 열매를 맺고, 5월말에서 6월초 사이에 지상부가 소멸하는 특징을 보여주는 대표적인 초봄 성장형 종이었다. 3월 중순 꽃이 피기 시작하면서 수분 매개자들의 방문이 증가하였으며, 조사기간 동안 파리목, 딱정벌레목, 벌목, 노린재목에 속하는 11 종의 곤충이 방문하고 있어 기존의 대극속 종들의 연구결과와도 잘 일치하고 있다. 특히, 이들 중 파리목에 속하는 종들이 가장 높은 방문 빈도를 보여주고 있어 등대풀에 있어 가장 효율적인 수분매개자로 생각된다. 기존 연구에서 대극속 식물 종 당 방문하는 곤충은 상당히 다양한 것으로 보고되고 있으나 본 연구결과 등대풀의 경우 11 종에 불과해 상당한 차이를 보여주고 있으며 이와 같은 차이가 지역 곤충상의 특성과 연관이 있는지 혹은 초봄형 식물의 일반적 특징인지 더 연구해 볼 필요가 있다. 등대풀의 주요 수분매개자인 파리목의 경우 오전 중에 가장 높은 방문 빈도를 보이다가 시간이 지남에 따라 점점 그 빈도가 감소하는 경향이 있어 기존의 경우와 유사한 결과로 파리목은 그 행동 특성상 이른 아침에 수분 활동을 주로 수행하며 외부온도의 변화와 방문빈도는 상관이 없는 것으로 생각된다. 그러나, 등대풀의 경우에는 배상화서의 수가 증가하는 3월 중순에서 4월 중순까지 방문하는 곤충의 수도 전반적으로 증가하다가 그 이후부터 점점 감소하는 경향을 보여주고 있어 화서의 수 증가와 방문자 수 사이에 상관관계가 있다는 기존 연구를 지지하고 있다.

식물정화공법에서 다양한 중금속의 식물체로의 흡수 및 축적 특성 비교: 식물체 종류, 중금속 종류, 토양 내 중금속 농도를 중심으로 (Characteristics of Heavy Metals Uptake by Plants: Based on Plant Species, Types of Heavy Metals, and Initial Metal Concentration in Soil)

  • 정슬기;김태성;문희선
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2010
  • Phytoextraction, one type of phytoremediation processes, has been widely used in the removal of heavy metals from polluted soil. This paper reviewed literature on metal uptake by plants and characterized the metal uptake by types of metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and As), plant species, initial metal concentrations in soil and the distribution of metals in different parts of plants. The potential of metal accumulation and transport by plants was closely related to plants species, types of metals, and initial metal concentrations in soil. The plants belonging to Brassicaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae, and Convolvulaceae families have shown the high potential capacity of Cd accumulation. The Gentianaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Polygonaceae families have exhibited relatively high Pb uptake potential while the Pteridaceae and Cyperaceae families have shown relatively high Zn uptake potential. The Pteridaceae family could uptake a remarkably high amount of As compared with other plant families. The potential metal accumulation per plant biomass has increased with increasing initial metal concentration in soil up to a certain level and then decreased for Cd and Zn. For As, only Pteris vittata had a linear relationship between initial concentration in soil and potential of metal uptake. However, a meaningful relationship for Pb was not found in this study. Generally, the plants having high metal uptake potential for Cd or Pb mainly accumulated the metal in their roots. However, the Euphorbiaceae family has accumulated more than 80% of Pb in shoot. Zn has evenly accumulated in roots and stems except for the plants belonging to the Polygonaceae and Rosaceae families which accumulated Zn in their leaves. The Pteridaceae family has accumulated a higher amount of As in leaves than roots. The types of metals, plant species, and initial metal concentration in soil influence the metal uptake by plants. It is important to select site-specific plant species for effective removal of metals in soil. Therefore, this study may provide useful and beneficial information on metal accumulation by plants for the in situ phytoremediation.

설악산 국립공원 외설악의 관속식물상 (Flora of Oesorak in Soraksan National Park)

  • 김용식;강기호;배준규;신현탁
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.211-239
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    • 1997
  • 1996년 2월부터 8월까지 총 3회 11일간 설악산 국립공원 외설악과 인근지역의 관속식물상을 조사한 결과, 101과 379속, 659종, 2아종 105변종 8품종 총 774종류(taxa)로 조사되었다. 이중에서 외설악 지역에는 89과 321속, 526종 2아종 89변종 3품종중 총 620종류(taxa), 점봉산 지역은 86과, 251속, 350종, 1아종 51변종 2품종 총 404종류(taxa)로 각각 조사되었다. 외설악 지역에서는 남쪽에서 자라는 개족도리와 대팻집나무의 자생지를 확인하였고, 점봉산 지역에서는 신포동의 산외, 관모봉 지역에서는 참배암차즈기 등 6종류의 희귀식물을 발견하였다. 확인한 북방인자의 식물로는 분비나무, 눈잣나무, 눈측백, 등대시호, 두메부추, 금강봄맞이, 만주송이풀, 말나리, 붉은인가목, 솜다리, 톱바위취 등 17종류, 남방인자의 식물로는 사람주나무, 대팻집나무, 때죽나무, 지리대사초, 개족도리, 암대극등 6종류로 조사되었다. 또한 겨울철 도로교통의 안전을 위하여 뿌린 바닷가 모래의 영향으로 갯씀바귀, 갯완두, 참골무꽃, 해당화 등 해안지역에 주로 생육하는 식물이 도로를 따라 산악 내부까지 침투하고 있음을 확인하였다.

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南韓地域 漢藥資源植物의 蒐集分類와 利用體系에 關한 硏究, II. 南韓地域 漢藥資源植物의 蒐集分類 (A Study on Development of Medical Wild Plant Resources in the Southern Area of Korea II. Investigation of the Herb Plant Resources around Mountain of south Korea)

  • 이종일;이상래;박병서;김영기;조영숙;박정로;전순실;윤경원;윤의수;조덕봉
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 1993
  • Plant in chollabuk-do have investded 105 family, 442 species. 2. The order of distribution of the most family was the Compositae 43, Leguminosae Gramineae each 28, Rosaceae 17, Liliaceas 22, Labiatae 17, Ranunculaceae 12, Betulaceae 11, Violaceae 10, Polygonaceae Aspidiaceae each 9, Cruciferae${\cdot}$Caryothyllaceae${\cdot}$Celastraceae each 8, Fagaceae, Rubiaceae each 6, Ulmaceae 5. 3. Medical plants have invested 56 family, 116 species. 4. The order of the most family was the Compositae 8, Liliaceae Rosaceae${\cdot}$Umbelliferae${\cdot}$Labiatae each 6, Leguminosae${\cdot}$Rutaceae each 5, Campanulaceae${\cdot}$Ranunculaceae each 3, Simaroubaceae${\cdot}$Euphorbiaceae${\cdot}$Araliaceae each 2, Scrophulariaceae${\cdot}$Plantaginaceae each 1.

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대극과 식물로부터 분리한 천연폴리페놀의 멜라닌 생성 억제효과 (Inhibitory Effect of Some Natural Polyphenols Isolated from Euphorbiaceae Plants on Melanogenesis)

  • 김정아;최지영;손애량;박성희;허광화;이종구;오인석;김진준;장현욱;정시련;장태수;이승호
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제35권2호통권137호
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2004
  • Twenty two polyphenols containing ten gallotannins, seven ellagitannins, two phenylpropanoids and three stilbenes isolated from the higher plants were tested inhibitory effects on melanogenesis in cultured B-16 mouse melanoma cell lines. Among the tested samples, 1-desgalloyleugeniin exhibited the most potent inhibitory effect on melanogenesis in cultured cell lines.

사람주나무잎의 페놀성 성부 (The Phenolic Components of Sapium japonicum)

  • 안영진;이승호;강신정;황방연;박웅양;안병태;노재섭;이경순
    • 약학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 1996
  • A chemical examination of the phenolic compounds in the leaves of Sapium japonicum(Euphorbiacesae) has led to the isolation of eleven phenolic compounds, containing five hydrolysable tannins and six flavonoids. On the basis of chemical and spectroscopic evidences, the structures of these compounds were confirmed to be gallic acid(1), 5-O-caffeoyl quinic acid(2), 1-O-galloyl-3,6-(R)-HHDP-${\beta}-_D$-glucose(corilagin)(3), 1-O-galloyl-2,4(R)-DHHDP-${\beta}-_D$-glucose(furosin)(4), 1-O-galloyl-2,4-(R)-DHHDP-3,6-(R)-HHDP-${\beta}-_D$-glucose(geraniin )(5), astragalin(6), trifolin(7), afzelin(8), quercetin(9), isoquercitrin(10) and rutin(11). Among them geraniin was the main component.

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Anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory activity of chloroform extract of Croton roxburghii in standard animal models

  • Sivakumar, T;Rajavel, R;Karthikeyan, D;Duraisamy, R;Srinivasan, K;Kumar, S Suresh;Karki, Subhas S
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.252-259
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    • 2008
  • The chloroform extract of Croton roxburghii (Family: Euphorbiaceae) was evaluated for its antipyretic effects in Brewer's yeast induced hyperthermia in rats. The anti-inflammatory effect of the Croton roxburghii was also evaluated by using carrageenan, dextran, histamine, serotonin induced rat paw oedema and cotton pellet induced granuloma (chronic) models in rats. The chloroform extract of Croton roxburghii (CECR) exhibited significant anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory effect at the dose 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg. Maximum inhibition (55.32%) was notedat the dose of 200 mg/kg after 3 h of drug treatment in carrageenan induced paw oedema, whereas the Indomethacin (standard drug) produced 61.33% of inhibition. The extract exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity in dextran induced paw edema in a dose dependent manner. In the chronic model (cotton pellet induced granuloma) the CECR (200 mg/kg) and Indomethacin (10 mg/kg) showed decreased formation of granuloma tissue by 52.32% and 56.32% respectively. The extract also exhibited a significant antipyretic response in Brewer's yeast induced pyrexia in rats. Thus, the present study revealed that the CECR exhibited significant antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activity in the tested animal models.

New Compounds from Euphorbia helioscopia and Absolute Configuration Determination by Computational Methods

  • He, Jiang-Bo;Zhu, Hua-Jie;Luo, Gui-Fen;Liu, Guang-Ming;Chen, Hao;Li, Yan;Chen, Shaopeng;Lu, Xin;Zhou, Guochun;Cheng, Yong-Xian
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제31권8호
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    • pp.2211-2214
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    • 2010
  • The whole plant of Euphorbia helioscopia is an important traditional Chinese medicine. Fom its BuOH soluble extract, one new lactam (1), three new terpenoids (2-4) including a new naturally occurring compound, and three known compounds were isolated. Their structures were identified by spectroscopic evidences. In particular, the absolute configurations of side chain of compounds 1 and 2 were determined using computational methods.

베트남산 Croton cascarilloides의 세포독성 물질 (Cytotoxic Compounds from Croton cascarilloides)

  • 트란반숭;안병준;뉘엥만퀑
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제33권3호통권130호
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    • pp.207-210
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    • 2002
  • 베트남산 Croton cascarilloides 뿌리의 메탄올 추출물을 인체 폐암세포인 A549에 대한 세포독성을 실시한 결과 유효함을 발견하였다$(ED_{50},\;5.98\;{\mu}g/ml)$. 세포독성을 측정하면서 유효들 물질을 분리하고 그들의 분광학적 데이터와 문헌치를 비교한 결과 이들은 각각 3-acetyl aleuritolic acid, rubiadin-1-methyl ether 및 julocrotine로 확인되었다.