• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental education program

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Predictive Factors of Health promotion behaviors of Industrial Shift Workers (산업장 교대근무 근로자의 건강증진행위 예측요인)

  • Kim, Young-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2002
  • Industrial shift workers feels suffer mental stresses which are caused by unfamiliar day sleep, noisy environment, sleeping disorder by bright light, unusual contacts with family, difficulty in meeting with friends or having formal social meetings and other social limitations such as the use of transportation. Such stresses influence health of the workers negatively. Thus the health promotion policy for shift workers should be made considering the workers' ways of living and shift work specially. This study attempted to provide basic information for development of the health promotion program for industrial shift workers by examining predictive factors influencing health promotion behaviors of those workers. In designing the study, three power generation plants located in Pusan and south Kyungsang province were randomly selected and therefrom 280 workers at central control, boiler and turbine rooms and environmental chemistry parts whose processes require shift works were sampled as subjects of the study. Data were collected two times from September 17 to October 8, 1999 using questionnaires with helps of safety and health managers of the plants. The questionnaires were distributed through mails or direct visits. Means for the study included the measurement tool of health promotion behavior provided by Park(1995), the tool of self-efficacy measurement by Suh(1995), the tool of internal locus of control measurement by Oh(1987), the measurement tool of perceived health state by Park(1995) and the tool of social support measurement by Paek(1995). The collected data were analyzed using SPSS program. Controlling factors of the subjects were evaluated in terms of frequency and percentage ratio Perceived factors and health promotion behaviors of the subjects were done so in terms of mean and standard deviation, and average mark and standard deviation, respectively. Relations between controlling and perceived factors were analyzed using t-test and ANOVA and those between perceived factors and the performance of health promotion behaviors, using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The performance of health promotion behaviors was tested using t-test, ANOVA and post multi-comparison (Scheffe test). Predictive factors of health promotion behavior were examined through the Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. Results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. The performance of health promotion behaviors by the subjects was evaluated as having the value of mean, $161.27{\pm}26.73$ points(min.:60, max.:240) and average mark, $2.68{\pm}0.44$ points(min.:1, max.:4). When the performance was analyzed according to related aspects, it showed the highest level in harmonious relation with average mark, $3.15{\pm}.56$ points, followed by hygienic life($3.03{\pm}.55$), self-realization ($2.84{\pm}.55$), emotional support($2.73{\pm}.61$), regular meals($2.71{\pm}.76$), self-control($2.62{\pm}.63$), health diet($2.62{\pm}.56$), rest and sleep($2.60{\pm}.59$), exercise and activity($2.53{\pm}.57$), diet control($2.52{\pm}.56$) and special health management($2.06{\pm}.65$). 2. In relations between perceived factors of the subjects(self-efficacy, internal locus of control, perceived health state) and the performance of health promotion behaviors, the performance was found having significantly pure relations with self-efficacy (r=.524, P=.000), internal locus of control (r=.225, P=.000) and perceived health state(r=.244, P=.000). The higher each evaluated point of the three factors was, the higher the performance was in level. 3. When relations between the controlling factors(demography-based social, health-related, job-related and human relations characteristics) and the performance of health promotion behaviors were analyzed, the performance showed significant differences according to marital status (t=2.09, P= .03), religion(F=3.93, P= .00) and participation in religious activities (F=8.10, P= .00) out of demography-based characteristics, medical examination results (F=7.20, P= .00) and methods of the collection of health knowledge and information(F=3.41, P= .01) and methods of desired health education(F=3.41, P= .01) out of health-related characteristics, detrimental factors perception(F=4.49, P= .01) and job satisfaction(F=8.41, P= .00) out of job-related characteristics and social support(F=14.69, P= .00) out of human relations characteristics. 4. The factor which is a variable predicting best the performance of health promotion behaviors by the subjects was the self-efficacy accounting for 27.4% of the prediction, followed by participation in religious activities, social support, job satisfaction, received health state and internal locus of control in order all of which totally account for 41.0%. In conclusion, the predictive factor which most influence the performance of health promotion behaviors by shift workers was self-efficacy. To promote the sense, therefore, it is necessary to develop the nursing intervention program considering predictive factors as variables identified in this study. Further industrial nurses should play their roles actively to help shift workers increase their capability of self-management of health.

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Study on recognition, knowledge, and intake behavior of foods containing caffeine of high school students in Gyeongbuk region (카페인 함유식품에 대한 경북 지역 고등학생의 인식, 지식 및 섭취행동에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Su-Jin;Kim, Hyochung;Kim, Meera
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the levels of recognition, knowledge, and intake behavior of foods containing caffeine and analyzed the factors affecting amount of caffeine intake to get basic materials for development of educational program for proper intake behavior of foods containing caffeine of high school students in Gyeongbuk region. Of 300 questionnaires that were distributed on December 27, 2013 to February 14, 2014, 255 responses were used for analysis. Frequency distributions, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and regression analysis were conducted by SPSS Windows V.21.0. The mean of the level of concern about foods containing caffeine was 2.76/5.00 points; male and second and third grade students showed lower concern level than female and first grade students. The respondents answered that intake of foods containing caffeine had somewhat harmful effect on health, but it did not much help to refresh and increase concentration. The mean for the percentage of correct answers about knowledge of caffeine was 54.3. Small number of the respondents were advised to reduce intake of caffeine from school teachers or parents. The average of caffeine intake amount was 71.67mg/day; the average for male was 78.98mg/day, whereas for female 61.23mg/day. Almost thirteen percentage of the respondents took caffeine over RDA(Recommended Daily Allowance). According to the result of regression analysis for amount of caffeine intake, grade, BMI, concern about health, perception of whether foods containing caffeine help with refreshment and increase of concentration or not, and experiences of having advice from school teachers to decrease caffeine intake were significant. These results imply that it is necessary for high school students to educate how to take caffeine properly.

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Analysis of Scaffolding Phase in the Discourse during Docent-led Tours in a Science Museum (과학 박물관 도슨트의 관람 안내 담화 내에 나타난 스캐폴딩 양상 분석)

  • Choi, Moon-Young;Kim, Chan-Jong;Park, Eun Ji;Jung, Won-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.499-510
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to understand interactive learning during docent-led tours in a science museum focusing on scaffolding. We developed a scaffolding framework by collating the work of other researchers in related fields. The results show that scaffolding included three dimensions: purpose, interaction, and domain. The purpose dimension, divided into six categories, is related to the intention of the scaffolder and what the scaffolding are for: strategic, social, procedural, conceptual, verbal, and metacognitive. The interaction dimension reflects students' interaction with the scaffolder in two ways: dynamic (situation specific) and static (planned in advance). The domain dimension is related to two contents: domain-general and domain-specific (such as science). The scaffolding framework was applied to dynamic interactions between docents and visitors. The data was collected from elementary school students' family visits with the guidance of two docents at the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History. The data collected consisted of surveys, interviews, video-recordings, and transcripts. The analysis shows that five guiding contexts and scaffolding phases were recognized; 1) strategic scaffolding in a poorly illustrated exhibit; 2) conceptual scaffolding in a thoroughly explanative exhibit; 3) verbal scaffolding in misleading interpretation; 4) procedural scaffolding in a manipulative exhibit; and 5) metacognitive scaffolding with inaccurate content. In addition, the results show that the docents used the dynamic and static scaffolding synthetically so that the docent-led tour was effective. In conclusion, this study presents the usefulness of understanding visitors' science learning through the scaffolding framework, as well as the how docents can scaffold actively.

Analyses of Elementary School Homeroom Teachers' Role Percept ion and Performance as Counsellors and Children's Expectation for Teachers' Role as Counsellors (초등학교 담임교사의 상담자로서 역할지각 및 수행실태와 아동의 기대 분석)

  • Seo, Ju-Hee;Kim, Yang-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.65-92
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study is to conduct survey analyses of the role perception and performance of homeroom teachers in elementary schools in Seoul as well as their students' expectations for teachers' role as counsellors. The study also aims to analyze the causes behind the lackluster performance, to provide assistance in teachers' counselling and guidance activities and collect basic data for providing a plausible orientation for elementary school counselling. Research topics for achieving these study objectives are as follows. First, what is the status quo of counselling between elementary school students and teachers? Second, what is the role perception of elementary school homeroom teachers as counsellors and their current level of performance? Third, what are the differences in students' expectations for homeroom teachers' role as counsellors according to students' environmental variables such as gender and grade? Fourth, what are the discrepancies between the roles perception and performance of elementary school homeroom teachers and role expectation of students for homeroom teachers' role as counsellors? In order to answer these questions, surveys were conducted for 229 teachers and 385 students in grades 4, 5 and 6 in 11 elementary schools in Seoul, and the results were analyzed. The questionnaires used for this study were modified and supplemented according to the research objectives based on survey questions released by Gyung-Beom Lee(1989), Hak-Soo Lee(2001) and Gi-Nam Gwon(2005). Statistical analyses were peformed using the SPSS for Windows 10.0 program. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, most elementary school homeroom teachers were involved in counselling activities, and about half of them were providing counselling once a month or less. The classroom was the primary location of counselling, and more than half of the surveyed teachers were dissatisfied with their counselling activities. The teachers cited overwhelming teaching hours and excessive work as the factors that made counselling difficult. Second, it was revealed that most elementary school students have had experiences of anguish and most have had some form of counselling. They mostly sought counselling from their parents and friends, and the reasons behind such choices were that they were very understanding. Third, most students responded that they have had no experience of receiving counselling from their homeroom teachers. Among those with counselling experience with their homeroom teachers, most said that the counselling was helpful. The most significant reason for not receiving counselling from their homeroom teachers was that the students had no worries to talk about with their teachers. Fourth, as a result of categorizing the role of elementary school homeroom teachers as counsellors according to the areas of counselling, role perception for each area turned out to be generally high, while performance was substantially lacking. Fifth, in terms of the causes for the lackluster counselling performance, overwhelming teaching hours and excessive work were indicated for counselling areas of academic and personality issues. Sixth, the analysis of students' expectations for elementary school homeroom teachers as counsellors for counselling areas according to gender and grade revealed that there was no overall statistical significance. Seventh, from the general perspective, the level of role perception of the homeroom teachers were higher than the level of students' expectations. In conclusion, in order to enhance the teacher's role as a counsellor, there has to be a concrete perception of roles as a primary premise, calling for training sessions and programs dedicated to counseling for the teachers to take part in. Moreover, in order to alleviate the most significant causes for undermining teachers' counselling activities - overwhelming teaching hours and excessive work - there must be administrative consideration as well as provisions for effective counselling centers and dedicated school counsellors.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting Health Promoting Lifestyles of Workers in the Small Scale Industries (소형 사업장 근로자들의 건강증진 생활양식에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jang Yong-Nam;Lee Eun-Kyoung;Chong Myong-Soo;Jun Sun-Young;Kim Sang-Deok;Jeoung Jae-Yul;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.10-30
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    • 2001
  • Oriental medicine needs to be armed with theories on health-improvement concept under it and basic data matching its views, in order to participate in the health-improvement service in industrial work places. The Orient medicine health-improvement program defines factors that determine individuals' lifestyle, and provides information and technologies for workers to practice in life. To that end, this research compares and analyzes health-improvement concept and health care, defines relations between individuals' health state and their lifestyle as the basic data needed to perform health-improvement business for workers. 1. The subjects employed for this research is categorized into; by gender, males 52.1% and females 47.9% with no big difference between them; and by age, 20s, 6.1%, 30s. 33.9%, 40s, 34.1%, and 50s, 24.8% with 30-50 accounting for most of it. By marriage status, unmarried represents 7.1%, and married 79.1% with most of them married; by revenue, under one million won represents 3.0%, 1-2 million won 26.4%, 2-2.49 million won 11.2%, above 2.5 million won 11.2%, and 1-2.5 million won a majority. By living location, owned houses represents 65.4%, rented houses 14.7%, monthly-rented 9.5%; and by education, elementary and middle school represent 16.9%, high school and its dropouts 22.6%, and junior college and higher 51.6%, with high school and higher occupying most of the group. 2. By job, office workers and managerial workers represent 12.3%, part-timers 21.0%, manual workers 11.4%, jobless 0.6%, professionals 35.6%, service 0.6%, housewives 8.4%, and equipment/machinery operation/assemblers 10.1%. Of this, jobless and part-timers, totaling three, are dropped from this research. By years worked, 0-3.9 years represents 9.7%, 4-7.9 years 6.7%, 8-14.9 years 18.4%, above 15 years 28.7%, and no respondents 36.5%. 3. The degree of the subjects practicing life-improvement lifestyle, on a scale of 1 to 4, is an average of 2.69, personal relations 3.04, self-realization 2.92, stress management 2.76, nutritional state 2.73, responsibility for health 2.47, and athletic activities 2.18, with personal relations earning the highest points and athletic activities the lowest. As for factors influencing health-improvement lifestyle, there is no significant difference between gender, age, and marriage status. Meanwhile, there is significant difference between revenue, dwelling pattern, education level, etc. That is, higher income-bracket, owned houses, rented houses, monthly-rented houses, and higher-educated, in this order, show higher average in health-enhancement lifestyle. By job, housewives, manual workers, office workers, professionals, equipment/ machinery operation/ assemblers, and part-timers, in this order show higher points, while there is no difference with significance by years worked. 4. Factors that affect health-improvement lifestyle are shown below. Self-realization is influenced by age, marriage status, type of dwellings, and level of education; responsibility for health by type of dwellings; athletic activities by gender and age; nutrition by age, marriage status and type of dwellings; personal relations by marriage status; and stress management by type of dwellings. 5. Areas with high points by job show this: in self-realization, office workers, manual workers, housewives, professionals, equipment/ machinery operation/ assemblers, in this order, show difference with significance; in the area of responsibility for health, manual workers, housewives, equipment/ machinery operation/ assemblers, professionals, office workers and part-timers, in this order, do. In athletic activities, manual workers, housewives, office workers, professionals, equipment/ machinery operation/ assemblers, and part-timers, in this order, show difference with significance; in nutrition, housewives, office workers, manual workers, professionals, equipment/ machinery operation/ assemblers, and part-timers, in this order do; and in stress, housewives, office workers, manual workers, professionals, equipment/ machinery operation/ assemblers, part-timers, in this order do. By years worked, more years showed higher points in the area of responsibility for health and nutrition; in the area of athletic activities, above 15 years, 4-8 years, below 4 years and 8-14 years, in this order, show higher points; and no difference shows in realization, personal relation, and stress area. 6. To look at correlation between overall and divisional health-improvement practice degree, this researcher has analyzed it using Person's correlation coefficient. Self-realization, responsibility for health, athletic activities, nutrition, support for personal relations, and stress management show significant correlation with the sub-divisions, while all health-improvement lifestyle shows significant correlation with the six sub-divisions.

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River Basin based Region Reconstruction and it's Regulation Analysis: A Case of Gangwon Province (하천 유역권에 의한 권역구분과 권역별 규제지역 분석 - 강원도 지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.20-33
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    • 2006
  • Changing of industry structure and development of traffic and telecommunications requires a change of the knowledge about the space where the human beings reside. Step by step the world is being divided into specified utility blocks. Today there is a limit that only one local government can compete with another region in the world. This study provides decision support tools with the use of GIS on the regional level for regions competition. GIS establishes regions and analyzes their geographic environment data, which will help in local-government problem solving and provide framework data for similar regions to become the community. The wide-area GIS application can present an objective and rational basis for regulation of inefficient investments and excessive competition between adjacent regions. The study area is Gangwon-do. Considering specific features of Gangwon-do which preserved high-quality environment resources, river basins were taken as a basis among natural regional elements. The main object of analysis conducted were the facts relevant to environmental regulation. The Gangwon-do consists of three regions in this study: Yongdong region, North-Hangang region and South-Hangang region. The analysis of each region regulation cases showed the following: in Youngdong region the forests regulation rate is high, in North-Hangang region the military installations protection sector's rate as well as regulation rate for water resources protection is relatively high, in South-Hangang region the forest and water resources regulation rate is high. The percentage of forests and water regulation rate appeared to be rather high in Gangwon-do, which means that the value of forest and water resources there is very high.

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A Study on the Landscape Change in Nakdong River Delta The Case of Myeongjidong (낙동강 삼각주의 경관변화에 관한 연구 -명지동을 사례로-)

  • Heo, Minseok;SON, ILL;Tak, Hanmyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.491-508
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    • 2016
  • This study has taken the Myeongjidong island, which has experienced spatial change due to various reasons ranging from the Japanese colonial era until today, as an instance in order to comprehend macroscopic spatial change of the Nakdonggang Delta and the adaptation process of the locals in a microscopic point of view. Spatial change of the Myeongjidong has been confirmed by collecting maps such as the atlas of late period of Chosun published in 1910, topographic map, regional geography, city records, and by applying coordinates with geographic reference function of GIS program, then checking for time sequential space change of individual regions. Space change driven by the Japanese government-general of Korea, Gimhae Irrigation Association, and by national policy or planning brought about environmental and humanistic changes unlike ever before, and land usage, housing and industry of the region and the locals experienced various adaptation processes. Such processes were compiled through collection and comparison of literature, and supplementation from interview of the locals during field study. As for the research region, it ranged from the construction of Nakdonggang bank and Myeongji seawall of 1935, agricultural rural landscape formed after the area expansion project by Gimhae Irrigation Association in 1940, to landscape that are becoming mercantile and urban due to the developmental plans of national and local governments.

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Health Risk Behaviors Affecting the Process of Pregnancy (임신경과에 영향을 미치는 건강위험행위)

  • Park, Chai-Soon;Mun, Mi-Seon;Hong, Gin-Hee;Lee, Jeoung-Eun
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.549-565
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    • 2000
  • Comprehensive review of the literature was conducted to determine 1) selected risk factors and its impact that affect pregnancy outcome such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and substance abuse 2) these factors can facilitate future strategies for health promotion and prevention for both pregnant women and fetus. Review of literature were extracted from searching MEDLINE(1966 - Oct. 2000). CINAHL (1982 - Oct. 2000) and the domestic literature. The following factors were identified: 1. The effects of risk behaviors on pregnancy. ${\cdot}$Maternal smoking was associated with the occurrence of premature or LBW delivery, fetal growth retardation, extremities defects, heart defects and sudden infant death syndrome. ${\cdot}$Maternal alcohol consumption was associated with spontaneous abortion, premature or LBW delivery, morphologic/neurologic problems, especially fetal alcohol syndrome. ${\cdot}$Heroin was associated with withdrawal after birth in which were born to heroine addicts for gestational age and lung maturation in animal studies. ${\cdot}$Cocaine was associated with spontaneous abortion, abruptio placenta and a poor response to environmental stimuli. ${\cdot}$So far, the effects of caffeine on pregnancy was controversial, but severe caffeine consumption was associated with premature or LBW delivery, spontaneous abortion, still birth and dystocia. 2. Intervention methods and its effects identified were as follows ${\cdot}$Conducted intervention for smoking, alcohol and drug consumption were single or combined. ${\cdot}$Intervention methods were counseling, phone contact, mailing, use of educational videotape, booklet, support person and alternatives such as nicotine patch. ${\cdot}$The interventions increased the rates of smoking cessation during pregnancy and awareness of the risk of drug consumption, and decreased amount of alcohol consumption. ${\cdot}$The intervention outcome found positive effect on birth weight and length. 3. Our recommendations were as follows ${\cdot}$The personal and social cognition should be enhanced through education and the mass media. ${\cdot}$It's necessary to educate and give information of preconceptional care, planned pregnancy and early prenatal care for optimal pregnancy outcome. ${\cdot}$It's necessary to develop comprehensive assessment tool which is reliable and valid on smoking, alcohol consumption and substance abuse to identify supportive or interventional program.

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The Effect of Hours in Child Care Centers on Children's Daily Stress and the Moderating Effects of Child Care Quality (어린이집 재원시간에 따른 유아의 일상적 스트레스와 어린이집 질적수준의 중재효과)

  • Kim, Jeong Wha;Lee, Jae Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.357-377
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to look for care quality factors reduce the daily stress of young children placed in care centers for long hours. Therefore, the research questions look into how the hours and care quality factors in child care centers affect young children's daily stress, and whether the care quality factor moderates the impact of the hours children spent in centers. The subjects in this study were 380 children from 3 to 5 years old from 10 child care centers. The Korean Preschool Daily Stress Scale(KPDSS) for children's daily stress and Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale-Revised(ECERS-R) for quality of each classroom of centers were implemented. The main findings were summarized as following: (1) The more hours he/she spent in the center, the more stress he/she had. Children who spent 9 hours or more had more stress than children with 7 hours or less. (2) Among the 7 quality factors including space and furnishings, personal care routines, language reasoning, activities, interaction, program structure, parents staff, the interaction level between a teacher and a child and the level of parents and staff had the most impact on children's daily stress. (3) The qualitative factors of child care, language reasoning level, interaction level, parental support, and level of teachers reduced children's daily stress which was affected by the hours they spent in centers. Thus in order to reduce the daily stress of children who attend more than 9 hours a day, it is crucial to promote language reasoning activities and interaction between teachers and children and to improve parental support and teachers' professionalism.

Exposure Assessment of Hazardous gases in Confined Spaces (밀폐공간 종류별 유해가스 발생 농도 평가)

  • Park, Hyunhee;Yoo, Kye-mook;Ham, Seung-hon;Chung, Kwang-Jae;Shin, Min-a;Lee, Koo-yong;Jang, Kyung-jo;Yoon, Chung-sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2009
  • Confined spaces are inherently dangerous workplace and many fatal and nonfatal accidents have been reported. Even though these accidents occur in various kinds of confined spaces, there has rarely been reported on the health hazard agent, i.e., the types of gases and their concentration ranges. Therefore in this study, we evaluated several toxic and asphyxiating gas concentrations in various confined spaces. We surveyed 57 manholes, 3 sewage treatment plants, 2 yellow radish manufacturing companies and 7 barges to measure the concentrations of oxygen($O_2$), hydrogen sulfide($H_2S$), carbon monoxide(CO), ammonia($NH_3$). Lower Explosion Limits(LEL) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Those four types of confined spaces occupies 56% of accidents during last 9 years in Korea. In 57 manholes, the concentration varied according to the types of manholes; rainfall and sewage, and by location; residential and industrial areas. Sewage manhole in industrial area was evaluated as the most hazardous than other types of manhole like rainfall manholes, residential sewage manholes. The highest $H_2S$ concentration and the lowest $O_2$ concentration at sewage manhole in industrial area were 300 ppm, 8.7% respectively. In 3 sewage treatment plants, $H_2S$ and $NH_3$ concentrations were reached up to the 500 ppm and 200 ppm respectively. Two yellow radish manufacturing companies showed the concentrations of 316 ppm, 505.2 ppm, 90 ppm and 15.7% for $H_2S$, CO, VOCs and $O_2$, respectively. Seven barges showed 15.9%~20.9% oxygen concentration. Gas species and concentration ranges varied by the types and location of confined spaces; CO, $H_2S$, $O_2$ could be hazardous in manhole, especially manhole connected to sewage plants. CO, $H_2S$, LEL, $O_2$, $NH_3$ should be controlled in sludge silo and sluge pumping confined spaces in sewage treatment plant. The activity of lifting out radish from the storage tank was evaluated more hazardous rather than the other activities in yellow radish manufacturing industry. The employers must conduct the survey to identify all possible confined spaces in their local workplace prior to performing the tasks. At the national level to reduce the accidents in the confined spaces, we suggest that systemic approach and active education program including possible hazards, standard operation procedures, ventilation plan, and personal protective equipment in confined spaces should be implemented.