• Title/Summary/Keyword: enterprise application

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A Study on Building Web Services for Implementing Real Time Enterprise

  • Lee, Jung-Min
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.377-382
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    • 2007
  • To transform the enterprise system into the 'Real Time Enterprise' with respect to IT, I suggest the conceptual application model which is composed of pieces(components) extracted from different packaged applications working in a heterogeneous environment based on the 'business activity' in other words, business services provided by internal (inter-enterprise) and external (extended enterprise) application to support a business activity within in an enterprise and the design mechanism focusing service tier which acts as intermediate tier within application architecture.

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  • Shaikh, Riaz A.;Rajput, Saeed;Zaidi, S.M.H.;Sharif, Kashif
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2005
  • In traditional approach, enterprise-wide consistent security policy enforcement for applications is very difficult task. Therefore, industry is now moving towards new unified enterprise application security concept that consist of centralized authentication and authorization mechanism. The eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML); an XML-based standard defined by OASIS, is most suitable choice which can support centralized, role based, context aware access control mechanism. It is designed to provide universal standard for writing authorization policies and access control request/response language for managing access to the resources. This paper includes a brief overview on XACML and discusses its benefits, limitations and a data flow process. We propose a new generic access control architecture that supports enterprise wide centralized application level access control mechanism using XACML. The other benefits which can be achieved through this architecture are, reduce adnministration cost and complexity, support of heterogeneous computing platforms, centralized monitoring system, automatic fail over, scalability and availability, open standard based solution and secure communication.

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Enterprise Architecture Framework Design for Embracing Application Development (애플리케이션 개발 지향 엔터프라이즈 아키텍처 프레임 워크 설계)

  • Lee, Seung-Bong;Choi, Jae-Hyun;Chong, Ki-Won
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 2006
  • Nowadays most enterprise want to organize all Information Technology elements for their vision and mission accomplishments by integration view Enterprise architecture is used by the solution. But IT is so more complex that it can't cover application development. This research defines software architecture framework by enterprise view and designs enterprise architecture framework for embracing application development. Software architecture framework consists of meta architecture, conceptual architecture, logical architecture, physical architecture. For enterprise architecture framework including enterprise software architecture framework, this research analyzes its perspectives and Views. After all, This research able to apply to systematic application development based on enterprise architecture and completely IT elements organization by enterprise view.

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User Behavior of Mobile Enterprise Applications

  • Lee, Sangmin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.3972-3985
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    • 2016
  • Organizations have been implementing mobile applications that actually connect to their backend enterprise applications (e.g. ERP, SCM, etc.) in order to increase the enterprise mobility. However, most of the organizations are still struggling to fully satisfy their mobile application users with the enterprise mobility. Even though it has been regarded as the right direction that the traditional enterprise system should move on, the studies on the success model for mobile enterprise applications in user's acceptance perspective can hardly be found. Thus, this study focused not only to redefine the success of the mobile enterprise application in user's acceptance persepective, but also to find the impacts of the factors on user's usage behavior of the mobile enterprise applications. In order to achieve this, we adopted the Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) as a model to figure out the user's behavior on mobile applications. Among various mobile enterprise applications, this study chose mobile ERP since it is the most representing enterprise applications that many organizations have implemented in their backend. This study found that not all the constructs defined by Davis in TAM2 have a significant influence on user's behavior of the mobile-ERP applications. However, it is also found that most social influence processes of TAM2 influence user's perception of the degree of interaction by mobile-ERP applications.

Design and Implementation of Enterprise Beans Generator/ Depolyer supporting EJB for Server-Side Application Development (서버측 애플리케이션 개발을 위한 EJB 지원 엔터프라이즈 빈즈 생성기/전개기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Noh, Hye-Min;Lee, Sang-Young;Kim, Song-Ju;Yoo, Cheol-Jung;Chang, Ok-Bae;Lee, Woo-Jin;Shin, Gue-Sang
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2001
  • EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans), the cornerstone for J2EE(Java$^{TM}$ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition), is a server-side component standard model. Recently, development of supporting tool for this component model becomes important and there are many tools for developing EJB. In this paper, we purpose to design Enterprise Beans by component model, and perform design and implementation of code generator which generates skeleton code for Enterprise Beans automatically. We also implement EJB deployer for deploying these on application server. The code generator can make a JAR file automatically. This JAR file is deployed on application server by EJB specification as well. Using this tool, developer can create and deploy of Enterprise Beans more fast and exactly.y.

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ISIS Architecture for Developing Complex Enterprise Applications (복잡한 엔터프라이즈 응용 개발을 위한 ISIS 아키텍처)

  • Jo, Eun-Hwan;Lee, Kap-Hoon;Lee, Min-Soo;Lee, Bong
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.392-404
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    • 2010
  • Recently, as both business processes and IT systems become ever more complex. Especially, enterprise applications tend to become unmanageably complex and increasingly costly to maintain. Therefore complexity is the insidious enemy of software development. It is critical to have a methodology that recognizes and manages this enemy effectively. In this paper, we propose ISIS (Integrated System of Independent Subsystems) - the architectural style needed to develop the complex enterprise applications. The ISIS was developed to meet the challenge of reducing the complexity of a larger enterprise application today. It gives us architecture models for reducing development complexity and composite application. The enterprise application is partitioned into a collection of independent subsystems using ISIS decomposition schemes and equivalence relations. We use middleware named ISIS engine that provides a service for subsystems interoperability by enabling the integration of distributed, cross-platform subsystems. We have implemented an ITSM system that achieves our objectives, reducing development complexity, using the ISIS architecture. Finally, ISIS architecture provides greater flexibility and productivity when an organization needs either to change its business processes, or to update the underlying systems.

Efficient Method of Processing Long-term Transactions for Distributed Environment (분산 환경에서 장기 트랜잭션의 효율적인 처리 방안)

  • 정지호;엄기환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1007-1014
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    • 2003
  • It is important to integrate an enterprise application for automating of the business profess, which is responded by a flow of market environment. There are two categories of method that integrate enterprise applications. One is Synchronous Integration, and the other is Asynchronous Integration. EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) and Web service which of the asynchronous integration is focused in the automating method of the business process. After we construct the application integration for automating of the business process, we have to concern about managing of the business transaction. Many Organizations have proposed the process method of business transaction based on 2-phase commit protocol. But this method can′t supply the phase that classify the transaction by transaction weight. In this paper, we propose an efficient method of transaction process for business transactions, which is composed by ′Classify Phase′ that classify transactions. We called this model "3-Phase Commit Method Applied by Classify Phase", we design this model to manage an resource of enterprise efficiently. The proposed method is compared by the method based on 2-Phase commit that could be a problem of management the resource of enterprise, and the advantage of this method is certified to propose the solution of that problem.

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An Efficient Method of Transaction Process for EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) and Web Service (EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)와 Web Service 환경에서 트랜잭션의 효율적인 처리 방안)

  • Jung, Ji-Ho;Yoon, Chung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.2
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2004
  • It is important to integrate an enterprise application for automating of the business process, which is responded by a flow of market environment. There are two categories of method that integrate enterprise applications. One is Synchronous Integration, and the other is Asynchronous Integration. EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) and Web service which of the asynchronous integration is focused in the automating method of the business process. After we construct the application integration for automating of the business process, we have to concern about managing of the business transaction. Many Organizations have proposed the process method of business transaction based on 2-phase commit protocol. But this method can't supply the phase that classify the transaction by transaction weight. In this paper, we propose an efficient method of transaction process for business transactions, which is composed by "Classify Phase" that classify transactions. We called this model "3-Phase Commit Method Applied by Classify Phase, " we design this model to manage an resource of enterprise efficiently. The proposed method is compared by the method based on 2-Phase commit that could be a problem of management the resource of enterprise, and the advantage of this method is certified to propose the solution of that problem.ion of that problem.

Efficient Method of Processing Long-term Transactions for Distributed Environment (분산 환경에서 장기 트랜잭션의 효율적인 처리 방안)

  • 정지호;엄기환
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.1498-1508
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    • 2003
  • It is important to integrate an enterprise application for automating of the business process, which is responded by a flow of market environment. There are two categories of method that integrate enterprise applications. One is Synchronous Integration, and the other is Asynchronous Integration. EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) and Web service which of the asynchronous integration is focused in the automating method of the business process. After we construct the application integration for automating of the business process, we have to concern about managing of the business transaction. Many Organizations have proposed the process method of business transaction based on 2-phase commit protocol. But this method can't supply the phase that classify the transaction by transaction weight. In this Paper, we Propose an efficient method of transaction process for business transactions, which is composed by ‘Classify Phase’ that classify transactions. We called this model “3-Phase Commit Method Applied by Classify Phase”, we design this model to manage an resource of enterprise efficiently. The proposed method is compared by the method based on 2-Phase commit that could be a problem of management the resource of enterprise, and the advantage of this method is certified to propose the solution of that problem.