• Title/Summary/Keyword: engineering characteristics

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A Study on the adequate Aggregate Selection of the Exposed Aggregate PCC Pavements (골재노출 콘크리트포장의 적정 골재 선정에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kyu;Chae, Sung-Wook;Lee, Seung-Woo;Yoo, Tae-Seok
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2007
  • The exposed aggregate PCC(EAP) pavements have been successfully used in Europe and Japan as low-noise pavements. Coarse aggregate are exposed on the pavement surface texture of EAP by removing mortar of surface. The pavement surface texture should maintain not only low-noise characteristic but also adequate skid resistance level during the performance period. Skid resistance decreased with wearing and polishing of tire and pavement surface due to the repetition of tire-pavement contact. Since the tires mainly contact the exposed coarse aggregate, the shape and rock type of coarse aggregate significantly influence wearing and polishing of EAP pavements. The test for resistance to abrasion coarse aggregate by use of the Los Angeles machine(KS F 2508) and the method of test for resistance to abrasion coarse aggregate by use of the Accelerated Polishing Machine(ASTM D 3319-90) are generally used to evaluate polishing characteristics of aggregate. In this study, polishing of coarse aggregate of different five rock types were evaluated by KS F 2508(LA abrasion test) and ASTM D 3319-90(PSV method). The results of LA abrasion test and PSV method were contrary to each other. Since LA abrasion test is estimated the quantity of abrasion by the impact of aggregate, it may not be adequate to evaluate the polishing of aggregate by the repetition of tire. In the case of PSV method, the resistance of polishing is estimated the skid resistance variation of polished aggregate after repetition of tire. The PSV method is adequate for the evaluation on polishing of coarse aggregate. From the test results of PSV method, it was founded that rock type, specific gravity, coarse aggregate angularity, flat or elongated particles in coarse aggregate are significant to the resistance characteristic of coarse aggregate.

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Experimental Study with Respect to Dose Characteristic of Glass Dosimeter for Low-Energy by Using Internal Detector of Piranha 657 (Piranha 657의 Internal Detector를 이용한 저에너지에서 유리선량계의 선량 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Hyun;Min, Jung-Whan;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Lyu, Kwang-Yeul;Lim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Jung-Min;Jeong, Hoi-Woun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2012
  • Recently, Glass Dosimeter (GD) with thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) are comprehensively used to measure absorbed dose from diagnostic field to therapy field that means from low energy field to high energy field. However, such studies about dose characteristics of GD, such as reproducibility and energy dependency, are mostly results in high energy field. Because characteristic study for measurement devices of radiation dose and radiation detector is performed using 137Cs and 60Co which emit high energy radiations. Thus, this study was evaluated the linearity according to Piranha dose which measured by changing tube voltage (50kV, 80kV and 100kV which are low energy radiations), reproducibility and reproducibility according to delay time using GD. Measurement of radiation dose is performed using internal detector of Piranha 657 which is multi-function QA device (RTI Electronic, Sweden). Condition of measurement was 25mA, 0.02sec, 2.5mAs, SSD of 100 cm and exposure area with $10{\times}10cm^2$. As above method, GD was exposed to radiation. Sixty GDs were divided into three groups (50kV, 80kV, 100kV), then measured. In this study, GD was indicated the linearity in low energy field as high energy existing reported results. The reproducibility and reproducibility according to delay time were acceptable. In this study, we could know that GD can be used to not only measure the high energy field but also low energy field.

Characteristics of Si Floating Gate Nonvolatile Memory Based on Schottky Barrier Tunneling Transistor (쇼트키 장벽 관통 트랜지스터 구조를 적용한 실리콘 나노점 부유 게이트 비휘발성 메모리 특성)

  • Son, Dae-Ho;Kim, Eun-Kyeom;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Kyung-Su;Yim, Tae-Kyung;An, Seung-Man;Won, Sung-Hwan;Sok, Jung-Hyun;Hong, Wan-Shick;Kim, Tae-You;Jang, Moon-Gyu;Park, Kyoung-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.302-309
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    • 2009
  • We fabricated a Si nano floating gate memory with Schottky barrier tunneling transistor structure. The device was consisted of Schottky barriers of Er-silicide at source/drain and Si nanoclusters in the gate stack formed by LPCVD-digital gas feeding method. Transistor operations due to the Schottky barrier tunneling were observed under small gate bias < 2V. The nonvolatile memory properties were investigated by measuring the threshold voltage shift along the gate bias voltage and time. We obtained the 10/50 mseconds for write/erase times and the memory window of $\sim5V$ under ${\pm}20\;V$ write/erase voltages. However, the memory window decreased to 0.4V after 104seconds, which was attributed to the Er-related defects in the tunneling oxide layer. Good write/erase endurance was maintained until $10^3$ write/erase times. However, the threshold voltages moved upward, and the memory window became small after more write/erase operations. Defects in the LPCVD control oxide were discussed for the endurance results. The experimental results point to the possibility of a Si nano floating gate memory with Schottky barrier tunneling transistor structure for Si nanoscale nonvolatile memory device.

Studies on the Rapid Discrimination of Yellow Pigments Colored on Yellow Croakers and Natural Yellow Pigment of Croakers (참조기의 천연색소와 인위적으로 착색된 황색색소류 판별법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Yun;Hong, Jin-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Sul;Han, Sang-Bae;Lee, Eun-Ju;Lee, Jeung-Seung;Kang, Kil-Jin;Chung, Hyung-Wook;Song, Kyung-Hee;Park, Hye-Kyung;Park, Jong-Seok;Kwon, Yong-Kwan;Chin, Myung-Shik;Park, Hee-Ok;Oh, Sae-Hwa;Shin, Il-Shik;Lee, Chang-Kook;Park, Hee-Yul;Ha, Sang-Chul;Jo, Jae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.977-983
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to establish the precise and rapid method to distinguish croakers through the pigment analysis of colored imported white croakers for adultration. We surveyed the coloring behaviors, extraction test by water and organic solvent and using pigments such as targeting, curcumine, and azo dye products. The pigment of yellow croaker is not stained on wet cloth or tissue which is rubbed on epidermis of yellow croaker and was not eluted in water extraction test, while adulterated pigments were easily extracted by water and acetone, but edible diluted yellow, Yellow No. 4 and Yellow No. 5 were not extracted. Reactive pigment was detected easily by extraction with water and dispersed pigment was also detected by extraction test. As a result of discoloring characteristics of carotene having similar structure to yellow croaker and azo dye by oxidation and reduction, azo dyes were not discolored by oxidation with sodium percarbonate or peracetic acid but that were discolored by oxidation with Fenton reagent after 1hr and by hypochlorite promptly. On the other hand, carotenes were not discolored by sodium precarbonate and Fenton reagent but discolored by sodium hypochlorite after 2 hr and by peracetic acid promptly. Azo dyes were discolored by reduction with sodium hydrosulfite and sodium carbonate but carotenes were not discolored by these reagents. This discoloring test was applicable to detect adulterated pigments and other marine product.

Development of Nutritional Counseling Internet Program for Weight Reduction Using Expert System (전문가 시스템을 이용한 인터넷 체중 감량 상담 프로그램 개발)

  • 박선민;박수진;최선숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.993-999
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study was to develop a nutritional counseling program using expert system to assist obese people to lose weight through behavior modification in the internet. The counseling internet program for weight loss was developed by the accumulation of knowledge for dealing with eating habits and exercising behaviors into expert system tool, Knowledge Engineering Agent (KEA) by a dietitian without any help of computer expert. KEA was built based on the theory of Multiple Classification Ripple Down Rules. To accumulate knowledge into KEA, survey was performed in 150 obese people, the dietitian reviewed and consulted each survey case, and the consulted contents were learned and accumulated into KEA. Survey questionnaires were the same as those of the internet consulting program, and they included general characteristics, dietary habits, lifestyle, and exercise patterns related to obesity. KEA was used for nutritional counseling of obese people after KEA had enough knowledge for weight loss based on behavior modification by the dietitian. To accumulate knowledge to KEA, the dietitian selected proper factors inferred from the survey questionnaire of each case, and added the conclusions for them. Conclusions were made for helping clients to correct bad eating behaviors and accumulate good behaviors for losing weight. When clients answered survey questionnaires in a counseling internet program, KEA gave the recommendation how to eat, to exercise and the deal with stress in a real time for each case. If KEA did not have enough knowledge for a specific case, the conclusion window wrote no conclusion and the dietitian needed to add conclusions for the case. The conclusions for the new case added to the KEA knowledge base. In conclusions, a counseling internet program for weight reduction can be used for give advices how to deal with obesity in a man-to-man way in a real time using KEA where nutritional knowledge based on behavior modification for weight loss was accumulated.

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Studies on the Desertification Combating and Sand Industry Development(III) - Revegetation and Soil Conservation Technology in Desertification-affected Sandy Land - (사막화방지(沙漠化防止) 및 방사기술개발(防沙技術開發)에 관한 연구(硏究)(III) - 중국(中國)의 황막사지(荒漠沙地) 녹화기술분석(綠化技術分析) -)

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong;Lee, Kyung-Joon;Choi, Hyung-Tae;Lee, Sang-Ho;Park, Joo-Won;Wang, Lixian;Zhang, Kebin;Sun, Baoping
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2001
  • This study is aimed to analyze and to evaluate the revegetation and soil conservation technology in desertification-affected sandy land, resulting from the project of "Studies on the desertification combating and sand industry development". Main native plants for combating desertification : The general characteristics of vegetation distribution in desertified regions are partially concentrated vegetation distribution types including the a) desert plants in low zone of desert or sanddune of depressed basin, b) salt-resistant plants around saline lakes, c) grouped vegetation with Poplar and Chinese Tamarix of freshwater-lakes, saline-lakes and river-banks, d) gobi vegetation of gravel desert and e) grassland and oasis-woods around the alluvial fan of rivers, etc. Generally, Tamarix ehinensis Lour., Haloxylon ammodendron Bunge., Calligonum spp., Populus euphratica Oliver., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Ulmus pumila L., Salix spp., Hedysarum spp., Caragana spp., Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge., Nitraria tangutorum Bobr., Lespedeza bicolor, Alhagi sparsifolia Shap., Capparis spinosa L., Artemisia arenaria DC., etc. are widely distributed in desertified regions. It is necessary for conducting research in the native plants in desertified regions. Analysis of intensive revegetation technology system for combating desertification : In the wind erosion region, the experimental research projects of rational farming systems (regional planning, shelterbelts system, protection system of oasis, establishment of irrigation-channel networks and management technology of enormous farmlands, etc.), rational utilization technology of plant resources (fuelwood, medicinal plants, grazing and grassland management, etc.), utilization technology of water resources (management and planning of watershed, construction of channel and technology of water saving and irrigation, etc.), establishment of sheltetbelts, control of population increase and increased production technology of agricultural forest, fuelwood and feed, etc. are preponderantly being promoted. And in water erosion region, the experimental research projects of development of rational utilization technology of land and vegetation, engineering technology and protection technology of crops, etc. are being promoted in priority. And also, the experimental researches on the methods of utilization of water (irrigation, drainage, washing and rice cultivation, etc.), agricultural methods (reclamation of land, agronomy, fertilization, seeding, crop rotation, mixed-cultivation and soil dressing works, etc.) and biological methods (cultivation of salt-resistant crops and green manure and tree plantation, etc.) for improvement of saline soil and alkaline soil in desertified-lands are actively being promoted. And the international cooperations on the revegetation technology development projects of desertified-lands are sincerely being required.

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Grand Circulation Process of Beach Cusp and its Seasonal Variation at the Mang-Bang Beach from the Perspective of Trapped Mode Edge Waves as the Driving Mechanism of Beach Cusp Formation (맹방해안에서 관측되는 Beach Cusp의 일 년에 걸친 대순환 과정과 계절별 특성 - 여러 생성기작 중 포획모드 Edge Waves를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.265-277
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    • 2019
  • Using the measured data of waves and shore-line, we reviewed the grand circulation process and seasonal variation of beach cusp at the Mang-Bang beach from the perspective of trapped mode Edge waves known as the driving mechanism of beach cusp. In order to track the temporal and spatial variation trends of beach cusp, we quantify the beach cusp in terms of its wave length and amplitude detected by threshold crossing method. In doing so, we also utilize the spectral analysis method and its associated spectral mean sand wave number. From repeated period of convergence and ensuing splitting of sand waves detected from the yearly time series of spectral mean sand wave number of beach cusp, it is shown that the grand circulation process of beach cusp at Mang-Bang beach are occurring twice from 2017. 4. 26 to 2018. 4. 20. For the case of beach area, it increased by $14,142m^2$ during this period, and the shore-line advanced by 18 m at the northen and southern parts of the Mang-Bang beach whereas the shore-line advanced by 2.4 m at the central parts of Mang-Bang beach. It is also worthy of note that the beach area rapidly increased by $30,345m^2$ from 2017.11.26. to 2017.12.22. which can be attributed to the nature of coming waves. During this period, mild swells of long period were prevailing, and their angle of attack were next to zero. These characteristics of waves imply that the main transport mode of sediment would be the cross-shore. Considering the facts that self-healing capacity of natural beaches is realized via the cross-shore sediment once temporarily eroded. it can be easily deduced that the sediment carried by the boundary layer streaming toward the shore under mild swells which normally incident toward the Mang-Bang beach makes the beach area rapidly increase from 2017.11.26. to 2017.12.22.

Neotectonic Crustal Deformation and Current Stress Field in the Korean Peninsula and Their Tectonic Implications: A Review (한반도 신기 지각변형과 현생 응력장 그리고 지구조적 의미: 논평)

  • Kim, Min-Cheol;Jung, Soohwan;Yoon, Sangwon;Jeong, Rae-Yoon;Song, Cheol Woo;Son, Moon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2016
  • In order to characterize the Neotectonic crustal deformation and current stress field in and around the Korean Peninsula and to interpret their tectonic implications, this paper synthetically analyzes the previous Quaternary fault and focal mechanism solution data and recent geotechnical in-situ stress data and examines the characteristics of crustal deformations and tectonic settings in and around East Asia after the Miocene. Most of the Quaternary fault outcrops in SE Korea occur along major inherited fault zones and show a NS-striking top-to-the-west thrust geometry, indicating that the faults were produced by local reactivation of appropriately oriented preexisting weaknesses under EW-trending pure compressional stress field. The focal mechanism solutions in and around the Korean Peninsula disclose that strike-slip faulting containing some reverse-slip component and reverse-slip faulting are significantly dominant on land and in sea area, respectively. The P-axes are horizontally clustered in ENE-WSW direction, whereas the T-axes are girdle-distributed in NNW direction. The geotechnical in-situ stress data in South Korea also indicate the ENE-trending maximum horizontal stress. The current crustal deformation in the Korean Peninsula is thus characterized by crustal contraction under regional ENE-WSW or E-W compression stress field. Based on the regional stress trajectories in and around East Asia, the current stress regime is interpreted to have resulted from the cooperation of westward shallow subduction of the Pacific Plate and collision of Indian and Eurasian continents, whereas the Philippine Sea plate have not a decisive effect on the stress-regime in the Korean Peninsula due to its high-angle subduction that resulted in dominant crust extension of the back-arc region. It is also interpreted that the Neotectonic crustal deformation and present-day tectonic setting of East Asia commenced with the change of the Pacific Plate motion during 5~3.2 Ma.

The Study of PM10, PM2.5 Mass Extinction Efficiency Characteristics Using LIDAR Data (라이다 데이터를 이용한 PM10, PM2.5 질량소산효율 특성 연구)

  • Kim, TaeGyeong;Joo, Sohee;Kim, Gahyeong;Noh, Youngmin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_2
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    • pp.1793-1801
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    • 2021
  • From 2015 to June 2020, the backscattering coefficients of 532 and 1064 nm measured using LIDAR and the depolarization ratio at 532 nm were used to separate the backscattering coefficient at 532 nm as three types as PM10, PM2.5-10, PM2.5 according to particle size. The mass extinction efficiency (MEE) of three types was calculated using the mass concentration measured on the ground. The overall mean values of the calculated MEE were 5.1 ± 2.5, 1.7 ± 3.7, and 9.3 ± 6.3 m2/g in PM10, PM2.5-10, and PM2.5, respectively. When the mass concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 was low, higher than average MEE was calculated, and it was confirmed that the MEE decreased as the mass concentration increased. When the MEE was calculated for each type according to the mixing degree of Asian dust, PM2.5-10 was twice at pollution aerosol as high as 2.1 ± 2.8 m2/g, compare to pollution-dominated mixture, dust-dominated mixture, and pure dust of 1.1 ± 1.8, 1.4 ± 3.3, 1.1 ± 1.5 m2/g, respectively. However, PM2.5 MEE showed similar values irrespective of type: 9.4 ± 6.5, 9.0 ± 5.8, 10.3 ± 7.5, and 9.1 ± 9.0 m2/g. The MEE of PM10 was 5.6 ± 2.9, 4.4 ± 2.0, 3.6 ± 2.9, and 2.8 ± 2.4 m2/g in pollution aerosol (PA), pollution-dominated mixture (PDM), dust-dominated mixture (DDM), and pure dust (PD), respectively, and increased as the dust ratio value decreased. Even if the same type according to the same mass concentration or Asian dust mixture was shown, as the PM2.5/PM10 ratio decreased, the MEE of PM2.5-10 decreased and the MEE of PM2.5 showed a tendency to increase.

Densification Behavior and Magnetic Properties of Fe-2%Ni Sintered Compact Fabricated by Metal Injection Molding (사출성형법에 의해 제작된 Fe-2%Ni연자성 소결체의 소결 및 자기적 특성)

  • Lim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.278-283
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    • 2019
  • 3 kinds of fine powder, Fe-2%Ni alloy powder(N Ltd.) and Fe+2%Ni mixed powder(B Ltd. and S Ltd.), were fabricated into sintered compacts of bending strength specimens and ring type specimens by metal injection molding, debinding and controlling sintering conditions (reduction and sintering atmospheres, sintering temperature, sintering time and cooling rates). Density and magnetic properties of the sintered compacts were evaluated with the following conclusions. (1) When each compact was hold at 1123K for 3.6ks in H2 and sintered at 1623K for 14.4ks in Ar, the density of N, B and S Ltd.'s sintered compacts were measured as 96, 99 and 99%, and oxygen/carbon contents were measured as 0.0041%O/0.0006%C, 0.0027%O/0.0022%C, and 0.160%O/0.0026%C, respectively. (2) Magnetic characteristics of B Ltd. compact in Ar with the best results showed $B_{25}=14.3KG$, $B_r=7.75KG$, and $H_c=2.1Oe$, but not enough as those made by melting process. (3) Magnetic properties of B Ltd. compact which were sintered at 1673K for 14.4ks in Ar gas, and cooled at $0.83Ks^{-1}$ to 1123K and then cooled at $0.083Ks^{-1}$ down to room temperature were measured as $B_{25}=14.8KG$, $B_r=8.3KG$, and $H_c=1.3Oe$, almost similar to those made by melting process. Objected soft magnetic materials properties were obtained through sintering process by controlling sintering conditions (reduction condition, sintering atmosphere, sintering temperature and sintering time) and cooling rates.