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A Survey on the Consumption of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements as Health Functional Foods and Related Factors by Korean Adolescents (한국 일부 청소년의 건강기능식품용 비타민·무기질 보충제 섭취 실태 및 관련 요인 조사)

  • Lee, Hyun Sook;Han, Ji Hye;Kim, Sun Hyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the consumption prevalence of vitamin and mineral supplements as health functional foods (VM-HFF) and to examine the factors associated with VM-HFF consumption behaviors in adolescents. A total of 1,407 adolescents attending middle or high schools from various cities and rural communities in Korea participated in this study. The prevalence of VM-HFF consumption was 41.7%, with boys showing a higher consumption than girls (p<0.01). VM-HFF consumption was higher in families with higher socioeconomic status and for families with parents that exhibited higher concerns about their child's health, growth, and nutritional intake (p<0.001). Most consumers of VM-HFF consumed HFFs 'when healthy' (50.1%), and acquired nutritional information from 'their families & relatives' (50.9%). Most consumers responded that VM-HFF was 'a little effective' (54.3%), followed by 'no obvious effects' (37.1%), and 'very effective' (7.4%). The effectiveness of consuming VM-HFF was mainly for 'fatigue recovery' (39.0%) and 'health improvement' (28.2%). Most consumers purchased HFFs at 'pharmacies & oriental medicine clinics' (53.8%) and at 'health functional food stores' (18.8%). Most consumers 'occasionally' (51.1%) or 'seldom' (27.3%) checked nutrition facts when purchasing, with 58.9% of consumers understanding the nutritional label for 'the most part', but only 8.7% of them understanding it 'very well'. Among the VM-HFF, consumers preferred calcium- and vitamin C-supplements. Consumers' mini-dietary assessment scores were higher than those of non-consumers. The results above showed that VM-HFF consumption was widely spread among adolescents, but few consumers checked and understood the nutrition label when they purchased VM-HFF, and were highly dependent on the advice and information from non-professional nutritionists, such as families & relatives. Therefore, it is necessary to educate adolescents to help them read nutrition labels and select the proper VM-HFF.

Studies on The Reutilization of Used School Uniform of Middle and High School Students (중.고등학생의 교복 재활용 활성화에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hee-Sun;Oh, Kyung-Wha
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.141-155
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    • 2009
  • Purchasing used school uniforms is to reduce environmental pollution and expenses, and to enhance a feeling of wearing satisfaction for school uniforms by improving size fitting. In order to improve reutilization of used school uniforms, uniform purchasing behavior, awareness of the reutilizing markets of used school uniforms, and the running conditions of reutilizing markets of used school uniforms were analyzed through the survey. The subjects are 741 students of middle and high schools in Seoul and Kyeonggi Province in this study. The results are as follows. First, the better-fitted uniforms students wear, the higher satisfaction they feel. Therefore, it is desirable for students to wear the uniforms which are well fitted for each student. Second, the higher aware of environment students are and the more environmental preservation behavior they do, the higher awareness of wearing used school uniforms they are. In order to enhance students' awareness of reutilizing markets of used school uniforms, it is important to educate students about the environment systematically and to promote recycling events. Third, the reasons for not purchasing used school uniforms are difficulty in access to the repurchasing market and the sanitary problem. Therefore, it is suggested that environmental education which boosts students' awareness of environment and reutilization events should be held to make reutilizing markets of used school uniforms vigorous. Moreover, it is necessary to make reutilizing markets easy to access and improve cleaning and repairing system.

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Influence of Individual and Job Characteristics, Professional Job Perception, and Group Cohesiveness on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Physical Therapists in Hospitals (물리치료사의 개인 및 직무특성, 전문직업성, 집단응집성이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jung-Do;Lee, Key-Hyo;Kim, Won-Joong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.70-92
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    • 2003
  • The main objective of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior of hospital employees, and based on the investigation, to suggest some implications for effective human resources management of hospitals. For this purpose, physical therapists were selected as the subject of the research. Using their individual characteristics, job characteristics, professionalism and group cohesiveness as the variables affecting organizational citizenship behavior, an empirical model was constructed and tested. A survey was conducted through structured and self-administered questionnaire for the physical therapists working at hospitals of Busan-Kyongnam area, and data from 240 therapists were utilized in the final analysis. Major results of the empirical analysis are as follows: First, perception on professionalism and the degree of organizational citizenship behavior were higher for male, older, relatively more-educated and higher-grade employees. It is necessary to develope some measures to educate and motivate the employees who are in lower state of professionalism and organizational citizenship behavior. Second, among the individual characteristics, need for growth was found to have significant, positive influence on professionalism and group cohesiveness, but no direct effect on organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, extroversion had direct, positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, as well as on professionalism and group cohesiveness. This result suggests that personnel selection and personality education should be conducted carefully. Third, job characteristics appeared to have very large, positive effect on professionalism, but not directly on organizational citizenship behavior. Fourth, professionalism was found to have very large, positive influence on group cohesiveness and direct, positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. This implies that enhancing professionalism of physical therapists can strengthen organizational citizenship behavior in hospitals, and hence top management should actively support the programs for job re-design, skill education and quality improvement to enhance professionalism of their employees. Fifth and last, as an intervening factor, group cohesiveness appeared to have the largest, direct, positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. It is, therefore, important for top management to improve group cohesiveness by exploring ways toward greater harmony and solidarity among the members of physical therapy department.

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A Theoretical Study on Sex Role Concepts and the Problems of Education (성역할 개념형성과 교육에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • 이정덕;홍연애
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the direction and strategy of education for sex role concepts of children on the basis of factor analysis of the present situation in sex role concepts and their formation. Although some maintain that sex role concept of our society has been changing slowly, the traditional sex role concept still dominates and is potentially immanent. the analysis of present condition of our society indicates that the formal as well as informal education are facing with various crucial problems in providing the direction of behavior demanded for carrying out the role. The close analysis of the three theories, psychoanalytic theory , social learning theory, cognitive development theory, lends a support to the laim of the study that cognitive development theory provide an integrated frame of reference for us to see the sex role education analytically Furthermore, the factors which are found to have influences on the formation of sex role have been analyzed in three areas: Family, School and society. 1)The factors in family such as parental behavior of upbringing and their concepts of sex role have a direct relationship with the nature of sex tole concept of children. Therefore, the first step to make children to habe a new type of sex-role conception appropriate for modern societies is to change that of parental conception and attitudes. 2)the quantitative as well as the qualitative aspects of school education showed no exceptional trend from the dominant conception of the society, although school are expected to lead the society as formal education institution rather than just reflect the society. The educational activities and contents such as the conceived goal of education for eoch sex, textbook constitation, teaching behavior and sex-role concepts of teacher are found to be still dominated by the traditional sex-role assumption. 3) The social factors that have direct relationship with children's sex-role formation are social and cultural, which include social milieu, condition of employment, family structure and mass-media. Since family and school do not educate the young in a social vacuum. their educational function of sex-role formation are doomed to be limited and determined by these social factors. Unfortunately, the analysis of present conditions showed the dominance of traditional types of sex-role concepts in all these social factors. The education of sex-role concept for children should be treated as one of the most crucial value problems related with many other important problems, such as direction and patterns of behaviors of each sex, the degree of self-development and capabilities, and consequently human right, equality, humanization and the quality of happiness. Neverthless, the analysis of researches on sex-role education which have been surveyed in this study lead to a conclusion that concerted effort to change the education, formal as well as informal should be provided in every aspect of social life. If the sex role education of the past has aimed at the "feminization"of girls which indoctrinate girls into a limited and fixed role of house wives, the new education in the future should be directed foward "humanization" of both sexes which opens the diversity of roles for both boys and girl on equal levels and provide future possibilities in accordance to their individual capabilities and interests.

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Oxaliplatin-induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Gastric Cancer (진행성 또는 전이성 위암 환자에 있어서 Oxaliplatin 투여로 인한 말초신경통증 분석)

  • Park, Ae-Ryoung;Kim, Soon-Joo;Bang, Joon-Seok;La, Hyen-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2009
  • Oxaliplatin is a tolerable and effective drug of choice in the treatment of advanced or metastatic gastric cancer. However, it has many dose-limiting neurotoxicities. This study was performed to assess the incidence and types of oxaliplatin-related neurotoxicities. Sixty-four patients receiving oxaliplatin-involved regimen as salvage therapy on metastatic gastric cancer or as the first-line therapy on advanced gastric cancer were evaluated during the period between September 1, 2006 and February 29, 2008. The patients were treated with oxaliplatin 100 mg/m2 and leucovorin 100 mg/m2 simultaneously as 2-hour-lasting infusion on Day-1 followed by 5-FU 1200 mg/m2 as a 22-hour-lasting continuous infusion both on Day-1 and Day-2 by every other week. We developed questionnaires to evaluate patient-recognized neurotoxic symptoms rather than the observer-described events. Surveys were completed at bedside or via telephone interview. Acute and chronic neurotoxicities were graded according to the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC, version 3) as well as the Oxaliplatin-specific Neurotoxicity Scale. The Grade-3 neuropathy was reported in 19% of the patients (n=12) and grade-1/2 neuropathy occurred in 70% (n=45). The most common symptom was cold-related dysesthesia (83%) regarded as nociperception by the patients. Some patients (19%) experienced functional impairment affecting activities of daily living such as writing, buttoning, and walking. Even though 74% of the patients (42/57) were prescribed with gabapentin to reduce these peripheral symptoms, it did not appear to derive any benefit from this medication. It is suggested that notify the patients about their oxaliplatin-associated, debilitating symptoms, and educate them any self-care strategy at the initiating phase of the chemotherapy. Moreover, it needs to design the intervention studies regarding the prevention and management of the peripheral neuropathy.

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A Study of the Perception of Sexual Role and Sexual Harassment in Workplace (직장내 성희롱 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Im;Kim, Moung-Soon;Choi, Sook-Ja;Bai, Jong-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.247-260
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    • 2001
  • The objectives of this study are first, to investigate the significant differences in the perception and attitude for sexual role of workers, second, to identify the degree of the perception of women manpower in workplace, third, to identify the perception for sexual harassment in workplace and fourth to analyze the relative important factors that effect on conception for sexual harassment. The survey data were collected by questionnaires on May 2000, and the number of subjects was 300 workers. The SAS-PC program was used for the statistical analysis such as t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. Major results were follow as: 1. The performance rates of health education for sexual harassment was 66%, and 58.9% of the lecturer of sexual harassment education was occupational health nurse. The 45.2% of workers acquired the information for sexual harassment through massive education in workplace. 2. The perception and attitude of sexual role was relatively positive as 2.3(SD=0.69) of mean values. and the difference by sex, age, marital status. and working period was significant. 3. The perception of the women manpower in workplace was generally positive as 7.9(SD= 3.25) of mean values, and the working experience group of less 10 years and more 10 years old age group showed the significant difference in comparative to other group. 4. The perception of sexual harassment of workplace composed of legal basis, range of victim, place of sexual harassment, type of sexual harassment. misconception of sexual harassment, and coping methods of sexual harassment. Among of these perception. type and coping methods of sexual harassment were shown high perception level. The difference by sex between group for perception of sexual harassment was highly significant. 5. Factors that effect on the perception of sexual harassment was not high for the explanation power of regression, but the age, the type of task, the. perception for women manpower were important variables. Based on this results of study, we recommend that the education of sexual harassment in workplace should be strengthened and specified according to age, working period, type of working task. It also should provide various education and information to workplace. Finally and there should be continuous education opportunity systematically to occupational health nurses who are major lecturers for sexual harassment, therefore they can educate workers more effectively.

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An Evaluation for Effectiveness of Information Services by Reference Librarians at College and University Libraries in Korea (대학도서관 정보사서의 정보서비스 효율성 평가)

  • Han Sang Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.13
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    • pp.95-119
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    • 1986
  • The objective of this study is to search for a theoretical and practical solution to the question of what is the most effective and qualitative method of information service for the college and university libraries in Korea. Assuming the maximum service or total service theory in information services, therefore, it appears natural that the subject specialist who is highly knowledgeable in his subject is indispensable in raising the quality of information librarians. The procedure of this research was as follows: There was no college and university library employing any full-time subject spceialist in Korea. This research, however, was proceeded on the assumption that subject specialists are already employed in all of the college and university libraries after the subject specialist system is established. The least qualification of subject specialist is limited, based on the criteria given by the foreign literature, to those who have master's degree in Library Science and bachelor's degree in any other subject area, those who have bacholor's degree in Library Science and master's degree in any other subject area, or those who have both bacholor's and master's degrees in Library Science with minor in any subject field . To prove the research hypothesis that the subject specialist will perform his role more efficiently than the generalist in effectively providing information service based on both accuracy and speed, this research as an obtrusive testing method analyzed the effectiveness by presenting information questions to the generalists and subject specialists who are information librarians in college and university libraries. For this study 20 librarians working at 12 university libraries were tested for performance levels of information services. The result showed 59.75% an absolute performance rate and 75.20% an adjust performance rate. Compared to Thomas Childer's 1970 study in which he used the unobtrusive testing method, these results were 5% higher in the absolute performance rate and 11.36% higher in the adjust performance rate. In comparing the generalist with the subject specialist in efficiency of information service, while the absolute performance rate was 57.08% and the adjust performance rate was 73.08% in the case of the generalist, the absolute rate was 63.75% and the adjust rate was 78.38% in the case of specialist, therefore, the efficiency of the subject specialist was 6.67% higher in the absolute performance rate and 5.30% higher in the adjust performance rate than that of generalist. But the factor of speediness was excluded from the analysis because of the difference between the time the interviewers recorded and the time the interviewee recorded. On the basis of the result of this research, it should be desirable to educate subject specialists and employ them as information librarians and for them to function as efficient subject specialists in order to improve the effectiveness of information services, the nucleus of the raison d'etre of college and university libraries.

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A study on the directions for the development of industrial design in Incheon -in Incheon international design competition- (인천산업디자인의 발전방향에 관한 연구 -인천국제디자인공모전의 필요성에 대하여-)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Ji-Ho;Kim, Boo-Chi
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2004
  • This study is to analyze the present situation of Incheon design and to research Incheon industrial design with the special character of the city. Next, the final purpose is to apply this study for the Incheon International Design Competition event that will be held first time sponsored by Incheon Metropolitan. Incheon is Metropolitan which has 2.6 million people and the entrance of seoul Metropolitan which is the center of export industry and one of the greatest industrial city. It is growing the hub of International trade city of the twenty-first centry due to the opening of Incheon International Airport and the new development of Song-do city. The industrial structure of Incheon is mostly consist of small industry centered which has a lack of design development capacity, and it has a little insufficient design-related institutes which can educate the design personnel. It has only two universities and six junior colleges. Especially, design-related academics and exhibitions are rare nearby Seoul area. I will contribute the study which makes the industrial character and the necessity of design that can be possible through the Incheon International Design Exhibition, and it will promote the backward design industry and economy of Incheon that compared to other regions of Korea. And, I am going to utilize as basic data bases for exercising advanced Incheon Industrial Design Competition. Furthermore, I would like to contribute the image improvement of new International Incheon Metropolitan through the training of excellent design experts and finding design-related personnels which can be accomplished the cooperation among local autonomy, industries and schools.

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A Study on KSNP Environmental Color Design (개선형 한국 표준 원자력 발전소의 친환경 색채디자인 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2004
  • Living in the modern age with well-developed scientific technologies, all of us are enjoying convenient lives because of 'energy'. Korea, poor in resources, is importing a large portion of its energy sources from abroad but energy consumption shows an upward tendency due to the continuing economic growth and the improvement of living conditions. The atomic energy is considered a self-reliant, alternative energy source like our country. However, it is necessary to educate the people on and publicize atomic power generation in the face of the widespread negative recognition that the atomic power plant is a hazardous facility. The study approaches to these matters with a human-friendly and environment-friendly coloring plan in the perspective of environment coloring plan. The study aims to minimize negative images of the atomic power, while highlighting its friendly and positive images so as to enhance the confidence of the people on the atomic power and to create a clean image for the atomic power. For this goal, the study examined and analyzed cases of Japanese nuclear power plants and domestic nuclear power plants, and also carried out an on-site survey in the sites in which nuclear power plants would be constructed to extract concrete colors through the analyses of their natural environment and actual conditions. The study also carried out a survey of residents in the regions to induce their participation, and reflected the survey results to the coloring plan. The study is expected to create a stable and friendly image of the nuclear power plant through materializing its environment-friendly image and remove negative recognition that the people have on the nuclear power plant. It also attempted an external environment-coloring plan a s a strategic means for positive publicity and through this, is expected to ultimately contribute to the creation of the new images of nuclear ower plants.

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The Analysis of Teacher Evaluation Systems in Russian Federation, United States, and Republic of Korea (러시아, 미국, 한국의 과학 교사 평정 제도 분석)

  • ;Eugenia Etkina
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1999
  • The work of teachers is tile critical element ill effective shooting. But most reform efforts have focused on tile teaching profession as a whole and effective schools. Only minimal attention has been given to the subset of teachers whose performance is marginal or incompetent, those who undermine the very concept of “educational excellence.” Teachers are the school's primary point of contact with students and, in large part, determine the educational goals and learning activities for students. How teaching is conducted has a large impact on students' abilities to educate themselves, and there is evidence that teacher quality directly affects student learning. Unfortunately, the evaluation of teachers' teaching abilities is not clear, and there are few cases that teachers has correctly feedback fly tile results of the evaluation of their abilities. In this study, we analysized and compared the teacher evaluation systems of Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, and tile United States of America. These results will be based on the improvement of tile systems. In Russian Federation, the highest year of teacher's teaching which affects on teacher's salary is 5. In the United States, it is 12-13 years. But in Korea, it is more than 30 years. That means the teachers who taught for many years are considered as competent teachers in Republic of Korea based on the economic factors of educational effects. In Russia and tile United States of America, teachers' academic backgrounds seriously affect ell teachers' salary. But ill Republic of Korea, teachers' academic background is a bit of a contribution to salary. In Russian federation, teachers' activities related to education, leaking abilities as well as academic background are also affect ell the salary. In Korea, older teachers have more advantages of salary and promotion than younger teachers. Principals and vice principals of Korea have influencing power over teachers because their judgements on teachers play an important part in teachers' promotion. But there is no such power of principals and vice principals in Russia and the United States of America. In Russian federation, the evaluation of teachers abilities is enforced periodically. The results of tile evaluation reflect on teachers' salary directly, After teachers are evaluated, some teachers can earn lower salaries than before. Teachers' academic backgrounds which affect ell teacher' salary are classified by courses. The teachers who have master degrees or dolor degrees of education earn much more money than the teachers who have master degrees and doctor degrees of pure science in Russian federation.

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