• Title/Summary/Keyword: economic landscapes

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A Study on the Characteristics of Historical Landscape Management Plans for Zhoucun Ancient Mall in Zibo City, Shandong Province, China (중국 산동성 쯔보시 주촌고상성 역사경관관리계획의 특성)

  • Sun, Shu-Zi;Yang, Geon-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.54-65
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    • 2019
  • China government recently tries to preserve not only the famous national historic-culture cities, but also the small and medium-sized cities due to the damages and destruction of the cities by the rapid economic development, urban expansion and the development of tourism industry. Hence, this study chose 'Zhoucun ancient mall' which is one of the hotness of cultural heritage located in a mid-sized city named 'Zhoucun district Zibo city Shandong province' that has continuously cared historical landscapes by the protective policy regarding the city as a historic-culture resource from '80s, and considered the character of the city's development process on how the historical landscapes were well protected. In fact, the protection policy in Zhoucun ancient mall had been started in early '80s, however, the viable plan was established in 2001 entitled 'Historical block protection planning of Zhoucun Da street'. And then, 'Regulatory plan for the ancient mall site of Zhoucun Da street' established in 2008 has expanded the area of the blocks for protection. However, this plan organized area only block-by-block so that the small blocks couldn't have the unity when expanded. Later in 2015, 'Regulation Organization Plan' hastried to expanded the protect-area to solve the unity problem. As a result of the study, the historical landscape management plan of Zhoucun in Zibo city has been systematically changed in 2001 after. In other words, this 2001's plans established buffer zones for the maintenance of protected areas and the surrounding environment. And then the detailed regulatory plan for 2008 led to a concrete urban management plan. After that, in 2015, it was found that the expansion plan to protect and manage the whole area of Zhoucun disrict is to manage the landscape of the surrounding area including the historical landscape of 'Zhoucun ancient mall'.

The Functional Selection for the Assessment of Ecosystem Service at Pond Wetland in Agricultural Landscape (농업경관 내 연못형습지의 생태계서비스 평가를 위한 기능 설정 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Shin, Min-Ji;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Kang, Dong-Hyeon;Kang, Banghun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.319-325
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    • 2014
  • A lot of Pond Wetland (Palustrine Wetland) are distributed in agricultural landscapes, Korea. These wetlands are evaluated as important resources for conservation of biodiversity. However, the study of Pond Wetland is rarely conducted except type classification in Korea. In this study, the function of pond wetland as ecosystem services is studied for conservation and utilization of wetland. Research was conducted in three steps; functionality analysis, functionality derivation, and importance analysis. A total of 22 features were derived by analyzing the previous studies. As a result of expert survey, 4 features were selected by each in the field of biological, environmental, and socio-culture among the 22 features. Importance was calculated by conducting a cross-functional features using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Finally, 10 ecosystem service functions of pond wetland were derived through expert survey; (1) Water Storage & Irrigation, (2) Vegetation Diversity, (3) Amphibian & Reptile Habitat, (4) Water Purification, (5) Aquatic Insect Habitat, (6) Nutriments Control was derived, (7) Groundwater Recharge, (8) Fishery Habitat, (9) Eco-Experience & Education, and (10) Aesthetic landscape. It is expected that this study is able to utilize in evaluation of pond wetlands ecosystem services by further study on analysis of functional importance and economic value index.

Research on Landscape Design by Flexibly Using Resilient Theory - Focused On 'New York High Line Park'- (리질리언트 이론을 활용한 경관 디자인에 관한 연구 - 'The High Line' 를 중심으로 -)

  • Chen, Wen-Li;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.644-657
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    • 2020
  • As the development of urbanization has cause some environmental problems and natural disasters such as natural earthquakes and floods have brought about impact, designers have turned their attention to the independent prevention ability of urban ecosystems in face of environmental pollution and natural disasters, as well as its ability to adapt to the future. This study introduces 'elasticity theory' to discuss the practical application of elasticity design in landscapes and to solve the problem of lack of elasticity in space, which can provide more scientific reference meaning to create economic, cultural, and social values for space. After selecting 'The High Line' as the object, this paper investigates the previous theories and practical cases, and infers ecology, sustainability, diversity, and adaptability. And then this paper applies five components and analyzes the specific application of these five components of the landscape spatial elasticity strategy, and summarizes the application characteristics and influencing factors of elasticity design in 'The High Line' landscape planning. It can be known from the research that elasticity strategy which is reflected in the design process is the systematic management of landscape space. Elasticity design itself can strengthen environment quality and satisfy the requirements of the environment to defense external shocks so as to adapt to environment changes. Therefore, the elasticity design can strengthen the sustainable development of the city and establish a periodic recycle system.

Trend Analysis of Strategic Factors to Promote the Image of Cities (도시별 이미지 전략 요인의 경향 분석)

  • Byeon, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.80-98
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    • 2008
  • In the past, the purpose of urban landscape planning was to beautify cities. Now, that is changing as cities with their own characteristic identities and images are focusing on the making of livable cities. The subject of international competition is turning from a country objective to that of individual cities. To increase the attraction of the urban image will, therefore, be the most important and urgent policy in all cities. A city without global competitiveness will be demoted to a sub-city. This study intends to suggest strategic ways to improve the urban image suitable for Korean cities by the analysis and classification of the advanced cases in other countries. This study can be summarized as follows: 1. The image of cities is promoted by diverse strategies such as establishing landmarks, making meaningful places, hosting festivals and sports events, and making cultural policies. These strategies can be classified by three factors: the landscape and ecological factor, the historical and cultural factor, and the administrative and economic factor. 2. Korean cities are making efforts to promote their images through a variety of ways. Mega cities in Korea are steadily carrying out projects to use the administrative and economic factor such as expanding the infrastructure, supporting enterprises, advertising and marketing with accumulated capital. However, local small cities mainly depend on festivals and simple events or programs that are of interest but which lack characteristic identity. 3. Cities of advanced western countries are upgrading their images by finding and applying strategic methods to reflect characteristic identity and to keep in step with the changes of the times. On the other hand, cities in Japan try to promote urban image with traditional native festivals and with the making of livable places based on resident participation. The central government in Korea needs to establish a master plan considering the regional balance to improve the image of each city. Local governments should carry out these diverse strategic methods. The task after benchmarking advanced cities with beautiful landscapes will be to find an 'All-Korean Style' and apply it to cities with characteristic image.

Value of Geologic·Geomorphic Resources of Danyang-gun and Its Application from Geotourism Perspective (단양지역 지질·지형자원의 가치와 지오투어리즘 관점에서의 활용방안)

  • Jeong, Su-Ho;Gwon, Ohsang;Kim, Taehyung;Naik, Sambit Prasanajt;Lee, Jinhyun;Son, Hyorok;Kim, Young-Seog
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.45-69
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    • 2020
  • In Danyang area, various geological structures as well as various lithology and strata are well developed, which are useful for studying paleo-environment and structural movements, and also typical karst landforms, wethering landforms and river landforms. If geologically and geomorphologically valuable resources are used in terms of geotourim perspective, it is expected that revitalization of regional economy through diversification of attracting factors and employment creation of local people. Danyang has many excellent geological resources for geological field trip, they can greatly contribute to the development of geology such as expanding the base of geology and cultivating successive generations. In this study, we have evaluated newly discovered sites and previously excavated resources based on academical and educational values. By using these geological and geomorphological resources, we suggest three geotrail courses as follows. First, Geo-trail A is mainly focused on geological structures (Route A: Jeong Hwan Route), where we can learn geological deformation and movement through various brittle and ductile deformation structures. Second, Geo-trail B is mainly focused on stratigraphic importance (Route B: Soon-Bok Route), which emphasizes on various rocks, strata and contact relationship. Third, Geo-trail C is mainly focused on geomorphological landforms and landscapes (Route C: Satgat Route), which provide information about different geomorphological landforms and the interaction between different geological agents. In order to operate these geotrail courses efficiently, installation of explanation boards and view points, cultivate local commentators, and visitor centers and experience programs should be properly prepared together.

Paleozoic Strata in the Lankawi Geopark, Malaysia: Correlation with Paleozoic Strata in the Korean Peninsula (말레이시아 랑카위 지질공원의 고생대 퇴적층: 한반도 고생대 퇴적층과의 대비)

  • Ryu, In-Chang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.417-427
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    • 2010
  • The Lankawi archipelago is located in 30 km western offshore near the Thailand-Malaysia border in west coast of the Malay Peninsula and consists of 99 (+5) tropical islands, covering an area of about $479km^2$. Together with biodiversity in flora and fauna, the Lankawi archipelago displays also geodiversity that includes rock diversity, landform diversity, and fossil diversity. These biodiversity and geodiversity have led to the Lankawi islands as a newly emerging hub for ecotourism in Southeast Asia. As a result, the Lankawi islands have been designated the first Global Geopark in Southeast Asia by UNESCO since July 1st, 2007. The geodiversity of Lankawi Geopark today is a result of a very long depositional history under the various sedimentological regimes and paleoenvironments during the Paleozoic, followed by tectonic and magmatic activities until the early Mesozoic, and finally by surface processes that etched to the present beautiful landscape. Paleozoic strata exposed in the Lankawi Geopark are subdivided into four formations that include the Machinchang (Cambrian), Setul (Ordovician to Early Devonian), Singa (Late Devonian to Carboniferous), and Chuping (Permian) formations in ascending order. These strata are younging to the east, but they are truncated by the Kisap Thrust in the eastern part of the islands. Top-to-the-westward transportation of the Kisap Thrust has brought the older Setul Formation (and possibly Machinchang Formation) from the east to overlay the younger Chuping and Singa formations in the central axis of the Lankawi islands. Triassic Gunung Raya Granite intruded into these sedimentary strata, and turned them partially into various types of contact metamorphic rocks that locally contain tin mineral deposits. Since Triassic, not much geologic records are known for the Lankawi islands. Tropical weathering upon rocks of the Lankawi islands might have taken place since the Early Jurassic and continues until the present. This weathering process played a very important role in producing beautiful landscapes of the Lankawi islands today.

Jeju Shinyang Fishing Port Remodeling Plan Utilizing Marine Tourism Resources (해양관광자원을 활용한 제주 신양항 리모델링 계획)

  • Kim, Yelim;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.52-69
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    • 2016
  • The fishing port was once the foothold of production as well as the stronghold of communities but with the declining of the fishing industry, ports became abandoned space. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has continued its effort to vitalize marine tourism since 2010. Shinyang Port in particular is designated as a Prearranged Marina Port Development Zone, and planning for the Jeju Ocean Marina City project is underway. Nevertheless, fishing port remodeling projects implemented on Jeju so far have focused only on civil engineering such as renovating old facilities. In addition, most Marina Port Development Projects have been irrelevant to local communities. Leading projects by the local government mostly suffer from a lack of funding, which results in the renovation of old facilities and improper maintenance, while private sector investment projects do not lead to benefit sharing with the community. Shinyang Port, also renovated in 2008, ended up with outer breakwater extension construction that neither solved the fundamental problem of the site nor gave benefits to residents. To arrange a way to solve problems for civil engineering focused development project, improper maintenance, and benefit sharing with community, first, this study proposes a development plan that connects with the outlying areas near the ports. The plan reflects existing topography, Jeju traditional stonewalls, narrow paths on the master plan and programs by reading the regional context. In this way, this paper suggests a space development plan reflecting the local landscape and characteristic factors. Second, it satisfies various needs by using existing and new Marine Tourism Resources. Third, it examines sustainable operation and management measures through residents' participation. The proposal is significant in two key ways: it is a fresh attempt at connecting the fishing port with its outlying areas from a landscape perspective; and it considers environmental, social, economic issues, and suggests participation for local communities. Thus, the model can be used in future fishing-port remodeling plans for revitalizing unused space, including invaluable traditional landscapes, and for boosting the marine-leisure industry.

Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity (TERRECO): Evaluating Ecosystem Services in Production Versus water Quantity/quality in Mountainous Landscapes (산지복잡지형과 생태적 비균질성: 산지경관의 생산성과 수자원/수질에 관한 생태계 서비스 평가)

  • Kang, Sin-Kyu;Tenhunen, John
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2010
  • Complex terrain refers to irregular surface properties of the earth that influence gradients in climate, lateral transfer of materials, landscape distribution in soils properties, habitat selection of organisms, and via human preferences, the patterning in development of land use. Complex terrain of mountainous areas represents ca. 20% of the Earth's terrestrial surface; and such regions provide fresh water to at least half of humankind. Most major river systems originate in such terrain, and their resources are often associated with socio-economic competition and political disputes. The goals of the TERRECO-IRTG focus on building a bridge between ecosystem understanding in complex terrain and spatial assessments of ecosystem performance with respect to derived ecosystem services. More specifically, a coordinated assessment framework will be developed from landscape to regional scale applications to quantify trade-offs and will be applied to determine how shifts in climate and land use in complex terrain influence naturally derived ecosystem services. Within the scope of TERRECO, the abiotic and biotic studies of water yield and quality, production and biodiversity, soil processing of materials and trace gas emissions in complex terrain are merged. There is a need to quantitatively understand 1) the ecosystem services derived in regions of complex terrain, 2) the process regulation occurred to maintain those services, and 3) the sensitivities defining thresholds critical in stability of these systems. The TERRECO-IRTG is dedicated to joint study of ecosystems in complex terrain from landscape to regional scales. Our objectives are to reveal the spatial patterns in driving variables of essential ecosystem processes involved in ecosystem services of complex terrain region and hence, to evaluate the resulting ecosystem services, and further to provide new tools for understanding and managing such areas.

A Study on the Establishment and Application of Landscape Height Based on View and Topographical Features - Focusing on the Maximum Height Regulation District around Bukhan Mountain National Park - (조망 및 지형특성에 따른 경관고도 도출과 적용 방안 - 북한산 국립공원 인근의 최고고도지구를 중심으로 -)

  • Chang, In-Young;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Cho, Woo-Hyun;Shin, Young-Sun;Kim, Eon-Gyung;Kwon, Yoon-Ku;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2011
  • The landscape of Seoul was dynamically changed and developed with the rapid post-war economic growth. Seoul city designated a height regulation district to preserve and manage the city landscape and protect it from haphazard construction. The designation of a maximum height regulation district has obvious purpose and simple regulations which makes the implementation and management easy to apply yet the altitude restriction lacks an objective basis for its enforcement. Many studies have been done and the current uniform height regulation requires more objective and logical guidelines. This study selected the Bukhan Mountain area, a National Park designated to protect the environment, to present a new landscape height guideline to minimize environmental degradation and to harmonize the artificial and natural landscapes of the area. Document research was done to identify the regulation types(absolute height regulation, view line regulation, oblique line restriction regulation) and principles for height regulation district establishment, acknowledge the current status and issues of the Bukhan Mountain area's maximum height regulation district. Gangbuk-Gu was chosen as the site and survey was conducted on outstanding view points and view corridors of residents. From document research, an appropriate landscape height guideline was selected and applied to Gangbuk-Gu. According to the guideline, suitable heights for buildings were suggested. These were then applied to three-dimensional simulations and a final guideline was suggested.

On the Characteristic and Representation of Kyodong Island Soundscape (교동도 사운드스케이프의 특성과 재현)

  • Kim, Ji-na;Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Kwon, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2019
  • Soundscapes have the potential to help people experience the historical background and cultural traditions by the scenery of a local area and to be used as a cultural and tourism resource. This concept was first explained in detail by M. Schafer and has been developed as a new way of experiencing landscapes using various senses. This research studied the soundscape of Kyodong Island, the so-called "Island of Peace" and designed new cultural acoustic content for education and tourism. Kyodong Island is located right below the Northern Limit Line and the whole island is in the Civilian Controlled Area. The political and economic status of the island has been changed dynamically by the Korean War and the division of the country. These days, the island needs to realize the vision of the "Island of Peace" in a more creative way using local resources, including its "cold war landscape" and the natural scenery of the region. This research applied the concept of a soundscape to document the island, and to reproduce it in an artistic way. A workshop was conducted to learn concepts and techniques of soundscapes with a sound artist. Listening, recording, conducting interviews, and literature research was used to study the soundscape of the island. After that, this research reconstructed the soundscape of the island through a soundscape composition. The main theme of the composition story was the "Hope and Wish for the Harmony and Peace" to show the vision of the "Island of Peace". The initial sub-theme for the introduction part was "First Encounter with Kyodong Island" arranging the representative soundscape, which could be the first impression of the region. The second sub-theme was "War and Tension" using several soundscapes as a metaphor for the tragedy of the Korean War. The third sub-theme was "Everyday Life of Kyodong Island" which described the energy of the present day, after the wounds of the war have healed. The final sub-theme was "Harmony and Peace" using traditional music and keynote sounds of the region as a reminder of the peaceful past, before the war. The recording files were documented as two types of sound maps. One was a two-dimensional map to show the soundscapes from one point of view, and the other used the online application called "Sound Around You". The final artwork was displayed at an exhibition and uploaded on YouTube to be shared publicly. Through this project, we discovered the potential of soundscapes as a medium to preserve the history and local identity, as well as presenting a new vision. The artwork will be exhibited at historically and culturally meaningful places on the Island to utilize the underused places as local tourist attractions and educational resources.