• Title/Summary/Keyword: eDev

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A Study on the Sasang Constitutional Symptom of Taeumin by Voice Characteristics (음향특성에 따른 태음인 체질병증(體質病證) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Dal-Rae
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives and Methods This study was done to investigate the relationships of Sound parameters between Liver Heat Symptom and Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin using PSSC(Phonetic System of Sasang Constitution) in a sentence. Experimental Participants were 20 Korean adult males including, each 10 Liver Heat Symptom and Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. 2. Results In Pitch segment, APQ segment and Shimmer segment, there were no significant differences between Liver Heat Symptom and Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. In Octave segment, there were significant differences in Octave 1, Octave 3, Octave 4, Octave 6 of Liver Heat Symptom of Taeumin were significantly high compared with Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. In Energy segment, FreQ Domain Total Sum / cnt(0), 0k-2k Total Sum,0k-2k sum dev., 2k-4k Total Sum, 2k-4k sum dev., A# Tot E, B__TOT_E, C__TOT_E, C# Tot E, D__TOT_E, A sum dev., A# sum dev., B sum dev., C sum dev., C# sum dev., Dsum dev., D# sum dev., E sum dev., F sum dev., F# sum dev., G sum dev., G# sum dev. of Liver Heat Symptom of Taeumin were significantly high compared with Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. In Voice Recording time segment, Total Voice Recording Time, Voice Recording Time, Divide By Time3, Divide By Energy10, Total Unit, Max Unit Position, U_0 TO 3 of Liver Heat Symptom of Taeumin were significantly high compared with Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. 3. Conclusion From above result, there is the postbility of efficiency quide constitutional sx. of Taeumin by Voice characteristics. More Soeumin, Soyangin and Taeyangin Symptoms are needed to determine Sasang Constitution using PSSC and to make PSSC effective.

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A Study on A Web-Based DevOps Platform Using Linux Container (리눅스 컨테이너를 이용한 웹기반의 DevOps 플랫폼 연구)

  • Chung, Geunhoon;Park, Junseok;Lee, Geuk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2019
  • DevOps is a combining which means giving a diverse environments for software development and operations through whole software lifecycle. The key value of the proposed DevOps platform is the fast and stable service capability for a software development and operation environment. To do this, the DevOps gives pre-embedded 7 programming languages-Java, C/C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, goLang and 7 service frameworks - Korea eGov Framework, Spring, Struts, Django, Laravel, Rails, Express. With the DevOps platform, it is possible to develop a software and also to build and distribute operation packages directly with the Linux containers. In this paper, the performance evaluation for a compile time, a distribution time and a processing capability is will be also proved. Though the performance evaluation, this paper shows capabilities of the proposed DevOps for Cloud services with commercial service level, prospectively.

Sequence Analysis of E2 Glycoprotein from Indian Isolate of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV)

  • Bajwa, Mehak;Verma, Ramneek;Deka, Dipak;Dhol, Gagandeep Singh;Barman, Nagendra Nath
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2015
  • CSF is a major concern for the swine industry, representing currently the most epizootically dangerous disease to the species. Numerous CSFV isolates with various degrees of virulence have already been isolated worldwide, ranging from low virulent strains that do not result in any apparent clinical signs to highly virulent strains that cause a severe per acute hemorrhagic fever with very high mortality. The molecular epidemiology of CSFVs has proven to be an essential tool for effective disease control and the development of safe and effective vaccines. Therefore, this study cloned and sequenced local CSFV isolates, and conducted a phylogenetic analysis based on the E2 glycoprotein encoding sequences.The RNA was extracted from PK15 cell culture passaged CSFV isolates, the cDNA prepared, and the complete E2 gene amplified with a product size of 1186 bp. The gelpurified PCR product was cloned into a pGEMT easy vector and the positive clone commercially sequenced. Aligning the nucleotide (1119 bp) and amino acid (373) sequences with 29 reference strains revealed nucleotide and amino acid sequence identities of 82.60-97.80% and 88.70-98.70%, respectively, indicating a higher mutation rate of the field CSFV strains. The phylogenetic analysis based on the complete E2 amino acid sequences also revealed a reliable differentiation of all the analyzed strains into specific genetic groups and subgroups, plus the local isolate (CSFV-E2) was found to cluster with the CSFV subgroup 2.2. Thus, the full-length E2 cds proved to be most suitable for a reliable and statistically significant phylogenetic analysis of CSFV isolates.

Inhibition of the DevSR Two-Component System by Overexpression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknB in Mycobacterium smegmatis

  • Bae, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Ha-Na;Baek, Mi-Na;Park, Eun-Jin;Eom, Chi-Yong;Ko, In-Jeong;Kang, Ho-Young;Oh, Jeong-Il
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.632-642
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    • 2017
  • The DevSR (DosSR) two-component system, which is a major regulatory system involved in oxygen sensing in mycobacteria, plays an important role in hypoxic induction of many genes in mycobacteria. We demonstrated that overexpression of the kinase domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) PknB inhibited transcriptional activity of the DevR response regulator in Mycobacterium smegmatis and that this inhibitory effect was exerted through phosphorylation of DevR on Thr180 within its DNA-binding domain. Moreover, the purified kinase domain of Mtb PknB significantly phosphorylated RegX3, NarL, KdpE, TrcR, DosR, and MtrA response regulators of Mtb that contain the Thr residues corresponding to Thr180 of DevR in their DNA-binding domains, implying that transcriptional activities of these response regulators might also be inhibited when the kinase domain of PknB is overexpressed.

A Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of the American Adults Using Phonetic System for Sasang Constitution (한국성인(韓國成人)의 사상체질음성분석기(絲狀體質音聲分析機)를 이용한 체질별(體質別) 음향특성(音響特性) 연구(硏究))

  • Shin, Mi-Ran;Kim, Dal-Rae;Yoo, Jun-Sang
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives The purpose of this study was to objectively diagnose American male and female's production of two vowels /a, i/ by Sasang Constitution. 2. Methods It was analyzed the constitutional characteristics of the American adults voices with PSSC-2004. of 134 cases of vowels /a, i/ with a duration of $2.5{\sim}3$ seconds were inputted in PSSC-2004 and analyzed into 40 factors. 3. Results and Conclusions 1) APQ In the male group's production of vowel /a/, the Soyangin's APQ(l), APQ(3) and APQ(4) were significantly high compared with those of Taeumin and Soeumin. 2) Shimmer In the male group's production of vowel /a/, Soeumin's Octave1 Shimmer was significantly low compared with that of Taeumin and Soeumin. In the male group's production of vowel /i/, Soeumin's D-Shimmer was significantly low compared with that of Taeumin and Soeumin. In the female group's production of vowel /a/, the Soyangin's C-Shimmer was significantly high compared with that of Taeumin and Soeumin. 3) Octave In the male group's production of vowel /a/, the Soyangin's Octave3, Octave4, Octave5, Octave6 and Octave1 Ratio were significantly high compared with those of Taeumin and Soeumin. In the male group's production of vowels /a, i/, the Soyangin's Octave4 was significantly high compared with that of Taeumin and Soeumin. 4) Energy In the male group's production of vowel /a/, the Soyangin's Time Domain Total Sum /Time Domain Count, Freq Domain Total Sum /cnt(0), 0k-4k Total Sum, Dev., A(A#, C, E, D#, E, F#) tot E, and A(C,, D#, F#) Dev. were significantly high compared with those of Taeumin and Soeumin. In the male group's production of vowel /i/, the Soyangin's Time Domain Total Sum /Time Domain Count, Freq Domain Total Sum /cnt(0) and 0k-4k Total Sum, Dev. were significantly high compared with those of Taeumin and Soeumin. 5) Peak In the male group's production of vowels /a/ and /i/,, the Soyangin's Peak1 Ratio was significantly low compared with that of Taeumin and Soeumin. In the male group's production of vowels /a/ and /i/,, the Soyangin's Peak10 Ratio, Time Domain Peak Total/Total Energy Sum, Time Domain Peak Dev. and Total/Total Dev. Sum were significantly high compared with those of Taeumin and Soeumin. 6) It is necessary to expand the research of the acoustic analysis of American and Korean to other countries in the diagnosis of the Sasang Constitution by using the voice characteristics.

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Long non-coding RNA: its evolutionary relics and biological implications in mammals: a review

  • Dhanoa, Jasdeep Kaur;Sethi, Ram Saran;Verma, Ramneek;Arora, Jaspreet Singh;Mukhopadhyay, Chandra Sekhar
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.60 no.10
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    • pp.25.1-25.10
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    • 2018
  • The central dogma of gene expression propounds that DNA is transcribed to mRNA and finally gets translated into protein. Only 2-3% of the genomic DNA is transcribed to protein-coding mRNA. Interestingly, only a further minuscule part of genomic DNA encodes for long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) which are characteristically more than 200 nucleotides long and can be transcribed from both protein-coding (e.g. H19 and TUG1) as well as non-coding DNA by RNA polymerase II. The lncRNAs do not have open reading frames (with some exceptions), 3`-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) and necessarily these RNAs lack any translation-termination regions, however, these can be spliced, capped and polyadenylated as mRNA molecules. The flexibility of lncRNAs confers them specific 3D-conformations that eventually enable the lncRNAs to interact with proteins, DNA or other RNA molecules via base pairing or by forming networks. The lncRNAs play a major role in gene regulation, cell differentiation, cancer cell invasion and metastasis and chromatin remodeling. Deregulation of lncRNA is also responsible for numerous diseases in mammals. Various studies have revealed their significance as biomarkers for prognosis and diagnosis of cancer. The aim of this review is to overview the salient features, evolution, biogenesis and biological importance of these molecules in the mammalian system.

A Case Study of Tunnel Electronic Blasting to Control Vibration in the Proximity of the Safety Facilities (근접 보안물건의 진동제어를 위한 터널 전자발파 시공사례)

  • Seo, Yun-Sik;Woo, Sang-Don;Kwon, Yeong-Bok;Kim, Jong-Su;Choi, Hyeong-Bin;Kim, Seon-Hong;Kim, Gab-Soo;Kim, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Hee-Do;Lee, Jun-Won
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2012
  • In this case of "Seongnam~Yeoju double-lanes railroad construction", there were safety facilities which were concerned about damages from vibration and noise. In the project design stage, the rock-splitter method was designed to prevent them. The electronic blasting was considered to improve construction speed and economic value as an alternative tunnelling method, complying with the site's vibration criteria(cowhouse : 0.09cm/sec, residence : 0.2cm/sec). In the environment evaluation report of the eDev, tunnel electronic blasting systems, the blasting pollutions can be managed by the electronic blasting method. The results were successfully conducted with high speed construction without any damages to adjacent facilities.

Application of Electronic Deck Charge Blasting Method to a Vertical Shaft Excavation (수직구 굴착시 전자뇌관을 이용한 Deck-Charge 발파 시공사례)

  • Kim, Jae-Hong;Kim, Hee-Do;Lee, Jun-Won;Kim, Gab-Soo;Son, Young-Bok;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2013
  • This case study deals with an excavation blasting carried out at "Sooseo-Pyeongtek ${\bigcirc}$-${\bigcirc}$ section construction site" in the vicinity of residential area. Originally, the sequential blasting (multi-stage blasting) using electric detonators was planed in this area. However, there was a concern that the sequential blasting method could increase the construction cost by delaying the construction period due to possible complaints from local residents. As an alternative, electronic deck blasting technique was taken in order to meet the ground vibration regulation (0.2cm/s, in apartment area) and to keep the construction schedule. The performance of the electronic deck charge blasting was two times better than the sequential blasting with electric detonators and the level of ground vibration was also within the regulatory value (0.2cm/s). In particular, it was shown that the use of electronic detonater eDevII, which was developed for tunnel, could provide more convenient and electrically safer working condition.

A Study on the Charateristics of the Korean Adult Female Sound According to Sasang Constitution Using PSSC with a Sentence (사상체질음성분석기(四象體質音聲分析機)(PSSC)를 통한 한국인 성인여성(成人女性)의 체질별(體質別) 음향특성연구(音響特性硏究) - 단문(短文)을 중심으로 -)

  • Youn, Ji-Young;Yoon, Woo-Young;Cho, Sung-Eon;Wang, Hyang-Lan;Jeon, Jong-Weon;Kim, Dal-Rae;Yoo, Jun-Sang
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2006
  • 1. Objectives and Methods Sasang Constitutional Medicine is the original Korean Medicine. The purpose of this study was to objectify the diagnosis of Sasang Constitution. 212 Women's sentences were analyzed into 228 factors like Pitch, APQ, Shimmer, Octave and Energy, etc. Women's sentences were classified into 3 categories: total group, under 54 years old group and over 55 years old group. 2. Results 1) In Total group Soyangin's Center feq.(3) was significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Taeumin groups. Taeumin's Pitch2 was significantly high compared with Soeumin and Taeyangin groups. Taeyangin's Pitch S.D. was significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeyangin's Octave6 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. There were no significant differences among constitutional groups in APQ and Shimmer segment. On the point of Energy, Taeyangin's G Tot E(1), G# Tot E(1), G dev.(1), G# dev.(1), G Tot E(2), G# Tot E(2), G dev.(4) and G# dev.(4) were significantly high compared with other groups. Soyangin's A#S.D.(2) was significantly high compared with Taeyangin group. Taeyangin's A#S.D.(3) was significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Taeyangin's F S.D.(5), F# S.D.(5) and Max Average were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeumin's Peak3 and Peak4 were significantly high compared with Taeyangin group. Taeumin's PeakValue1 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's PeakValue2 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's PeakValue3 and PeakValue5 were significantly high compared with Other groups. 2) In Under 54 years old group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in APQ, Shimmer and Octave segment. Taeumin's Center freq.(2) was significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Soyangin groups. Taeumin's Pitch(2) and Pitch(3) were significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Soeumin groups. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's Pitch S.D. were significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's Octave2 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. On the point of Energy, Taeyangin's and Soyangin's A# S.D.(2) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's G# dev.(1), G# dev.(2) were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's F# S.D.(3) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's Max Average were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeumin's Peak3 was significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Soeumin groups. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's PeakValue2 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soeumin's PeakValue3 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's PeakValue5 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's PeakValue9 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group 3) In Over 55 years old group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in Pitch, APQ, and Peak segment. Soeumin's F Shimmer(1) and F Shimmer(2) were significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Taeumin groups. Soeumin's G# Shimmer(1) and G# Shimmer(2) were significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeyangin's Octave5 and Octave6 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. On the point of Energy, Soyangin's C S.D., F# S.D.(1), F# S.D.(2) and G dev.(2) were significantly high compared with other groups. Soyangin's F# S.D.(3) was significantly high compared with Taeumin and Soeumin groups. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's G# S.D.(2) and G# S.D.(3) were significantly high compared with Soyangin group 3. Conclusions From above result, there is the possibility of efficient standard guide for constitution diagnosis by analysis of voice

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Comparative Efficacy of Synthetic and Natural Tenderizers on Quality Characteristics of Restructured Spent Hen Meat Slices (RSHS)

  • Kantale, Rushikesh Ambadasrao;Kumar, Pavan;Mehta, Nitin;Chatli, Manish Kumar;Malav, Om Prakash;Kaur, Amanpreet;Wagh, Rajesh Vishwanath
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 2019
  • In the present study, comparative efficacy of natural as well as synthetic tenderizers on the quality characteristics of restructured spent hen meat slices (RSHS) was studied. Four different batches of RSHS viz. Control (without any tenderizer), T1 (1.25% calcium chloride replacing salt in formulation), T2 and T3 (1.5% each of pineapple rind and fig powder, replacing binder in the formulation) were developed in pre-standardized formulation. Vacuum tumbling was performed for 2.5 h and cooked product (RSHS) was assayed for quality attributes. Samples were packaged in aerobic conditions, stored for 21 days under refrigeration ($4{\pm}1^{\circ}C$) and were evaluated for pH, oxidative and microbial quality parameters at regular interval of 7 days. Water holding capacity of T2 was recorded the highest and significantly higher (p<0.05) than all other samples. The textural attributes of T2 were comparable to T1 but significantly higher (p<0.05) than C and T3. The colour attributes ($L^*$, $a^*$, and $b^*$ value) of T2 and T3 were improved due to use of natural tenderizers. During sensory evaluation, tenderness scores for T2 samples were recorded the highest. Throughout storage period, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), free fatty acids (FFA) and peroxide value (PV) followed an increasing trend for control as well as treated products; however, T2 showed a significantly (p<0.05) lower value than control and other treated samples. It can be concluded that good quality RSHS with better storage stability could be prepared by utilizing 1.5% pineapple rind powder as natural tenderizer.