• Title/Summary/Keyword: dynamic modal analysis

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An efficient hybrid TLBO-PSO-ANN for fast damage identification in steel beam structures using IGA

  • Khatir, S.;Khatir, T.;Boutchicha, D.;Le Thanh, C.;Tran-Ngoc, H.;Bui, T.Q.;Capozucca, R.;Abdel-Wahab, M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.605-617
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    • 2020
  • The existence of damages in structures causes changes in the physical properties by reducing the modal parameters. In this paper, we develop a two-stages approach based on normalized Modal Strain Energy Damage Indicator (nMSEDI) for quick applications to predict the location of damage. A two-dimensional IsoGeometric Analysis (2D-IGA), Machine Learning Algorithm (MLA) and optimization techniques are combined to create a new tool. In the first stage, we introduce a modified damage identification technique based on frequencies using nMSEDI to locate the potential of damaged elements. In the second stage, after eliminating the healthy elements, the damage index values from nMSEDI are considered as input in the damage quantification algorithm. The hybrid of Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are used along with nMSEDI. The objective of TLBO is to estimate the parameters of PSO-ANN to find a good training based on actual damage and estimated damage. The IGA model is updated using experimental results based on stiffness and mass matrix using the difference between calculated and measured frequencies as objective function. The feasibility and efficiency of nMSEDI-PSO-ANN after finding the best parameters by TLBO are demonstrated through the comparison with nMSEDI-IGA for different scenarios. The result of the analyses indicates that the proposed approach can be used to determine correctly the severity of damage in beam structures.

Modelling of aluminium foam sandwich panels

  • D'Alessandro, Vincenzo;Petrone, Giuseppe;De Rosa, Sergio;Franco, Francesco
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.615-636
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    • 2014
  • Aluminium Foam Sandwich (AFS) panels are becoming always more attractive in transportation applications thanks to the excellent combination of mechanical properties, high strength and stiffness, with functional ones, thermo-acoustic isolation and vibration damping. These properties strongly depend on the density of the foam, the morphology of the pores, the type (open or closed cells) and the size of the gas bubbles enclosed in the solid material. In this paper, the vibrational performances of two classes of sandwich panels with an Alulight(R) foam core are studied. Experimental tests, in terms of frequency response function and modal analysis, are performed in order to investigate the effect of different percentage of porosity in the foam, as well as the effect of the random distribution of the gas bubbles. Experimental results are used as a reference for developing numerical models using finite element approach. Firstly, a sensitivity analysis is performed in order to obtain a limit-but-bounded dynamic response, modelling the foam core as a homogeneous one. The experimental-numerical correlation is evaluated in terms of natural frequencies and mode shapes. Afterwards, an update of the previous numerical model is presented, in which the core is not longer modelled as homogeneous. Mass and stiffness are randomly distributed in the core volume, exploring the space of the eigenvectors.

Analytical Study on Vibrational Properties of High Damping Polymer Concrete (고 감쇠 폴리머 콘크리트의 진동 특성에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Jin;Kim, Jong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2020
  • Research on high-attenuation concrete for the vibration reduction performance by mixing epoxy-based synthetic resins and aggregates is actively being conducted. The curing time of high-attenuation concrete is very short because water is not used, and the physical and dynamic properties are very excellent. therefore, it is expected to be widely used in building structures requiring reduction of interior-floor noise and vibration. Furthermore, A way to expand the applicability of the high-damping concrete mixed with polymer in the field of reinforcement material have been variously studied. In order to replace polymer concrete with ordirnary concrete and existing anti-vibration reinforcement material, it is necessary to review overall vibration reduction performance considering physical properties, dynamic properties, productivity and field applicability. In this study, the physical and dynamic properties of polymer concrete by epoxy mixing ratio compared with ordirnary concrete. As a result, the elastic modulus was similar. On the other hand, polymer concrete for the compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths was quite more excellent. In particular, the measured tensile strength of polymer concrete was 4-10 times higher than that of ordirnary concrete. it was a big difference, and the frequency response function and damping ratio was studied through modal test and finite element analysis model. The dynamic stiffness of polymer concrete was 20% greater than that of ordirnary concrete, and the damping ratio of polymer concrete was approximately 3 times more than that of ordirnary concrete.

Dynamic Load Factor for Floor Vibration due to Lively Concerts (공연하중에 의한 바닥진동 설계용 동하중계수)

  • Hong, Kap Pyo;Yoon, Kwang Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.721-728
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    • 2002
  • Modern structrues are being built using high-strength and light-weight construction materials resulting in decreased structural mass and damping properties. Rhythmic activities such as jumping, dancing and clapping during lively concerts can produce excessive vibration of steel structures. In this study, dynamic load factors that occur during lively concerts were presented through vibration test and real-time monitoring of an existing concert hall. The vibration test included modal analysis and jumping test according to the forcing frequencies and the number of participants. Dynamic load foactors were acquired directly from peak acceleration responses of each harmonics. Comparing NBCC 1995, the 3rd harmonic must be included in the design of concert halls. Dynamic load factors must be increased as a result of the vibration test.

Comparison of the dynamic responses of $G\ddot{u}lburnu$ Highway Bridge using single and triple concave friction pendulums

  • Yurdakul, Muhammet;Ates, Sevket;Altunisik, Ahmet Can
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.511-525
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    • 2014
  • The main object of this study is to determine and compare the structural behavior of base isolated long span highway bridge, $G\ddot{u}lburnu$ Highway Bridge, using single concave friction pendulum (SCFP) and triple concave friction pendulum (TCFP). The bridge is seismically isolated in the design phase to increase the main period and reduce the horizontal forces with moments using SCFP bearings. In the content of the paper, firstly three dimensional finite element model (FEM) of the bridge is constituted using project drawings by SAP2000 software. The dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies and periods, and the structural response such as displacements, axial forces, shear forces and torsional moments are attained from the modal and dynamic analyses. After, FEM of the bridge is updated using TCFP and the analyses are performed. At the end of the study, the dynamic characteristics and internal forces are compared with each other to extract the TCFP effect. To emphasize the base isolation effect, the non-isolated structural analysis results are added to graphics. The predominant frequencies of bridge non-isolated, isolated with SCFP and isolated with TCFP conditions decreased from 0.849Hz to 0.497Hz and 0.338Hz, respectively. The maximum vertical displacements are obtained as 57cm, 54cm and 44cm for non-isolated, isolated with SCFP and isolated with TCFP conditions, respectively. The maximum vertical displacement reduction between isolated with TCFP bearing and isolated with SCFP bearing bridge is %23. Maximum axial forces are obtained as 60619kN, 18728kN and 7382kN, maximum shear forces are obtained as 23408kN, 17913kN and 16249kN and maximum torsional moments are obtained as 24020kNm, 7619kNm and 3840kNm for non-isolated, isolated with SCFP and isolated with TCFP conditions, respectively.

Analysis of Dynamic Interaction Between Maglev Vehicle and Guideway (자기부상열차/가이드웨이 동적상호작용 해석)

  • Kim, Ki-Jung;Han, Hyung-Suk;Yang, Seok-Jo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1559-1565
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate the dynamic interaction characteristics between Maglev vehicles and an elevated guideway. A more detailed model for the dynamic interaction of the vehicle/guideway is proposed. The proposed model incorporates a 3D full vehicle model based on prototyping, flexible guideway by a modal superposition method, and levitation electromagnets including the feedback controller into an integrated model. The proposed model was applied to an urban transit Maglev developed for a commercial application to analyze the dynamic response of the vehicle and guideway, and the effect of the surface roughness of the rail, mid-span guideway deflections, and air gap variations are then investigated from the numerical simulation.

Dynamic Behavior and Resonance Reduction of Two-Span Continuous Bridges for Korean Train eXpress (KTX용 2경간 연속교량의 동적거동 및 공진감소)

  • Oh, Juwon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1A
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2008
  • Dynamic behaviors of the two-span continuous bridge which is one of prototypes on Gyoung-Bu high-speed railway are analyzed and some methods for reducing the resonance of the bridge are proposed. The bridge is modeled as a two-span continuous beam and the load is a vehicle of TGV-K (2p+18T) with length of 380.15 meter traveling on the railway bridge at some constant velocity. The equations governing the dynamic behaviors of the bridge are partial differential equations produced by using a system with distributed mass and elasticity. The analysis of the governing equations is performed by the mode superposition method which has modal coordinates solved by Duhamel's integral. Without considering the train velocity the dynamic reponses can be greatly reduced at some special lengths of bridge. It is different from the results of simple bridges researched so far. When the dynamic responses increase rapidly to make a resonance phenomenon depending on the train velocities, the several methods are proposed to deduce the resonance.

Estimation on Heavy Handling Robot using Flexible-Rigid Multibody Analysis (변형체-강체 다물체 해석을 이용한 초중량물 핸들링로봇의 평가)

  • Kim, Jin-Kwang;Ko, Hae-Ju;Park, Ki-Beom;Kim, Tae-Gyu;Jung, Yoon-Gyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2010
  • A flexible-rigid multibody analysis was pen armed to examine the dynamic response of a heavy handling robot system under a worst motion scenario. A rigid body dynamics analysis was solved and compared with flexible-rigid multibody analysis. The modal analysis and test were also carried out to establish the accuracy and the validation of the finite element model used in this paper. For the flexible-rigid multibody simulation, stresses in several major bodies were interested, so that those parts are flexible and other parts are modeled as rigid body in order to reduce computer resources.

Dynamic Characteristic Analysis Procedure of Helicopter-mounted Electronic Equipment (헬기 탑재용 전자장비의 동특성 분석 절차)

  • Lee, Jong-Hak;Kwon, Byunghyun;Park, No-Cheol;Park, Young-Pil
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.759-769
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    • 2013
  • Electronic equipment has been applied to virtually every area associated with commercial, industrial, and military applications. Specifically, electronics have been incorporated into avionics components installed in aircraft. This equipment is exposed to dynamic loads such as vibration, shock, and acceleration. Especially, avionics components installed in a helicopter are subjected to simultaneous sine and random base excitations. These are denoted as sine on random vibrations according to MIL-STD-810F, Method 514.5. In the past, isolators have been applied to avionics components to reduce vibration and shock. However, an isolator applied to an avionics component installed in a helicopter can amplify the vibration magnitude, and damage the chassis, circuit card assembly, and the isolator itself via resonance at low-frequency sinusoidal vibrations. The objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic characteristics of an avionics component installed in a helicopter and the structural dynamic modification of its tray plate without an isolator using both a finite element analysis and experiments. The structure is optimized by dynamic loads that are selected by comparing the vibration, shock, and acceleration loads using vibration and shock response spectra. A finite element model(FEM) was constructed using a simplified geometry and valid element types that reflect the dynamic characteristics. The FEM was verified by an experimental modal analysis. Design parameters were extracted and selected to modify the structural dynamics using topology optimization, and design of experiments(DOE). A prototype of a modified model was constructed and its feasibility was evaluated using an FEM and a performance test.

Analysis of Ride Comfort for an Automobile with flexible Vehicle Body (차체의 유연성을 고려한 차량 승차감 해석)

  • Kim Junghoon;Choi Kwangsung;Park Sungyong;Lee Jangmoo;Kang Sangwook;Kang Juseok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2005
  • In most researches on the ride comfort analysis of passenger vehicles, the flexibility of the vehicle body has been not considered as an important factor, because the resonance frequencies of the vehicle body related to pitching, yawing and rolling motions are below 10Hz while the resonance frequencies of the vehicle body related to the flexibility are above 20Hz approximately. Nevertheless, the paper shows that the consideration of the local flexibility (or local stiffness) of the 4 corners on which shock absorbers are mounted influences the ride comfort. A simple beam model is devised to qualitatively examine the effect of the change of the local stiffness of the vehicle body on the ride comfort. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the one-dimensional model, multi-body dynamic analysis considering the flexibility of the vehicle body is performed using ADAMS and MSC/NASTRAN. Natural frequencies and mode shapes computed by MSC/NASTRAN are used as input data for multi-body dynamic analysis in ADAMS. Through simulations using ADAMS, it has been found that the ride comfort can be improved by changing the local stiffness of the vehicle body and that the simulation results agree with experiment results.