• Title/Summary/Keyword: duration reduction

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Seasonal Onset and Duration in South Korea (우리나라 사계절 개시일과 지속기간)

  • Choi, Gwang-Yong;Kwon, Won-Tae;Robinson David A.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.435-456
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the long-term spatial patterns and recent trends of seasonal onsets and durations defined by daily temperatures in South Korea for the period 1973-2004. Spatially, spring and winter onset dates show approximately 44 day and 63 day maximum difference respectively between south and north (Seongsanpo to Daegwallryeong) attributable to the impacts of latitudes and altitudes. In contrast, summer onset, which is more affected by proximity to oceans and altitudes than by latitudes, begins earlier in interior low elevated areas than in the coastal areas but earliest at higher latitudes than Jeiu Island. Five climatic types regarding the seasonal cycles in South Korea are spatially clustered according to the combination of longer seasonal durations. As a reflection of recent climate changes on seasonal cycles in South Korea, winter duration was shortened by 10 days during the post-1988 period due to a late winter onset of 4 days and an early spring onset of 6 days. The winter reduction began in the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula in the mid-1980s and spread northward during the 1990s period, ultimately appearing everywhere. In urbanized cities, where much of the surface is covered with asphalt or concrete, the winter reduction was intensified and summer duration was locally incremented. The reduced winter duration in recent decades shows significant teleconnections with variations of geopotential height (925hPa) in the eastern Arctic region ($0-90^{\circ}E$, $65-85^{\circ}N$) during the cold season. The reduction in winter duration in South Korea agrees with results in overall global warming trends as a climate change signal.

Effects of Berberis koreana Palibin on Sleep Duration and Rectal Temperature in Mouse (매자나무성분이 마우스 수면 및 체온에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Sun-Hee;Kim Chung-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.10 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 1974
  • Berberis koreana Palibin belonging to Berberidaceae family, a common herb in Korea, has been contained some quantity of Berberine analogue and other ingredients. Authors therefore paid attention to its pharmacological actions and examined the effects on sleep duration and rectal temperature in mouse with crystal (A) from Berberis koreana Palibin in Korean native plans. The experiment searching for the effect on sleep duration was performed with pretreatment of Berberis Koreana Palibin crystal (A) 30 min before the administration of 25 % ethanol, and its crystal were also administered intraperitoneally with the intention to examine the effect on rectal temperature in mouse. The results of the experiment were as follows; 1. Crystal (A) from Berberis koreana Palibin was made by extraction with ethanol and HCI. 2. Crystal (A) enhanced the hypnotic activity of alcohol in concentratins of 0.1 mg/10g or 0.15 mg/10g. 3. Rectal temperatures in mice were significantly reduced with administration of crystal (A) in concentrations of 0.1 mg/10g or 0.15 mg/10g. 4. The maximal reduction of rectal temperature and potentiation of the hypnotic activity were observed at 30 min after its administration. From the above results, it is clear that crystal (A) from Berberis koreana Palibin exerts the potentiation of hypnotic action of alcohol and reduction of rectal temperature in normal mouse. Its pharmacological effects are probably derived from the action upon the central nervous system.

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Coordinations of Articulators in Korean Place Assimilation

  • Son, Min-Jung
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2011
  • This paper examines several articulatory properties of /k/, known as a trigger of place assimilation as well as the object of post-obstruent tensing (/tk/), in comparison to non-assimilating controls (/kk/ and /kt/). Using EMMA, tongue body articulation in the place assimilation context robustly shows greater spatio-temporal articulation and lower jaw position. Results showed several characteristics. Firstly, constriction duration of the tongue body gesture in C2 of the assimilation context (/tk/) was longer than non-assimilating controls (/kk/ and /kt/). Secondly, constriction maxima also demonstrated greater constriction in the /tk/ sequences than in the control /kk/, but similar values with the control /kt/. In particular, results showed a significant relationship between the two variables - the longer the constriction duration, the greater the constriction degree. Lastly, jaw height was lower for the assimilating context /tk/, intermediate for the control /kk/, and higher for the control /kt/. Results suggest that speakers have lexical knowledge of place assimilation, producing a greater tongue body gesture in the spatio-temporal domains with lower jaw height as an indication of anticipating reduction of C1 in /tk/ sequences.

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Effects of Experience on the Production of English Unstressed Vowels

  • Lee, Bo-Rim;Guion Susan G.
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    • no.60
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2006
  • This study examined the effect of English-language experience on Korean- and Japanese-English late learners' production of English unstressed vowels in terms of four acoustic phonetic features: F0, duration, intensity and vowel reduction. The learners manifested some improvement with experience. The native-like attainment of a phonetic feature, however, was related to the phonological status of that feature in the speakers' native language. The results suggest that the extent to which the non-native speakers' production of English unstressed vowels improved with English-language experience varied as a function of their native language background.

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The State of Schedule Management and the Recognition of Duration Shortening (공정관리의 실태 및 공기 단축에 대한 인식정도)

  • Kim, Ja-Yeon;Kim, Eui-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2010
  • Construction projects are based on the actual field, so if the construction schedule that is established in the construction plan is delayed or extended for various reasons, construction companies are vulnerable to claims, and thus strive to complete a building within the planned timeline by shortening the construction time. Therefore, this study surveyed technicians in apartment construction in Gwangju, and studied their perceptions of the actual conditions of process control, construction time needs, goals, and methods. The results showed that the organization of the process control department and professional employees was lacking compared to other regions. The need for construction time was perceived as high, while the reduction of the construction cost was perceived as low. Regarding the reduction goal, they perceived highly the preparation for the delay of construction time and various claims, and for the reduction method, they mentioned the extension of working hours and the increase in employees. Based on the results of this study, technicians should consider that a reduction of construction time not only can make up for a delay in construction, but is also closely related to improvements in production through reduction of cost, and increased international competitiveness.

Comparative Study of the Storm Centered Areal Reduction Factors by Storm Types (호우 형태에 따른 호우중심형 면적감소계수 비교)

  • Lee, Dongjoo;Hyun, Sukhoon;Kang, Boosik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1219-1228
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    • 2015
  • The Fixed Area ARFs (Area Reduction Factors) method has limitations in providing exact information about spatial distribution due to the lack of enough density of rain gauge stations. In this study the storm-centered ARF was evaluated between frontal and typhoon storm events utilizing radar precipitation. In estimating storm-centered ARFs, in order to consider the horizontal advection, direction, and spatial distribution of rain cells, the rotational angle of rainfall of each rainfall event and the optimum areal rainfall within the spatial rain cell envelope was taken into account. Compared with the frontal storm, the ARF of typhoon storm shows narrow range of variability. It is noted that the ARFs of frontal storm increases with the rainfall duration, but those of typhoon storm shows opposite pattern. As a result the typhoon ARFs appear greater than frontal ARFs for 1~3 hours of duration, but less for more than 6 hours of duration.

Experimental Study on the Antidepressant Effect of Ginseng Radix Alba and Cyperi Rhizoma (인삼(人蔘)과 향부자(香附子)의 항우울효과(抗憂鬱效果)에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Kim, In-Jae
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.101-119
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    • 2004
  • Ginseng Radix Alba and Cyperi Rhizoma were investigated for their anti-depressant effects. For this purpose, forced-swimming test, tail suspension test, hot plate test, reserpine-induced hypothermia, aggressive behavior test were performed. In addition, the brain content of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(a metabolite of serotonin), the monoamine oxidase activity, anticonvulsant effect, sleep enhancement effect were determined. The results are as follows: In the forced swimming test, Ginseng Radix diminished the duration of immobility by 45.5% compared to the control group, while Cyperi Rhizoma showed weaker effect (12.4% reduction) at 2g/kg. In the tail suspension test, the effect of Ginseng Radix(43.7% reduction) are also better than that of Cyperi Rhizoma(15.6% reduction) at 2g/kg. In the hot plate test, Ginseng Radix showed no difference as compared to control, while Cyperi Rhizoma increased the jump latency time by about 25% after administration for 10 days. In the reserpine-induced hypothermia test, both drugs slowly dropped the body temperature compared to the control group, especially the rate of hypothermia of Ginseng Radix was 24.0% at 1g/kg. In the aggressive behavior test, both drugs delayed the onset time, decreased the duration and frequency, of which effects were better in Cyperi Rhizoma. The content of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in mice brain was slightly increased in Ginseng Radix, while Cyperi Rhizoma increased its level almost to the control group. Both drugs inhibited the monoamine oxidase activity in a dose-dependent manner, but the effect(51.2%) of Cyperi Rhizoma was more potent than the effect(11.8%) of Ginseng Radix. In the pentobarbital-induced sleep test, Cyperi Rhizoma exhibited no significant difference against the control group, while Ginseng Radix showed about two-fold enhancement at 2g/kg. The anticonvulsant effect of both drugs delayed the onset time, shortened the duration of convulsion and diminished the lethality, but Ginseng Radix were better than Cyperi Rhizoma.

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Feasibility Analysis of the Use of Architectural PC for Improving the Productivity in Apartment Housing Projects (공동주택 공사에서의 생산성 향상을 위한 건축 외관용 PC의 적용 타당성 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seok;Sohn, Young-Jin;Lee, Yoon-Sun;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2008
  • In Korea, five days per week system, duration reduction bidding system, and post sale system have recently stimulated an interest in productivity improvement in construction project. However, analysis result of productivity in Korean construction industry found that the productivity is too low. APC (Architectural PC) is alternative of reveal wall and parapet in apartment housing prcjects and is used abroad broadly because of duration reduction for productivity improving. APC is used as external curtain wall in Dubai, North America, and Southeast Asia. Therefore, it is proposed that necessary to Introduce APC in Korea. The objective of this study is to draw up introduction of APC in apartment housing projects. We analysed the feasibility of the use of APC. The survey results reported that APC would be able to improve the productivity in the eight productivity factors.

Application of Web-based Load Duration Curve System to TMDL Watersheds for Evaluation of Water Quality and Pollutant Loads (수질오염총량제도 유역의 수질 및 부하량 평가를 위한 웹기반 LDC 시스템의 적용)

  • Kang, Hyunwoo;Ryu, Jichul;Shin, Minhwan;Choi, Joongdae;Choi, Jaewan;Shin, Dong Seok;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.689-698
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    • 2011
  • In South Korea, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been enforced since 2004 to restore and manage water quality in the watersheds. However, the appraisal of TMDL in South Korea has lots of weaknesses to establish the plan for recovery of water quality because it just evaluates the target water quality during the particular flow duration interval. In the United States, Load Duration Curve (LDC) method bas been widely used in the TMDL to evaluate the water quality and pollutant loads considering variation of stream flow. In a recent study, web-based Load Duration Curve system was developed to create the LDC automatically and provide the convenience of use. In this study, web-based Load Duration Curve system was applied in the Gapyeongcheon watershed using the daily flow and 8-day interval water quality data, and Q-L Rating Curve was used to evaluate the water quality and pollutant load in the watershed, also. As a result of study, water quality and pollutant load in Gapyeongcheon watershed were met with water quality standard and allocated load in the all flow durations. Web-based Load Duration Curve system could be applied to the appraisal of South Korean TMDL because it can be used to judge the impaired flow duration and build up the plan of load reduction, and it could enhance the publicity. But, web-based Load Duration Curve system should be enhanced through addition of load assessment tools such as Q-L rating curve to evaluate water quality and pollutant load objectively.

Effect of Na, K, Ca and Mg ions on the Action Potential of the Sinoatrial Node in the Rabbit (토끼 동방결절 활동전압에 대한 Na, K, Ca 및 Mg 이온의 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ryeol;Eom, Yung-Ui
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1985
  • Isolated sinus node cells of the rabbit were used to assess the effects of extracellular Na, K, Ca and Mg concentrations on cardiac pacemaker activity. With intracellular glass micro-electrodes spontaneous action potentials of SA node were recorded and the effects of various ions and their blockers were analyzed in terms of the cycle length, the amplitude and the duration of action potentials, the results obtained were as follows. 1. Sodium reduction [up to 30%] decreased the amplitude of action potential and lengthened the cycle length. TTX, specific blocker of Na channel slightly lengthened the cycle length. 2. Increasing potassium ion concentration, the duration of action potential decreased and the frequency increased in 6mM, however, spontaneous action potential was stopped in 24 mM. Barium ion known to be decreasing K conductance increased the duration of action potential but no significant change in the cycle length was noticed. 3. Calcium ion has shortening effect on the duration and the cycle length of action potential but not with dose-dependent manner. Cadmium ion .[0.02mM] lengthened cycle length and the duration of action potential. 4. Increasing the concentration of magnesium ion the cycle length was lengthened, significantly.

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