Effects of Experience on the Production of English Unstressed Vowels

  • Lee, Bo-Rim (Wonkwang University) ;
  • Guion Susan G. (The University of Oregon)
  • 이보림 (원광대학교 영어영문학과) ;
  • Published : 2006.12.30


This study examined the effect of English-language experience on Korean- and Japanese-English late learners' production of English unstressed vowels in terms of four acoustic phonetic features: F0, duration, intensity and vowel reduction. The learners manifested some improvement with experience. The native-like attainment of a phonetic feature, however, was related to the phonological status of that feature in the speakers' native language. The results suggest that the extent to which the non-native speakers' production of English unstressed vowels improved with English-language experience varied as a function of their native language background.
