• Title/Summary/Keyword: drought damage

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Analysis of Drought Damage around Tonlé Sap which is Largest Lake in Southeast Asia (동남아시아 최대 호수인 톤레사프호 주변 가뭄피해 분석)

  • Lee, Jong Sin;Um, Dae Yong
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.961-969
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    • 2017
  • Today, the world is experiencing a variety of natural disasters due to the extreme weather. Drought that occurred throughout Southeast Asia from February to May 2016 is also a form of abnormal climate. As a result of this drought, five countries, including Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, faced food shortages, food shortages, as well as rice yields for export. In this study, remote sensing technique was applied to the vicinity of Tonlé Sap, the largest lake in Southeast Asia, to quantitatively analyze the damage caused by drought. As a result, the change of land cover caused a drastic decrease in the water system (132.582㎢) and greenery (706.937㎢) in February 2016, and the reduced water system and greenery changed to dry land and paddy field. It was also found that the temperature rise of 6℃ ~ 8 ℃ compared to the previous year due to the drought from February to April 2016 due to the change of the surface temperature. And it was found that the function of the lake was deteriorated in April due to continuous drought.

Reduction of Stress Caused by Drought and Salt in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Crops through Applications of Selected Plant Extracts and the Physiological Response Mechanisms of Rice

  • Hyun Hwa Park;Young Seon Lee;Yong In Kuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.57-57
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    • 2022
  • In many areas of the world, salt damage and drought have had a negative impact on human survival due to a decrease in agricultural productivity. For instance, about 50% of agricultural land will be affected by salt damage by 2050. Biostimulants such as plant extracts can not only increase the nutrient utilization efficiency of plants, but also promote plant growth and increase resistance to abiotic or biotic stress. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine how selected plant extracts might reduce levels of stress caused by drought and salt and to better understand the physiological response mechanisms of rice plants. In this study, we used Soybean leaves, Soybean stems and Allium tuberosum, Allium cepa, Hizikia fusiforme, and Gracilaria verrucosa extracts were used. These extracts had been used in previous studies and were found to be effective. The materials were dried in a dry oven at 50℃ for 5 days and ground using a blender. Each 50 g of materials was put in 1 L of distilled water, stirred for 24 hours, filtered using 4 layers of mirocloth, and then concentrated using a concentrator. Rice (cv. Hopumbyeo) seeds were immersed and germinated, and then sown in seedbeds filled with commercial soil. In drought experiments, three rice seedlings at 1 week after seeding was transplanted into 100 ml cups filled with commercial soils and grown until the 4-leaf stage. For this experiment, the soil weight in a cup was equalized, and water was allowed to become 100% saturated and then drained for 24 hours. Thereafter, plant extracts at 3% concentrations were applied to the soils. For NaCl treatments, rice plants at 17 days after seeding were treated with either 100 mM NaCl or plant extracts at 1%+ 100 mM NaCl combinations in the growth chamber. Leaf injury, relative water content, photosynthetic efficiency, and chlorophyll contents were measured at 3, 5, and 6 days after treatments. Shoot fresh weight of rice under drought conditions increased 28-37% in response to treatments of Soybean leaf, Soybean stem, Allium tuberosum, Allium cepa, Hizikia fusiforme, and Gracilaria verrucosa extracts at 3% when compared with control plants. Shoot fresh weight of rice subjected to 100 mM NaCl treatments also increased by 6-24% in response to Soybean leaf, Soybean stem, Allium tuberosum, Allium cepa, Hizikia fusiforme, and Gracilaria verrucosa extracts at 3% when compared with control plants. Compared to the control, rice plants treated with these six extracts and subjected to drought conditions had significantly higher relative water content, Fv/Fm, total chlorophyll and total carotenoids than control plants. With the exception of relative water contents, rice plants treated with the six extracts and subjected to salt stress (100 mM NaCl treatments) had significantly higher Fv/Fm, total chlorophyll and total carotenoids than control plants. However, the type of extract used did not produce significant difference in these parameters. Thus, all the plant extracts used in this study could mitigate drought and NaCl stresses and could also contribute substantially to sustainable crop production.

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A study on the vulnerability of field water supply using public groundwater wells as irrigation in drought-vulnerable areas with a focus on the Dangjin-si, Yesan-gun, Cheongyang-gun, and Goesan-gun regions in South Korea

  • Shin, Hyung Jin;Lee, Jae Young;Jo, Sung Mun;Cha, Sang Sun;Hwang, Seon-Ah;Nam, Won-Ho;Park, Chan Gi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2021
  • The severe effects of climate change, such as global warming and the El Niño phenomenon, have become more prevalent. In recent years, natural disasters such as drought, heavy rain, and typhoons have taken place, resulting in noticeable damage. Korea is affected by droughts that cause damage to rice fields and crops. Societal interest in droughts is growing, and measures are urgently needed to address their impacts. As the demand for high-quality agricultural products expands, farmers have become more interested in water management, and the demand for field irrigation is increasing. Therefore, we investigated water demand in the irrigation of drought-vulnerable crops. Specifically, we determined the water requirements for crops including cabbage, red pepper, apple, and bean in four regions by calculating the consumptive water use (evapotranspiration), effective rainfall, and irrigation capacity. The total consumptive water use (crop evapotranspiration) estimates for Dangjin-si (cabbage), Yesan-gun (apple), Cheongyang-gun (pepper) in Chungnam, and Goesan-gun (bean) in Chungbuk were 33.5, 206.4, 86.1, and 204.5 mm, respectively. The volumes of groundwater available in the four regions were determined to be the following: Dangjin-si, 4,968,000 m3; Yesan-gun, 4,300,000 m3; Cheongyang-gun, 1,114,000 m3, and Goesan-gun, 3,794,000 m3. The annual amounts available for the representative crops, compared to the amount of evapotranspiration, were 313.9% in Dangjin-si, 29.5% in Yesan-gun, 56.1% in Cheongyang-gun, and 20.1% in Goesan-gun.

Sensitivity Analysis of Drought Impact Factors Using a Structural Equation Model and Bayesian Networks (구조방정식모형과 베이지안 네트워크를 활용한 가뭄 영향인자의 민감도 분석)

  • Kim, Ji Eun;Kim, Minji;Yoo, Jiyoung;Jung, Sungwon;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2022
  • Drought occurs extensively over a long period and causes great socio-economic damage. Since drought risk consists of social, environmental, physical, and economic factors along with meteorological and hydrological factors, it is important to quantitatively identify their impacts on drought risk. This study investigated the relationship among drought hazard, vulnerability, response capacity, and risk in Chungcheongbuk-do using a structural equation model and evaluated their impacts on drought risk using Bayesian networks. We also performed sensitivity analysis to investigate how the factors change drought risk. Overall results showed that Chungju-si had the highest risk of drought. The risk was calculated as the largest even when the hazard and response capacity were changed. However, when the vulnerability was changed, Eumseong-gun had the greatest risk. The sensitivity analysis showed that Jeungpyeong-gun had the highest sensitivity, and Jecheon-si, Eumseong-gun, and Okcheon-gun had highest individual sensitivities with hazard, vulnerability, and response capacity, respectively. This study concluded that it is possible to identify impact factors on drought risk using regional characteristics, and to prepare appropriate drought countermeasures considering regional drought risk.

Confirmation of Drought Tolerance of Ectopically Expressed AtABF3 Gene in Soybean

  • Kim, Hye Jeong;Cho, Hyun Suk;Pak, Jung Hun;Kwon, Tackmin;Lee, Jai-Heon;Kim, Doh-Hoon;Lee, Dong Hee;Kim, Chang-Gi;Chung, Young-Soo
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.413-422
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    • 2018
  • Soybean transgenic plants with ectopically expressed AtABF3 were produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and investigated the effects of AtABF3 expression on drought and salt tolerance. Stable Agrobacterium-mediated soybean transformation was carried based on the half-seed method (Paz et al. 2006). The integration of the transgene was confirmed from the genomic DNA of transformed soybean plants using PCR and the copy number of transgene was determined by Southern blotting using leaf samples from $T_2$ seedlings. In addition to genomic integration, the expression of the transgenes was analyzed by RT-PCR and most of the transgenic lines expressed the transgenes introduced. The chosen two transgenic lines (line #2 and #9) for further experiment showed the substantial drought stress tolerance by surviving even at the end of the 20-day of drought treatment. And the positive relationship between the levels of AtABF3 gene expression and drought-tolerance was confirmed by qRT-PCR and drought tolerance test. The stronger drought tolerance of transgenic lines seemed to be resulted from physiological changes. Transgenic lines #2 and #9 showed ion leakage at a significantly lower level (P < 0.01) than ${\underline{n}}on-{\underline{t}}ransgenic$ (NT) control. In addition, the chlorophyll contents of the leaves of transgenic lines were significantly higher (P < 0.01). The results indicated that their enhanced drought tolerance was due to the prevention of cell membrane damage and maintenance of chlorophyll content. Water loss by transpiration also slowly proceeded in transgenic plants. In microscopic observation, higher stomata closure was confirmed in transgenic lines. Especially, line #9 had 56% of completely closed stomata whereas only 16% were completely open. In subsequent salt tolerance test, the apparently enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic lines was measured in ion leakage rate and chlorophyll contents. Finally, the agronomic characteristics of ectopically expressed AtABF3 transgenic plants ($T_2$) compared to NT plants under regular watering (every 4 days) or low rate of watering condition (every 10 days) was investigated. When watered regularly, the plant height of drought-tolerant line (#9) was shorter than NT plants. However, under the drought condition, total seed weight of line #9 was significantly higher than in NT plants (P < 0.01). Moreover, the pods of NT plants showed severe withering, and most of the pods failed to set normal seeds. All the evidences in the study clearly suggested that overexpression of the AtABF3 gene conferred drought and salt tolerance in major crop soybean, especially under the growth condition of low watering.

The analysis of drought susceptibility using soil moisture information and spatial factors involved in satellite imagery (위성영상의 토양수분 정보와 공간적 요인을 고려한 가뭄 민감도 분석)

  • 박은주;황철수;성정창
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.481-492
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    • 2002
  • The severity and spatial Patterns of spring drought on the croplands arc investigated using satellite imagery(Landsat ETM+). It is necessary to analyze the area droughty conditions in order to decrease the damage and make the efficient policies. In this context, the information about soil moisture levels, which were fatal factors to the crop growth, was acquired from wetness calculated from Tasseled cap transformation. We confirmed that the wetness values have a strong correlation with NDVI and the principal components. The result showed that the intensity of vegetation covering the surface could be understood as the index of the impacts of drought on croplands and these relationships were effective to classify dry areas in satellite imagery.

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Over-expression of OsHsfA7 enhanced salt and drought tolerance in transgenic rice

  • Liu, Ai-Ling;Zou, Jie;Liu, Cui-Fang;Zhou, Xiao-Yun;Zhang, Xian-Wen;Luo, Guang-Yu;Chen, Xin-Bo
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2013
  • Heat shock proteins play an important role in plant stress tolerance and are mainly regulated by heat shock transcription factors (Hsfs). In this study, we generated transgenic rice over-expressing OsHsfA7 and carried out morphological observation and stress tolerance assays. Transgenic plants exhibited less, shorter lateral roots and root hair. Under salt treatment, over-expressing OsHsfA7 rice showed alleviative appearance of damage symptoms and higher survival rate, leaf electrical conductivity and malondialdehyde content of transgenic plants were lower than those of wild type plants. Meanwhile, transgenic rice seedlings restored normal growth but wild type plants could not be rescued after drought and re-watering treatment. These findings indicate that over-expression of OsHsfA7 gene can increase tolerance to salt and drought stresses in rice seedlings.

Effect of Silicate Application on the Reduction of Summer Drought Phenomenon of Orchardgrass(Dactylis glomerata L.) (오챠드그라스의 하고 경감에 미치는 규산 시용의 효과)

  • 강양순;정연태;정근식
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.238-241
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    • 1986
  • To clarify the effect of silicate application on the reduction of summer drought damage of orchardgrass, a pot experiment treated with 3 levels of available SiO$_2$ 100(control), 150, and 200 ppm was carried out in the phytotron, and field experiment in the medium textured hilly soils also was carried out. The plant height and weight of orchardgrass grown in the pots were increased with increasing of SiO$_2$ application, and the higher content of SiO$_2$ in plant became erect types of leaves with low ethylene evolution. With application of SiO$_2$ in the hilly soils, the reduction of summer drought phenomenon was recognized by the increasing 9% in yield with decreased ethylene evolution at summer drought stage but the nutritive values of the plant were not deteriorated.

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The Effect of Soil Amended with β-glucan under Drought Stress in Ipomoea batatas L. (𝛽-glucan 토양혼합에 따른 고구마의 가뭄피해 저감 효과 )

  • Jung-Ho Shin;Hyun-Sung Kim;Gwan-Ju Seong;Won Park;Sung-Ju Ahn
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2023
  • Biopolymer is a versatile material used in food processing, medicine, construction, and soil reinforcement. 𝛽-glucan is one of the biopolymers that improves the soil water content and ion adsorption in a drought or toxic metal contaminated land for plant survival. We analyzed drought stress damage reduction in sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L. cv. Sodammi) by measuring the growth and major protein expression and activity under 𝛽-glucan soil amendment. The result showed that sweet potato leaf length and width were not affected by drought stress for 14 days, but sweet potatoes grown in 𝛽-glucan-amended soil showed an effect in preventing wilting caused by drought in phenotypic changes. Under drought stress, sweet potato leaves did not show any changes in electrolyte leakage, but the relative water content was higher in sweet potatoes grown in 𝛽-glucan-amended soil than in normal soil. 𝛽-glucan soil amendment increased the expression of plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase, but it decreased the aquaporin PIP2 (plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2) in sweet potatoes under drought stress. Moreover, water maintenance affected the PM H+-ATPase activity, which contributed to tolerance under drought stress. These results indicate that 𝛽-glucan soil amendment improves the soil water content during drought and affects the water supply in sweet potatoes. Consequently, 𝛽-glucan is a potential material for maintaining soil water contents, and analysis of the major PM proteins is one of the indicators for evaluating the biopolymer effect on plant survival under drought stress.

Socioeconomic vulnerability assessment of drought using principal component analysis and entropy method (주성분 분석 및 엔트로피 기법을 적용한 사회·경제적 가뭄 취약성 평가)

  • Kim, Ji Eun;Park, Ji Yeon;Lee, Joo-Heon;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.441-449
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    • 2019
  • Drought is a longer lasting and more extensive disaster than other natural disasters, resulting in significant socioeconomic damage. Even though drought events have same severity, their damage vary from region to region because of spatial, technical, economic, and social circumstances. In this study, drought vulnerability was assessed considering socioeconomic factors. Preliminary factors were identified from the case study for Chungcheong province, and evaluative factors were selected by applying the principal component analysis. The entropy method was applied to determine the weights of evaluative factors. As a result, in Chungcheong province, farm population, number of recipient of basic living, water fare gap indicator, area of industrial complex, amount of underground water usage, amount of water available per capita, water supply ratio, financial soundness for water resources, amount of domestic water usage, amount of agricultural water usage and agricultural land area were chosen as the evaluative factors. Among them, the factors associated with agriculture had larger weights. The overall assessment of vulnerability indicated that Cheongju, Dangjin and Seosan were the most vulnerable to drought.