• Title/Summary/Keyword: driving safety

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Alternative Tracing Method for Moving Object Using Reference Template in Real-time Image - Focusing on Parking Management System (참조 템플릿 기반 실시간 이동체 영상을 이용한 대안적 탐지 방안 - 주차관리시스템을 대상으로)

  • Joo, Yong Jin;Kang, Lee Seul;Hahm, Chang Hahk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.495-503
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    • 2014
  • As the number of vehicles has been sharply increases, the significance of safety and effective operation issues in the parking lot is being emphasized, which takes a part of the transportation system. Recently, there have been several studies for the parking management by detecting moving object, however, recognizing numbers of fast-moving vehicles simultaneously in the picture is still a challenging problem. The parking lot in public area, or large-sized buildings has clear parking section, whereas the sensor system is configured to monitor a plurality of parking spaces. Therefore, by considering those parking lots, we suggested to develop the real-time parking availability information system by applying the real-time image processing techniques. with the help of template matching. Following the study, we wanted to provide the alternative method for parking management system through the reference template makers by recognizing movements of parked vehicles with the size and shape, regardless of direct detecting of driving movements. In addition, we evaluated the applicability and performances of the information system, presented in this study, and implemented a prototype system to simulate the parking statuses of each floor. In fat, it was possible to manage and analyze statistics about the total number of parking spaces and the number of vehicles parked through real-time video flames. We expected that the result of the study will be advanced, following the user-friendliness and cost reduction in operating parking management system and giving information by efficient analysis of parking situation.

Development and Evaluation of High Speed weigh-in-motion system (고속축하중측정시스템의 개발과 평가)

  • Kim, Ju-Hyun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2010
  • Maintenance of the roads and bridges is a major issue for all road administrators around the world, and various initiatives are being implemented in each region for the purpose of controlling the ever increasing road maintenance cost while ensuring the safety of the vehicles driving. Efforts for such initiatives have also been made in Asia and initiatives for managing heavy-weight vehicles have recently gained momentum in Korea and Japan. We have developed a technology for unevenly installing bar-shaped sensors (piezo quartz sensors) to enable dynamic axle load measurement at a highly accurate level, and have estimated our measurement accuracy of axle load/gross weight, etc. on an actual road. The measurement accuracy of the axle load/gross weight varies significantly depending on the number of sensors installed. In our implementation, the target accuracy was set to below ${\pm}5%$ for gross weight measurement so that automatic regulation can be applied. We have achieved our target by installing 8-point measurement system. However, to have this technology widely accepted, it was necessary to reduce the system size so that it can be easily implemented. Therefore, we have estimated the relationship between the measurement accuracy and the system size (number of measurement points), and have come up with the proposal of 3-point measurement as an optimum number of measurement points, and have estimated its performance on an actual road. Additionally, we evaluated the relationship between the measurement accuracy and vehicle velocity.

A Study on Improving the Tractor ROPS and Seatbelt use of Korean Farmers (농용트랙터 보호구조물 사용실태 및 좌석벨트 편이성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyuck-Joo;Kim, Kwan-Woo;Choi, Sun;Kim, Jong-Sun;Kim, Yu-Yong;Kim, Jin-Oh;Kim, Hak-Kyu;Kwon, Soon-Hong
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.294-301
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to improve the utilization of the ROPS and seatbelt of tractors in Korea. We surveyed the ROPS and seatbelt use and the tractor related accidents through the personal interviews for 141 farmers. And comfort test for tractor seatbelts is done for 4 different subjects by measuring the body pressure distribution. The survey showed that 79.3% of the tractor accidents was overturning accidents. And, in case the tractor has ROPS and seatbelt, there was no serious injuries. With this results, we could confirm that ROPS and seatbelt is very effective devices for protecting drivers in overturning accidents. But, in case farmers didn't wear seatbelt, there was some fatal injuries. This shows the importance of the seatbelt use in working and driving tractors. Therefore, we tested the comfort of the tractor seatbelt for 4 different subjects operating the pedal in tractor seat simulator and in the tractor running on various roads. From the results of the static test in the Lab, it was shown that more the seatbelt anchorage point is far form SIP point, more the body pressure of the belly became higher, and more the subjects feel uncomfortable. Not only in the static test in the simulator, but also in the dynamic test in riding tractors, it was shown that non retractable seatbelt was more uncomfortable than retractable seatbelt. According to this study, we concluded that we need to promote the utilization of the ROPS and seatbelt use. And, the non retractable seatbelt need to be replaced by retractable seatbelt. Also, we recommend that the seatbelt anchorage position should to be in the seatbelt anchorage area of the ISO 3776 standard.

A Conceptual Design on Training Simulator of the Special Railway Vehicle for Multiple Tie Tamper (궤도보수 특수철도차량 탬퍼 모의훈련연습기의 개념설계)

  • Ahn, Seung-Ho;Kang, Jeong Hyung;Kim, Chul Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.430-436
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    • 2018
  • Special railway vehicles for track maintenance are equipped with a tamping device that adjusts various track trajectories to reduce the vibration of rolling stock and improve ride quality during trains passing over a track. The development of a simulator that can confirm the error of the actual tamping work is important for reducing human error in the linearization of the track misalignment. In this study, to improve the reality and training effect of conventional 2D simulator, 3D simulator modeling was implemented for tamping work of special railway vehicles in virtual space. The problem of buffering during high screen quality of tamping work was solved using the Unwrap UVW mapping technique of a low polygon extracted from high quality polygon modeling. The human error in the training of the tamping work was detected by the principle of circle and square collision when the tamping tyne and the sleeper collided. In addition, vibration of the driving chair was generated at the same time as the collision, and the number of the sleeper strikes is displayed on the simulator exercise screen. Owing to the scattering of railway ballast protruding from the sleepers, which had a serious effect on the safety of the vehicle, the gravel bouncing effect of the tamping unit was applied.

A Design Method of Three-phase IPMSM and Clamping Force Control of EMB for High-speed Train (고속철도차량의 EMB 적용을 위한 3상 IPMSM의 설계 및 제동압부력 제어)

  • Baek, Seung-Koo;Oh, Hyuck-Keun;Kwak, Min-ho;Kim, Seog-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.578-585
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a design method for a 3-phase interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) and clamping force control method for an electro-mechanical brake (EMB) using co-simulation for a high-speed train (HST). A traditional pneumatic brake system needs much space for the compressor, brake reservoir, and air pipe. However, an EMB system uses up to 50% less space due to the use of a motor and electric wires for controlling the brake caliper. In addition, it can reduce the latency time for brake control because of the fast response and precise control. A train that has many brakes is advantageous for safety because of the control by sharing the braking force. In this paper, a driving method for a cam-shaft-type EMB is modeled. It is different from the ball-screw-type brakes that are widely used in automobiles. In addition, a co-simulation method is proposed using JMAG and Matlab/Simulink. The IPMSM was designed and analyzed with the JMAG tool, and the control system was simulated using Matlab/Simulink. The effectiveness of the co-simulation results of the mechanical clamping force and braking force was verified by comparison with the clamping force specifications of a HEMU-430X HST.

Performance Analysis of Adaptive Channel Estimation Scheme in V2V Environments (V2V 환경에서 적응적 채널 추정 기법에 대한 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Jihye;Moon, Sangmi;Kwon, Soonho;Chu, Myeonghun;Bae, Sara;Kim, Hanjong;Kim, Cheolsung;Kim, Daejin;Hwang, Intae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2017
  • Vehicle communication can facilitate efficient coordination among vehicles on the road and enable future vehicular applications such as vehicle safety enhancement, infotainment, or even autonomous driving. In the $3^{rd}$ Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), many studies focus on long term evolution (LTE)-based vehicle communication. Because vehicle speed is high enough to cause severe channel distortion in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) environments. We can utilize channel estimation methods to approach a reliable vehicle communication systems. Conventional channel estimation schemes can be categorized as least-squares (LS), decision-directed channel estimation (DDCE), spectral temporal averaging (STA), and smoothing methods. In this study, we propose a smart channel estimation scheme in LTE-based V2V environments. The channel estimation scheme, based on an LTE uplink system, uses a demodulation reference signal (DMRS) as the pilot symbol. Unlike conventional channel estimation schemes, we propose an adaptive smoothing channel estimation scheme (ASCE) using quadratic smoothing (QS) of the pilot symbols, which estimates a channel with greater accuracy and adaptively estimates channels in data symbols. In simulation results, the proposed ASCE scheme shows improved overall performance in terms of the normalized mean square error (NMSE) and bit error rate (BER) relative to conventional schemes.

The Effect of VMS Message Presentation Type on the Speed Reduction of Driving Vehicle in School Zone (스쿨존에서 VMS의 메시지 제시유형이 주행차량속도 감소에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Sung Jun;Lee, Ji Dong;Park, Han Kyu;Lee, Kee Hoon;Moon, Kwang Su;Oah, She Zeen
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2018
  • The number of traffic accidents in Korea has been increasing since 2014. In most school zones, safety signs are installed to prevent children's traffic accidents. However, it has been known that the effects of those signs are not significant. A variable message sign(VMS), one of the components of Intelligent Transport System(ITS), has emerged as an alternative method. Therefore, this study examines relative effects of two different VMS messages(Timely vs. Continuous) on vehicle speed. Experiments were conducted in two school zones. 6,676 vehicles were measured for speed limit compliance. A counterbalanced multiple baseline design was adopted. The results showed that both types of message are effective in reducing the speed of vehicle. Specifically, A timely message was more effective in slowing down vehicle speed and improving speed limit compliance than a continuous message. The present study suggested that a VMS with human factors can be effective.

A Study on the Calculation of Deceleration Using Event Data Recorder Data (사고기록장치 자료를 이용한 감속도 산출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, YunJin;Eun, Juoh;Yun, Ilsoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2019
  • Among the driving information recorded in the event data recorder (EDR), the speed information of the vehicle before the traffic accident is a very important factor that determines the punishment of the driver of the accident vehicle, the identification of the offender and the victim, and the possibility of avoiding the accident. Also, by analyzing the EDR data, the deceleration of the accident vehicle can be analyzed. In this study, the results of the braking test of the previous study and the analysis of the EDR data of the traffic accident vehicle were compared to suggest an appropriate deceleration value applicable to the calculation of the stopping distance. As a result of the braking test of the vehicle equipped with ABS of the previous study, the average deceleration of the vehicle was 0.79g ~ 0.94g. In addition, the deceleration value was calculated from 0.92g to 0.94g in the recent automobile safety evaluation braking test conducted by the Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute. In addition, the deceleration value of 0.55g ~ 0.71g was calculated through the analysis of EDR data performed in this study, and the value was smaller than the deceleration value measured in the braking experiment of the previous study.

Analysis of Eye-safe LIDAR Signal under Various Measurement Environments and Reflection Conditions (다양한 측정 환경 및 반사 조건에 대한 시각안전 LIDAR 신호 분석)

  • Han, Mun Hyun;Choi, Gyu Dong;Seo, Hong Seok;Mheen, Bong Ki
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.204-214
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    • 2018
  • Since LIDAR is advantageous for accurate information acquisition and realization of a high-resolution 3D image based on characteristics that can be precisely measured, it is essential to autonomous navigation systems that require acquisition and judgment of accurate peripheral information without user intervention. Recently, as an autonomous navigation system applying LIDAR has been utilized in human living space, it is necessary to solve the eye-safety problem, and to make reliable judgment through accurate obstacle recognition in various environments. In this paper, we construct a single-shot LIDAR system (SSLs) using a 1550-nm eye-safe light source, and report the analysis method and results of LIDAR signals for various measurement environments, reflective materials, and material angles. We analyze the signals of materials with different reflectance in each measurement environment by using a 5% Al reflector and a building wall located at a distance of 25 m, under indoor, daytime, and nighttime conditions. In addition, signal analysis of the angle change of the material is carried out, considering actual obstacles at various angles. This signal analysis has the merit of possibly confirming the correlation between measurement environment, reflection conditions, and LIDAR signal, by using the SNR to determine the reliability of the received information, and the timing jitter, which is an index of the accuracy of the distance information.

Change of Physical Property of Rubber Compound by Terpene Modified Phenolic Resin Structure (테르펜 개질 페놀 수지 구조에 따른 배합고무 물성 변화)

  • Kim, Kun Ok;Kim, Do-Heyoung;Song, Yo Soon
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2020
  • Terpene-modified phenolic resins were used to improve the tires wet traction related to the driving safety and also rolling resistance related to fuel efficiency. In this work, alpha-pinene, beta pinene, and delta limonene resins, which constitute different basic structures of terpene-modified phenolic resins, were individually added to the tread compounds of tires and their physical properties were compared with those of the alkyl phenol resin compounds. Alkyl phenolic resins showed no significant difference in tangent delta from terpene-modified phenolic resins at 0 ℃, which is related to wet traction, but showed higher tangent delta at 80 ℃, which is related to rolling resistance, indicating smaller fuel efficiency improvement effects. Among the terpene-modified phenolic resins, beta pinene one showed improved wet traction and fuel efficiency compared to those of other resins. Delta limonene resin showed the best wet traction improvement effect, and alkyl phenolic resins showed relatively high tensile strength and abrasion property. All terpene-modified resins exhibited better rolling resistance than those of alkyl phenolic ones so that they can be said to have better fuel efficiency improvement effects and also to improve other properties compared to those of blanks. Terpene-modified phenolic resins could be used when mixing tire compounds referring to the properties of the phenolic resins revealed in this work, which could result in preparing compounds with improved wet traction and rolling resistance.