• Title/Summary/Keyword: drinking frequency

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The Effects of Smoking and Alcohol Drinking on Nutritional Status and Eating Habits in Adult Males (일부 남자성인의 흡연과 음주에 따른 영양소섭취상태, 식습관 및 혈액성상)

  • 곽충실;이정원;현화진
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of smoking and/or alcohol drinking on the nutrient intake, nutritional status, and eating habits of adult males. The subjects were 157 male adults aged 20-49 living in Daejon. Interviews with questionaire on smoking and alcohol drinking habits and eating habits, anthropometric measurement, biochemical blood test, and dietary assessment by one-day 24 hour recall and two-day diet record were carried out. The subjects were divided into four groups : control (non-smoking and non-drinking), drinking only, smoking only, and the both(drinking and smoking). The average numbers of smoked cigarettes were 17.8/d and 19.1/d in the smoking only group and the both group, respectively. The frequency of alcohol drinking was 8.3 times/month and 11.6 times/month in the drinking only group and the both group, respectively. Height was significantly higher(P 0.05) in the drinking only group than in the none and smoking only groups, while the other anthropometric indices were not different among the four groups. There were positive correlations between smoking and drinking or coffee intake. Alcohol drinking increased eating-out frequency and the intakes of energy, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin A, B$_1$,$ B_6,$ Fe and P, while smoking decreased snack frequency and intakes of energy, protein and vitamin $ B_6,$. Blood pressure was not changed in the smoking only and drinking only groups compared to the none group, while systolic blood pressure was elevated in both group(P 0.05). Alcohol drinking significantly elevated(P 0.05) serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholestrol level, while smoking did not change the serum lipid and cholesterol levels. Hemoglobin nd MCHC levels were significantly elevated(P 0.05) by smoking. From these data, it is suggested that both smoking and drinking have influence on some eating habits and nutrient intakes, and especially alcohol drinking can induce hypercholesterolemia.

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A Study of Drinking Behavior among Students at Yangsan College (양산대학생들의 음주행동에 관한 조사연구(I))

  • Shin, Ae-Sook;Woo, Moon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the drinking patterns and behaviors of Yangsan College students. Data were collected by a self-administered survey from the subjects, of which male students were 336 and female 165. The results of this study were as follows: 1. With regard to attitude toward drinking, 93.1% of the male subjects and 84.3% female subjects reported to have favor for drinking while only 9.3% of the subjects against drinking. 2. Those who reported to have at least a drink everyday were 13.3% of the subjects. For drinking frequency subjects who reported once in two or three day were most popular(21.9%). The frequency of drinking alcohol was associated positively with amount of discretionary money the students have. 3. For amount of drinking, 42.5% of subjects responded that they were able to drink soju at least one bottle per occasion. Data showed a high positive correlation between drinking frequency and financial costs they spent to drink. 4. The reasons subjects gave to drink included social gatherings after school or student activities (40.1%), change of mood(16.5%), and personal cerebration(16.5%). 5. The most popular place for the subject to go for a drink was neighborhood pubs(43.5%), followed by bar or pubs at downtown(28.3%) and nearby campus(12.2%).

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Drinking Behaviors and Affecting Factors of Emergency Medical Technology Students (일부 지역 응급구조학과 학생들의 음주행태와 그 영향 요인)

  • Jo, Hyeon Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify drinking form and analyze affecting factors of emergency medical technology students. Methods: Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by using the SPSS WIN 18.0 and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Results: In factors of the monthly drinking frequency, start drinking(middle school), smoking, pocket money, education level of mother were statistically profitable(p<.05). In factors of the monthly drinking too much frequency, gender, education level of mother, start drinking(high school), economical level were statistically profitable(p<.05). In factors of subjective model of drinking, discord with parents, education level of mother, age were statistically profitable(p<0.05). Conclusion: Teacher and the authorities of school and government must know seriousness and importance of drinking and endeavor to solve the problem and prepare the political plan and solution.

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Drinking Behaviors arid Drinking Problems of Adult Mentally Retarded Persons as Perceived by Family (가족이 지각한 성인 정신지체인의 음주행위와 음주문제)

  • Kim Oh Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.43 no.3 s.205
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the drinking behaviors and drinking problems of adult, mentally retarded persons over 18 years old. It was also investigated whether gender, age, and pattern of employment create different result of drinking behaviors and drinking problems, and the variables explaining drinking problems were analyzed. One hundred forty adults, mentally retarded persons were surveyed in Seoul and KyeongGi area. The major findings were as follows; The majority of respondents ($58.2\%$) reported that they had consumed alcohol beverages sometimes prior to their having been interviewed. The average age of respondents who had consumed alcohol was 26.4 years and average age of first-use of alcohol was 22 years. For consumption frequency, $39.2\%$ of respondents reported that they drink alcohol once a month. Average alcohol consumption per occasion was 1.5 cups, and $10.9\%$ of respondents answered more than 5 cups per occasion. Regarding problems associated with drinking, $16\%$ of respondent of AUDIT and $51.4\%$ of Family CAGE answered that their children have drinking-related problems. Men drink more than women and experience more alcohol problems. Supervised employment group was the group with the greatest prevalence for drinking. For the amount of drinking, gender and employment pattern showed significant differences. Drinking problems (AUDIT and Family CAGE) of adult, mentally retarded persons were influenced by age of first-use of alcohol, frequency of alcohol use, and alcohol consumption.

The Systematic Management for Trace Hazard Compounds in Drinking Water (수돗물에서 미량유해물질의 체계적 관리방안 연구)

  • Park, Sun-Ku;Rim, Yeon-Taek
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 2005
  • The study was carried out to improve and regulate the drinking water quality standard and drinking water quality monitoring substances. For the reliability and safety of finished water, It has been monitored for trace organic and inorganic compounds of 333 in finished water of water treatment plants during 1989 to 2003. As a result of monitoring, 51 compounds were detected from 333 compounds, and it has been regulated the drinking water quality standard of 26 substances and 20 mitoring substance. Improvement and regulation method of the drinking water quality standard was performed by comparing and analyzing with detection concentration, detection frequency, risk assessment and foreign drinking water quality standard.

Drinking Behavior and Related Factors among White Collar Workers in Seoul (서울 지역 사무직 근로자의 음주에 대한 행태 및 관련요인에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Choi, Seung-Hee;Kim, Myung;Kim, Kwang-Kee
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2001
  • In this study, I investigate the drinking behavior and related factors among white collar workers in seoul. Examination was executed with questionnaire to 520 white collar workers. Drinking behavior involves frequency of drinking, amount of alcohol consumption in a drinking situation and alcohol-related problem. Related factors involves the general characteristics, the knowledge about alcohol, the allowable attitude about drinking, work stress and stress copying. This was analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOV A and pearson's correlation. The results are as follows: Data shows that about 96.3% of the respondents drink at least during the last year and 89.8% of the respondents drink at least during the last month. 59.4% male respondents drink 3-8 times a month, 44.8% female respondents drink 1-2 times a month. High prevalence rates were found in male, married person and those with low-religious spirit in a usual amount of drinking(p〈0.05), male in the latest amount of drinking(p〈0.05), male, forties, married person and those with the highest monthly family income and those with low-religious spirit in frequency of drinking during the latest month(p〈0.05). The score of alcohol-related problem(ARP) was as follows: male workers-2.61, female workers-1.61 out of 35. The score of ARP was statistically significantly different according to sex(p〈0.05). A positive correlation was observed between amount of drinking, frequency of drinking and ARP(p〈0.01). The score of knowledge about alcohol was 3.6 and any correlation and statistically significant difference were not observed between the knowledge about alcohol and drinking behavior. The score of allowable attitude about drinking was statistically significantly different according to sex(p〈0.05), age(p〈0.05). A positive correlation was observed between attitude about drinking and amount of drinking, frequency of drinking, ARP(p〈0.01). The work stress and stress copying had no significant relations with drinking behavior. Most respondents do not drink at stress situation.

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Smoking, Meat Intake and Exercise related to Alcohol Use

  • Lee, Miok;Lee, Kwang Ok;Jung, Myoungjee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between drinking, smoking, meat intake, and exercise. The participants were 1,060 males and females who voluntarily responded to the survey by visiting the health promotion booth at the H Festival held in C city in 2014. Research data were collected in interview form using questionnaires on alcohol use, smoking, exercise, and meat intake. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, cross tabulation analysis, multinominal logistic regression after stratification of gender using the SPSS 24 program. The results of the study are as follows: Smokers had a significantly higher frequency of drinking ($x^2=163.33$, p<.001) than non-smokers. Meat intake was high when alcohol use was high ($x^2=35.13$, p<.001). The risk rates for smoking, meat consumption, and exercise related to alcohol use are as follows. The smoking was higher as the frequency of drinking increased. For men, smoking OR(odd ratio) was 6.26 (p=.001) and for women, smoking risk OR was 16.82 (p=.002). Meats intake showed a higher OR as the alcohol use increased. The OR of almost daily ingestion of meat at frequent drinking days was 4.40 (p=.002) for males and 4.52(p=.009) for females. As the frequency of drinking increased, the OR of days of exercise tended to decrease. In men, the OR was 0.36 (p=.003), the lowest in the probability of exercising more than 5 days when drinking high. In the case of women drinking less than once a week, the OR was 0.43 (p=.027), which was the lowest for exercise for 5 days or more. In conclusion, the higher the frequency of drinking, the higher the smoking and meat intake, and the less exercise. If drinking, smoking, and meat intake are high but there is a lack of exercise, a chronic disease can occur and cause premature death unless there is a change in the new health behavior. The results of this study suggest researches to understand the motives related to alcohol abstinence, smoking cessation, dietary control and exercise, and to develop programs.

Factors Influencing Drinking of Employees: Focus on the White Collar Employees (직장인의 음주에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 사무직 직장인을 중심으로)

  • Kweon, Gu-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.93-118
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    • 2005
  • This research examined influence of job stress and drinking subculture on the drinking of white collar employees. The results are as follows: First, there are a higher percentage of population among white collar employees who hold drinking problems in terms of frequency of drinking, amount of drinking, frequency of binge drinking comparing with general populace. The results of research revealed that drinking problems of white collar employees is quite close to dangerous level. Second, job stress didn't display a consistent relationship with drinking and drinking problem, however, drinking subculture revealed that it was related with drinking and drinking problem exhibiting significant influence. And, the results of research didn't support tension reduction hypothesis, and it was identified that social learning theory is main factor that will explain drinking and drinking problem of white collar employees. Therefore, researcher suggested as follow; First, practitioners and researchers exert their efforts for studying about drinking in the relationship to white collar employees. They should also have more interests in the topic from a practical perspective. Second, suggest that EAPs be introduced in order to prevent white collar employees from drinking problem and to promote increase of entire welfare. Third, suggest that succeeding research endeavors be required, which shall embrace all of white & blue collar employees.

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A Study for The Prognostic Indicators of Korean Alcoholics in Psychological, Social and Biological Aspects (한국인 알코올중독 환자의 예후인자에 관한 연구 : 심리적, 사회적, 생물학적 요인을 중심으로)

  • Sung, Sang-Kyung;Chang, Hwan-Il
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.218-236
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    • 1995
  • The author studied prognostic indicators of sixty Korean male alcoholics in psychological, social and biological aspects who were divided into abstinent and drinking groups. Thirty patients were assigned to each group. They were controlled in age and sex. Both groups were compared in terms of the demographic characteristics, past drinking history, treatment history, famaily history, ego strength and personality factors differences and distribution of dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene Al allele. Also the author studied relation of clinical course, alcoholic family history and dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene Al allele in both groups. The results were as follows; 1) The abstinent group had higher rate of married state, higher economic status, longer education years and maintained more stable job than the drinking group. But made no differences in occupation and religion. 2) The abstinent group showed higher rate of living with family members than the drinking group, and wives and fellows of the alcoholics anonymous were important factors for maintenance of abstinence. Family loading and parent's characters were not different. 3) The abstinent group had longer maximal length of abstinence but mean amount of alcohol consumption per day were larger than the drinking group. But there were no differences in duration of past drinking, drinking pattern, main drinking time, first drinking age and preference of the kind of alcoholic beverage in the past drinking history. 4) The abstinent group showed stronger treatment motivation, absolute abstinence in treatment goal, more voluntary adimission and maintained longer therapeutic relationship otter discharge than the drinking group. But both groups showed negative attitude toward antabuse therapy. 5) The abstinent group had higher mean score in ego strength scale than the drinking group. 6) In the personality factor questionnaire, the abstinent group showed strong laugh poise and the trait of praxernia, conservatism personality but the drinking group showed tough poise, the trait of weak ego strength(unstableness) and tough mindedness personality. 7) In comparision of dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene A1 allele, the prevalence of A1 allele was seventy percent and the frequency was 0.38 in the abstinent group. The prevalence of A1 allele was sixty percent and the frequency was 0.42 in the drinking group. Both groups were not significantly different in A1 allele prevalence and frequency. 8) In comparision of dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene A1 allele according to alcoholic family history, the prevalence of A1 allele was seventy percent and the frequency was 0.43 in the family history positive group. The prevalence of A1 allele was sixty-one percent and the frequency was 0.38 in the family history negative group. Both groups were not significantly different in A1 allele prevalence and frequency. In comparision of past drinking history according to alcoholic family history, the family history positive group showed earlier first drinking and problem drinking, but the family history negative group hod longer duration of past drinking. The mean amount of alcohol consumption per day, the longest duration of abstinence and Alcoholism Screening Test of Seoul Natoinal Mental Hospital(NAST) results were not significant. In conclusion, the results suggest that successful prognostic indicators of Korean alcoholics are married state, higher economic status, longer education years, stable job, living with family members, longer abstinence during past drinking history, strong treatment motivation, absolute abstinence in treatment goal, voluntary adimission, maintained therapeufic relationship, strong ego strength and the trait of praxernia, conservatism personality. But occupation, religion, alcoholic family history, parent's characters, duration of past drinking, drinking pattern, main drinking time, first drinking age, preference of the kind of alcoholic beverage, attitude to antabuse therapy and distribution of dopamine $D_2$ receptor A1 allele were not significantly related to the prognostic indicators of Korean alcoholics.

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A Comparative Analysis of Drinking Attitudes and Behavior among College Students in Busan (부산지역 남녀 대학생의 음주태도 및 음주행태 비교분석)

  • Kang, Ji-Eun;Choi, Han-Seok;Choi, Ji-Ho;Yeo, Soo-Hwan;Jung, Seok-Tae;Kim, Mihyang
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates drinking attitudes and behaviors of university students. The sample included 355 students living in Busan, Korea. The questionnaire addressed general background information (gender, age, grade and monthly pocket money), drinking attitudes (understanding the effects of alcohol on the body, stereotype of drink, age at the first drink, the drinking companion at the first drink, reasons for starting to drink, main drinking companions, major reasons for drinking, the history of drinking alone, and reasons for drinking alone), drinking behaviors (the cost of each drinking occasion, drinking amounts, the frequency of drinking, the frequency of heavy drinking, the type of alcoholic beverage, and the places of drinking). A few respondents (both male and female students) started drinking while in high school (p<0.05), and most respondents drank with friends (males: 91.0%, female: 92.2%). The main reasons for drinking were the mood for male student (46.3%) and relationships for female student (49.1%) (p<0.05). Male respondents consumed more than seven glasses of soju (39.9%), whereas female respondents, five to seven glasses (49.7%) (p<0.05). On average, the respondents drank one to two times a week (males: 47.9%, females: 51.5%) and experienced heavy drinking one to three times every three months (males: 19.1%, females: 21.0%) (p<.05). The results suggest that students with frequent alcohol consumption and heavy alcohol dependence are likely to face problems and thus require aggressive intervention strategies that target them specifically.