• 제목/요약/키워드: diving suit

검색결과 12건 처리시간 0.022초

한국 해녀에서 잠수복 착용이 작업시간 및 열대사에 미치는 영향 (Fffect of Wearing Diving Suit on Energy Metabolism and Diving Time Period in Korean Women Divers)

  • 강두희;강복순;이중우;김희중
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 1976
  • Rectal temperature, skin temperature and oxygen consumption were measured in five women divers during diving under two conditions a) wearing a cotton bathing suit and b) wearing a diving suit and the following results were obtained. 1. The duration of the diving period was 30 min with the cotton bathing suit whereas it was above 120 min with the diving suit. 2. The average rectal temperature fell to $34.5^{\circ}C$ after 30 min of diving with the cotton bathing suit. On the other hand, with the diving suit, immediately after submersion, the rectal temperature rose about $3^{\circ}C$ and remained at about $39^{\circ}C$ throughout the diving period of 120 min. 3. Average mean skin temperature during diving was $11^{\circ}C$ and $21^{\circ}C$ with cotton bathing suit and with the diving suit, respectively. The mean body temperature fell to $25^{\circ}C$ with the cotton bathing suit while it reached $32^{\circ}C$ with the diving suit at the end of each diving period. 4. Oxygen consumption during diving was three fold of the pre-dive level with the cotton bathing suit but it was two fold with the diving suit. 5. Total extra heat loss was 323 kcal during 120 min of diving with the diving suit. On the contrary, with the cotton bathing suit, it was 528 kcal for 30 min, These results may suggest that the prolongation of the diving period with the diving suit is primarily due to maintenance of core temperature at more or less physiological level as a result of reduction in conductive heat loss from the body surface to the water and the Preferential distribution of blood in the core area.

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3D 스캔데이터를 활용한 국내 남성용 스킨스쿠버복 패턴개발 (Development of the Men's Scuba Diving Suit Pattern by Using 3D Body-Scanned Data)

  • 최진희
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the pattern of scuba diving suits for local men in their thirties by using 3D body-scanned data. It is widely acknowledged that draping method is more suitable than flat pattern for body shape as most scuba diving suits in the market are designed to fit the body tightly in a single piece with sleeves and legs. A dummy for this study was made based on men's standard clothing sizes in 30's which was derived from data of 2004 Size Korea. Accordingly, the basic body block was built upon through draping method. Next, a scuba diving suit was made from neoprene, followed by fit and the clothing pressure tests in order to evaluate the diving suit's functionality and comfort. The results of the fit test had high points of 4.33 in majority parts except armhole and crotch ones. In comparison of clothing pressure between wearer and dummy, the clothing pressure of wearer was indicated relatively low in most parts other than armhole and knee, resulting from cushion function of skin and muscle and high stretch of fabric.

국내 남성용 스킨스쿠버복 생산실태 및 소비자 만족도 (The Production Conditions and Consumer Satisfaction of Men's Scuba Diving Suits)

  • 최진희;정진아
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제33권11호
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    • pp.1683-1695
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    • 2009
  • This study analyzes the production process of eight domestic companies that manufacture scuba diving suits for men with an emphasis on the level of consumer satisfaction in scuba diving suits purchases. One hundred fifty questionnaires were distributed and a total of 140 usable data were coded for further statistical analysis that includes descriptive statistics (frequency and ${\chi}^2$ test) through SPSSWIN 17.0. The results show that a majority of the domestic scuba diving suit companies were either small, manufactured products under original equipment manufacturer (OEM) brands, or were involved in the import business. Many of these companies have developed a local sizing system derived from a company database of customer sizing. As a result, different companies have different sizes that lead to confusion and complication among consumers in selecting the correct size for scuba diving suits. The results indicate that most high-priced diving suits are made of imported fabrics because they had superior quality, fitness, and thickness compared to domestic brands. The degree of consumer satisfaction with scuba diving suits was found to be low in comfort, stuffiness, and activity. Respondents indicated that they felt a little tightness in circumstances such as bust, wrist, and thigh in measurements of circumstances. On the other hand, the respondents showed a high degree of satisfaction with body fitness in scuba diving suits. Further research will clarify a standardized sizing system and develop patterns suitable for Korean men's scuba diving suit body sizes.

우리나라의 잠수사고 사례 고찰 (A study on diving casualties of KOREA)

  • 이창우;정창호
    • 한국마린엔지니어링학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2005년도 전기학술대회논문집
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    • pp.886-891
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to provide divers with improved safe diving practices by analyzing reports on scuba diving casualties that recently occured in Korea, Japan and USA. The result of this study should be notified to all the divers in Korea for the purpose of preventing the diving accident. All the data were collected through the diving accident reports of various sourses, which include KUA(Korea Underwater Association) technical committee, the accident statistical data of National Maritime Police Agency, articles of domestic and foreign scuba diving magazine, accident reports of various newspaper, annual report on decompression illness and diving fatalities by DAN(Diver Alert Network), various type of data on diving accident from local as well as national seminars, and medical treatment data of diving accident.

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잠수복 패턴 자동 설계 및 $CO_2$ 레이저 절단을 위한 통합 시스템 개발 (Integrated Automation System of Pattern Design and $CO_2$ Laser Cutting for Diving Suits)

  • 윤세봉;강병수;강재관;김여숙
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2004년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, an integrated automation system of pattern design and $CO_2$ laser cutting for diving suits is presented. Pattern design includes grading which creates a full-size range from a base pattern. Tool path for laser cutting from the patterns is generated in G-code format. $CO_2$ Laser cutting machine is developed to help cut the patterns with accuracy and speed. Aluminum profiles, ball screws, and stepping motors are engaged into the machine as frame structure, transfer unit, and driving devices respectively. The developed system is tested in dry suit cutting, convincing it can be readily introduced in driving suits manufacturing with respect to cost and efficiency.

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테크니컬 다이빙 슈트 개발을 위한 잠수복 동향 분석 - 습식 잠수복과 반건식 잠수복을 중심으로 - (Analysis of trends in diving suits for development of technical diving suits - with focus on wet and semi-dry types -)

  • 김효숙;최인영;신현숙
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2020
  • As people have gained leisure time and become more interested in sports, various industries catering to these sports, including aquatic and underwater activities are growing. Many people are getting into scuba diving, where people can explore the sea at depths of more than 40-meters. Despite the increasing demand, there are limited studies on the sport. This study aims to provide basic research on materials suitable for developing technical scuba diving suits by analyzing several areas, such as design, material, sewing patterns, etc. The following trends were observed in all wetsuits: closure designs, ergonomic patterns, practical and functional details. Neoprene was the primary material of diving suits, and various functional materials were attached to the outer fabric or lining. The seam technique which minimized water contact and improved durability was sewing. Various techniques were also applied, such as flatlock stitching, GBS, LFS, etc. Subsequent studies shall investigate consumer preference etc. and other aspects, and continue to allow for the research and development of technical diving suits.

해녀의 공공복지서비스 실태와 욕구 비교 분석 (Public welfare services and the needs of the Haenyeo and a comparative analysis)

  • 김상미;황경수
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제13권10호
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    • pp.4557-4563
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 제주, 부산 및 통영 해녀의 공공복지 서비스 실태와 욕구 비교분석을 통하여 해녀들의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 공공복지서비스 지원에 대한 기준을 제시하고자 하였다. 이에 따라 조사기간은 2010년 5월11일부터 6월21일 간 실시하였고, 제주 3지역, 부산 영도구, 통영시 각 지역 해녀를 대상으로 하였다. 조사방법은 인터뷰 조사방법 중 녹음을 통해 공공복지의 현 실태를 파악하였고, 경제적, 의료적, 교육적, 문화적으로 구분하여 해녀들의 공공복지 서비스 욕구를 비교분석이 이루어졌다. 각 지역 해녀에 대한 공공복지 서비스 실태를 살펴본 결과, 제주지역은 잠수보호 육성 분야, 고령 잠수 해녀를 위한 공공복지 서비스, 의료서비스 지원이 실시되고 있었다. 부산광역시의 경우 테왁보호망, 선진지 견학, 복지시설 지원 등이 지원되고 있었으나, 통영시의 경우, 지원하고 있는 사업의 없는 실정이다. 따라서 이러한 공공 복시 서비스 실태에 대한 해녀들의 욕구는 첫째, 제주지역 해녀의 경제적 지원에 대한 욕구는 해녀 체험장 지원, 잠수복 지원, 해외견학 등으로 나타났고, 교육적 지원으로는 해녀의 정체성교육, 잠수병 예방교육, 외국어교육지원에 대한 욕구를 보였고, 문화적 지원에서는 복지회관 설치, 해외 해녀문화 교류탐방으로 나타났다. 둘째, 부산지역에서는 경제적 지원으로서 탈의실 및 수산물 판매장 건립, 잠수복 지원이 요구되었고, 의료적 지원은 잠수병 및 의료혜택 지원에 대한 욕구, 교육적 지원으로는 잠수기술 교육에 대한 욕구가 나타났으며, 문화적으로는 복지회관 설립과 해녀박물관 건립에 대한 욕구가 있었다. 셋째, 해녀에 대한 공공복지 서비스가 비교적 열악한 통영에서는 잠수복지원, 탈의실 건립지원의 경제적 욕구와, 부산지역과 마찬가지로 의료적 지원에서는 잠수병 및 의료혜택에 대한 지원욕구를 보였다.

빅데이터 분석을 활용한 프리다이빙 슈트에 대한 소비자 인식 연구 (A Study of Consumer Perception on Freediving Suits Utilizing Big Data Analysis)

  • 김지은;이은영
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2024
  • Freediving, an underwater leisure sport that involves diving without the use of a breathing apparatus, has gained popularity among younger demographics through the viral spread of images and videos on social media platforms. This study employs prominent Big Data analysis techniques, including text mining, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic analysis, and opinion mining to explore the keywords associated with freediving suits over the past five years. The research aims to analyze the rapidly evolving market trends of freediving suits and the increasingly complex and diverse consumer perceptions to provide foundational data for activating the freediving suit market and developing strategies for sustained growth. The study identified the keyword 'size' related to freediving suits and conducted opinion mining on 'freediving suit sizes'. Although the results showed a higher positive than negative sentiment, negative keywords were also extracted, indicating the need to understand and mitigate the negative factors associated with 'size'. The findings offer vital guidelines for the advancement of the freediving suit market and enhancing consumer satisfaction. This study is important as it contributes foundational data for continuous growth strategies of the freediving suit market.

웨트수트 착용실태 및 제품개발을 위한 사이즈 체계 조사 -국내 브랜드와 수입 브랜드의 비교를 중심으로- (Investigation of Wetsuit Wearing Condition and Size System for Product Development -Comparison between Domestic Brands and Imported Brands-)

  • 허희진;김시연;이조은;주신영;남윤자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.408-418
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the purchasing and wearing conditions of wetsuits, and analyzes consumer awareness on wetsuit functional factors between domestic and imported brands. This research provides basic information on presenting competitiveness and developing suitable wetsuits for the Korean body shape through an investigation of a size system. An in-depth interview was conducted to consider consumer awareness with 10 persons of different levels of scuba diving experience. The survey variables consist of classified suggestion of inquires for functional factors and size systems. We distributed 80 questionnaires to scuba diving club members; subsequently, a total of 66 usable data sets were coded for statistical analysis through SPSS WIN 18.0. The result shows that respondents preferred imported ready-to-wear brands, whereas national ready-to-wear brands were purchased less often. However, the difference in customer awareness of functional factors between domestic and imported brands was not significant. In evaluating the size system of six brands (including three domestic and three imported brands), wetsuits of domestic brands were better fitted to the Korean body shape than imported brands; however, competitiveness has been hindered by public perception that domestic brands imitate imported brands. The results suggest that domestic brands can strengthen their competitiveness through promoting a lower price and size suited to Koreans while trying to change public perception as imitators of imported brands.

다이빙용 웨트수트(wetsuit) 소재에 대한 소비자 인식조사와 물성 비교 (Consumer recognition and mechanical property comparison of wetsuit material for diving)

  • 상정선;오경화
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2018
  • Consumer and property evaluation of wetsuit materials were conducted to obtain useful data for developing competitive products that meet consumer expectations and improving industrial competitiveness. Data were collected through online surveys of 213 domestic consumers who have experienced wearing wetsuit among marine leisure activities. Five types of commercial wet suit materials by brand and four types of commercial wet suit materials with the same quality by thickness were collected. Then, their physical properties, salt water resistance and thermal insulation rate were evaluated and compared. As a result, the most commonly used wetsuit material is 3 to 5 mm thick, and the basic jersey material is bonded on both sides. As a processing for imparting functionality, processing for improving warmth and reducing surface resistance are most frequently used. Consumers often feel uncomfortable when wearing a wetsuit, such as wearing comfort, weight, ease of movement, stretchability, and clothing pressure, which are different from those of casual wear. Also, mechanical strength and warmth were considered to be the most important criteria for selection of wetsuit material for purchase or rental. The mechanical properties of brand A and B were better than those of brand C, D, and E. Resilience and thermal shrinkage were better in brand C, D, and E. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the physical properties due to the difference in thickness of the material at the same quality. Also, it was found that the thicker the material, the more stable it is in the heat. Brand A and B had superior salt water resistance than brand C, D, and E. In the thermal insulation test, brand A and B showed better insulation characteristics than brand C, D, and E, but the types of bonded fabric and surface finishing of materials were thought to have affected. In comparison of the thickness, the thicker the materials, the better the salt resistance and the thermal insulation.