• Title/Summary/Keyword: direct method

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Total Arterial Revascularization Using Y-composite Graft for Isolated Left Main Coronary Artery Disease (단독 좌주간 관동맥 협착병변에서 Y-도관을 이용한 완전 동맥도관 관상동맥우회로 조성술)

  • Ahn, Byong-Hee;Yu, Ung;Chun, Joon-Kyung;Ryu, Sang-Wan;Choi, Yong-Sun;Kim, Byong-Pyo;Hong, Sung-Bum;Bum, Min-Sun;Na, Kook-Ju;Jung, Myung-Ho;Kim, Sang-Hyung
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2004
  • Background: For the treatment of isolated left main coronary artery disease, twelve arterial revascularizations with Y-composite grafts using left internal thoracic artery and radial artery or right gastroepiploic artery were peformed. This study was performed to investigate whether V-composite graft can satisfy the blood flow required to make myocardium act properly or not. Borderline stenotic lesions on the left main coronary artery, which are very prone to remodel the bypassed vessels due to competitive flows, were also considered. Material and Method: Among 247 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting from March 2000 to April 2003, 12 patients (4.7%) who had received total arterial revascularizations for the isolated left main coronary artery disease were studied retrospectively. Result: left anterior descending arteries were bypassed with left internal thoracic artery by off-pump technique in all patients, however, 2 cases of left obtuse marginal branches were bypassed under on-pump beating heart. Except for one patient, who did not have an obtuse marginal branch more than 1 mm in diameter, 11 patients had gone through complete arterial revascularizations by use of the Y shape arterial graft. Among five patients who had less than 75% stenosis, one patient showed string sign on left internal thoracic artery grafted to left anterior descending artery. However, two grafts to obtuse marginal blanches were completely obstructed and one showed slender sign. There were no graft-dominant flow in patients with stenotic lesion less than 75%. On the contrary to the result of patients with stenotic lesions less than 75%, all the patients with stenotic lesions more than 90% showed graft-dominant blood flow. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is assumed that, when stenotic lesions are over 90%, coronary artery bypass grafting with an Y shape arterial graft could possibly give enough help to the obstructed coronary arteries in blood supplying to myocardium, which needs massive quantity of blood to act well. However, when patients have borderline stenoses, through scrupulous examinations, more prudent and flexible decisions are required in choosing the treatment methods, such as, direct anastomosis of vein or artery to aorta, or adding supplementary treatment methods like percutaneous coronary intervention, rather than choosing a fixed treatment methods.

Studies on canine babesiosis in Korea I. In vitro isolation and antigenic properties of Babesia gibsoni (개 바베시아병에 관한 연구 I. Babesia gibsoni의 시험관내 분리와 항원성상에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-kweon;Suh, Myung-deuk
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.681-692
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    • 1996
  • The present study was conducted to isolate Babesia gibsoni by culture method of the microaerophilous stationary phase(MASP) and analyse the antigenic properties of the parasite by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot. The results obtained were summarized as follows. The protozoan parasite Babesia gibsoni multiplied in canine erythrocytes in RPMI 1640 medium(pH7.0) containing 20 40% normal canine serum under the MASP condition of 5% CO2 and 95% air at $37^{\circ}C$ incubator. The levels of parasitaemia in the erythrocytes were shown more higher by exchanging the medium at 24 hours interval. Under the above condition of MASP, the percentage of parasitized erythrocytes(PPE) after incubation for 8 days increased about 14 times more than that in the initiation of the 1% infected canine erythrocyte culture. The parasites were purely isolated from the MASP culture of red blood cells collected from dogs infected with Babesia gibsoni naturally or artificially. Among the total of 36 canine(Pit-bullterier) blood samples the parasites were isolated from 17 cases(47.2%) in the MASP culture while the parasites were detected from 20 cases(56%) and 12 cases(33.3%), respectively, by indirect fluorescent antibody(IFA) test and direct light microscopy(DLM). On the other hand, Babesia gibsoni was isolated by MASP culture from 15 cases(75%) and 11 cases(92%) of positive cases of IFA and DLM, respectively. In the analysis of the erythrocytic merozoite(AEOM) antigen derived from infected dog approximately 11 antigenic bands in molecular weight of 130, 120, 97.4, 92, 80, 52, 50, 42, 36, 30 and 29 KDa were observed on SDS-PAGE. Antigenic bands in the endoerythrocytic merozoite(CEOM) antigen derived from infected erythrocyte (sediment) in MASP culture were much similar to those of AEOM bands. In the exoerythrocytic merozoite(CEEM) antigen derived from supernatant of the infected erythrocyte culture approximately 20 antigenic bands were observed and the molecular weight of the major bands among these were 140, 120, 114, 105, 96, 93, 92, 80, 60, 52, 50, 38, 36, 30, 24, 18.5 and 16 KDa. In the protein patterns of AEOM and CEOM antigen by immunoblot 15 bands were observed and these patterns were much similar between each other. The molecular weight of the major bands in the both antigens were 130, 120, 80, 60, 52, 50, 42, 30, 29, 18.5 and 16 KDa. Approximately 21 bands were observed in CEEM antigen and the molecular weight of the major bands were 140, 120, 96, 92, 85, 80, 76, 60, 52, 50, 37, 30, 24, 16 and 15 KDa. The specific antigenic bands in the artificially infected dogs were firstly observed at 3 weeks afrer inoculation of infected blood and these antigenic bands were maintained up to 18 months after inoculation. In the immunoblot of the sera of the splenectomized dogs the specific antigenic bands with the molecular weight of 93 KDa and 52 KDa, respectively, were observed weakly comparing to those of non-splenectomized dog. In immunoblot of the sera collected from the naturally infected dogs the antigenic bands were observed as same as those of artificially infected dogs while antigenic band of 29 KDa in some individual dog showed strongly. In comparison of immunoblot of the sera collected from dogs non-treated and treated with diminazene aceturate(7mg/kg, IM) after artificial infection no differences of antigenic bands were observed. In analysis of antigenic bands by digoxigenin glycan/protein double labeling, antigenic bands in the molecular weight of 106, 60 58, 36, 30 and 29 KDa were determined as glycoproteins.

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A Study on Qian Yi(錢乙)'s Medical Though (전을(錢乙)의 의학사상(醫學思想)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Jun Hwan;Kim, Ki Wook;Park, Hyun Kook
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-152
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    • 2001
  • Throughout this paper, I adjusted the study of 'Qian Yi'(錢乙)'s Medical Thought, and the following is the summary. 1. 'Qian Yi' wrote 'Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue'("小兒藥證直訣", edited by 誾季忠), and there were 'Shang Han Lun Zhi Wei'("傷寒論指微"), 'Ying Ru Lun', however those are loss of the record. 2. Qian Yi's 'Zhi Jue'("直訣") was influenced by 'Lu Xin Jing', yet if we compare the quality of 'Sheng Li, Byeng Li, Bang Jae'(生理, 病理, 方劑), 'Lu Xin Jing' cannot be the foundation of 'Zhi Jue'. He took over 'Nei Jing, Shang Han Lun, Jin Gui Yao Lue, Shen Long Ben Cao Jing, Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang'("內經", "傷寒論", "金?要略", "神膿本草經", "太平聖惠方") and put them together to the direct clinical experiences of pediatrics. 3. There is no reference regarding the difficulties of pediatric diagnosis and diseases in 'Huang Di Nei Jing'("黃帝內經") Before 'Bei Song'(北宋), regardless of the lack of data related to pediatric diseases, 'Qian Yi' established the pediatric system in 'Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue' for the first time. 4. In his diagnosis of the pediatric diseases, he 'Si Zhen He Can'(四診合參), also considered in the eye exam seriously. In addition, he closely combined 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng'(五臟辨證), and diagnosis the pediatric diseases. 5. 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng', what Qian established method was based on 'Zheng Ti Guan'(整體觀) in 'Huang Di Nei Jing'. It was based on clinical experiences and established the perspectives of 'Tian Ren Xiang Ying'(天人相應). First of all, he pinpointed 'Zhu Zheng'(主證) clearly. Secondly, he pinpointed the relationships to symptoms and then, he distinguished a generic character of 'Xu, Shi, Han, Re'(虛, 實, 寒, 熱). Finally, he made an induction from genealogical pediatric physiology. 6. 'Qian Yi' took a serious view of 'Ban Zhen'(斑疹), the inadequate field in those days. At that time, he criticized on the habituation of the misuse of medication. He treated separately which 'Ji Jing'(急驚) as 'Liang Xie'(凉瀉) and 'Man Jing'(慢驚) as 'Wen Bu'(溫補). He proposed 'Cong Gan Zhu Feng, Xin Zhu Jing'(從肝主風, 心主驚) theory and formulated 'Jing Feng'(驚風) theory as well. 7. As an opponent of a tendency to misusage of medicine, 'Qian Yi' made out a prescription with pliant medicine. He emphasized on the treatment to 'Gong Bu Shang Zheng, Bu Bu Zhi Xie, Xiao Bu Jian Shi'(攻不傷正, 補不滯邪, 消補兼施) because he had so lucid demonstration to 'Xu Shi Han Re'(虛實寒熱) of the five viscera in the field of 'Bang Yak'(方藥). 8. There were no pediatrics schools at that time, however, the pediatrics was being made up gradually by 'Jin Yuan Si Da Jia'(金元四大家) who was influenced by 'Qian Yi'. He raised an objection to medical treatment using pliant medicine. 'Qian Yi' applied 'Qu Xia'(驅下) treatment using 'Han Liang'(寒凉) medicine. 'Han Liang Pai'(寒凉派) is greatly influenced by Qian. 'Chen Wen Zhong'(陳文中) had a great impact on 'Han Liang Pai' who used a 'Zao Shu Wen Bu'(燥熟溫補) medicine for treatment. Since 'Song Jin'(宋金), he had a tremendous influence on pediatrics treating patients in both 'Han Wen'(寒溫) ways. 9. 'Qian Yi' had an influence on his medical thoughts on future generations, especially to 'Wan Quan'(萬全) of 'Ming Dai', 'Wu Tang'(吳塘) of 'Qing Dai'(淸代) and 'Yun Shu Jie'(?樹珏) of 'Min Guo'(民國). 'Wan Quan' is an advocate of 'You Yu, Bu Zu Zhi Shuo'(有餘, 不足之說)of 'Xiao Er Wu Zang'(小兒五臟) that he revealed Qian's 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng'(五臟辨證). 'Wu Tang' disclosed Qian's 'Xiao Er Ti Zhi Shuo'(小兒體質說) and 'Xiao Er Ke'(小兒科)'s 'Yong Yao Lun'(用藥論), therefore, he uncovered pediatric physiological characteristics through the advocate of Qian's 'Zang Fu Rou Ruo, Ji Gu Nen Qie, Yi Xu Yi Shi, Yi Han Yi Re' (臟腑柔弱, 肌骨嫩怯, 易虛易實, 易寒易熱). 'Yun Shu Jie' developed intrinsic relationships among time, symptom and 'Tian Ren Xiang Ying Guan'(天人相應觀), What 'Qian Yi' stated about them. And also, he developed Qian's 'Di Huang Wan'(地黃丸), 'Xie Qing Wan'(瀉靑丸), 'Yi Huang San'(益黃散) clinical usages as well. 10. Regarding Qian's 'Wu Zang Xu Shi'(五臟虛實), it has an influence on 'Zhang Yuan Su'(張元素)'s 'Zang Fu Bing Ji Bian Zheng'(臟腑病機辨證). 'Di Huang Wan', 'Xie Qing Wan', 'Xie Xin Tang'(瀉心湯), 'Yi Huang San', 'Xie Huang San'(瀉黃散) are the standard prescription of 'Wu Zang Bu Xie'(五臟補瀉). It is under the influence of Qian's treatment. Besides, 'Qian Yi' took a serious view of 'Xiao Er'(小兒)'s 'Pi Wei'(脾胃). 'Qian Yi' had an impact on 'Li Dong Yuan'(李東垣) one of the member of 'Bu Tu Pai'(補土派). 'Di Huang Wan', which placed great importance on 'Bu Yi Shen Yin'(補益腎陰), had a great impact on 'Da Bu Yin Wan'(大補陰丸) and 'Jin Yuan Si Da Jia' as well. 11. In a theory of Qian's 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng', though it had been stated clearly in 'Wu Zang Bian Zheng', but he neglected in 'Liu Fu Bian Zheng'(六腑辨證). In prescription field, The problem with the medicine is that it is either toxic or mineral, therefore, we are not able to use those medicine in a clinical testing at the present time.

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Study of Elementary and Middle School Students' Consumption of Foods Cooked at High Heat (초등학생과 중학생의 고온가열조리식품 섭취실태조사 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Kyoung;Yoon, Ki-Sun
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.685-698
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    • 2010
  • Acrolein is a highly toxic, reactive mutagenic aldehyde. Humans are exposed to acrolein vapors from overheated cooking oil, cigarette smoke, and combustion of organic products. In this study, we investigated elementary and middle school students' consumption of foods cooked at high heat, such as fried, direct fire, and indirect fire cooked foods. The subjects of this survey study were 265 fifth grade students and 396 middle school students nationwide. According to the results of the frequency test, broiled fish was the most frequently consumed, followed by fried fish, indirect cooked samgyebsal, and other fried foods, which were eaten more than three times per month. The total intake of foods cooked at high heat per child over 1 year was in the following order: Fried chicken(7.50 kg) > Samgeybsal(6.57 kg) > Broiled pork ribs(4.18 kg) > Broiled fish(4.12 kg) > Bulgogi(3.31 kg) > Fried dish(3.18 kg) > Pork cuttlet(3.17 kg) > Jeyukbockeum(3.13 kg) > Charcoal-broiled beef ribs(2.74 kg) > Roasted whole chicken(2.05 kg) > Dackochi(1.87 kg) > Tangsuyuk(1.87 kg) > Fried fish(1.83 kg) > Hamburger patties(1.21 kg) > Fried potato(1.01 kg) > Barbecue(0.95 kg) > Doughnut(0.80 kg) > Corn dog(0.66 kg) > Croquette(0.51 kg). The favorite cooking method was indirect fire cooking for beef, pork, and fish, whereas frying was preferred for chicken. The results of this study provide important data for assessment of acrolein exposure via foods cooked at high heat temperature. The results also indicate that children might be exposed to acrolein through consumption of foods cooked at high heat temperature, suggesting the need to promote education of proper food consumption behavior.

The usefulness of the contrast agent high in gadolinium for the contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance hip arthrography (고관절의 자기공명관절조영검사 시 가돌리늄 함유량이 높은 조영제의 유용성)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Son, Soon-Yong;Lee, Ho-Beom;Na, Sa-Ra;Min, Jung-Whan;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5682-5688
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to maximize diagnositc usefulness with increasing signal to noise ratio(SNR) and contrast to noise ratio(CNR) by using a 1mmol/mL gadolinium contrast agent. From January 2012 to June 2013 fourty-seven patients were underwent the MRI scanning to investigate the contrast difference in gadolinium content. Twenty of the patients were injencted the commercial contrast agent containing 0.5mmol/mL gadolinium and the rest of them were injected the new contrast agent containing 1mmol/mL gadolinium called gadobutrol. We measured and evaluated each SNR and CNR of the hip joint space, iliopsoas muscle and femoral head. As a result, using the 1mmol/mL gadolinium contrast agent had the higher SNR results than using the 0.5mmol/mL agent(27% in the hip joint, 30.01% in the femoral head). Also CNR using the 1mmol/mL gadolinium agent was proved to be higher than that of using 0.5mmol/mL agent(28.31% in the ilopsoas muscle and 26.74% in the femoral head). Therefore, the contrast agent containing more gadolinium like 1mmol/mL used in this study is more effective to shorten T1 relaxation time, so it increases the signal intensity and CNR and furthermore maximizes diagnostic value. This study reports the usefulness of the 1mmol/mL contrast agent in the contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance hip arthrography for the first. Therefore, it can be considered to have an meaningful academic value as showing the method for increasing the diagnostic usefulness by using the 1mmol/mL contrast agent.

Incidence Density of Antibody against Hepatitis C Virus in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area; A Retrospective Cohort Study - Based on Medical Screening Data from a General Hospital - (서울 경기지역 성인의 C형 간염 바이러스 항체 양성자 평균발생률; 후향적 코호트 연구 - 일개 병원의 종합검진 자료를 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Seung-Ho;Kim, Dong-Il;Suh, Byung-Seong;Kim, Woon-Sool;Chang, Yoo-Soo;Beck, Sung-Ho;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Yong-Kyu;Song, Jae-Chul
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : This study was performed to determine the incidence density and the prevalence of sero-positive hepatitis C from 1999 to 2002 among adults aged 20 and over residing in Seoul and the Gyeonggi province. Method : The data for period was obtained from 114,635 adults, residing in Seoul or the Gyeonggi province, who had undertaken comprehensive health screening tests from Jan 1999 to Dec 2002 in a University hospital in Seoul. Among them, subjects with sero-negative status against hepatitis C were selected (21,408 in 1999, 28,830 in 2000) and then followed up until Dec 2002 to determine the incidence of hepatitis C during this period. The serum was tested with the immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) which uses third generation HCV antibody. Age adjusted rates were estimated by direct standardization using a reference population of 2000 aged from 20 to 80 years. Results : The prevalence of anti-HCV from 1999 to 2002 was 2.1 per 1000 persons(95% CI $1.8{\sim}2.4$). Male showed 1.7 per 1000 persons (95% CI $1.4{\sim}2.1$), while female showed 2.7 per 1000 persons(95% CI $2.2{\sim}3.2$). Age?sex adjusted rate showed 2.8 per 1000 persons (95% CI $2.64{\sim}2.96$), which is lower than the results of some previous study. The prevalence showed a significantly increasing pattern with age both in males and females (p<0.05). The incidence density of anti-HCV among the population aged 20 and over was 1.1 per 104 person-years at risk (95% CI $0.6{\sim}2.4$); 1.2 (95% CI $0.6{\sim}2.7$) for males and 0.8 (95% CI $0.6{\sim}4.2$) for females. Age adjusted incidence density was 2.91 per 104 person-years at risk (95% CI $2.43{\sim}3.38$) for those aged 20 and over. It showed an increasing pattern with age (p<0.05), especially for those age over 50 years. Conclusion : The study subjects for this study were supposedly healthier than the general population so the prevalence and incidence for the general population are thought to be higher than the results of the present study.

Wetland Function Evaluation and Expert Assessment of Organic Rice-Fish Mixed Farming System (유기농 벼-담수어 복합영농의 습지기능평가 및 전문가 조사)

  • Nam, Hongsik;Park, Kwanglai;An, Nanhee;Lee, Sangmin;Cho, Junglai;Kim, Bongrae;Lim, Jongahk;Lee, Changwon;Choi, Seonu;Kim, Changhyun;Kong, Minjae;Son, Jinkwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2018
  • A mixed farming system that includes organic rice production and freshwater fish farming is being called into attention in Korean agricultural industry and rural areas in order to improve farm management and environmental conservation. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental and ecological value of such mixed farming practices. Expert assessment and rapid assessment method (RAM) of wetland evaluation were employed for this study. Experts have responded that biodiversity conservation including amphibian and reptile habitat (2.39), aquatic insect habitat (2.36), Fishery habitat (2.34), vegetation diversity (2.13), avian habitat (2.05), and experience and education were the most important function of mixed farming. The wetland function evaluation conducted using modified RAM indicated that rice-fish mixed system showed improvements in most of the evaluated functions, compared to the conventional rice paddies. The overall wetland function of rice paddies in rice-fish mixed system was greatly improved as compared with the conventional rice paddies. Rice paddies are known to play an important role in biodiversity maintenance, and provide ecosystem services such as climate modulation and carbon reduction. Rice-fish mixed system of farming may not only improve various ecosystem services of rice paddies, but may increase farm income through value added fish farming, as well as promotion of social services such as education and maintenance of tradition. Additional research is needed for quantitative analysis of the values gained from the most improved wetland function when mixed farming system is actually put into practice, and to utilize the results in advertising of the organic rice, and in various sectors such as food, education and direct payment policy.

Serum Lmmunoglobulin G and M Level after Xenograft Valve or Valved Conduit Implantation (이종 조직판막 도관 혹은 판막 이식술 직후 면역 글로불린 항체 G, M의 혈중 농도 변화)

  • Kwak, Jae-Gun;Yoo, Jae-Suk;Yoon, Sun-Hee;Kim, Woong-Han;Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2008
  • Background: The aim of this study is to confirm that peripheral blood sampling for measuring of serum immunoglobulin can predict immunological changes after xenograft implantation. Material and Method: Between March 2006 and January 2007, 19 patients were enrolled (10 xenograft implantation group, 9 control group). Through 3 peripheral blood samples, we measured changes in serum immunoglobulin G and M levels preoperatively, and 2 and 10 days postoperatively. Result: In both groups, serum immunoglobulin levels showed similar changes-they decreased 2 days postoperatively, then increased up to the baseline levels 10 days postoperatively. However, this postoperative change of immunoglobulin G and M was not significantly different in absolute value or pattern between the 2 groups (Ig G; p-value=0.393, Ig M; p-value=0.193). Conclusion: We could not predict immunological changes after xenograft implantation by measuring serum immunoglobulin levels by simple blood sampling. Direct checking of ${\alpha}$-Galactose antibody may confirm an immunological reaction after xenograft implantation.

Construction of a Fluorescently Labeled Infectious R Peptide-Less Moloney MLV Molecular Clone for Analysis of Syncytium (합포체 분석을 위해 R 펩타이드가 결여된 형광 표지 Moloney 마우스레트로바이러스 Molecular Clone 제조)

  • Lee, Yong-Jin;Park, Jin-Woo;Lee, Kyu-Jun;Bae, Eun-Hye;Park, Sung-Han;Lim, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Sae-Ro-Mi;Jung, Yong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.246-250
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    • 2009
  • Retroviruses enter host cells by membrane fusion between the viral Env proteins on the virus membrane and a virus receptor on the cellular membrane. The envelope protein of the ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus is synthesized as a gp85 precursor and is proteolytically cleaved into an extracellular surface unit (SU) and the transmembrane protein (TM). The cytoplasmic tail (16 amino acid; R peptide) of the TM protein is further cleaved by the viral protease during virion maturation. Unlike the wild type Env protrin bearing the R peptide, R peptide-truncated Envelope induces syncytia in susceptible cells. To understand the mechanism of R peptidetruncated Env in syncytium formation, R peptide-truncated Env expressing full-length molecular clone containing EGFP in PRR (proline rich region) of Env was constructed. This molecular clone induced syncytia in transfected NIH3T3 cells, fluorescence was detected in the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane, while the nuclei did not stain and appeared black by fluorescence microscopy. Interestingly, virions with truncated envelope produced from transfected NIH3T3 cells induced syncytia in NIH3T3 cells, but fluorescence was not detected in the same infected cells. It is believed that cell-free viruses direct the fusion of neighboring cells without infection. Our data suggests that use of EGFP-tagged envelope for monitoring syncytium is a sensitive and convenient method. We also found that virion incorporated the R peptide-truncated Env is able to induce the formation of syncytia by fusion from without.

Antibacterial and Antimutagenic Effects of Sweetpotato Tips Extract (고구마 끝순 추출물의 항균 및 항돌연변이 효과)

  • Lee, Joon-Seol;Shin, Mee-Jin;Park, Yang-Kyun;Ahn, Young-Sup;Chung, Mi-Nam;Kim, Hag-Sin;Kim, Jeong-Mok
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2007
  • Sweetpotato shoot tops (leaves, tips and petioles) are known to be very useful parts as vegetables because of their high nutritive values and great biomass yield. In this study, the phenolic compound contents, antibacterial activity, mutagenic activity, and antimutagenic activity were investigated in sweetpotato tips that were 10-15cm of shoot top including stems, petioles and tender leaves after sprout of storage roots. The study was done by extracting sweetpotato tips with 80% ethanol and the ethanol fraction was re-extracted with hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol and water. In ethyl acetate and butanol fractions, total phenolic compounds contained 95. 6mg/g extract and 69.3 mg/g extract, respectively, The antibacterial activity was measured using the paper disk method with concentrations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 mg/disk of butanol and ethyl acetate fractions against L. monocytogenes and S. Typhimurium strains. Higher doses of solvent extracts showed the higher antibacterial activities. In addition, 5, 10 and 20 mg/mL of the extracts were tested to determine the antibacterial activity in liquid culture. The sweetpotato leaf extract by ethyl acetate showed 1 log reduction compared to control after 24 hrs on Listeria monocytogenes, but 20 mg/ml of butanol extract completely inhibited the growth of the pathogen after 12 hrs. The extracts from ethyl acetate or butanol on Salmonella Typhimurium did less than 1 log reduction during cultivation compared to control. The numbers of S. Typhimirium TA98 and TA100 revertant colonies were 29-33 and 159-188 CFU/plate, respectively, indicating that solvent extracts were no mutagenic activity. The antimutagenic test was performed by adding direct mutagen 2-NF and MMS, and butanol and ethyl acetate showed antimutagenic effect. Thus, this study showed that sweetpotato tips had high phenolic contents and both antimicrobiol and antimutagenic properties. Sweetpotato tips would be good nutritive source because of their high nutrient content without any toxicity in consuming.