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Enhanced Bioslurping System for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils (Enhanced Bioslurping system을 이용한 유류오염 토양의 복원)

  • Kim Dae-Eun;Seo Seung-Won;Kim Min-Kyoung;Kong Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2005
  • Bioslurping combines the three remedial approaches of bioventing, vacuum-enhanced free-product recovery, and soil vapor extraction. Bioslurping is less effective in tight (low-permeability) soils. The greatest limitation to air permeability is excessive soil moisture. Optimum soil moisture is very soil-specific. Too much moisture can reduce air permeability of the soil and decrease its oxygen transfer capability. Too little moisture will inhibit microbial activity. So Modified Fenton reaction as chemical treatment which can overcome the weakness of Bioslurping was experimented for simultaneous treatment. Although the diesel removal efficiency of SVE process increased in proportion to applied vacuum pressure, SVE process was difficulty to remediation quickly semi- or non-volatile compounds absorbed soil strongly. And SVE process had variation of efficiency with distance from the extraction well and depth a air flow form of hemisphere centering around the well. Below 0.1 % hydrogen peroxide shows the potential of using hydrogen peroxide as oxygen source but the co-oxidation of chemical and biological treatment was impossible because of the low efficiency of Modified Fenton reaction at 0.1 % (wt) hydrogen peroxide. NTA was more efficiency than EDTA as chelating agent and diesel removal efficiency of Modified Fenton reaction increased in proportion to hydrogen peroxide concentration. Hexadecane as typical aliphatic compound was removed less than Toluene as aromatic compound because of its structural stability in Modified Fenton reaction. What minimum 10% hydrogen peroxide concentration has good remediation efficiency of diesel contaminated groundwater may show the potential use of Modified Fenton reaction after bioslurping treatment.

The Situation and the Tasks of UK Rail Privatization, Focusing on after the Hatfield Accident (영국 철도 민영화의 현황 및 과제 (Hatfield사고 이후의 변화를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Yong-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2006
  • This paper examines the situation and tasks of UK rail privatization, especially focusing on after the Hatfield rail accident. Earlier research which focused on the UK's Privatization had little knowledge of the explanations for recent changes. Moreover they had difficulty making a direct comparison between national rail and the privatized rail. Therefore we aye left without a good explanation which has a comprehensive perspective. I attempt to show the change in the rail privatization Process and its outcome, focusing on after the Hatfield rail accident. This Paper argues that the UK's vail privatization process has a regulatory framework which is too complicated with overlapping responsibilities that brought about inefficiency, increasing costs and a superficial safety regime. Especially the planning of rail and infrastructure maintenance did not come to play an appropriate role. However after 2000, the government took charge of setting the strategy for railways, and the Office of Rail Regulation covered safety performance and cost. explain that these changes present a good opportunity to solve the problem of passing the buck for poor performance. Through the analysis, I find that the passenger rail network is well-suited to deliver long distance business and commuters and that the subsidy from the government is decreasing. However, performance, for example punctuality and reliability. should be improved. Especially the Hatfield rail accident caused a reduction in the satisfaction of passengers. In future. the problems of rising costs and monopoly franchise system should be addressed.

A Survey on Feeding Management in Domestic Organic Dairy Farms (국내 유기낙농(시유) 농가의 사양관리에 관한 실태조사)

  • Ki, Kwang-Seok;Lim, Hyun-Joo;Lim, Dong-Hyun;Park, Seong-Min;Kim, Tae-Il;Lee, Hyun-June;Choi, Sun-Ho;Park, Su-Bum;Kwon, Eung-Gi;Lee, Se-Young
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate feeding management and milk production in domestic organic dairy farms and find out ways to overcome difficulties in organic dairy farms. The number of domestic organic dairy farms was 35, which representing 0.57% among 6,068 of total dairy farms in 2011. Eleven farms among 35 organic dairy farms were surveyed. Average total raising head was 142, composed of 69 milk cow, 13 dry cow and 60 heifer and calf. The ratio of cow replacement was 42.4% in surveyed organic dairy farms. Among surveyed farms, 14.3% showed under 20kg of milk production, 57.1% represented 25~30kg of milk and 28.5% produced more than 30kg of milk. Average milk fat percentage in surveyed organic farms was 3.3%, which was lower than 4.04% milk fat percentage of whole country (2010). Based on bacterial counts (5,775 CFU/ml) and somatic cell counts (192,500 number/ml), milk quality appeared excellent in surveyed farms. 90% of surveyed farms agreed that organic milk production increased income. Among reasons for switching to organic dairy farm, environment-friendly farm management was the highest reason (54.5%). However, 45.5% of surveyed farms suffered difficulty in supply of organic feed. Therefore, stable supply of organic feed will be necessary to expand organic dairy farm in the future.

Causative Organisms of Neonatal Sepsis (신생아 패혈증의 원인 병원체에 대한 조사)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ah;Shin, Son-Moon;Moon, Han-Ku;Park, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 1999
  • A nationwide survey was conducted to investigate the annual occurrence rate of neonatal sepsis, maternal risk factors in neonatal sepsis, localized infection in neonates, causative organisms in nosocomial infection and the most common causative organism for neonatal sepsis in Korea. Clinical and bacteriological data wele collected from 37 neonatal units to perform retrospective review of the medical records of the newborn infants who were confirmed as having neonatal sepsis and whose blood culture was collected to isolate organisms for one year study period from January to December in 1997. 78,463 neonates were born at 37 hospital in 1997, and 20,869 neonates were admitted to the neonatal units, During this period, 772 episodes of neonatal sepsis were recorded in 517 neonates. The occurrence rate of neonatal sepsis was 0.73%(0~2.95%). Male to female ratio was 1.15:1, and 303 cases(42.1%) were born prematurely. The main pathogens of early onset of sepsis were S. aureus(20%), S. epidermidis(14.4%) and coagulase negative staphylococcus(14. 4%). Gram negative bacilli including Enterobacter spp (7.2%), E. coli(5.1%), Klepstella(4.5%), Pseudomonas(3.7%) and Enterobacter faectum(3.6%) accounted for 24.1% of sepsis. Group B beta-hemolytic streptococcus were isolated only in two cases. Common obstetric factors were PROM(21.1%), difficulty delivery(18.7%), fetal tachycardia(5.3%), chorioamnionitis(4.9%), and maternal fever(4.7%). The main pathogens of late-onset sepsis were S. aureus(22.3%), S. epidermidis(20.4%) and CONS(9.9%). There were 6 cases(1.0%) of Candida sepsis, Frequent focal infections accompanying sepsis were pneumonia(26.1%), urinary tract infection(10.5%), meningitis(8.2%), and arthritis(3.6%), S. epidermidis(22.0%) and s. aureus(21.7%) were also the most common pathogens in 373 nosocomial infection.

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A Study on the Product Design Process in I-Business Environment Focusing on Development of the Internet-based Design Process - (e-비지니스환경에서의 제품디자인 프로세스에 관한 기초연구-인터넷기반의 디자인 프로세스 개발을 중심으로-)

  • 이수봉;이돈희
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.181-198
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a on-line design tool for effectively coping with e-Business environment, or product design process into a Cyber model for traditional manufacturers which attempts new product development under such environment. It was finally developed as a model named $\ulcorner$Design Vortal Site; e-BVDS) that was based on the structure and style of internet web site. Results of the study can be described as follows ; \circled1 e-Business is based on the Internet. All processes in the context of e-Business require models whose structure and method of use are on-line styles. \circled2 In case that a traditional manufacturing business is converted into e-Business, it is better to first consider Hybrid Model that combines resources and advantages of both such traditional and digital businesses. \circled3 The product design process appropriate for e-Business environment has to have a structure and style that ensure utilization of the process as an Internet web site, active participation by product developers and interactive communication between participants in designing and designers. \circled4 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS) makes possible the use of designers around the wend like in-house designers, overcoming lack in creativity, ideas and human resources traditional business organizations face. However, the operation of $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ requires time and budget investments in securing related elements and conditions. \circled5 Cyber designers under $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ can easily perform all design projects in cyber space. But they have some limits in playing a role as designers and they have difficulty in getting rewards if such projects completed by them are not finally accepted. \circled6 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS) ensures the rapid use of a wide range of design information and data, reception of a variety of solutions and ideas and effective design development, all of which are not possible through traditional processes. However, this process may not be suitable to be used routine process or tool. \circled7 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ makes it possible for out-sourcing or partners businesses to overcome restrictions in time and space and improve productivity and effectiveness. But such they may have to continue off-line works that can not be treated on-line.

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A Suvey on Satisfaction Measurement of Automatic Milking System in Domestic Dairy Farm (자동착유시스템 설치농가의 설치 후 만족도에 관한 실태조사)

  • Ki, Kwang-Seok;Kim, Jong-Hyeong;Jeong, Young-Hun;Kim, Yun-Ho;Park, Sung-Jai;Kim, Sang-Bum;Lee, Wang-Shik;Lee, Hyun-June;Cho, Won-Mo;Baek, Kwang-Soo;Kim, Hyeon-Shup;Kwon, Eung-Gi;Kim, Wan-Young;Jeo, Joon-Mo
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2011
  • The present survey was conducted to provide basic information on automatic milking system (AMS) in relation to purchase motive, milk yield and quality, customer satisfaction, difficulties of operation and customer suggestions, etc. Purchase motives of AMS were insufficient labor (44%), planning of dairy experience farm (25%), better performance of high yield cows (19%) and others (6%), respectively. Average cow performance after using AMS was 30.9l/d for milk yield, 3.9% for milk fat, 9,100/ml for bacterial counts. Sixty-eight percentage of respondents were very positive in response to AMS use for their successors but 18% were negative. The AMS operators were owner (44%), successor (44%), wife (6%) and company worker (6%), respectively. The most difficulty (31%) in using AMS was operating the system and complicated program manual. The rate of response to system error and breakdown was 25%. The reasons for culling cow after using AMS were mastitis (28%), reproduction failure (19%), incorrect teat placement (12%), metabolic disease (7%) and others (14%), respectively. Fifty-six percentages of the respondents made AMS maintenance contract and 44% did not. Average annual cost of the maintenance contract was 6,580,000 won. Average score for AMS satisfaction measurement (1 to 5 range) was 3.2 with decrease of labor cost 3.7, company A/S 3.6, increase of milk yield 3.2 and decrease of somatic cell count 2.8, respectively. Suggestions for the higher efficiency in using AMS were selecting cows with correct udder shape and teat placement, proper environment, capital and land, and attitude for continuous observation. Systematic consulting was highly required for AMS companies followed by low cost for AMS setup and systematization of A/S.

Development of a Pre-treating Equipment and the Carcass Disposal System for Infected Poultry (감염가금 전처리 및 폐사가축 처리시스템 개발)

  • Hong, J.T.;Kim, H.J.;Yu, B.K.;Lee, S.H.;Hyun, C.S.;Ryu, I.S.;Oh, K.Y.;Kim, S.;Kwon, J.H.;Tack, D.S.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2011
  • When we bury the infected poultry into the ground, we have many problems such as the difficulty of making sufficient area for burying, environmental contamination by the leachate, unpleasant ordor. Also, in case of burning the carcass of the infected poultry, there are some problems such as high cost, dust, unpleasant odor, etc. It could cause environmental contamination which many peoples and environmental organization complains about. In this study, we develop a treating system which treats the infected poultry carcass in a environmental method preventing the environment contamination. This system is composed of many processes. The euthanasia system uses rigid vinyl to trap and to do a euthanasia the infected poultry with lethal gas, carbon dioxide. And then, with the tractor attached grappler infected poultry carcass could be put into the carcass treating system. The euthanasia system uses rigid vinyl to trap the infected birds and to confine lethal gas, carbon dioxide. Infected poultry carcass are moved to carcass disposal system by collecting device which is attached at tractor. The carcass treatment system (capacity of disposal : 6.3 $m^3$) is installed on a truck and do one pass work, which is input, crush, stir, sterilize, and discharge treated carcass. 1,000 chickens was killed within 9.7min by $CO_2$ (300L/min) in the tent (10 $m^3$). The collecting device could carry 142 chickens at a time, and the movable carcass treatment system could sterilize 2 tons carcass per hour (at one time). This treatment systems was eco-friendly because it reduced the volume of carcass by 31.9% with no wastewater generation.

Death Recognition, Meaning in Life and Death Attitude of People Who Participated in the Death Education Program (죽음교육 프로그램 참여자의 죽음인식, 생의 의미 및 죽음에 대한 태도)

  • Kang, Kyung-Ah;Lee, Kyung-Soon;Park, Gang-Won;Kim, Yong-Ho;Jang, Mi-Ja;Lee, Eun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was to identify the death recognition, meaning in life, and death attitude of participants in the death education program. Methods: A survey was conducted, and 205 data were collected. Descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$-test, ANOVA, and Duncan test were used. Results: 1) The followings were the characteristics of death recognition shown by the participants. Over half of the participants said that they had given some thoughts on their deaths, that they had agreeable view on death acceptance, and that diseases and volunteer works made them think about their deaths. Moreover, suffering, parting with family and concerns for them, etc. were the most common reasons for the difficulty of accepting death. As for 'the person whom I discuss my death with', spouse, friend, and son/daughter were the most chosen in this order. Lastly, the funeral type that most of the participants desired was cremation. 2) The means of meaning in life and death attitude were $2.92{\pm}0.29$ and $2.47{\pm}0.25$, respectively. There were significant differences between health status, meaning in life and death attitude. 3) A significant positive corelationship was found between meaning in life and death attitude (r=0.190, P=0.001). Conclusion: For an effective death education program that would fit each individual's situation, an educational content that can make a person understand the meaning of his or her life and death, includes knowledge to lessen the fear and anxiety of death, and helps a person heal from the loss of a family member is absolutely necessary.

The Method of Multi-screen Service using Scene Composition Technology based on HTML5 (HTML5 기반 장면구성 기술을 통한 멀티스크린 서비스 제공 방법)

  • Jo, Minwoo;Kim, Kyuheon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.895-910
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    • 2013
  • Multi-screen service is a service that consumes more than one media in a number of terminals simultaneously or discriminately. This multi-screen service has become useful due to distribute of smart TV and terminals. Also, in case of hybrid broadcasting environment that is convergence of broadcasting and communication environment, it is able to provide various user experience through contents consumed by multiple screens. In hybrid broadcasting environment, scene composition technology can be used as an element technology for multi-screen service. Using scene composition technology, multiple media can be consumed complexly through the specified presentation time and space. Thus, multi-screen service based on the scene composition technology can provide spatial and temporal control and consumption of multiple media by linkage between the terminals. However, existing scene composition technologies are not able to use easily in hybrid broadcasting because of applicable environmental constraints, the difficulty in applying the various terminal and complexity. For this problems, HTML5 can be considered. HTML5 is expected to be applied in various smart terminals commonly, and provides consumption of diverse media. So, in this paper, it proposes the scene composition and multi-screen service technology based on HTML5 that is expected be used in various smart terminals providing hybrid broadcasting environment. For this, it includes the introduction in terms of HTML5 and multi-screen service, the method of providing information related with scene composition and multi-screen service through the extention of elements and attributes in HTML5, media signaling between terminals and the method of synchronization. In addition, the proposed scene composition and multi-screen service technology based on HTML5 was verified through the implementation and experiment.

Symptom Prevalence During Terminal Cancer Patients' Last 48 Hours of Life (말기 암 환자에서 임종 전 48시간 동안 나타나는 신체적 증상 빈도)

  • Jung, Soo-Jin;Lee, Bok-Ki;Choi, Kyung-Hi;Youn, Bang-Bu;Yeom, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The prevalence of symptoms in patients with terminal cancer varies considerably and these symptoms are very difficult to control. However, patients can spend their last days or hours of life without suffering pain with appropriate care. One of the major concerns during last days of life is to predict the time of death. We would like to investigate symptom prevalence during terminal cancer patients' last 48 hours in Korea, and therefore contribute to predict the time of death and to help to determine appropriate treatments. Methods : The data for this study was recorded from 92 of 132 patients who died with terminal cancer at the hospital between February 1 and October 31, 2000. We investigated the symptom prevalence during the last 48 hours through medical obligation record and analyzed the changes of symptom prevalence at the admission, $48{\sim}24$ hours and $24{\sim}0$ hours before death. Results : The predominant symptom prevalence was pain (57.6%), followed by confusion (55.4%), dyspnea (48.9%), voiding difficulty (42.4%) in the last 48 hours before death. From the statistical analysis for the changes of symptom prevalence in time, pain, nausea and vomiting were decreased but noisy and moist breathing, sweating, groan, restlessness and agitation, and loss of consciousness were increased (P<0.05). Conclusion : The results from this study show the tendency to increase of prevalence of noisy and moist breathing, sweating, groan, restlessness and agitation as well as loss of consciousness in 48 hours before death. Therefore the symptoms above can be used for the important indicators to predict the imminent death.

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