• Title/Summary/Keyword: device simulations

검색결과 501건 처리시간 0.03초

A Study of Virtual IoT System using Edge Computing (엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 가상 IoT 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Min-A;Seok, Seung-Joon
    • KNOM Review
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2020
  • Open IoT platform that shares communication infrastructure and provides cloud resources can flexibly reduce development period and cost of smart service. In this paper, as an open IoT platform, we propose a virtual IoT system based on edge computing that implements a virtual IoT device for a physical IoT device and allows service developers to interact with the virtual device. A management server in the edge cloud, near the IoT physical device, manages the creation, movement, and removal of virtual IoT devices corresponding to the physical IoT devices. This paper define the operations of the management server, the physical IoT device, and the virtual IoT device, which are major components of the virtual IoT system, and design the communication protocol required to perform the operations. Finally, through simulations, this paper evaluate the performance of the edge computing based virtual IoT system by confirming that each component performs the defined states and operations as designed.

Development of Photonic Quantum Ring Device with Different Oscillation Characteristics for Driving with Secondary Battery (이차전지로 구동하기 위한 다른 발진 특성을 나타내는 조명용 광양자테 소자 개발)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Bo;Lee, Jongpil;Kim, Moojin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제19권11호
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2021
  • We studies to verify results similar to those of previous experiments, and their potential as a lighting device through optical characteristics experiments and resonance and optical characteristics simulations of array devices. The photonic quantum ring (PQR) device having a mesa diameter of 40 ㎛ and an internal hole diameter of 3 ㎛ was fabricated. Through the near-field observation of the fabricated device, it was found that the PQR device operates even at ㎂, and also that the mesa and hole devices are driven independently of each other. As a result of measuring the wavelength spectrum of the device according to the location, the coupling phenomenon due to mesa and holes was confirmed.

The variable hysteresis modeling circuit for spintronic device (자성반도체의 가변 히스테리시스 특성 모델링 회로)

  • Hwang WonSeok;cho Chung-Hyun;kim Bumsoo;Lee GabYong;Lee ChangWoo;Kim Dong Myong;Min Keung-Sik;Kim Daejeong
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 대한전자공학회 2004년도 하계종합학술대회 논문집(2)
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    • pp.447-450
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    • 2004
  • The modeling circuit becomes more important in developing various magnetic devices regarding the fact that the competitive architecture and circuitry should be developed simultaneously. In this paper, we introduce a modeling circuit for hysteresis characteristic of a magnetic device, which is a major characteristic in the spin dependent magnetic material. This transistor-level model is conspicuous in that it can be usefully embodied in real circuits rather than conventional SPICE models are only for simulations.

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STT-MRAM Read-circuit with Improved Offset Cancellation

  • Lee, Dong-Gi;Park, Sang-Gyu
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2017
  • We present a STT-MRAM read-circuit which mitigates the performance degradation caused by offsets from device mismatches. In the circuit, a single current source supplies read-current to both the data and the reference cells sequentially eliminating potential mismatches. Furthermore, an offset-free pre-amplification using a capacitor storing the mismatch information is employed to lessen the effect of the comparator offset. The proposed circuit was implemented using a 130-nm CMOS technology and Monte Carlo simulations of the circuit demonstrate its effectiveness in suppressing the effect of device mismatch.

Development of a Hybrid Mount System Combined Airspring with Piezostack Actuator for Microvibration (공기스프링과 압전작동기를 결합한 복합형 미진동 방진마운트 시스템 개발)

  • Moon, S.J.;Jung, H.J.;Shin, Y.H.;Jang, D.D.;Jeong, J.A.;Moon, Y.J.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.56-65
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    • 2011
  • A new hybrid mount system is proposed for microvibration control in a high-tech factory. The mount consists of an airspring as a passive device and a piezostack actuator as an active device. The two devices are connected in series. Some numerical simulations and experimental tests are carried out to evaluate isolation performance of the mount system comprising of four proposed hybrid mounts. As a control logic, the specific algorithm is adopted for considering multiple target frequencies of excitation based on a Filtered-X LMS algorithm. The results are compared with isolation performance of the passive airspring mount system. It is confirmed that the proposed hybrid mount system has great performance on microvibration.

An Advanced On-Resistance Model for Low Voltage VDMOS (저전압 VDMOS 의 ON-저항 모델링)

  • Kim, Seong-Dong;Kim, Il-Jung;Choi, Yearn-Ik;Han, Min-Koo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 대한전기학회 1991년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.166-170
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    • 1991
  • An advanced on-resistance model of VDMOS devices in the low voltage regime is proposed and verified by 2-D device simulations. The model considers the lateral gaussian doping profiles in the channel region and exact current spreading angles in the epitaxial layer for both linear and cellular geometries by employing the conformal mapping. It is found out that the on-resistance of low voltage VDMOS may be overestimated considerably if it is analyzed by the conventional method. The 2-D device simulation results show that the proposed model is valid for all ranges of cell spacings and breakdown voltages.

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Thermal Analysis for High Efficiency of Point Contact Solar Cell (후면전극형 태양전지의 열해석에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Tae-Jin;Kang, Ey-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.351-354
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    • 2011
  • This paper was carried about thermal analysis for high efficiency point contact solar cell. Therefore, we carried about 2-D device and process simulator according to design and process parameters. As a result of simulations, power transfer efficiency have decreased more increasing temperature. Especially, power transfer efficiency of room temperature have been showed 25%. The other hand, power transfer efficiency of 350 K kalvin temperature have been showed 20%. Therefore, we will considered design with thermal dissipation of device.


  • Park, Y.M.;Kim, C.W.;Chung, J.D.;Lee, H.C.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2011
  • A rotating propeller of turboprop aircraft gives much effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of wing such as lift, moment and stall. Specially propeller effect on the wing surface is much more dominant when aircrafts are in landing or take-off conditions. In the present paper, three dimensional Navier-Stokes simulations for the interaction of propeller and wing were carried out for medium sized turboprop aircraft. For rotating propeller, unsteady sliding mesh method was used to simulate a relative motion between moving and static bodies. For the power effect analysis in landing and take off configurations, double slotted flap was also considered and the aerodynamic characteristics were investigated. It was shown that the propeller slipstream enhanced the lift slope including maximum lift by eliminating local flow separation region and this enhancement was more dominant with high lift device.

A Device Parameter Extraction Method for Thin Film SOI MOSFETs (얇은 박막 SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) MOSFET 에서의 소자 변수 추출 방법)

  • Park, Sung-Kye;Kim, Choong-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 대한전기학회 1992년도 하계학술대회 논문집 B
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    • pp.820-824
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    • 1992
  • An accurate method for extracting both Si film doping concentration and front or back silicon-to-oxide fixed charge density of fully depleted SOI devices is proposed. The method utilizes the current-to-voltage and capacitance-to-voltage characteristics of both SOI NMOSFET and PMOSFET which have the same doping concentration. The Si film doping concentration and the front or back silicon-to-oxide fixed charge density are extracted by mainpulating the respective threshold voltages of the SOI NMOSFET and PMOSFET according to the back surface condition (accumulation or inversion) and the capacitance-to-voltage characteristics of the SOI PMOSFET. Device simulations show that the proposed method has less than 10% errors for wide variations of the film doping concentration and the front or the back silicon-to-oxide fixed charge density.

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Turbulent Drag Reduction Using the Sliding-Belt Device (미끄러지는 벨트 장치를 이용한 난류 항력 감소)

  • Choi, Byunggui;Choi, Haecheon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • 제23권11호
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    • pp.1481-1489
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    • 1999
  • The sliding-belt concept introduced by Bechert et al. (AIAA J., Vol. 34, pp. 1072~1074) is numerically applied to a turbulent boundary layer flow for the skin-friction reduction. The sliding belt is moved by the shear force exerted on the exposed surface of the belt without other dynamic energy input. The boundary condition at the sliding belt is developed from the force balance. Direct numerical simulations are performed for a few cases of belt configuration. In the ideal case where the mechanical losses associated with the belt can be ignored, the belt velocity increases until the integration of the shear stress over the belt surface becomes zero, resulting in zero skin friction on the belt. From practical consideration of losses occurred In the belt device, a few different belt velocities are given to the sliding belt. It is found that the amount of drag reduction is proportional to the belt velocity.