• Title/Summary/Keyword: delayed system

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The Patient Recognition, Acceptability and Evaluation of Feasibility for Day Surgery (종합병원 일부 입원환자의 당일수술에 대한 태도와 당일수술 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Beak, Young-Ran;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Kim, Seok-Beom;Kang, Pock-Soo;Kang, Young-Ah
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.334-342
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    • 2000
  • Objectives . This study was conducted in order to investigate the degree of recognition, acceptability, and altitude towards day surgery of patients who were hospitalized with diseases that were candidates for day surgery; in order to analyze the average length of stay for treatment of the ailments; and to analyze the percentage of patients who could be discharged on the same day after the surgery ,using the post-anesthesia discharge scoring system. Methods : Data was collected between February 1 and March 31, 1999 from 353 patients who received surgery for cataract, adenoid hypertrophy, inguinal hernia, strabismus, ptosis, cholelithiasis, hemorrhoid, or anal fistula, at a general hospital in Daegu city. The patients were interviewed and surveyed by a post-anesthesia discharge scoring system(PADS) in order to collect data on patient condition such as vital signs, activity and mental status, pain, nausea and vomiting, surgical bleeding, intake and output after the surgery. Results : Among the 353 patients, 52.7% were after of the day surgery and 52.7% were interested in day surgery. Of the respondents, 43.1% said 'my ailment was not serious and the surgery was simple' and 30.4% said 'according to my condition rest at home was desirable' as the reasons for wanting day surgery Alternatively, 56.5% of those declining day surgery said the 'uncertainty of staying home' was the reason. The greatest concern in discharging within 24 hours after surgery was a post-op emergency situation. On the other hand, the shortened hospitalization was the largest advantage of day surgery with 39.1% responding this way, followed by the savings in hospitalization costs (25.8%) and emotional stability (13.7%). The majority of those surveyed (47.6%) believed that discharge should be determined within 1-2 days after the surgery. The average hospital stay was 3.1 days for dischargeable ailments. Pain (45.6%), nausea and vomiting (10.5%), and headache (7.9%) were the common symptoms following surgery. The percentage of patients who were able to be discharged within 24 hours after surgery revealed 95.2% were dischargeable after approximately 3 hours, 99.2% dischargeable after 12 hours, and 100% dischargeable after 24 hours. Conclusions : According to the PADS score, the cataract extract and strabismus correction patients were eligible for day surgery and the further evaluation concerning the reason for delayed recovery of the other diseases is needed.

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Multiplification of the Reality in Contemporary Sculpture (현대조각에 있어서 실재의 다중화)

  • You, Jae-Heung
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.12
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2007
  • Today, the modern art is extremely diverse. It is denying its own boundary through chaos, extreme, abjection. In fact the diversity of the modern art can be best described as questioning and challenging to the essence of the reality, rather than the artistic pursuit of the beauties. The pursuit of the reality has been a long lasting discourse since the ancient. Through the history, the reality (referent) and representation (image) has been complementing and disposing each other in a relationship of a meaningful construction until the modern times. The limit of modernistic self-reference and the emergence of the figure leads to the emergence of Post-modernism in a trend of experimenting new visual arts. The return to the figure is clearly distinguished from existing representation's system and it brought new meanings to approaches and interpretations of the reality. In the case of Pop arts of 1960's and the following the modern sculptures, which is covered by this thesis, I put an emphasis on the diversification of those via changed strategies on the reality. In a situation where the reality is dictated by signified, the modern arts can no longer stay on a classic concept of representation, rather it pursuits new system and diverse strategies. I provide three types of strategic characters of the reality and the diversification of reality: the transition of the reality. These three types can be used as a frame work, which is supporting new aspects of the modern arts in reflecting on existing system. Therefore, the reason of categorizing is to distinguish modernistic arts and post modernistic arts, and to propose new post-modernistic discourses. Adapting J.F, Lyotard's view, absence is used to trace down the diversification of the reality thorough the sublime on the deconstruction of the mega discourses and the relationship of representation. Based on H. Faster's theory of the appropriation, the appropriation is used to exemplify the strategies of visual arts are in variations and being delayed. Lastly, in the transition, J. Baudrilliard's simulacre is used in terms of the concept of post modernistic representation. Based on the core of his theories, the deconstruction of existing concepts and simulation as the post modernistic representation, and the world of hyperreality based on simulacre are explained. These allows us to deny that representation is the expression of reality through mimesis. My aim is to work on the definition of the arts and representation in the modern era, and go further from there in order to clarify meaning and extension of the modern sculptures. Now two artists are reviewed based on their own art works: George Seagal; Jeff Koons. They are selected among numerous artists from the Post Modern era. Epic contents and emphasis on daily life of Seagal's works show good examples to artists from Pop Arts and following time period and may have served as a start point for Postmodernism. Indeed, he tried to show a newly defined relationship between art works and daily life experience. On the other hand, J.Koons used the strategies of fabrication and appropriation, which shows characteristics of the postmodernism. Through his four individual exhibitions, he shows the diversification of the reality based on art works as fetishistic merchandises, and newly defined concept of Ready-made since M Duchamp. Lastly, the diversification of the reality is analyzed again in context of my art works. I focused on the return to the figure among a variety of trends of late 20 th century modern sculpture. It showed the post modernistic point of view on the reality. Post modernistic diversified strategies are adopted as a method of distinguishing each art works via the diversification of the reality. This is the result of contemporary social and cultural situations.

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A Study on the Regionality of Land-Lease Farming : A Comparative Analysis of the Case Study Areas (임차농(賃借農)의 지역성(地域性)에 관한 연구 -사례지역의 비교분석-)

  • Suh, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-150
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    • 1997
  • This Study puts the purpose to explicate the regionalities of land-lease farming by a comparative analisis of the five case study areas in Kungpook Province as the agricultural space system of Teagu metropolitan city. For the regional comparative analysis the province was divided into the three zones with the distance from the central city(Teagu): urban fringes, intermediate and remote zone, and then subdivided into the five regions by farming systems : horticulture, rice-farming, and dry-field farming. The data were collected from 77 land-leasing farmers by questionnaire and interview with farm managers in 5 sample villages representing the regionalities of the above five regions respectively. In spite of relatively restricted scope of the research areas, the analytical results appear remarkable regional differences in the characteristics of land-lease farming within a single agricultural space system. In the final analysis the regionalities of the five land-lease farming regions could be described respectively as follows. (1) Koryong-Gun in the inner urban fringe zone : The developing land-lease farming region of commercialized suburban horticulture with medium scale. (2) Songju-Gun in the outer urban fringe zone : The developing land-lease farming region of highly commercialized horticulture with large scale. (3) Uisong-Gun in the intermediate zone : The stagnated land-lease farming region of commercialized rice-farming with large scale. (4) Yongil-Gun in the intermediate zone : The stagnated land-lease farming region of commercializing dry-field farming with medium scale. (5) Ponghwa-Gun in the remote zone : The stagnated and delayed region in commercializing of intermountain dry-field land-lease farming with small scale. These varied regionalities resulted from the diverse spatiality as a complex of spatial orders and localities. The spatial orders in this study are frequently recognizable as a form of distance-decay, and the locality of a region is determined mostly by the its peculiarity of physical and population conditions. In the comparative analysis of the regionalities the degree of commercialization of a region is a most comprehensive and useful frame of reference because it reflects the degree of development of capitalist land-lease farming. Finally these apparent regional differentiations of land-lease farming within a agricultural space system raise the problem of impracticality of the existing uniform logic on the land-lease farming such as "large scale farms share larger part of leased farmland." This problem suggests the urgent need of reappraisal of many aspatial logics and theories on the land-lease farming.

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Quality and shelf life of sliced root of Platycodon grandiflorum treated by ozon-microbubble-heat shock (오존-마이크로버블-열수 처리한 세절 도라지의 품질 및 저장성)

  • Park, Kyung Min;Lee, Ji Young;Min, So-Ra;Jeong, Moon-Cheol;Koo, Minseon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.605-613
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    • 2016
  • The quality and shelf life of sliced root of Platycodon grandiflorum (Doraji) treated by ozon-microbubble-heat shock (OMH) were investigated by combining modified-atmosphere packaging [MAP, ($50%O_2+15%CO_2+35%N_2$)]. The study was based on microbiological (total viable bacteria, fungi, Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms numbers), physicochemical and sensory changes. OMH treatment was effective in reducing microbial populations of the sliced Doraji, especially Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms reduced by 2 log CFU/g. However OMH-MAP treatment remained the aerobe and fungi numbers. Regarding the color, OMH-MAP delayed the change of Hunter $b^*$ and the sliced Doraji by OMH-MAP treatment exhibited lower decrease of flavor and overall acceptability compared to those by polypropylene packaging after tap water treatment (Control). The OMH and $50%O_2+15%CO_2$ MAP treatment gave better sensory quality and extended shelf-life for sliced Doraji (~3 days longer shelf-life than Control). Flavor was significantly related to overall acceptability at both Control and OMH-MAP, whereas total coliforms prevalence was associated with overall acceptability at only OMH-MAP. Therefore microbubble-heat shock treatment may improve microbial safety and sliced Doraji by OMH treatment can stored under $50%O_2+15%CO_2$ treatment for up to 7 days. Thus, OMH and MAP treatment may be used in maintaining the storage quality and marketability of sliced Doraji.

Studies on Cropping System for Year-Round Cultivation of Forage Crops in Gyeongnam Province (경남지방에서 조사료 주년생산 작부체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Dal-Soon;Kim, Dae-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Yul;Son, Gil-Man;Rho, Chi-Woong;Kim, Jung-Gon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2009
  • Present experiment was conducted at the field of Gyeongnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services in Jinju city for two continuous cropping seasons to develop several adaptable and valuable year-round forage-producing system for elevating self-sufficiency and dollar-saving by reduced importing of crude forage. Twenty cropping systems were tested in experiment using whole crop barley (WCB), oat, rye, Italian ryegrass (IRG), and triticale in winter season and com, sorghum, sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid, and oat in summer time. Sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid showed highest fresh forage yield among experimented summer season crops, and followed com. Com produced the most dry matter yield, and followed sorghum${\times}$sudangrass hybrid, sorghum and oat in order. There was no significant effect of former winter crops on fresh and dry matter production succeeding summer time crops. Among winter season forage crops tested, oat showed the highest fresh and dry matter when clipped on mid-May, and followed triticale, IRG, rye and WCB. Winter-time cultivated crops showed no clear effect on the growth and forage (fresh and dry matter) producing ability of following summer crops. There was the most protein content in oat plant among summer season planted crops, and in sorghum for acid detergent fiber (ADF) and in sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), respectively. While, com showed highest value of relative feed value (RFV) and total digestive nutrients (TDN) among those crops. Among winter crops, the highest crude protein was in oat plant showing no significant differences of ADF and NDF, while, relatively higher value of RFV was recognized with rye and triticale. Also, triticale contained more TDN as compare to other forage crops. The cropping combinations such as com followed by (fb) rye and maize fb triticale were regarded as promising systems having higher dry matter producing ability among tested combinations. Considering TDN producing potential, the combinations with sorghum ${\times}$ sudangrass hybrid fb triticale andlor rye were would be suitable ones, coincidently. There was a tendency which elevating pH, electric conductivity (EC) and organic matter (OM) contents in soil after experiment comparing to before planting. More crude protein content in plant was shown at mid-May clipping as compared to the forage at April cut in all winter season grown crops. ADF and NDF contents were increased by delayed clipping showing decreased tendency of RFV and TDN in plant. In conclusion, many cropping systems would be available using above mentioned forage crops according to farmer's conditions and scale, etc.

A Machine Learning-based Total Production Time Prediction Method for Customized-Manufacturing Companies (주문생산 기업을 위한 기계학습 기반 총생산시간 예측 기법)

  • Park, Do-Myung;Choi, HyungRim;Park, Byung-Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.177-190
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    • 2021
  • Due to the development of the fourth industrial revolution technology, efforts are being made to improve areas that humans cannot handle by utilizing artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning. Although on-demand production companies also want to reduce corporate risks such as delays in delivery by predicting total production time for orders, they are having difficulty predicting this because the total production time is all different for each order. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) theory was developed to find the least efficient areas to increase order throughput and reduce order total cost, but failed to provide a forecast of total production time. Order production varies from order to order due to various customer needs, so the total production time of individual orders can be measured postmortem, but it is difficult to predict in advance. The total measured production time of existing orders is also different, which has limitations that cannot be used as standard time. As a result, experienced managers rely on persimmons rather than on the use of the system, while inexperienced managers use simple management indicators (e.g., 60 days total production time for raw materials, 90 days total production time for steel plates, etc.). Too fast work instructions based on imperfections or indicators cause congestion, which leads to productivity degradation, and too late leads to increased production costs or failure to meet delivery dates due to emergency processing. Failure to meet the deadline will result in compensation for delayed compensation or adversely affect business and collection sectors. In this study, to address these problems, an entity that operates an order production system seeks to find a machine learning model that estimates the total production time of new orders. It uses orders, production, and process performance for materials used for machine learning. We compared and analyzed OLS, GLM Gamma, Extra Trees, and Random Forest algorithms as the best algorithms for estimating total production time and present the results.

Grapevine Growth and Berry Development under the Agrivoltaic Solar Panels in the Vineyards (영농형 태양광 시설 설치에 따른 포도나무 생육 및 과실 특성 변화 비교)

  • Ahn, Soon Young;Lee, Dan Bi;Lee, Hae In;Myint, Zar Le;Min, Sang Yoon;Kim, Bo Myung;Oh, Wook;Jung, Jae Hak;Yun, Hae Keun
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.356-365
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    • 2022
  • Agrivoltaic systems, also called solar sharing, stated from an idea that utilizes sunlight above the light saturation point of crops for power generation using solar panels. The agrivoltaic systems are expected to reduce the incident solar radiation, the consequent surface cooling effect, and evapotranspiration, and bring additional income to farms through solar power generation by combining crops with solar photovoltaics. In this study, to evaluate if agrivoltaic systems are suitable for viticulture, we investigated the microclimatic change, the growth of vines and the characteristics of grape grown under solar panels set by planting lines compared with ones in open vineyards. There was high reduction of wind speed during over-wintering season, and low soil temperature under solar panel compared to those in the open field. There was not significant difference in total carbohydrates and bud burst in bearing mother branches between plots. Despite high content of chlorophyll in vines grown under panels, there is no significant difference in shoot growth of vines, berry weight, cluster weight, total soluble solid content and acidity of berries, and anthocyanin content of berry skins in harvested grapes in vineyards under panels and open vineyards. It was observed that harvesting season was delayed by 7-10 days due to late skin coloration in grapes grown in vineyards under panels compared to ones grown in open vineyards. The results from this study would be used as data required in development of viticulture system under panel in the future and further study for evaluating the influence of agrivoltaic system on production of crops including grapes.

Operation Measures of Sea Fog Observation Network for Inshore Route Marine Traffic Safety (연안항로 해상교통안전을 위한 해무관측망 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Joo-Young Lee;Kuk-Jin Kim;Yeong-Tae Son
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2023
  • Among marine accidents caused by bad weather, visibility restrictions caused by sea fog occurrence cause accidents such as ship strand and ship bottom damage, and at the same time involve casualties caused by accidents, which continue to occur every year. In addition, low visibility at sea is emerging as a social problem such as causing considerable inconvenience to islanders in using transportation as passenger ships are collectively delayed and controlled even if there are local differences between regions. Moreover, such measures are becoming more problematic as they cannot objectively quantify them due to regional deviations or different criteria for judging observations from person to person. Currently, the VTS of each port controls the operation of the ship if the visibility distance is less than 1km, and in this case, there is a limit to the evaluation of objective data collection to the extent that the visibility of sea fog depends on the visibility meter or visual observation. The government is building a marine weather signal sign and sea fog observation networks for sea fog detection and prediction as part of solving these obstacles to marine traffic safety, but the system for observing locally occurring sea fog is in a very insufficient practical situation. Accordingly, this paper examines domestic and foreign policy trends to solve social problems caused by low visibility at sea and provides basic data on the need for government support to ensure maritime traffic safety due to sea fog by factually investigating and analyzing social problems. Also, this aims to establish a more stable maritime traffic operation system by blocking marine safety risks that may ultimately arise from sea fog in advance.

A Study on Improvement Measures for the Adjustment Fee Calculation System in the Cadastral Resurvey Project -A Focus on Appeal Cases in Icheon City- (지적재조사 사업 조정금 제도 개선 방안에 관한 연구 -이천시 이의신청 사례분석을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Yun-soo;Choi, won-jun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to present improvement measures for the compensation assessment system and practices by analyzing the current status and case studies of objections related to compensation assessments in cadastral resurvey projects. Cadastral resurvey projects are conducted to align the cadastral records with the actual conditions of the land, thereby resolving disputes in areas with cadastral discrepancies. Although there is a system to adjust compensation based on land area changes, these projects are often delayed due to objections raised by landowners and other interested parties. The study analyzed essential data, including parcels with area increases or decreases, to grasp the characteristics of cadastral resurvey zones and predict the direction of future projects. The objections that caused the most significant delays were categorized into boundary adjustments, area changes, and compensation assessments, with the majority relating to compensation. Compensation assessments are conducted based on area changes per parcel, responding to objections, administrative appeals, and subsequent litigation as necessary. This study proposes measures to reduce disputes and objections regarding compensation assessments. Before conducting cadastral survey measurements, community briefings should be held to address boundary settings and compensation evaluations, allowing landowners to express opinions and thus minimize conflicts. Regulations should be established to allow preliminary compensation assessments at the pre-boundary confirmation stage, and legal provisions should specify the methods and content of objections more clearly. Furthermore, to address delays caused by personnel changes among officials handling cadastral resurvey operations and to promptly resolve resident complaints, standards and manuals for the compensation assessment process are essential. Detailed guidelines or manuals should be developed to ensure reliability, objectivity, and fairness in compensation assessments. Through a detailed analysis of objections in cadastral resurvey projects, this study proposes new legal provisions, transparency in the selection of evaluation agencies, a formal procedure for reviewing landowners' opinions, and improvements in compensation evaluations conducted prior to final boundary determination.