• Title/Summary/Keyword: deficiency of the kidney

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A Study on the Dizziness of Huangdi's Internal Classic $\ll$黃帝內經$\gg$ ($\ll$소문.영추(素問.靈樞)$\gg$에 나타난 현훈(眩暈)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Tark, Myoung-Rim;Kang, Na-Ru;Ko, Woo-Shin;Yoon, Hwa-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.142-170
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    • 2011
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate dizziness of Plain Questions $\ll$素問$\gg$ and Miraculous Pivot $\ll$靈樞$\gg$. Methods : We conducted a study on the original text paragraphs of Internal Classic $\ll$內經$\gg$ containing the dizziness and analysis of Yang, Ma, Zhang, Wang etc. We drew a parallel between dizziness from Internal Classic $\ll$內經$\gg$and matching diagnoses from western medicine. Results : The results were as follows. 1. Dizziness in Ok Ki Jin Jiang Ron <玉機眞藏論> and Pyo Bon Byeong Jeon Ron <標本病傳論> had relation to liver and was similar to dizziness caused by tension, hypertension, anemia and cerebrovascular accident etc. in western medicine. 2. Dizziness in Ja Yeol<刺熱>, O Sa<五邪> and Hai Ron<海論> had relation to kidney and was similar to dizziness caused by aging and peripheral vertigo concurrent with tinnitus and difficulty in hearing in western medicine. 3. Dizziness in O Sa<五邪> had relation to heart(pericardium) and was similar to dizziness caused by cardiac output loss and psychogenic dizziness in western medicine. 4. In Internal Classic $\ll$內經$\gg$ the main etiology of dizziness was infirmity(虛), which were Qi(氣) of the upper portion of the body being insufficient(上氣不足), blood depletion(血枯), deficiency of marrow-reservoir(髓海不足) etc. 5. In Dae Hok Ron<大惑論> etiology and pathogenesis of dizziness were mentioned and dizziness was similar to dizziness caused by eye disorder, psychogenic dizziness and central dizziness in western medicine. 6. In Internal Classic $\ll$內經$\gg$ the meridian of acupuncture points which was used much for dizziness was Bladder Meridian. Aqupunture points used in treatment of dizziness were Ch'onju(天柱), Kollyun(崑崙), Taejo, Chok-t'ongkok(足通谷) etc. Conclusion : We found out etiology, pathogenesis, treatments of dizziness in Internal Classic $\ll$內經$\gg$. Further we compared with western medicine to develop better understanding of dizziness.

Research Trends of Fermented Medicinal Herbs - Based on Their Clinical Efficacy and Safety Assessment (발효한약의 최근 연구 동향 - 안전성과 유효성 기반)

  • Choi, Yun-Kyung;Sul, Jae-Uk;Park, Seoul-Ki;Yu, Sun-Nyoung;Kim, Sang-Hun;Rhee, Moon-Soo;Ahn, Soon-Cheol;Shin, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.1729-1739
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of fermented medicinal herbs. A search of the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), PubMed databases and Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine in 2000-2011 located 11 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that investigated the clinical efficacy of fermented medicinal herbs. Domestic RCTs reported clinical efficacy on improvement of immune responses and clinical safety on usage of fermented medicinal herbs in subjects suffering from cerebral hemodynamics. Countries other than Chinareported studies on the cause of esophageal cancer and on local inflammatory reactions. In China, studies were reported on the effectiveness of fermented medicinal herbs on scapulohumeral periarthritis of the stasis type, chronic superficial gastritis, dysuria induced by benign prostatic hyperplasia of deficiency of kidney yang, diabetic nephropathy, essential hypertension, and benign prostate hyperplasia. These results indicate that fermented medicinal herbs have obvious clinical effects in some diseases and no adverse reactions. Therefore, we need to initiate more fermentation research with useful bacteria, fungi, and mushrooms to produce fermented medicinal herbs. Both governments and research authorities should focus on research involving fermentation of medicinal herbs.

A Pilot Study of Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of Pattern Identification Tool for Insomnia and Analyzing Correlation with Psychological Tests (불면증 변증도구 신뢰도와 타당도 평가 및 심리검사와의 상관성에 대한 초기연구)

  • Jeong, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Si-Yeon;Kang, Wee-Chang;Lim, Jung Hwa;Kim, Bo Kyung;Jung, In Chul
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the instrument on pattern identification for insomnia (PIT-Insomnia) and verify the correlation between PIT-Insomnia and psychological tests. Methods: Two evaluators examined the pattern identification of the participants who met insomnia disorder diagnostic criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and took the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) score over 15 once manually and twice using the PIT-Insomnia to measure the inter-rater and test-retest reliability. We also conducted the following surveys: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Korean version of Beck's depression inventory (K-BDI), the Korean version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-K), the Korean Symptom checklist-95 (KSCL-95), and the EuroQol-5 dimension (EQ-5D), to measure concurrent validity and correlation between the PTI-Insomnia and psychological tests. Results: 1. The test-retest reliability analysis of the pattern identification results showed moderate agreement, and test-retest reliability analysis of each pattern identification score showed agreements from poor to moderate. 2. The inter-rater reliability analysis of the pattern identification results via manual showed slight agreement, when analysis was performed with calibration, the inter-rater reliability analysis of the pattern identification results via manual showed fair agreement. 3. The concordance analysis between results via manual and the PIT-Insomnia showed poor agreement, when the analysis was performed with calibration, concordance analysis showed fair agreement. 4. The concordance analysis between the PIT-Insomnia and the PSQI showed positive linear correlation. 5. The concordance analysis between the PIT-Insomnia and the PSQI, K-BDI, STAI-K, KSCL-95, and EQ-5D showed that non-interaction between the heart and kidney have positive linear correlation with the K-BDI, anxiety item of KSCL-95, dual deficiency of the heart-spleen have positive linear correlation with somatization item of KSCL-95, paranoia item of KSCL-95, heart deficiency with timidity have positive linear correlation with stress vulnerability item of KSCL-95, parania item of KSCL-95, phlegm-fire harassing the heart have positive linear correlation with K-BDI, paranoia item of KSCL-95, depressed liver qi transforming into fire have positive linear correlation with the anxiety item of KSCL-95, parania item of KSCL-95, all pattern identification have negative linear correlation with EQ-5D. Conclusions: The PIT-Insomnia has moderate agreement of reliability and reflects the severity of insomnia since it has some concurrent validity with the PSQI. There are some correlations between the PTI-Insomnia with specific psychological tests, so we could suggest it can be used appropriately in the clinical situation.

A Clinical Study of Hypersensitive rhinitis including Allergic rhinitis (알레르기성 비염을 포함하는 과민성 비염 환자에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Choi, In-Hwa
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2002
  • Background: Allergic rhinitis(AR) is a heterogeneous disorder that despite its high prevalence is often undiagnosed. It is characterized by one or more symptoms including sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, and rhinorrhea. And it is frequently accompanied by symptoms involving the eyes, ears, and throat, including postnasal drainage. There are many different causes of rhinitis in children and adults. Approximately 50$\%$ of all cases of rhinitis are caused by allergy. In the case of rhinitis caused by allergens, symptoms arise as a result of inflammation induced by a gamma globulin E-mediated immune response to specific allergens such as pollens, molds, animal dander, and dust mites. The immune response involves the release of inflammatory mediators and the activation and recruitment of cells to the nasal mucosa. AR is similar to 鼻?, hypersensitive rhinitis in Oriental Medicine. I think hypersensitive rhinitis is including of AR, vasomotor rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis related with eosinophil increased and so on. Purpose: To perform a clinical analysis of hypersensitive rhinitis including allergic rhinitis and estimate the efficacy of Oriental Medical treatment. Objective: We studied 96 patients who had visited our hospital with complaints of nasal symptoms from March 2000 to February 2002; they had the signs more than 2 - nasal obstruction, watery discharge, sneezing and eye or nasal itching. Parameters Observed & Methods: We treated them with acupuncture & herb-medication. Sometime they used aroma oil or external medicine. 1) the distribution of sex & age groups 2) the clinical type based on duration & the severity of symptom 3) the breakdown of complication & pasl history of Otolaryngologic or allergic disease 4) the clinical assessment and classification of rhinitis(sneezers and runners & blockers) 5) the associated symptoms and signs 6) the classification of Byeonjeung 7) the classification of prescriptions and 8) the efficacy of treatment. Result: 1. In the clinical type of based on duration, the intermittent type was 42.7$\%$ and the persistent was 57.3$\%$. 2. We observed the severity of symptoms based on the quality of life. The mild type was 24.0$\%$ and the moderate-severe was 76.0$\%$. 3. In the clinical assessment and classification of rhinitis, the sneezers and runners type was 69.8$\%$ and the blockers was 30.2$\%$. 4. The most common family history with otolaryngologic or allergic disease were allergic rhinitis(17.7$\%$), urticaria, paranasal sinusitis and T.B.(3.1$\%$). 5. The most common past history with otolaryngologic or allergic disease were paranasal sinusitis(14.6$\%$), atopic dermatitis and asthma(8.3$\%$). It was 31.3$\%$ they had a family history and 44.8$\%$, past history. 6. The most common complication was paranasal sinusitis(15.6$\%$). In decreasing order the others were otitis media with effusion(9.4$\%$), GERD and headache(6.3$\%$), asthma, bronchitis, nasal bleeding and allergic dermatitis(5.2$\%$). 7. Classification through Byeonjeung : ⅰ) 39 cases(34.9$\%$) were classified as showing Deficiency syndrome. The insuffficiency of Qi was 17.7$\%$, deficiency of Kidney-Yang, 12.5$\%$ and Lung-Cold, 10.4$\%$. ⅱ) 57 cases(59.4$\%$) were classified as showing Excess syndrome. The Fever of YangMing-meridian was 35.4$\%$, Lung-Fever, 24.0$\%$. 8. The efficacy of treatments showed: an improvement in 22cases(22.9$\%$); an improvement partly in 24 cases(25.0$\%$); no real improvement or changes in 16 cases(16.7$\%$); and couldn't check the results 18cases(18.6$\%$). Conclusion: We suggest that this study could be utilized as a standard of clinical Oriental Medical treatment when we treat hypersensitive rhinitis including allergic rhinitis.

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Heterogenous Clinical Manifestations in Adult Patients with Late Diagnosis of Glycogen Storage Disease type Ia (성인기에 진단된 당원병 제 Ia형의 다양한 임상 양상)

  • Kim, Yoo-Mi;Cheon, Chong Kun;Kim, Gu-Hwan;Yoo, Han-Wook
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2015
  • Glycogen storage disease (GSD) type Ia is rare inborn metabolic disorder, caused by glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency. It characterized by hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperuricemia and it is usually manifested in the infantile period. In addition, it is also associated with growth failure, pubertal delay, anemia, platelet dysfunction, osteopenia, and pulmonary hypertension. Hepatocellular adenoma and renal dysfunction are frequent late complications. Delayed diagnosis and inappropriate therapy lead to many complications such as growth failure, osteoporosis, refractory gout, renal failure, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and pulmonary hypertension. Here, two Korean sisters diagnosed with GSD Ia, aged 33 and 36 respectively, were described and compared to recent articles about four adults with late diagnosis of GSD Ia. One sister had typical manifestations of GSD Ia including short stature (height, 145 cm), multiple hepatic adenoma, chronic kidney disease stage IV, and severe osteoporosis, whereas the older sister had normal stature (162 cm), one tiny hepatic nodule, and normal renal function. Direct sequencing of G6PC in two sisters identified a homozygous splicing mutation, c.645G>T, which is a prevalent mutation in Korea. Interestingly, our cases and four adults from recent reports had asymptomatic mild hypoglycemia and various manifestations including renal failure, HCC, fatty liver, or uncontrolled hyperlipidemia. These adult cases represent not only heterogenous phenotype to genotype within family members with GSD Ia but also long-term complications such as gouty arthritis, renal failure, and osteoporosis in untreated adult GSD Ia patients. In addition, lactic academia and hypertriglyceridemia are good markers of GSD Ia to distinguish from metabolic disease.

Disorders of Potassium Metabolism (칼륨 대사 장애)

  • Lee, Joo-Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2010
  • Hypokalemia usually reflects total body potassium deficiency, but less commonly results from transcellular potassium redistribution with normal body potassium stores. The differential diagnosis of hypokalemia includes pseudohypokalemia, cellular potassium redistribution, inadequate potassium intake, excessive cutaneous or gastrointestinal potassium loss, and renal potassium wasting. To discriminate excessive renal from extrarenal potassium losses as a cause for hypokalemia, urine potassium concentration or TTKG should be measured. Decreased values are indicative of extrarenal losses or inadequate intake. In contrast, excessive renal potassium losses are expected with increased values. Renal potassium wasting with normal or low blood pressure suggests hypokalemia associated with acidosis, vomiting, tubular disorders or increased renal potassium secretion. In hypokalemia associated with hypertension, plasam renin and aldosterone should be measured to differentiated among hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism, primary hyperaldosteronism, and mineralocorticoid excess other than aldosterone or target organ activation. Hypokalemia may manifest as weakness, seizure, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, constipation, ileus, arrhythmia, paresthesias, etc. Therapy for hypokalemia consists of treatment of underlying disease and potassium supplementation. The evaluation of hyperkalemia is also a multistep process. The differential diagnosis of hyperkalemia includes pseudohypokalemia, redistribution, and true hyperkalemia. True hyperkalemia associated with decreased glomerular filtration rate is associated with renal failure or increased body potassium contents. When glomerular filtration rate is above 15 mL/min/$1.73m^2$, plasma renin and aldosterone must be measured to differentiate hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, primary aldosteronism, disturbance of aldosterone action or target organ dysfunction. Hyperkalemia can cause arrhythmia, paresthesias, fatigue, etc. Therapy for hyperkalemia consists of administration of calcium gluconate, insulin, beta2 agonist, bicarbonate, furosemide, resin and dialysis. Potassium intake must be restricted and associated drugs should be withdrawn.

A Delphi Study For Treatment Standardization of Coldness in hands and Feet (수족냉증 치료 표준화를 위한 델파이 연구)

  • Sun, Seung-Ho;Go, Ho-Yeon;Ko, Seungwoo;Cho, Yoon-Young;Shin, Ji-Hye;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Choi, Dong-Jun;Lee, Jin-Moo;Jang, Jun-Bok;Jung, Ki-Yong;Song, Yun-Kyung;Go, Seong-Gyu;Choi, You-Kyung;Lim, Eun-Mee;Park, Jong-Hyeong;Jeon, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to figure out the treatment of coldness in hands and Feet by using Delphi survey. Method : This study was approved by institutional review boards at Kyung Hee University. Self recording type delphi survey were sent by e-mail to 55 Korean medicine specialists (19 gynecologist, 36 internal medical doctors) who treat coldness in hands and Feet. And replies were analyzed. As this study is cross sectional study, simple descriptive analysis was applied. Results & Conclusion : Herbal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion were mainly applied and extract (granule), pharmacopuncture, bee venom pharmacopuncture and cupping therapy were also added case by case. Treatment was done twice a weak for 4 months. Cupping therapy was done at GB21 and SI11. Bee venom pharmacopuncture and Kidney yang deficiency pharmacopuncture were applied at ST36, GB21, CV4 and LR3. As extract (granule) Ijungtang, Dangguisayeokgaosuyusaenggangtang and Dangguisayeoktang were mainly used and as herbal medicine formula Palmijihwangwon, Bojungikgitang, Ijungtang, Danggwisayeok-gaosuyusaenggangtang and Danggwisayeoktang were mainly prescribed. Comprehensive treatment of acupuncture, moxibustion and herbal medicine was considered to have more effective and more rapid result than single treatment of herbal medicine have.

Effects of Ca Supplementation on Mineral Metabolism during Pregnancy and Lactation of Calcium-Deficient Young Adult Rats (칼슘섭취 부족 흰쥐에서 임신, 수유기 동안 칼슘보충 수준이 무기질 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 박미나;김은애;이연숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.958-964
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the effects of maternal calcium intake levels on mineral metabolism during pregnancy and lactation. Five week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed normal Ca (NCa, 0.5%) and low Ca (LCa, 0.15%) diets for 5 weeks during preconception. The low Ca intake group was divided into three groups and fed low Ca (0.15%), normal Ca (0.5%) and high Ca (1.5%) diets for 6 weeks during pregnancy and lactation. All of the rats were mated with normal male rats. The control group was consistently fed a normal Ca diet for 11 weeks. Pups were adjusted to 10 per dam. After weaning, dams and their weaned rats were sacrificed. We measured total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase and mineral content in serum and weight, length, breaking force, ash and mineral content in bone and kidney. There was no significant difference in weight gain and food intake among the groups. Serum total protein and albumin were in the normal range but slightly decreased with a low Ca diet during preconception. Calcium supplementation above normal level increased bone weight, Ca content and breaking force in femur of maternal and their weaned rats. However, high maternal Ca intake significantly decreased Mg and Fe contents in maternal serum and bone and Mg and Zn contents in serum of weaned rats. Also, it induced Ca, P and Mg deposit in maternal kidney. Our experimental results suggest that Ca deficiency during preconception may deteriorate bone status of mother and their offsprings. Moreover, high Ca supplementation during pregnancy and lactation may lead to disturb mineral metabolism in bone and other tissues.

『황제내경소문(黃帝內經素問)·칠편대론(七篇大論)』 왕빙 주본(注本)을 통(通)한 운기학설(運氣學說) 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Kim, Gi-Uk;Park, Hyeon-Guk
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.4
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    • pp.109-140
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    • 1995
  • As we considered in the main subjects, investigations on the theory of 'Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' through 'Wang Bing's Commentary(王氷 注本)' of 'The seven great chapters in The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen' ("黃帝內經素問 七篇大論") are as follows. (1) In The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' Wang Bing supplement theory and in the academic aspects as a interpreter, judging from 'forget(亡)' character. expressed in the 'The missing chapters("素問遺篇")', 'Bonbyung-ron("本病論")' and 'Jabeob-ron(刺法論)', 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' must be supplementary work by Wang Bing. Besides, he quoted such forty books as medical books, taoist books, confucianist books, miscellaneous books, etc in the commentary and the contents quoted in the 'Su Wen(素問)' and 'Ling Shu("靈樞")' scripture nearly occupy in the book. As a method of interpreting scripiure as scripture, he edited the order of 'Internal Classic("內經")' ascended from the ancient time and when he compensated for commentary, with exhaustive scholarly mind and by observing the natural phenomena practically and writing the pathology and the methods of treatment. We knew that the book is combined with the study of 'Doctrine on five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' (2) When we compare, analyze the similar phrase of 'The seven great chapters in The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen'("黃帝內經素問ㆍ七篇大論") through 'Wang Bing's Commentary(王氷 注本)', he tells abouts organized 'five elements(五行)' and 'heaven's regularly movement(天道運行)' rather than 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")' in 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")'. Also the 'Ohanunhangdae-ron("五運行大論")' because the repeated sentences with 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")' is long they are omitted. And in the 'Youkmijidae-ron("六微旨大論")', 'Cheonjin ideology(天眞四象)' based on the 'Sanggocheonjin- ron("上古天眞論")', 'Sagijosindae-ron("四氣調神大論")' is written and in the 'Gigoupyondae-ron("氣交變大論")', the syndrome and symptom are explained in detail rather than 'Janggibeobsi-ron("藏氣法時論")', 'Okgijinjang-ron ("玉機眞藏論")' and in the 'Osangieongdae-ron("五常政大論")', the concept of 'five element(五行)' of the 'Gemgwejineon-ron("金櫃眞言論")' is expanded to 'the five elements' motion concept(五運槪念)' and in the 'Youkwonjeonggidae-ron("六元正紀大論")', explanations of 'The five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣)' function are mentioned mainly and instead systematic pathology is not revealed rather than 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")'. And in the 'Jijinyodae-ron("至眞要大論")', explanations of the change of atmosphere which correspond to treatment principle by 'The three Yin and Yang(三陰三陽)' as a progressed concepts are revealed. Therefore there are much similarity between the phrase of 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")' and 'chapters of addition(補缺之篇)'. Generally, the doctrine which 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' are added by Wang Bing(王氷) is supported because there are more profound concepts rather than the other chapter in 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")'. (3) When we study Wang Bing's(王氷) 'Pattern on five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣格局)' in 'The seven great chapter("七篇大論")', in the 'Cheonwongi-dae-ron("天元紀大論")', With 'Cheonjin ideology(天眞思想)' and the concepts of 'Owang(旺)'${\cdot}$'Sang(相)'${\cdot}$'Sa(死)'${\cdot}$'Su(囚)'${\cdot}$'Hu(休)' and 'Cheonbu(天符)'${\cdot}$'Sehwoi(歲會)' are measured time-spacially to the concept of 'Three Sum(三合)' the concept of 'Taeulcheonbu(太乙天符)' is explained. In the 'Ounhangdae-ron("五運行大論")', 'The calender Signs five Sum(天干五合)' is compared to the concepts of 'couples(夫婦)', 'weak-strong(柔强)' and in the 'Youkmijidae-ron("六微旨大論")', 'the relationship of obedience and disobedience(順逆關係)' which conform to the 'energy status(氣位)' change and 'monarch-minister(君相)' position is mentioned. In the 'Gikyobyeondae-ron("氣交變大論")', the concept of 'Sang-duk(相得)', 'Pyungsang(平常)' is emphasized but concrete measurement is mentioned. In the 'Osangieongdae-ron("五常政大論")', the detailed explanation with twenty three 'systemic of the five elements' motion(五運體系)' form and 'rountine-contrary treatment(正治. 反治)' with 'chill-fever-warm-cold(寒${\cdot}$${\cdot}$${\cdot}$凉)' are mentioned according to the 'analyse and differentiate pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes(八綱辨證)'. In the 'Youkwonjeonggidae-ron("六元正紀大論")', Wang Bing of doesn't mention the concepts of 'Jungwun(中運)' that is seen in the original classic. In the new corrective edition, as the concepts of 'Jungwun, Dongcheonbu, Dongsehae and Taeulcheonbu(中運, 同天符, 同歲會, 太乙天符)' is appeared, Wang Bing seems to only use the concepts of 'Daewun, Juwun, and Gaekwun(大運, 主運, 客運)'. In the 'Jijinyodaeron("至眞要大論")', Wang Bing added detailed commentary to pathology and treatment doctrine by explaining the numerous appearances of 'Sebo, sufficiency, deficiency(歲步, 有餘, 不足)' and in the relation of 'victory-defeat(勝復)', he argued clearly that it is not mechanical estimation. (4) When we observe the Wang Bing's originality on the study of 'the theory of Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)', he emphasized 'The idea of Jeongindogi and Health preserving(全眞導氣${\cdot}$養生思想)' by adding 'Wang Bing's Commentary(王氷 注本)' of 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' and explained clearly 'The theory of Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' and simpled and expanded the meaning of 'man, as a microcosm, is connected with the macrocosm(天人相應)' and with 'Atmosphere theory(大氣論)' also explained the meaning of 'rising and falling mechanism(升降氣機)'. In the sentence of 'By examining the pathology, take care of your health(審察病機 無失氣宜)'. he explained the meaning of pathology of 'heart-kidney-water-fire(心腎水火)' and suggested the doctrine and management of prescription. In the estimation and treatment, by suggesting 'asthenia and sthenia(虛實)' two method's estimation, 'contrary treatment(反治)' and treatment principals of 'falling heart fire tonifyng kidney water(降心火益腎水)', 'two class of chill and fever(寒熱二綱)' were demonstrated. There are 'inside and outside in the illness and so inner and outer in the treatment(病有中外 治有表囊)'. This sentence suggests concertedly. 'two class of superfies and interior(表囊二綱)' conforming to the position of disease. Therefore Wang Bing as an excellent theorist and introduced 'Cheoniin ideology(天眞思想)' as a clinician and realized the medical science. With these accomplishes mainly written in 'The theory of Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' of 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")', he interpreted the ancient medical scriptures and expanded the meaning of scriptures and conclusively contributed to the development of the study 'Korean Oriental Medicine(韓醫學)'.

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Hypersensitive Large Intestine Syndrome in Hyungsang Medicine (과민성대장증후군의 형상의학적 고찰 -동의보감(東醫寶鑑)을 중심으로-)

  • Choi Byung-Tae;Choi Yung-Hyun;Han Jin-Soo;Lee Yong-Tae
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1129-1136
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    • 2005
  • The writer reports the conclusions gained from study about the cause of the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome with Dongeuibogam as the central figure through researching the disharmony among Body Essence, Vital Energy, Mentality, and Blood, mutual action of five viscera and six bowels, and external shapes. The hypersensitive large intestine syndrome is generally chronic and recurred in many cases, so it is more efficacious than symptomatic to treat according to find the contradictions of individual shapes. The shapes and cases suffering frequently the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome are Gi-kwa and Sin-kwa, having a long nose, having a bruised spot on Triple warmer, man with inclined mouth, Taeeum type, man with congested fluids, man with colic symptoms. The hypersensitive large intestine syndrome in Oriental medicine is recognized of diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal distention and fullness caused by seven emotions. In Dongeuibogam it can be found out the similarity in depressive symptoms due to disorder of Gi, stagnation of Gi, dysphasia due to disorder of Gi, diarrhea due to disorder of Gi, fullness of due to Gi, diarrhea due to phlegm-retention, retention of undigested food, immoderate drinking, hypo-function of the spleen, or deficiency, abdominal pain from colic symptom, and difficulty in defecation and urination, internal injury, diarrhea due to weakness and fatigue. If the Jung, Gi, Sin, and Hyul composed the human body is broken harmony, the function of large intestinal transmission would be fallen, so similar symptoms like the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome are gotten. Especially Gi-kwa suffers diarrhea, constipation abdominal pain, and abdominal distention and fullness due to depressive symptoms from disorder of Seven emotions or Seven Gi. And Sin-kwa suffers from the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome due to emotional restlessness having an influence on rhythmic movement of abdomen. Examining between five viscera and six bowels and the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome, Liver cannot disperse well having influence on mutual relation of Liver-Large intestine, Heart reduces the function of defecation and urination not to control the seven emotions, Lung having exterior and interior relation with intestine has an influence on primordial energy and let the main symptoms occur, Spleen circulating the body fluid let the main symptoms occur due to malfunction of circulation, Kidney locating in lower part of the body has deep connection with intestine, so let the disorder. Urinary bladder is connected with intestine in moisture metabolism, Stomach is connected in receive and transmission, Small intestine is connected in absorption and excretion, from small intestine pain disturbing the abdominal movement, Samcho managing the catharsis of lower heater if declined its function causes the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome. The colic symptoms of Front private parts which disorder in lower abdomen give rise to abdominal pains, difficulty in defecation and urination due to Cold are similar to the hypersensitive large intestine syndrome. The treatments of applying the shapes of colic syndrome advocated by Master Park can be efficacious cure in clinic. Researching after the clinical cases of Master Park advocating Hyungsang medicine, we came to know that plenty of prescriptions of internal injury are applied and take good effects.