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A Case of Combination Therapy of Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy and Oriental Medical Treatment On Panic Disorder (한방치료와 인지행동치료를 병행한 공황장애 환자 1례에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Jung, Hyo-Chang;Sung, Woo-Yong;Kim, Jin-Won;Jeong, Byeong-Ju;Jang, Ha-Jeong
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2004
  • Panic disorder is a frequent anxiety disorder. Recently many studies raised that the course of panic disorder is the interaction of biological and psychological factor. So we used Oriental Medicine Treatment to control biological factor and Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy to control psychological factor of panic disorder, obtained good results. Practicing Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy, we were able to destroy catastrophic misunderstanding. And then in this case, patient is diagnosed Deficiency of Kidney(腎虛) with Fire from stagnation of Liver(肝鬱化火). So we used herbal medicine and acupuncture according to oriental medical theory and these efforts helped the case of disease.

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The E-mail Survey on the Neck Pain for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Clinical Guideline (경항통에 관한 침구임상 진료지침 개발을 위한 전자우편 설문조사)

  • Kim, Hyun-Wook;Kim, Sung-Soo;Nam, Dong-Woo;Kim, Eun-Jung;Hong, Kwon-Eui;Kim, Sung-Chul;Kim, Sun-Woong;Lee, Jae-Dong;Kim, Kap-Sung;Lee, Geon-Mok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The purpose of this survey is the development on the neck pain for acupuncture and moxibustion clinical guideline. Methods : The survey questionnaire was developed by the committee of experts who major in acupuncture & moxibustion or statistics for acupuncture clinical trial protocol development. The questionnaires were distributed via e-mail to 75 members of Korean Acupuncture & moxibustion society. 57 members completed answers, and the computerized data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 statistical program. Results and Conclusions : 1. The first selected pattern identification on the neck pain This study shows that the meridian pattern identification was selected 35 times(61.4%), the pattern identification based on cause of disease was selected 8 times(14.0%), the visceral pattern identification was selected 7 times(12.3%), the other pattern identification was selected 4 times(7.0%), Qi blood yin yang pattern identification was selected 2 times(3.5%), according to symptoms was selected 1 time(2.4%). 2. Meridian pattern identification Small intestine meridian of hand Taeyang was used 39 times(18.1%), Large intestine meridian of hand Yangmyeong and Bladder meridian of foot Taeyang was used 34 times(15.7%), Gall-bladder meridian of foot Soyang was 32 times(14.8%), Tripple energizer meridian of hand Soyang was used 31 times(14.4%), Governor meridian was used 30 times(13.9%), Lung meridian of hand Taeeum was used 8 times(3.7%), Heart meridian of hand Soeum and Pericarduim meridian of hand Gworeum was used 4 times(1.9%). 3. Pattern identification based on cause of disease Wind-Cold-Dampness was used 31 times(17.5%), Accumulation of the collateral by Phelgm-Dampness was used 16 times(14.0%), affection by exopathogen Wind-Cold(stiff neck, sprain of cervical) was used 13 times (11.4%), Defecient-Cold was used 10 times(8.8%), affection by exopathogen Wind-Dampness was used 9 times(7.9%), Deep Invasion by Wind-Cold was used 8 times(7.0%), Wind-Cold was used 7 times (6.1%), Wind-Cold was used 6 times(5.3%), Accumulation in the Center by Phelgm-Dampness, Imparement of bou fluid by Pathogenic Heat, Wind-Heat with Dampness was used 5 times(4.4%), affection by exopathogen Wind-Dampness and Accumulation of the collateral by Wind-Cold was used 4 times(3.5%), Invasion of Dampness-Heat was used 2 times(1.8%). 4. Visceral pattern identification Rising of the Liver yang was used 16 times(41%), Yin deficiency of Liver and Kidney+pathogens was used 15 times(38.5%), Yin deficiency of Liver and Kidney was used 8 times(20.5%) on this survey.

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Growth Inhibition of Rats Fed Raw or Heated Korean Beans and the Effect of Methionine or Protein Supplementation (한국산 생두류 및 익힌두류를 섭취한 흰쥐의 성장저해와 Methionine 및 단백질 첨가의 영향)

  • Kang, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.126-138
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    • 1985
  • A study was made on the effect of anti-nutritional factors found in some Korean beans : soybean, red bead, mung bean and kidney bean. Two animal experiments were conducted to investigate the nutritional value of the beans. The first experiment, in which the diet contained 15% protein from raw beans, compared the intensity of inhibition caused by methionine deficiency or a total amino acid deficiency. In the second experiment, the conditions were the same as in experiment I, except that heated beans were substituted for raw beans. Severe growth inhibition and high mortality was found in the raw kidney bean and red bean groups than in the soybean and mung bean groups. As no effect on the growth inhibition of raw bean groups was shown by methionine and protein supplementation, the inhibition could be ascribed mainly to the low feed intake and the low protein digestibility caused by toxic factors. Pancreatic enlargement was obserbed in all the raw bean groups. A increase in body weight, a decrease in mortality and a decrease in the weight pancreases were found in the heated bean groups. But the digestility of the diet and of the protein and the PER by heating did not increase as markedly as weight, except in the heated red bean groups. Even with heat treatment, the whole inhibitory action could not be eliminated.

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A Clinical Inquiry into 200 Cases of Children Coming to the Clinic Due to the Symptom of Growth Deficiency (성장장애(成長障碍)를 주소(主訴)로 내원(來院)한 환아(患兒) 200례(例)에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 관찰(觀察))

  • Na, Dong-Gyu
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.609-620
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    • 1999
  • Over the period between January 1997 and December 1998, herbal medicine was more than three times administered to the patients coming to Na dong gyu's Oriental Medical Clinic on account of the symptom of growth deficiency. According to radiological opinions about the patients providing cooperation for measuring their height and weight as well as their bone age every three months, it was found that the growth plates were not closed. A research was conducted for 200 children randomly selected of patients in prepuberty (they grew by less than 5cm a year before treatment at a age of 12years for female children and 14years for male children). As a result, the following conclusion was drawn: 1. The randomly selected subjects were made up of 116 male and 84 female children in terms of gender. The age direstribution was most 10 to 12 years in 86 children(34.00%), followed by 8-10 years(27.50%) and 12 to 14 years(19.50%). 2. Considering the distribution of sick children's parental height, the fathers of 141 children(70.50%) measured less than 170cm high, the subaverage height, while the mothers of 172 children(86%) measured less than 160cm high, the subaverage height. It was shown that sick childen's height was genetically influenced by their parents. 3. Children patients's weight at a time of birth was most 3.1-3.5kg for 85 children(44%) and less than 2.5kg which came under the range of growth dificiency for 19 children(9.5%). 4. The highest proportian of the children patients with growth dificiency(56.33%) had the symptom of digestive disorders, of which 77 children patients(18.78%) had anorexia, 16.59% of children patients had the high level of respiratory disorders. Both the digestive disorder and the respiratory disorder put together, they had the high rate of 72.92%. Therefore, this indicates that both the digestive disorder and the respiratory disorder have a great effect on children's growth dificiency. 10.74% of chilren patients were shown to have allergic disorders, which indicates that they also exert an effect on growth deficiency. Specifically, 7.07% of the children patients had the high level of obesity, which shows that an excessive uptake of nutrition may rather induce children to have growth dificiency though an appropriate amount of nutritional uptake is necessary. 5. Comparing their bone age and their chronological age, 58 children patients(29.00%) showed that they were the same at the highest percent. 79 children patients(39.50%) showed that thier bone age was lower than their chronological age. And 63 children patients(31.50%) showed that their bone age was higher than their chronological age. 6. As regards the prescription administered to children patients for treating their growth dificiency, Growth tang A related to the kidney, the congenital factor, of the causes for growth dificiency in traditional Oriental Medicine was administered to 108 children patients(54%), whereas the Growth tang B related to the spleen, the acquired factor, was administered to 92 children patients(46%). 7. 116 male children patients with growth dificiency had the average value of growth for one year before treatment, 4.39cm, while 84 female children patients had the average value of growth for one year before treatment, 4.24cm. A total of 200 children had the average value of growth for one year before treatment, 4.33cm. The annual average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society was 5.79cm. Compared to this value, the one year average value of growth for 108 male and female children patients taking Growth tang A was shown be 8.44cm, which indicates a greater growth by 4.12cm(95.37%) in comparison with the average value of growth before treatment, 4.32cm, and a greater growth by 2.65cm(45.77%) compared to 5.79cm, the average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society. Also, the average value of growth before treatment for 92 male and female children patients taking Growth tang B was shown to be 8.47cm, which indicates a greater increase by 4.15cm(96.06%) compared to 4.32cm, the average value of growth before treatment and a greater increase by 2.67cm(46.29%) in comparison with 5.79cm, the average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society. Considering the average value of growth for male and female children patients taking Growth tang A and B, it was shown to be 8.46cm, which indicates a greater increase by 4.14cm(95.81%) compared to 4.32cm, the average value of growth before treatment, and a greater increase by 2.67cm(46.11%) compared to 5.79cm, the average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society.

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A Study on a paradigm of Radix Aconiti(附子) in the treatment of heart-systemic disease(心系疾患) due to heat syndrome(熱證) (심계영역질환(心系領域疾患) 화열증(火熱證)에 사용된 부자(附子)의 활용(活用)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Kyung-Ae;Kweon, Jung-Nam;Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.145-165
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    • 1998
  • We inquired into the prescription including Radix Aconiti(附子) on the records of the past. According to the role of Radix Aconiti(附子), we can divide into four group. (1) In the case of excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower(上盛下虛), heat in the upper and cold in the lower(上熱下寒), Radix Aconiti(附子) supplies the fire from the gate of life(命門火) and the fire of deficiency type(虛火) is recurred into the origine(根源) by it. (2) In the case that Yang(陽) is kept externally by Yin(陰)-excess in the interior(陰盛格陽), and there is heat syndrome in the exterior with cold syndrome in the interior(裏寒外熱), Radix Aconiti(附子) can remove cold(祛寒) and revitalizes(回陽). (3) In the case of the heat of excess type syndrome(實熱證), Radix Aconiti(附子) treats heat-syndrome(熱證) with heat-clearing(淸熱) drug. (4) In the case of wind-syndrome(風證) and phlegm-syndrome(痰證), Radix Aconiti(附子) supplies the kidney-Yang(元陽) and promotes movement of the other drugs. According to frequency in use of drugs, we can divide into four group. (1) In e case of the fire of deficiency type(虛火), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of invigorating-Yin(補陰), invigorating-Yang(補陽) and diuresis(利水), such as Rhizoma rehmanniae(熟地黃), Cortex cinnamomi(肉桂), Fructus comi(山茱萸), Poria, etc. (2) In the case that Yang is kept externally by Yin(陰)-excess in the interior(陰盛格陽), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of dispelling cold(祛寒) and revitalization(回陽), such as Rhizoma zingiberis siccatum(乾薑), Radix glycyrrhizae(甘草), Radix ginseng(人蔘), etc. (3) In the case of the heat of excess type syndrome(實熱證), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of heat-clearing(淸熱), such as Rhizoma coptidis(黃蓮). (4) In the case of wind-syndrome(風證) and phlegm-syndrome(痰證), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of dispersing(發散), invigorating(補氣), enriching the blood(補血), removing the phlegm(去痰), heat-clearing(淸熱). such as Radix oxterici koreani(羌活), Radix ledebouriellae(防風), Radix ginseng(人蔘), Radix angelicae gigantis(當歸), etc. Especially in many of cases, Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of nourishing-Yin(滋陰), but it is hardly used with drugs of treating middle-jiao energy(中氣).

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Study for Diagnostic Correspondent Rates between DSOM and Oriental Medical Doctors (한방진단시스템과 진단의 간의 진단일치도 연구)

  • Lee, In-Seon;Lee, Yong-Tae;Chi, Gyoo-Yong;Kim, Jong-Won;Kim, Kyu-Kon
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1359-1367
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    • 2008
  • DSOM(Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine) was made as a computerized assistant program for oriental medicine doctors to be able to diagnose with statistical basis. Then DSOM uses questionnaires filled out by subjects without enough explanatory guide. If the subject misunderstand the meaning of the passages, we might not rely on that result. So I designed this study to investigate the diagnostic correspondent rates between DSOM and practitioners. First, let the respondents answer to DSOM(DSOM-Ⅰ for the rest). After that, three doctors diagnosed the respondents and marked how much they had symptoms about 16 pathogenic factors in the score range 05('0' means they didn't have that symptom, '1' means they had that symptom but mild, '3' means they had that symptom moderately, '5' means they had that symptom severely. And let the respondents answer to DSOM(DSOM-Ⅱ for the rest) again. Finally, we investigated the correspondent rates of diagnosis between DSOM-Ⅰ,Ⅱ and doctors'. We obtained conclusions as following. In the comparison of output frequency rate of the pathogenic factors, the difference between DSOM-Ⅰ and Ⅱ was 1%. In the correspondent rates of diagnosis between DSOM-Ⅰ,Ⅱ and doctors', In DSOM-Ⅰ and Ⅱ answered by subjects two times respectively, the correspondent rate was highest in insufficiency of Yang(陽虛) and liver(肝) as 93.2%, lowest in damp(濕) as 69.5% and showed 81.9% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean. In DSOM-Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and Doctors' diagnose, they showed the complete correspondent rates of 15.361.0%, 15.359.3% in individual pathogenic factor, 36.5%, 37.3% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean each, and within ±1 errorrange, they showed the correspondent rates of 32.293.2%, 35.689.8% in individual pathogenic factor, 67.6%, 67.3% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean each, and within ±2 error range, they showed the correspondent rates of 62.798.3%, 71.2100% in individual pathogenic factor, 85.1 87.6%% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean each. In the correspondent rates of the severe case, In the cases that the Doctors' diagnostic score mean was over 3(the severity of disease is middle), there were deficiency of qi(氣虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), blood stasis(血瘀), damp(濕), liver(肝), heart(心), spleen(脾) and they all showed the correspondent rates of over 60 except blood stasis(血瘀). In the cases that the weighed pathogenic factor was above 9, the correspondent rates were 50100%. deficiency of qi(氣虛), blood-deficiency(血虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), blood stasis(血瘀), insufficiency of Yin(陽虛), insufficiency of Yang(陽虛), coldness(寒), heat (熱), damp(濕), dryness(燥), liver(肝), heart(心), spleen(脾), kidney(腎), phlegm(痰).

Improved Acroparesthesia During Enzyme Replacement Therapy in a Patient Lately Diagnosed with Fabry Disease (진단이 지연된 Fabry 병 환자에서 효소대체요법을 통한 사지 말단 동통의 호전을 보인 1례)

  • Yang, Aram;Kim, Jinsup;Cho, Sung Yoon;Jin, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2017
  • Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by an α-galactosidase A (GLA, MIM 300644) enzyme deficiency due to pathogenic variants in the α-galactosidase A gene (GLA). The disease leads to accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and related glycophospholipids affecting nearly all major organ systems, with the primary sites damaged by Gb3 including renal glomeruli, myocardium, neurons of the dorsal ganglion and autonomic nervous system, and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle. Progressive deposition in these organ systems present with various clinical manifestations including acroparesthesia, renal failure and heart failure. Here, we report a Chinese male diagnosed with Fabry disease in his late 4th decades showing improvement of acroparesthesia during enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). A 48-year-old Chinese man who presented with chronic recurrent severe burning pain in his fingers and toes since the age of 10, with worse involvement of the former visited to our clinic for further evaluation. His medical history included a transient ischemic attack aged 40 and diagnosed with stage 4-5 chronic kidney disease aged 47. In the family history, the patient's brother was found to be have Fabry disease 1 month before his visit. Except for his brother, all other members of the family are healthy. Based on his medical history and family history, he was strongly suspicious for Fabry disease. He was found to have a galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose level 4.96 (Reference range, 42.5-67.9) suggestive of Fabry disease. The followed sequencing of GLA coding region in our patient revealed hemizyosity for the mutation c.988C>T (Q330X) in Exon 7. Since ERT start, he showed significant improvement in his symptoms of burning sensation of fingers and toes. On the contrary, due to deteriorating kidney function even with ERT, he is considered for kidney transplantation. Despite of diagnostic delay until late 4th decades, ERT showed a potential improvement of acroparesthesia in our patient. However, late start of ERT can lead to poor outcome in multiorgan function. Therefore, early diagnosis with high index of suspicion followed by continuous ERT with regular monitoring have an impact on quality of life in Fabry disease.

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Malnutrition risk, nutritional knowledge, and dietary intake in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis: comparison according to coexisting diabetes (투석치료 중인 만성콩팥병 환자의 영양불량, 영양지식 및 식사 섭취 실태: 당뇨병 동반여부에 따른 비교)

  • HyunJung Yoo;Sang Cheol Lee;Hye-Kyeong Kim
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.481-495
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Malnutrition is a prevalent condition leading to a high risk of morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. This study examined the malnutrition risk and the influence of diabetes on clinical characteristics, nutritional knowledge, and dietary intake in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on hemodialysis. Methods: Seventy-six patients (37 with diabetes and 39 without diabetes) enrolled in an internal medicine hemodialysis unit in Seoul were examined. A questionnaire, anthropometric, biochemical, and three-day dietary record data were collected. The nutritional risk was screened by the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), compared to the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM). Results: The overall prevalence of malnutrition was 56.6% and 27.6% by PG-SGA and GLIM, respectively, showing the low sensitivity (34.9%) and agreement (kappa = 0.16) of GLIM compared to the PG-SGA. CKD patients with diabetes had a higher malnutrition risk and more comorbidities than those without diabetes (p < 0.05). More than 60% of patients had anemia and hypocholesterolemia. Despite the fair level of nutritional knowledge, the intakes of energy per ideal body weight, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin C were below the nutritional guidelines for hemodialysis patients in more than 70% of the patients. When stratified according to sex, female patients showed marked differences, with lower energy, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B2, folate, and vitamin B12 intakes in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic patients. The most challenging aspect of diet therapy for hemodialysis patients was achieving the appropriate protein intake for diabetic patients and restricting phosphorus intake for non-diabetic patients (p < 0.05). Conclusion: These findings suggest that attention should be paid to the malnutrition of diabetic hemodialysis patients. Individualized nutritional counseling and management are needed for the nutritional care of hemodialysis patients to address the nutritional deficiency.

A Case of Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia Confirmed by Biopsy and Enzyme Assay (제Ia형 당원병 1례 (Glycogen Storage Disease , Type Ia))

  • Meen Sang-Ae;Rho Kwang-Sik;Kim Pyung-Kil;Jeong Hyeon-Joo;Park Young-Nyeon;Kim Myung-Joon;Kim Ji-Hong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 1998
  • The author exprienced a case of glycogen storage disease type Ia(GSD-I) in an 18-year-old male patient who was admitted to our hospital due to proteinuria and hypertension. he was suspected to have GSD when 12 years old because of his family history of short stature and hepatomegaly. On admission, physical examination revealed short stature, heparomegaly, and The diagnosis of GSD-I was confirmed by compatible liver biopsy finding and enzyme assay which erealeddeficiency of glcose-6-phosphatase if hepatocyte. Sympromatic treatment was done using antihypertensive drugs and allopurinol with diet control. The authors report a case of glycogen storage disease type Ia completely confirmed by typical clinical manifestation, pathologic findings of the liver and the kidney, and the result of enzyme assay which revealed deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase in hepatocytes with brief review fo related literatures.

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Study on The Drug Processing of of the Roots of Aconitum carmichaeli (바꽃(烏頭)의 포제(抱製)에 관한 연구)

  • Seong, Man-Jun;Lee, Kye-Suk;Cho, Sun-Hee;Lee, Go-Hoon;Kang, OK-Hwa;Kwon, Dong-Yeul
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2005
  • From the tuberous root of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.(Ranunculaceae), the main root is called as common monkhood mother root and the later root is called as the prepared aconite root. From the prepared aconite root. Looking at the processing method of the prepared aconite root, it is divided into Yeombuja (prepared aconite root processed in salt) and heuksoonpyeon (baekbupyeon) following the processing method after removing the soil and this is a way of processing the prepared aconite root without damage it. The recently produced raw prepared aconite root is easily damaged, thus it shall be preserved in salt to have the crystal shape on the surface of the prepared aconite root and store and transport in firmly solidified yeombuja condition. Therefore, yeombuja shall remove the salt before use and requires processing for use but heuksoonpyeon or baekbupyeon may use immediately. For the succession of the unique processing techniques of our ancestors, there has to be studies on the techniques. Prepared aconite root is generally used as holy medicines to cure the yang depletion syndrome, kidney-yang deficiency syndrome, and obstruction of qi in the chest syndrome. However, they are the substances with toxicity. It is contemplated that the contents of processing are broadly understood through the document on the processing method, and based on such foundation, the systematic set and proof on the documents are made along with the addition of the contemporary scientific theory and technology to develop the traditional processing technology to maximize the treatment effect and safety of prepared aconite root. In this study, the historic data and records on the processing method of latteral root of aconitum carmichaeli Debx will be rearranged to contribute to the standardization of medicinal herbs, maximization of efficacy and minimization of the side effects.

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