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The Literatual Study on the Wea symptom in the View of Western and Oriental Medicine (위증에 대한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Yong Seong;Kim, Chul Jung
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.211-243
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed to investigate the cause, symptom, treatment, medicine of Wei symptom through the literature of oriental and western medicine. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Wei symptom is the symptom that reveals muscle relaxation without contraction and muscle relaxation occures in the lower limb or upper limb, in severe case, leads to death. 2. Since the pathology and etiology of Wei symptom was first described as "pe-yeol-yeop-cho"(肺熱葉焦) in Hung Ti Nei Ching(黃帝內經), for generations most doctors had have accepted it. but after Dan Ge(丹溪), it had been classified into seven causes, damp-heat(濕熱), phlegm-damp(濕痰), deficiency of qi(氣虛), deficiency of blood(血虛), deficiency of yin(陰處), stagnant blood(死血), stagnant food(食積). Chang Gyeng Ag(張景岳) added the cause of deficiency of source qi(元氣). 3. The concept of "To treat Yangming, most of all"(獨治陽明) was emphasized in the treatment of Wei symptom and contains nourishment of middle warmer energy(補益中氣), clearance of yangming-damp-heat(淸化陽明濕熱). 4. Since Nei-ching era(內經時代), Wei and Bi symptom(痺症) is differenciated according to the existence of pain. After Ming era(明代) appeared theory of co-existence of Wei symptom and pain or numbness but they were accepted as a sign of Wei symptom caused by the pathological factor phelgm(痰), damp(濕), stagnancy(瘀). 5. In the western medical point of view, Wei symptom is like paraplegia, or tetraplegia. and according to the causative disease, it is accompanied by dysesthesia, paresthsia, pain. thus it is more recommended to use hwal-hyel-hwa-ae(活血化瘀) method considering damp-heat(濕熱), qi deficiency of spleen and stornach(脾胃氣虛) as pathological basis than to simply differenciate Wei and Bi symptom according to the existence of pain. 6. The cause of Gullian-Barre syndrome(GBS) is consist of two factors, internal and external. Internal factors include asthenia of spleen and stomach, and of liver and kidney. External factors include summur-damp(暑濕), damp-heat(濕熱), cold-damp(寒濕) and on the basis of "classification and treatment according to the symptom of Zang-Fu"(臟腑辨證論治), the cause of GBS is classified into injury of body fluid by lung heat(肺熱傷津), infiltration of damp-heat(濕熱浸淫), asthenia of spleen and kidney(脾腎兩虛), asthenia of spleen and stomach(脾胃虛弱), asthenia of liver and kidney (肝腎兩虛). 7. The cause of GBS is divided by according to the disease developing stage: Early stage include dryness-heat(燥熱), damp(濕邪), phlegm(痰濁), stagnant blood(瘀血), and major treatment is reducing of excess(瀉實). Late stage include deficiency of essence(精虛), deficiency with excess(虛中挾實), and essencial deficiency of liver and kidney(肝腎精不足) is major point of treatment. 8. Following is the herbal medicine of GBS according to the stage. In case of summur-damp(暑濕), chung-seu-iki-tang(淸暑益氣湯) is used which helps cooling and drainage of summer-damp(淸利暑濕), reinforcement of qi and passage of collateral channels(補氣通絡). In case of damp-heat, used kun-bo-hwan(健步丸), In case of cool-damp(寒濕), used 'Mahwang-buja-sesin-tang with sam-chul-tang'(麻黃附子細辛湯合蓼朮湯). In case of asthenia of spleen and kidney, used 'Sam-lyeng-baik-chul san'(蔘笭白朮散), In case of asthenia of liver and kidney, used 'Hojam-hwan'(虎潛丸). 9. Following is the herbal medicine of GBS according to the "classification and treatment according to the symptom of Zang-Fu"(臟腑辨證論治). In the case of injury of body fluid by lung heat(肺熱傷津), 'Chung-jo-gu-pae-tang'(淸燥救肺湯) is used. In case of 'infiltration of damp-heat'(濕熱浸淫), us-ed 'Yi-myo-hwan'(二妙丸), In case of 'infiltration of cool-damp'(寒濕浸淫), us-ed 'Yui-lyung-tang', In case of asthenia of spleen, used 'Sam-lyung-bak-chul-san'. In case of yin-deficiency of liver and kidney(肝腎陰虛), used 'Ji-bak-ji-hwang-hwan'(知柏地黃丸), or 'Ho-jam-hwan'(虎潛丸). 10. Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy is occuered by compression or ischemia of spinal cord. 11. The cause of cervical spondylosis with myelopathy consist of 'flow disturbance of the channel points of tai-yang'(太陽經兪不利), 'stagnancy of cool-damp'(寒濕凝聚), 'congestion of phlegm-damp stagnant substances'(痰濕膠阻), 'impairment of liver and kidney'(肝腎虛損). 12. In treatment of cervical spondylosis with myelopathy, are used 'Ge-ji-ga-gal-geun-tang-gagam'(桂枝加葛根湯加減), 'So-hwal-lack-dan-hap-do-hong-eum-gagam(小活絡丹合桃紅飮加減), 'Sin-tong-chuck-ue-tang-gagam(身痛逐瘀湯加減), 'Do-dam-tang-hap-sa-mul-tang-gagam'(導痰湯合四物湯加減), 'Ik-sin-yang-hyel-guen-bo-tang'(益腎養血健步湯加減), 'Nok-gakyo-hwan-gagam'(鹿角膠丸加減). 13. The cause of muscle dystropy is related with 'the impairement of vital qi'(元氣損傷), and 'impairement of five Zang organ'(五臟敗傷). Symptoms and signs are classified into asthenia of spleen and stomach, deficiency with excess, 'deficiency of liver and kidney'(肝腎不足) infiltration of damp-heat, 'deficiency of qi and blood'(氣血兩虛), 'yang deficiency of spleen and kidney'(脾腎陽虛). 14. 'Bo-jung-ik-gi-tang'(補中益氣湯), 'Gum-gang-hwan'(金剛丸), 'Yi-gong-san-hap-sam-myo-hwan'(異功散合三妙丸), 'Ja-hyel-yang-gun-tang'(滋血養筋湯), 'Ho-jam-hwan'(虎潛丸) are used for muscle dystropy. 15. The causes of myasthenia gravis are classified into 'insufficiency of middle warmer energy'(中氣不足), 'deficiency of qi and yin of spleen and kidney'(脾腎兩處), 'asthenia of qi of spleen'(脾氣虛弱), 'deficiency of qi and blood'(氣血兩虛), 'yang deficiency of spleen and kidney'(脾腎陽虛). 16. 'Bo-jung-ik-gi-tang-gagam'(補中益氣湯加減), 'Sa-gun-ja-tang-hap-gi-guk-yang-hyel-tang'(四君子湯合杞菊地黃湯), 'Sa-gun-ja-tang-hap-u-gyi-eum-gagam'(四君子湯合右歸飮加減), 'Pal-jin-tang'(八珍湯), 'U-gyi-eum'(右歸飮) are used for myasthenia gravis.

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A Study on the Leakage Protection with Polypropylene Mat in Irrigation Canal (Polypropylene Mat에 의(依)한 용수로(用水路)의 누수방지(漏水防止)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Sin-Up;Kang, Yea-Mook;Cho, Seung-Seup
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.166-184
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    • 1979
  • In order to prevent the water loss in the irrigation canal constructed on the sandy gravel layer or on the other highly permeable ground layer, lining has been practiced. Many studies have been done so far on the lining method to prevent the water loss in the irrigation canal and recently studies on the lining with plastic film or polyethylene film were also reported. However, the plastic film or polyethylene film has low strength and is liable to break, and water loss from pin hole caused by contacting with sand or gravel is highly predicted. This study was then conducted to find proper lining and buring method in canal construction of polypropylene mat after coated with vinyl, as one way to overcome the shortcoming frequently observed when plastic or usual polyehtylene film were used. Eventhough rather longer periods of experiments are needed to attain reliable and accurate results on the variation of durability, the durability of asphalt coated area, or on the damage due to freeze after burial or exposure of polypropylene mat, the experiemental results obtained during one year of period are summarized as follows: 1. The curvature at the area between canal bottom and side slope had increased stability and saved consruction cost. The relationship among the variation of curvature, the reduction of polypropylene mat and the reduced amount of soil cutting at each side slope was presented in Fig. 7 through 9. 2. The depth of covering material to protect polypropylene mat was desired to be over 30cm, considering the water depth, side slope, canal cleaning practices, traffic, or back pressure of irrigation period. 3. In order to increase the canal stability and to prevent slope erosion, sandy soil was required, to be placed under ground, and coarse gravel should cover the surface area of canal. 4. The studies on the stability of side slope in the canal should consider the passive area on the bottom and the slope should be about 1 to 2, considering the slope stability, allowable velocity and tractive force. 5. When compared with earth lining, the lining with polypropylene mat coated with vinyl was responsible to save 28% and 37% of canal lining cost, when the soil carrying distances were 500 and 700m. respectively. 6. The water interception was almost completely attained when the polypropylene mat coated with vinyl was used for lining. But further studies were assumed to be necessary for the use of asphalt since the strength of polypropylene mat connected with asphalt will vary with duration.

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A Study on Legal and Regulatory Improvement Direction of Aeronautical Obstacle Management System for Aviation Safety (항공안전을 위한 장애물 제한표면 관리시스템의 법·제도적 개선방향에 관한 소고)

  • Park, Dam-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.145-176
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    • 2016
  • Aviation safety can be secured through regulations and policies of various areas and thorough execution of them on the field. Recently, for aviation safety management Korea is making efforts to prevent aviation accidents by taking various measures: such as selecting and promoting major strategic goals for each sector; establishing National Aviation Safety Program, including the Second Basic Plan for Aviation Policy; and improving aviation related legislations. Obstacle limitation surface is to be established and publicly notified to ensure safe take-off and landing as well as aviation safety during the circling of aircraft around airports. This study intends to review current aviation obstacle management system which was designed to make sure that buildings and structures do not exceed the height of obstacle limitation surface and identify its operating problems based on my field experience. Also, in this study, I would like to propose ways to improve the system in legal and regulatory aspects. Nowadays, due to the request of residents in the vicinity of airports, discussions and studies on aviational review are being actively carried out. Also, related ordinance and specific procedures will be established soon. However, in addition to this, I would like to propose the ways to improve shortcomings of current system caused by the lack of regulations and legislations for obstacle management. In order to execute obstacle limitation surface regulation, there has to be limits on constructing new buildings, causing real restriction for the residents living in the vicinity of airports on exercising their property rights. In this sense, it is regarded as a sensitive issue since a number of related civil complaints are filed and swift but accurate decision making is required. According to Aviation Act, currently airport operators are handling this task under the cooperation with local governments. Thus, administrative activities of local governments that have the authority to give permits for installation of buildings and structures are critically important. The law requires to carry out precise surveying of vast area and to report the outcome to the government every five years. However, there can be many problems, such as changes in the number of obstacles due to the error in the survey, or failure to apply for consultation with local governments on the exercise of construction permission. However, there is neither standards for allowable errors, preventive measures, nor penalty for the violation of appropriate procedures. As such, only follow-up measures can be taken. Nevertheless, once construction of a building is completed violating the obstacle limitation surface, practically it is difficult to take any measures, including the elimination of the building, because the owner of the building would have been following legal process for the construction by getting permit from the government. In order to address this problem, I believe penalty provision for the violation of Aviation Act needs to be added. Also, it is required to apply the same standards of allowable error stipulated in Building Act to precise surveying in the aviation field. Hence, I would like to propose the ways to improve current system in an effective manner.

CAS 500-1/2 Image Utilization Technology and System Development: Achievement and Contribution (국토위성정보 활용기술 및 운영시스템 개발: 성과 및 의의)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joo;Son, Jonghwan;Park, Hyeongjun;Seo, Junghoon;Lee, Yoojin;Ban, Seunghwan;Choi, Jae-Seung;Kim, Byung-Guk;Lee, Hyun jik;Lee, Kyu-sung;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Kye-Dong;Jung, Hyung-sup;Choung, Yun-Jae;Choi, Hyun;Koo, Daesung;Choi, Myungjin;Shin, Yunsoo;Choi, Jaewan;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jeong, Jong-chul;Han, Youkyung;Oh, Jaehong;Rhee, Sooahm;Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.867-879
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    • 2020
  • As the era of space technology utilization is approaching, the launch of CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite) 500-1/2 satellites is scheduled during 2021 for acquisition of high-resolution images. Accordingly, the increase of image usability and processing efficiency has been emphasized as key design concepts of the CAS 500-1/2 ground station. In this regard, "CAS 500-1/2 Image Acquisition and Utilization Technology Development" project has been carried out to develop core technologies and processing systems for CAS 500-1/2 data collecting, processing, managing and distributing. In this paper, we introduce the results of the above project. We developed an operation system to generate precision images automatically with GCP (Ground Control Point) chip DB (Database) and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) DB over the entire Korean peninsula. We also developed the system to produce ortho-rectified images indexed to 1:5,000 map grids, and hence set a foundation for ARD (Analysis Ready Data)system. In addition, we linked various application software to the operation system and systematically produce mosaic images, DSM (Digital Surface Model)/DTM (Digital Terrain Model), spatial feature thematic map, and change detection thematic map. The major contribution of the developed system and technologies includes that precision images are to be automatically generated using GCP chip DB for the first time in Korea and the various utilization product technologies incorporated into the operation system of a satellite ground station. The developed operation system has been installed on Korea Land Observation Satellite Information Center of the NGII (National Geographic Information Institute). We expect the system to contribute greatly to the center's work and provide a standard for future ground station systems of earth observation satellites.

A study of compaction ratio and permeability of soil with different water content (축제용흙의 함수비 변화에 의한 다짐율 및 수용계수 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 윤충섭
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.2456-2470
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    • 1971
  • Compaction of soil is very important for construction of soil structures such as highway fills, embankment of reservoir and seadike. With increasing compaction effort, the strength of soil, interor friction and Cohesion increas greatly while the reduction of permerbilityis evident. Factors which may influence compaction effort are moisture content, grain size, grain distribution and other physical properties as well as the variable method of compaction. The moisture content among these parameter is the most important thing. For making the maximum density to a given soil, the comparable optimum water content is required. If there is a slight change in water content when compared with optimum water content, the compaction ratio will decrease and the corresponding mechanical properties will change evidently. The results in this study of soil compaction with different water content are summarized as follows. 1) The maximum dry density increased and corresponding optimum moisture content decreased with increasing of coarse grain size and the compaction curve is steeper than increasing of fine grain size. 2) The maximum dry density is decreased with increasing of the optimum water content and a relationship both parameter becomes rdam-max=2.232-0.02785 $W_0$ But this relstionship will be change to $r_d=ae^{-bw}$ when comparable water content changes. 3) In case of most soils, a dry condition is better than wet condition to give a compactive effort, but the latter condition is only preferable when the liquid limit of soil exceeds 50 percent. 4) The compaction ratio of cohesive soil is greeter than cohesionless soil even the amount of coarse grain sizes are same. 5) The relationship between the maximum dry density and porosity is as rdmax=2,186-0.872e, but it changes to $r_d=ae^{be}$ when water content vary from optimum water content. 6) The void ratio is increased with increasing of optimum water content as n=15.85+1.075 w, but therelation becames $n=ae^{bw}$ if there is a variation in water content. 7) The increament of permeabilty is high when the soil is a high plasticity or coarse. 8) The coefficient of permeability of soil compacted in wet condition is lower than the soil compacted in dry condition. 9) Cohesive soil has higher permeability than cohesionless soil even the amount of coarse particles are same. 10) In generall, the soil which has high optimum water content has lower coefficient of permeability than low optimum water content. 11) The coefficient of permeability has a certain relations with density, gradation and void ratio and it increase with increasing of saturation degree.

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Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations on Egg Compositions in Layers (난용계의 난구함분에 관한 유전력 및 유전상관)

  • 상병찬;한성욱;정선부
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to estimate heritabilities, genetic and phenotypic correlations on egg compositions in layers. The data analysis were a total of 6,097 eggs in S. C. W. Leghorn and R. I. Red from March 1, 1980 to July 31, 1981. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. The average albumen weight at first egg, 300 and 500 days of age were 28.67, 36.25 and 37.51g in the S. C. W. Leghorn, and 28.95, 36.01 and 36.85g in the R. I. Red, respectively. The yolk weigh at first egg ,300 and 500 days were 9.21, 15.94 and17.86g in the S. C. W. Leghorn,9.46, 16.43 and 18.54g in the R. I. Red, respectively. The shell weight at first egg, 300 and 500 days were 4.04, 5.39 and 5.40g in the S. C. W. Leghorn, and 3.66, 5.13 and 5.28g, respectively. 2. The heritability estimates based on the variance of sire and dam components were 0.631-0.164 and 0.412-0.496 in the S. C. W. Leghorn,0.234-0.563 and 0.477-0.610 in the R. I. Red for albumen weight; 0.213-0.530 and 0.343-0.613 in the S. C. W. Leghorn, 0.253-0.437 and 0.389-0.477 in the R. I. Red for yolk weight; 0.427-0.602 and 0.336-0.409 in the S. C. W. Leghorn, 0.141-0.281 in the R. I. Red for shell weight, respectively. 3. The genetic correlation coefficients of egg compositions were as follows; In the S. C. W. Leghorn and R. I. Red, the coefficients between albumen weight and yolk weight, 0.082-0.339 and 0.142-0.465; between albumen weight and shell weight, 0.674-0.952 and 0.216-0.546; between yolk weight and shell weight,0.173-0.171 and 0.121-0.749, respectively.

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A Literature Study of Dermatosurgical Diseases in the ImJeungJiNamUiAn (臨證指南醫案에 나타난 피부외과 질환에 대한 문헌고찰)

  • Cho, Jae-Hun;Chae, Byung-Yoon;Kim, Yoon-Bum
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.271-288
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    • 2002
  • Authors investigated the pathogenesis and treatment of dennatosurgical diseases in the ImJeungJiNamUiAn(臨證指南醫案). 1. The symptoms and diseases of dermatosurgery were as follows; 1) BanSaJinRa(반사진라) : eczema, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea, hives, dermographism, angioedema, cholinergic urticaria, urticaria pigmentosa, acne, milium, syringoma, keratosis pilaris, discoid lupus erythematosus, hypersensitivity vasculitis, drug eruption, polymorphic light eruption, rheumatic fever, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis(Still's disease), acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis(Sweet's syndrome), Paget's disease, folliculitis, viral exanthems, molluscum contagiosum, tinea, tinea versicolor, lymphoma, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, granuloma annulare, cherry angioma 2) ChangYang(瘡瘍) : acute stage eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, stasis ulcer, intertrigo, xerosis, psoriasis, lichen planus, ichthyosis, pityriasis rosea, rosacea, acne, keratosis pilaris, dyshidrosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, herpes gestationis, bullae in diabetics, pemphigus, lupus erythematosus, fixed drug eruption, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, toxic shock syndrome, staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome, scarlet fever, folliculitis, impetigo, pyoderma gangrenosum, tinea, candidiasis, scabies, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chicken pox, Kawasaki syndrome, lipoma, goiter, thyroid nodule, thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, benign breast disorder, breast carcinoma, hepatic abscess, appendicitis, hemorrhoid 3) Yeok(疫) : scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, rubella, exanthem subitum, erythema infectiosum, Epstein-Barr virus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, hand-foot-mouth disease, Kawasaki disease 4) Han(汗) : hyperhidrosis 2. The pathogenesis and treatment of dermatosurgery were as follows; 1) When the pathogenesis of BalSa(발사), BalJin(發疹), BalLa(발라) and HangJong(項腫) are wind-warm(風溫), exogenous cold with endogenous heat(外寒內熱), wind-damp(風濕), the treatment of evaporation(解表) with Menthae Herba(薄荷), Arctii Fructus(牛蒡子), Forsythiae Fructus(連翹) Mori Cortex(桑白皮), Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus(貝母), Armeniaoae Amarum Semen(杏仁), Ephedrae Herba(麻黃), Cinnamomi Ramulus(桂枝), Curcumae Longae Rhizoma(薑黃), etc can be applied. 2) When the pathogenesis of BuYang(부양), ChangI(瘡痍) and ChangJilGaeSeon(瘡疾疥癬) are wind-heat(風熱), blood fever with wind transformation(血熱風動), wind-damp(風濕), the treatment of wind-dispelling(疏風) with Arctii Fructus(牛蒡子), Schizonepetae Herba(荊芥), Ledebouriellae Radix(防風), Dictamni Radicis Cortex(白鮮皮), Bombyx Batrytioatus(白??), etc can be applied. 3) When the pathogenesis of SaHuHaeSu(사후해수), SaJin(사진), BalJin(發疹), EunJin(은진) and BuYang(부양) are wind-heat(風熱), exogenous cold with endogenous heat(外寒內熱), exogenous warm pathogen with endogenous damp-heat(溫邪外感 濕熱內蘊), warm pathogen's penetration(溫邪內陷), insidious heat's penetration of pericardium(伏熱入包絡), the treatment of Ki-cooling(淸氣) with TongSeongHwan(通聖丸), Praeparatum(豆?), Phyllostachys Folium(竹葉), Mori Cortex(桑白皮), Tetrapanacis Medulla(通草), etc can be applied. 4) When the pathogenesis of JeokBan(적반), BalLa(발라), GuChang(久瘡), GyeolHaek(結核), DamHaek(痰核), Yeong(?), YuJu(流注), Breast Diseases(乳房疾患) and DoHan(盜汗) are stagnancy's injury of Ki and blood(鬱傷氣血), gallbladder fire with stomach damp(膽火胃濕), deficiency of Yin in stomach with Kwolum's check (胃陰虛 厥陰乘), heat's penetration of blood collaterals with disharmony of liver and stomach(熱入血絡 肝胃不和), insidious pathogen in Kwolum(邪伏厥陰), the treatment of mediation(和解) with Prunellae Spica(夏枯草), Chrysanthemi Flos(菊花), Mori Folium (桑葉), Bupleuri Radix(柴胡), Coptidis Rhizoma(黃連), Scutellariae Radix(黃芩), Gardeniae Fructus(梔子), Cyperi Rhizoma(香附子), Toosendan Fructus(川?子), Curcumae Radix(鬱金), Moutan Cortex(牧丹皮), Paeoniae Radix Rubra(赤芍藥), Unoariae Ramulus Et Uncus(釣鉤藤), Cinnamorni Ramulus(桂枝), Paeoniae Radix Alba(白芍藥), Polygoni Multiflori Radix (何首烏), Cannabis Fructus (胡麻子), Ostreae Concha(牡蠣), Zizyphi Spinosae Semen(酸棗仁), Pinelliae Rhizoma(半夏), Poria(백복령). etc can be applied. 5) When the pathogenesis of BanJin(반진), BalLa(발라), ChangI(瘡痍), NamgChang(膿瘡). ChangJilGaeSeon(瘡疾疥癬), ChangYang(瘡瘍), SeoYang(署瘍), NongYang(膿瘍) and GweYang(潰瘍) are wind-damp(風濕), summer heat-damp(暑濕), damp-warm(濕溫), downward flow of damp-heat(濕熱下垂), damp-heat with phlegm transformation(濕熱化痰), gallbladder fire with stomach damp(膽火胃濕), overdose of cold herbs(寒凉之樂 過服), the treatment of damp-resolving(化濕) with Pinelliae Rhizoma(半夏), armeniacae Amarum Semen(杏仁), Arecae Pericarpium(大腹皮), Poria(백복령), Coicis Semen(薏苡仁), Talcum(滑石), Glauberitum(寒水石), Dioscoreae Tokoro Rhizoma(??), Alismatis Rhizoma(澤瀉), Phellodendri Cortex(黃柏), Phaseoli Radiati Semen(?豆皮), Bombycis Excrementum(?沙), Bombyx Batryticatus(白??), Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix(防己), etc can be applied. 6) When the pathogenesis of ChangPo(瘡泡), hepatic abscess(肝癰) and appendicitis(腸癰) are food poisoning(食物中毒), Ki obstruction & blood stasis in the interior(기비혈어재과), damp-heat stagnation with six Bu organs suspension(濕熱結聚 六腑不通), the treatment of purgation(通下) with DaeHwangMokDanPiTang(大黃牧丹皮湯), Manitis Squama(穿山甲), Curcumae Radix(鬱金), Curcumae Longae Rhizoma(薑黃), Tetrapanacis Medulla(通草), etc can be applied. 7) When the pathogenesis of JeokBan(적반), BanJin(반진), EunJin(은진). BuYang(부양), ChangI(瘡痍), ChangPo(瘡泡), GuChang(久瘡), NongYang(膿瘍), GweYang(潰瘍), Jeong(정), Jeol(癤), YeokRyeo(疫?) and YeokRyeolpDan(疫?入?) are wind-heat stagnation(風熱久未解), blood fever in Yangmyong(陽明血熱), blood fever with transformation(血熱風動), heat's penetration of blood collaterals(熱入血絡). fever in blood(血分有熱), insidious heat in triple energizer(三焦伏熱), pathogen's penetration of pericardium(心包受邪), deficiency of Yong(營虛), epidemic pathogen(感受穢濁), the treatment of Yong & blood-cooling(淸營凉血) with SeoGakJiHwangTang(犀角地黃湯), Scrophulariae Radix(玄參), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix(丹參), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Polygoni Multiflori Radix(何首烏), Cannabis Fructus(胡麻子), Biotae Semen(柏子仁), Liriopis Tuber(麥門冬), Phaseoli Semen(赤豆皮), Forsythiae Fructus(連翹), SaJin(사진), YangDok(瘍毒) and YeokRyeoIpDan(역려입단) are insidious heat's penetration of pericardium(伏熱入包絡), damp-warm's penetration of blood collaterals(濕溫入血絡), epidemic pathogen's penetration of pericardium(심포감수역려), the treatment of resuscitation(開竅) with JiBoDan(至寶丹), UHwangHwan(牛黃丸), Forsythiae Fructus(連翹), Curcumae Radix(鬱金), Tetrapanacis Medulla(通草), Acori Graminei Rhizoma(石菖蒲), etc can be applied. 9) When the pathogenesis of SaHuSinTong(사후신통), SaHuYeolBuJi(사후열부지), ChangI(瘡痍), YangSon(瘍損) and DoHan(盜汗) are deficiency of Yin in Yangmyong stomach(陽明胃陰虛), deficiency of Yin(陰虛), the treatment of Yin-replenishing(滋陰) with MaekMunDongTang(麥門冬湯), GyeongOkGo(瓊玉膏), Schizandrae Fructus(五味子), Adenophorae Radix(沙參), Lycii Radicis Cortex (地骨皮), Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma(玉竹), Dindrobii Herba(石斛), Paeoniae Radix Alba(白芍藥), Ligustri Lucidi Fructus (女貞子), etc can be applied. 10) When the pathogenesis of RuYang(漏瘍) is endogenous wind in Yang collaterals(陽絡內風), the treatment of endogenous wind-calming(息風) with Mume Fructus(烏梅), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥), etc be applied. 11) When the pathogenesis of GuChang(久瘡), GweYang(潰瘍), RuYang(漏瘍), ChiChang(痔瘡), JaHan(自汗) and OSimHan(五心汗) are consumption of stomach(胃損), consumption of Ki & blood(氣血耗盡), overexertion of heart vitality(勞傷心神), deficiency of Yong(營虛), deficiency of Wi(衛虛), deficiency of Yang(陽虛), the treatment of Yang-restoring & exhaustion-arresting(回陽固脫) with RijungTang(理中湯), jinMuTang(眞武湯), SaengMaekSaGunjaTang(生脈四君子湯), Astragali Radix (황기), Ledebouriellae Radix(防風), Cinnamomi Ramulus(桂枝), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Ostreae Concha(牡蠣), Zanthoxyli Fructus(川椒), Cuscutae Semen(兎絲子), etc can be applied.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Stream Flow Path and Water System Distribution in Gugok Garden, Korea (한국 구곡원림(九曲園林)의 하천 유로 및 수계별 분포 특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Young-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.50-65
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the water flow system by measuring the flow-way type and distance of flow path that composes the Gugok through literature survey, field survey, and map work on Gugok gardens in Korea whose existence has been confirmed, while investigating and analyzing watersheds, river orders, and river grades. It was intended to reveal the watershed distribution and stream morphological characteristics of the Gugok gardens and to use them as basic data for future enjoyment and conservation of the Gugok gardens. The conclusion of the study is as follows. First, Of the 93 Gugok gardens that have been confirmed to exist, it was found that 11 places(11.8%) were found to have a descending(top-down) type of Gugok that develops while descending along a stream. Second, As a result of analysis of the length of the flow path for each valley, Okryudonggugok(玉流洞九曲, Namsan-gugok) in Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do was found to have the shortest length of 0.44km among the surveyed valleys, while the flow distance of Muheulgugok(武屹九曲) located in Seongju-gun and Gimcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do was 31.1km, showing the longest flowing distance. The average flow path length of the Gugok Garden in Korea was 6.24km, and the standard deviation was 4.63km, indicating that the deviation between the 'curved type'e and the 'valley type' was severe. In addition, 14(15.1%) Gugok gardens were found to be partially submerged due to dam construction. Third, As a result of analyzing the waters area where Gugok garden is located, the number of Nakdong river basins was much higher at 52 sites(55.9%), followed by the Hangang river basin at 27 sites(28.7%), the Geum river basin at 9 sites(9.7%), and the Yeongsan river and Seomjin river basins at 5(5.4%). Fourth, All Gugok gardens located in the Han river region were classified as the Han river system, and the Gugok garden located on the Nakdong river was classified as the main Nakdong river system, except for 7 places including 5 places in the Nakdong Gangnam Sea water system and 2 places in the Nakdong Gangdong sea water system. As a result of synthesizing the river order of the flow path where Gugok garden is located, Gugok, which uses the main stream as the base of Gugok, is 3 places in the Hangang water system, 5 places in the Nakdong river system, 2 places in the Geumgang water system, and 1 place in the Yeongsangam/Seomjin river system. A total of 11 locations(11.5%) were found, including 36 locations(38.2%) in the first branch, 29 locations(31.2%) in the second branch, and 16 locations(17.0%) in the third branch. And Gugok garden, located on the 4th tributary, was found to be Taehwa Five-gok(太華五曲) set in Yonghwacheon Stream in Cheorwon in the Han river system, and Hoenggyegok(橫溪九曲) in Yeongcheon Hoenggye Stream in the Nakdong river system. Fifth, As a result of the river grade analysis of the rivers located in the Gugok garden Forest, the grades of the rivers located in the Gugok garden were 13 national rivers(14.0%), 7 local first-class rivers(7.5%), and 74 local second-class rivers(78.5%) was shown.

A study on the improvement of distribution system by overseas agricultural investment (해외농업투자에 따른 유통체계 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Sun, Il-Suck;Lee, Dong-Ok
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2010
  • Recently concerns have been raised due to the unbalanced supply of crops: the price of crops has been unstable and at one point the price went up so high that the word Agflation(agriculture+ inflation) was coined. Korea, in particular, is a small-sized country and needs to secure the stable supply of crops by investing in the produce importation at a national level. Investment in foreign produce importation is becoming more important as a measure for sufficient supply of crops, limited supply of domestic crops, weakened farming conditions worldwide, as well as recent changes in the use of crops due to the development of bio-fuels, influence of carbon emission on crops, the price increase in crops, and influx of foreign hot money. However, there are many problems with investing in foreign produce importation: lack of support from the government; lack of farming information and technology; difficulty in securing the capital; no immediate pay-off from the investment and insufficient management. Although foreign produce is originally more price-competitive than domestic produce, it loses its competiveness in the process of importation (due to high tariffs) and poor distribution system, which makes it difficult to sell in Korea. Therefore, investment in foreign produce importation is being questioned for feasibility; to make it possible, foreign produce must maintain the price-competitiveness. Especially, harvest of agricultural products depends on natural and geographical conditions of each country and those products have indigenous properties, so distribution system according to import and export of agricultural products should be treated more carefully than that of other industries. Distribution costs are differentiated into each item and include cost of sorting and wrapping, cost of wrapping materials, cost of domestic transport, cost of international transport and cost of clearing customs for import and export. So transporting and storing agricultural products generates considerable costs compared with other products. Also, due to upgrade of dietary life, needs for stability, taste and visible quality toward food including agricultural products are being raised and wrong way of storage causes decomposition of food and loss of freshness, making the storage more difficult than that in room temperature, so storage and transport in distribution of agricultural products needs specialty. In addition, because lack of specialty in distribution and circulation such as storage and wrapping does not solve limit factors in distance, the distribution and circulation has been limited to a form of import and export within short-distant region. Therefore, need for distribution out-sourcing which can satisfy specialty in managing distribution and circulation and it is needed to establish more effective distribution system. However, existing distribution system of agricultural products is exposed to various problems including problems in distribution channel, making distribution and strategy for distribution and those problems are as follows. First, in case of investment in overseas agricultural industry, stable supply of the products is difficult because areas of production are dispersed widely and influenced by outer factors due to including overseas distribution channels. Also, at the aspect of quality, standardization of products is difficult, distribution system is quite complicated and unreasonable due to long distribution channels according to international trade and financial and institutional support is not enough. Especially, there are quite a lot of ineffective factors including multi level distribution process, dramatic gap between production cost and customer's cost, lack of physical distribution facilities and difficulties in storage and transport due to lack of wrapping containers. Besides, because import and export of agricultural products has been manages under the company's own distribution according to transaction contract between manufacturers and exporting company, efficiency is low due to excessive investment in fixed costs and lack of specialty in dealing with agricultural products causes fall of value of products, showing the limit to lose price-competitiveness. Especially, because lack of specialty in distribution and circulation such as storage and wrapping does not solve limit factors in distance, the distribution and circulation has been limited to a form of import and export within short-distant region. Therefore, need for distribution out-sourcing which can satisfy specialty in managing distribution and circulation and it is needed to establish more effective distribution system. Second, among tangible and intangible services which promote the efficiency of the whole distribution, a function building distribution environment which includes distribution information, system for standard and inspection, distribution finance, system for diversification of risks, education and training, distribution administration and tax system is wanted. In general, such a function building distribution environment is difficult to be changed and supplement innovatively because its effect compared with investment does not appear immediately despite of its necessity. Especially, in case of distribution of agricultural products, as a function of collecting and distributing is performed individually through various channels, the importance of distribution information and standardization is getting more focus due to the problem of repetition of work and lack of specialty. Also, efficient management of distribution is quite difficult due to lack of professionals in distribution, so support to professional education is needed. Third, though effort to keep self-sufficiency ratio of staple food, rice is regarded as important at the government level, level of dependency on overseas of others crops is high. Therefore, plan for stable securing food resources aside from staple food is also necessary. Especially, governmental organizations of agricultural products distribution in Korea are production-centered and have unreasonable structure whose function at the aspect of distribution and consumption is quite insufficient. And development of new distribution channels which can deal with changes in distribution environment and they do not achieve actual results of strategy for distribution due to non-positive strategy for price distribution. That is, it implies the possibility that base for supply will become vulnerable because it does not mediate appropriate interests on total distribution channels such as manufacturers, wholesale dealers and vendors by emphasizing consumer protection excessively in the distribution of agricultural products. Therefore, this study examined fundamental concept and actual situation for our investment to overseas agriculture, drew necessities, considerations, problems, etc. of overseas agricultural investment and suggested improvements at the level of distribution for price competitiveness of agricultural products cultivated in overseas under five aspects; government's indirect support, distribution's modernization and distribution information function's strengthening, government's political support for distribution facility, transportation route, load and unloading works' improvement, price competitiveness' securing, professional manpower's cultivation by education and training, etc. Here are some suggestions for foreign produce importation. First, the government should conduct a survey on the current distribution channels and analyze the situation to establish a measure for long-term development plans. By providing each agricultural area with a guideline for planning appropriate production of crops, the government can help farmers be ready for importation, and prevent them from producing same crops all at the same time. Government can sign an MOU with the foreign government and promote the importation so that the development of agricultural resources can be stable and steady. Second, the government can establish a strategy for an effective distribution system by providing farmers and agriculture-related workers with the distribution information such as price, production, demand, market structure and location, feature of each crop, and etc. In order for such distribution system to become feasible, the government needs to reconstruct the current distribution system, designate a public organization for providing distribution information and set the criteria for level of produce quality, trade units, and package units. Third, the government should provide financial support and a policy to seek an efficient distribution channel for foreign produce to be delivered fresh: the government should expand distribution facilities (for selecting, packaging, storing, and processing) and transportation vehicles while modernizing old facilities. There should be another policy to improve the efficiency of unloading, and to lower the cost of distribution. Fourth, it is necessary to enact a new law covering exceptional cases for importing produce in order to maintain the price competitiveness; currently the high tariffs is keeping the imported produce from being distributed domestically. However, the new adjustment should be made carefully within the WTO regulations since it can create a problem from giving preferential tariffs. The government can also simplify the distribution channels in order to reduce the cost in the distribution process. Fifth, the government should educate distributors to raise the efficiency and to modernize the distribution system. It is necessary to develop human resources by educating people regarding the foreign agricultural environment, the produce quality, management skills, and by introducing some successful cases in advanced countries.

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The Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$ and Interleukin-$1{\beta}$ as Predictable Markers for Development of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Septic Syndrome (패혈증 증후군환자에서 성인성 호흡곤란 증후군 발생의 예측 지표서의 혈중 Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$와 Interleukin-$1{\beta}$에 관한 연구)

  • Koh, Youn-Suck;Jang, Yun-Hae;Kim, Woo-Sung;Lee, Jae-Dam;Oh, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 1994
  • Background: Tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-$\alpha$ and Interleukin(lL)-$1{\beta}$ are thought to play a major role in the pathogenesis of the septic syndrome, which is frequently associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS). In spite of many reports for the role of TNF-$\alpha$ in the pathogenesis of ARDS, including human studies, it has been reported that TNF-$\alpha$ is not sensitive and specific marker for impending ARDS. But there is a possibility that the results were affected by the diversity of pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the ARDS because of various underlying disorders of the study group in the previous reports. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the roles of TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ as a predictable marker for development of ARDS in the patients with septic syndrome, in which the pathogenesis is believed to be mainly cytokine-mediated. Methods: Thirty-six patients of the septic syndrome hospitalized in the intensive care units of the Asan Medical Center were studied. Sixteens suffered from ARDS, whereas the remaining 20 were at the risk of developing ARDS(acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, AHRF). In all patients venous blood samples were collected in heparin-coated tubes at the time of enrollment, at 24 and 72 h thereafter. TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All data are expressed as median with interquartile range. Results: 1) Plama TNF-$\alpha$ levels: Plasma TNF-$\beta$ levels were less than 10pg/mL, which is lowest detection value of the kit used in this study within the range of the $mean{\pm}2SD$, in all of the normal controls, 8 of 16 subjects of ARDS and in 8 in 20 subjects of AHRF. Plasma TNF-$\alpha$ levels from patients with ARDS were 10.26pg/mL(median; <10-16.99pg/mL, interquartile range) and not different from those of patients at AHRF(10.82, <10-20.38pg/mL). There was also no significant difference between pre-ARDS(<10, <10-15.32pg/mL) and ARDS(<10, <10-10.22pg/mL). TNF-$\alpha$ levels were significantly greater in the patients with shock than the patients without shock(12.53pg/mL vs. <10pg/mL) (p<0.01). There was no statistical significance between survivors(<10, <10-12.92pg/mL) and nonsurvivors(11.80, <10-20.8pg/mL) (P=0.28) in the plasma TNF-$\alpha$ levels. 2) Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels: Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels were less than 0.3ng/mL, which is the lowest detection value of the kit used in this study, in one of each patients group. There was no significant difference in IL-$1{\beta}$ levels of the ARDS(2.22, 1.37-8.01ng/mL) and of the AHRF(2.13, 0.83-5.29ng/mL). There was also no significant difference between pre-ARDS(2.53, <0.3-8.34ngfmL) and ARDS(5.35, 0.66-11.51ng/mL), and between patients with septic shock and patients without shock (2.51, 1.28-8.34 vs 1.46, 0.15-2.13ng/mL). Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels were significantly different between survivors(1.37, 0.4-2.36ng/mL) and nonsurvivors(2.84, 1.46-8.34ng/mL). Conclusion: Plasma TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ level are not a predictable marker for development of ARDS. But TNF-$\alpha$ is a marker for shock in septic syndrome. These result could not exclude a possibility of pathophysiologic roles of TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ in acute lung injury because these cytokine could be locally produced and exert its effects within the lungs.

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