• Title/Summary/Keyword: curricular attending

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Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Curricular Noticing: Focusing on the Lesson Planning for Rate (초등예비교사의 교육과정에 관한 노티싱: 비율 수업을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Mi Kyung
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2021
  • Curricular noticing is about how teachers understand the content and pedagogical opportunities inherent in curriculum materials. Since the enacted curriculum differs depending on which aspect of the curriculum material is paid attention to and how to interpret it, it is necessary to focus on Curricular Attending and Curricular Interpreting in Curricular Noticing for enhancing the teaching expertise of preservice teachers. First, this study categorized the objects that preservice elementary mathematics teachers attended when planning the lesson for rate. Second, in order to find out the reason for paying attention to those objects, it was analyzed what factors were related to interpret. By discussing the results, implications were drawn on how to use Curricular Noticing in preservice teacher education to enhance the pedagogical design competency of preservice elementary mathematics teachers.

Contributors of Extra-curricular Activities of Preschool Children: Focused on Home Environment Factors and Maternal Belief about Factors on Academic Achievement (가정환경 변인과 학업성취에 관한 어머니의 교육신념이 유아의 사교육 실태에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, You-Me
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to identify the contributors of extra-curricular activities of preschool children focusing on home environmental factors(financial capital, human capital, and social capital) and maternal belief about factors on academic achievement(child's effort, child's ability, teacher's instruction, and maternal teaching). One hundred and seventy three mothers whose preschool children were attending child-care centers in Seoul and Kyunggi-Do participated in the survey. Kinlaw et al.(2001)'s Importance of Effort/Ability Scale was used to assess the mother's belief about the factors on academic achievement. Stipek et al.(1992)'s Activities Sub-scales was revised to measure a social capital, that is the mother's formal and informal activities providing to their preschool child. Educational level was utilized as human capital and monthly income was considered as financial capital. Also, using open ended questions, the subjects were asked to respond to the numbers of extra-curricula activities their child was presently attending, and when he or she began to attend the extra-curricular activity. The main results are as follows. In general, the mothers provided informal activities to their preschool child more than formal activities. Also, they believed the teacher's instruction is the most important and the child's ability the least important in their child's academic achievement. The number of extra-curricular activities was predicted by mothers' formal activities and their belief on their child's ability. The age of starting extra-curricular activities were explained by mothers' formal activities and their educational level.

Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers' Interpretation and Utilization of Non-Textual Elements in Mathematics Curriculum Materials

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Ligocki, Danielle
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.181-217
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    • 2020
  • This study explores how pre-service teachers (PSTs) view, interpret, and utilize non-textual elements (NTEs) in mathematics curriculum. Fifty-two PSTs, who enrolled in a mathematics methods course at a Midwestern university in the U.S., engaged in a three-part task that consisted of evaluations and modifications of NTEs in the sample mathematics curriculum materials. We ascertain what PSTs consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of NTEs, how they define the primary goals of NTEs, and how they would work to modify or adapt existing NTEs with effective teaching in mind. By using the Curricular Noticing Framework, we can better understand how PSTs recognize opportunities within mathematics curriculum and gain a deeper understanding regarding how PSTs' prior experiences may affect their curricular-attending habits, which has consequences for their future teaching. Findings indicate that PSTs understand NTEs to be simply a support for traditional mathematics curriculum, rather than tools on their own. Also, they tend to prefer NTEs that are familiar to them. From our findings, we draw implications for teacher educators who support PSTs' interpretation and utilization of NTEs.

A Study on Creativity Convergence Competency for Developing Creativity Human Resources (창의융합인재 양성을 위한 일부 대학생의 창의융합역량 수준 분석)

  • Choi, Yong Keum;Oh, Tae-Jin;Lee, Hyun;Lim, Kunok;Hong, Ji-Heon;Jeong, Su Ra
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.656-664
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    • 2020
  • This study obtained basic data for developing human resources with creativity convergence competency by surveying and analyzing the level of creativity convergence competency of university students. The study was conducted from October 1, 2019 to November 10, 2019 on university students attending the departments of computer science, pharmaceutical engineering, physical therapy and dental hygiene. The data from 296 students was finally used for this study, and IBM SPSS/Win statics 23.0 programs were used to analyze the data. Students who graduated from Seoul/Gyeonggi High School or those students with high undergraduate satisfaction were found to have high creativity convergence ability, and these results were statistically significant. Further, the group of students who had experience with Campus/Suburban competition, Global Competency training/ International exchange programs or the Capstone Design/Team Based Project showed high creativity convergence competency, and these results were statistically significant. Thus, this study identified the necessity of developing and operating various extra-curricular programs at education institutes in order to enhance students' creativity convergence capability.

Ego-resilience and Emotional Intelligence, Stress Coping Strategies & Nursing Student's Adjustment to College (간호대학생의 자아탄력성, 감성지능, 스트레스 대처방식과 대학 생활 적응)

  • Ko, Mi-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.280-291
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    • 2015
  • This study was done to identify the influence of ego-resilience, emotional intelligence and stress coping strategies on college adjustment in nursing students. The subjects consisted of 158 freshmen & sophomores attending three nursing colleges. The data were collected from October 27 to November 7, 2014, using self-report questionnaires. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. A positive correlation was found for college adjustment with ego-resilience, emotional intelligence, stress coping strategies. In addition emotional intelligence, ego-resilience, school record, satisfaction with nursing major, personal relations, gender accounted for 53.9% of variance in college adjustment. The strongest predictor of college adjustment was emotional intelligence. The findings suggest that development of emotional intelligence and ego-resilience in nursing students is important to college adjustment. It is necessary to develop systematic management of the program to integrate the educational curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

A Phenomenological Study on Early Entrance Experiences of Science Gifted High School Students (과학영재학교 조기입학 경험에 대한 현상학적 탐색)

  • Chun, Miran
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of early entrance experiences of science gifted high school students. The subjects were 13 students who are attending science gifted high school in Seoul. The research data were collected through in-depth interviews. The qualitative study applied the phenomenological method of Giorgi. The early entrance experiences of science gifted high school students were clustered into 13 specific themes and 5 general structures. The results indicated that the early entrance students were surprised by their admissions from the school and they worry about their lack of readiness. However, they follow up their missed 1 year study after all. It took from a few weeks to 1~2 years depending on the student. At any rate, the environment of the school such as differentiated curricular, dormitory life, and studying atmospheres were helpful for the students to adopt easily. Even though they sometimes show a little deficiency, it won't be an issue, they just corporate each other and pursue their studies. As time goes on, they become friends even though they call other students 'big brother'. When the placement of gifted students take place, we do not need to hesitate because of their age, but need to consider the environment of school and characteristics of student.