• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural assets

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The Role of Geomorphology·Geology in Prehistoric Petroglyph Research - Hadong Mukgyeri's Stone Monument as an Example - (선사 암각화 연구에서의 지형·지질학의 역할 - 하동 묵계리 석물을 사례로 -)

  • Yang, Dong-Yoon;Han, Min;Kim, Seong-Won
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2020
  • There has been a lot of controversy over the claim that ancient characters were engraved on a stone plane collected near the Samsin Mountain in Hadong-gun, and that it was used as an altar based on the contents on the stone. The importance of the role of geoscience in prehistoric petroglyph research was presented through analysis and comparison with representative domestic petroglyphs. First, by examining the geological formation process of the collected stone objects, it proved that prehistoric actions were not applied. Second, as a result of comparative analysis from the viewpoints of human geography and topography with representative petroglyphs in Korea, it is unreasonable to argue that the stone was made for an altar. Third, it is considered that among the ancient characters under debate, the straight line indicates a cleavage of carbonate minerals, and the curved shape results from the growth of lichens. Finally, we propose that reproducing the lines found on the stone was impossible by using ancient techniques, and that there was no trace of any artificial actions applied to the spots considered to be curved characters. As shown in such research cases, the results of petroglyph research will have high reliability, if research by experts in each field continues after the geoscientific basis is secured. In this respect, the contribution of Earth science to cultural assets and archeology is expected to increase in the future.

Ownership Sharing System using Computer Vision-Based CNN Algorithm for Preserving National Heritage (국가유산 보존을 위한 Computer Vision기반 CNN 알고리즘을 이용한 소유권 공유 시스템)

  • Jin-Woo Park;Seung-Min Park
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1347-1352
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    • 2024
  • The term national heritage in Korea refers to cultural heritage, natural heritage, and intangible heritage that are deemed valuable for preservation. However, challenges arise related to the valuation, transaction, and ownership disputes of these heritage assets, as well as issues concerning their repatriation. This paper presents the development and performance analysis of a system designed for the preservation and ownership sharing of national heritage utilizing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithms. In this paper, we proposed system that integrates image recognition technology and crowdfunding to address these issues. By employing Vision AI for automated valuation, the system enables rapid assessment of national heritage values and allows users to share ownership and monitor real-time valuations. This approach offers an innovative solution for heritage preservation and repatriation, facilitating active participation form a broad user base in the protection of national heritage.

Deterioration of granite in Bunhwangsaseoktap (Stone pagoda of Bunhwnagsa Temple) (분황사석탑 구성 화강암의 훼손현상)

  • Do, Jinyoung
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.17 s.17
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2005
  • The Bunhwangsaseoktop is the oldest stone brick pagoda in Silla Period. The pagoda body is made by piling small brick-shaped stones trimmed from black andesite and the first-story core has a shrine, which is made by granite. In 1915 it was repaired on a large scale, but now is severely damaged. Many kind of the stone decay like flaking, granular disintegration have occurred especially on the granite surface of the pagoda. In this study have been investigated the stone decay type and its cause in relation to efflorescence on the body part. Various analysis show that the deterioration on the granite is due to the same materials that lead to efflorescence on the body stone surface. The soluble salt like sodium nitrate, calcium sulfate and sodium sulfate come from white joint mortar. This salt solution is recrystallized in the outside of the pagoda, but most of them flow down with rain. In This process the porous granite absorbes the dissolved salts with moisture into the inside by capillary action. In order to reduce this problem, therefore, white joint moral is changed with other less soluble materials. And it is necessary to take steps to prevent water from seep into the inside of the stone, because this water dissolves the white joint mortar.

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Engineering Research on the Burial Ground Materials of the Buried Cultural Assets in Andong (안동지역 매장문화재 중 매장지반재료의 공학적 특성)

  • Park, Hyeong-Dong;Hwang, Ji-Ho;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.8 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 1999
  • Although the mummies of Lee, Myeong-Jung and his wife whose family name is Moon, were buried in similar sites in 1560's, the degree of decay of the dead bodies and antiquities between two people were quite different. This study was focused on the cause of those differences in the view of engineering concept. Granular soil around the study site shows good drainage and such characteristic could be a factor of excellent conservation of dead body. From the physical characteristics of the material containing lime that is considered to be a barrier from water and air, it was observed that the material around dead body of the wife was more compact and denser than that of the husband. This may suggest that the former is better than the latter in keeping away from the water and air. To understand those differences of physical characteristics between two materials containing lime, minerals had to be identified from the two materials. It was revealed that material containing lime around dead body of the wife contains gypsum and more calcite, which could be the reason for better barrier Preventing from water and air than that around the husband.

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The Fundamental Research of Revitalization Design for Yangyeongsi in Daegu for the Local Promotion (지역진흥을 위한 대구약령시 재활성화 디자인 기초연구)

  • Yun, Young-Tae
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to discover the plans for Yangyeongsi in Daegu, one of the most traditional streets and a tourist spot in South Korea, by preserving the historical place, reviving the historical characteristics and identity, revitalizing the uniqueness of the location, and developing the environment. This paper also illustrates the problems of the place through a investigation into its current state in order to promote the district and conduct a fundamental research framework to suggest future development methods and directions based on the problem statements. Daegu Yangyeongsi was chosen through frequency analysis and a survey asking for a suitable location and local characteristics to be developed for the local promotion through the field investigation of 158 cultural assets registered in the local government. This survey was conducted through the development process of the Regional Design Innovation Center to revitalize the traditional streets and places of interest. Through this investigation, 19 sites and traditional streets, which can be cultural resources for sightseeing and contribute to the local promotion, were extracted. Yangyeongsi, was selected from the finalists. The research methodology will be 1) to identify things for improvement potentiality through an in-depth analysis of Yangyeongsi, 2)to examine the mutual relationship between the revitalization strategy of Yangyeongsi and the city promotion strategy, and 3) to integrate the problems and improvements based on the results of the analysis. The notion of SWOT analysis synthetically considering the elements of opportunity and intimidation, strength and weakness to come up with the development direction was introduced to discover the local characteristics of Yangyeongsi and deduce the problem statement through the state analysis. Based on these results, the future development method and direction will be suggested in this paper through the revitalization study of Yangyeongsi.

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A Study on Consumer Awareness, Preference, and Consumption Behavior Regarding Local Food - Focusing on Gyeongju Area - (향토음식의 인지도와 기호도 및 소비행동에 관한 연구 - 경주지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Sun-Ok;Woo, Iee-Shik
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.154-170
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the real state of local foods was examined targeting Gyeongju citizens to help in developing distinguishing foods and to promote cultural to excellence of local foods widely. Ultimately, this study aims to promote cultural excellence of Gyeongju's local foods widely by examining the kinds of local foods in Gyeonggju area. In addition, current study was conducted to provide basic data of local foods which inherit and develop our precious assets, in order to keep up with the Korean Wave as well as globalization. For this study, a survey was performed with the 274 sample of local food consumers, and analyzed the data using descriptive, cross tabulation analysis, and t-test. Results shown that Janchi guksu(banquet noodles) and Jeonbok juk(abalone rice porridge) obtained the highest awareness and preference when awareness and preference of Gyeongju local foods were analyzed depending on the marital status. Significant implication in the study is that there is a need to develop and promote local foods and open local food restaurants for local residents. More discussion and limitations are suggested.

Study on Guideline of Water Supply System for Forest Fire (산불방지 급수시설 설치 기준 마련에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Nam, Song-Hee;Keum, Si-Hoon
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2013
  • Permanent water supply and water sprinkling systems are essential to protect major forests and facilities from forest fire. Back in 2005, Naksan Temple, a valuable cultural asset of Korea, was burned down in a forest fire that took place in Yangyang. This started a series of movements including installing water supply facilities and managing forests near important cultural assets. As for the existing facilities, however, they were installed without any standard guidelines for management and installation according to each constructor's specifications, which were based on the National Fire Safety Code 109. Unfortunately, this is not effective in protecting facilities from forest fires such as they have a small protection area, limited simultaneous sprinkling, and a difficult the movement of fire hose. Against this background, the study examines the condition of water supply facilities currently in use, identifies their deficiencies, and suggests how to improve the criteria for water supply service to effectively prevent forest fire. Specifically, three systems were proposed: Water Sprinkler Tower System for preventing spread of crown fires, and Forest Fire Hydrant System and Portable Water Spray System to be effective for suppressing surface fires. In addition, the standards on the performance and components of water pumps are also suggested.

A Study on the Weathering Resistance of Fixatives Used on Conservation of Painting Layer of Korea Wooden Painting (한국 판벽화 채색층 보존처리 고착제의 내후성 연구)

  • Lee, Seul;Han, Kyeong Soon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 2018
  • Currently, there are very few studies on Korean wall paintings. Therefore, this study discusses the current conditions of wooden paintings and the characteristics of the adhesive agent in the painting layer separation. Korean land pine was chosen as the support, while white oysters shells, orpiment, red ocher, Noerok, and azurite were used as pigments. With four adhesive agents, including animal glue, Gelidium, methyl cellulose, and PVAc (caparol binder), a comparative experiment was conducted, by dividing them into two concentrations, of 0.5% and 1.5%. The temperature, humidity, and ultraviolet rays, which are contributing environmental factors in cultural assets after fixing, were artificially investigated. After deterioration, observed color difference, fixing, and the surface. Results showed that the animal glue strongly fixing all the colored layers compared to the other adhesives; however, azurite had a partial change when used outdoors. With Gelidium, which functioned similar to animal glue, the azurite was affected by the ultraviolet rays; nevertheless, despite the variations in temperature and humidity, it had the best gripping force compared to the other adhesive agents. Methyl cellulose was glossy at a high concentration, and was relatively strong against rapid changes in temperature and humidity. PVAc significantly reduced the binding force, compared to other adhesive agents.

Select the Properties of Storytelling Effects on the Festival of Brand Equity and Reactive (스토리텔링 선택속성이 축제의 브랜드 자산과 사후 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheo;Jeon, In-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.480-494
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    • 2013
  • Globally branded culture festival in the region as a key component to the originality and distinction and with local residents and visitors to share experience and has succeeded in branding through Mind. Than mimics festivals in competitive and differentiated cultures containing festivals create a unique festival brand, and through the cultural and economic competitiveness, as well as the phase of the World Festival and preserve local culture and identity. Developing The best areas will be an asset. In order to build this world-class festival brand differentiation strategy above all, must be a top priority, Discrimination discovery and development of the local culture and sensibility in the age of the most powerful marketing tool that is being presented through storytelling brand assets to be passed on to visitors should. Thus the creation of storytelling festivals. Sensitivity of the festival right direction and in an era of paradigm key drivers of the local economy, such as image enhancement, and building long-term regional development and differentiation based on quality of life by creating a local culture can improve will Region's cultural and economic areas, the most important resource for the success of the festival is uniformly short-term planning and configuration, tube-driven operating as a one-sided non-participation. Sharing. Communication with an emphasis on the application of storytelling that is essential is considered.

Study on the Coexistent Development of the Touristic and Educational Cultures of Temples - Focused on Youngwol region - (사찰건물의 관광 및 교육문화를 위한 상생발전 연구 - 영월지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Won-seob;Oh, Seung-ha
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.178-187
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to study the coexistent development of the touristic and education cultures of temples. For the study, an investigation on the actual conditions of temples in Youngwol and a set of interviews were conducted from 13th June to 7th November in 2014. The analysis was conducted through the field observations and the interviews with building owners based on the criteria and SPSSWIN 18.0 program was used for statistical processes. The results of analysis are as follows. First, the temples are found to be the extremely valuable local cultural assets with the cultural values and historical backgrounds. Second, the major temple buildings show that they have the unique and distinct characteristics that cannot be found from other general temples, so it is necessary for developing the unique local tourism resources from them. Third, since the study shows that there is a lack of tourism and educational culture resources, so a relevant plan thereof is urgently required. The implication of this study is that there is an urgent necessity for the succession and the modern reinterpretation regarding the cultures of traditional temples, based on which a shift of viewpoint to the digital tourism, which covers both the traditional temple cultures and the modern cultures, could arise.