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검색결과 7,198건 처리시간 0.031초

A Study on Bismuth tri-iodide for X-ray direct and digital imagers (직접방식 엑스선 검출기를 위한 $BiI_3$ 특성 연구)

  • Lee, S.H.;Kim, Y.S.;Kim, Y.B.;Jung, S.H.;Park, J.K.;Jung, W.B.;Jang, M.Y.;Mun, C.W.;Nam, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2009
  • Now a days, the Medical X-ray equipments has become digitalized from analog type such as film, cassette to CR, DR. And many scientists are still researching and developing the Medical X-ray equipment. In this study, we used the Bismuth tri-iodide to conversion material for digital X-ray equipments and we couldn't get the satisfying result than previous study, but it opened new possibility to cover the disadvantage of a-Se is high voltage aplly and difficultness of make. In this paper, we use $BiI_3$ powder(99.99%) as x-ray conversion material and make films that have thickness of 200um and the film size is $3cm{\times}3cm$. Also, we deposited an ITO(Indium Tin Oxide) electrode as top electrode and bottom electrode using a Magnetron Sputtering System. To evaluate a characteristics of the produced films, an electrical and structural properties are performed. Through a SEM analysis, we confirmed a surface and component part. And to analyze the electrical properties, darkcurrent, sensitivity and SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) are measured. Darkcurrent is $1.6nA/cm^2$ and sensitivity is $0.629nC/cm^2$ and this study shows that the electrical properties of x-ray conversion material that made by screen printing method are similar to PVD method or better than that. This results suggest that $BiI_3$ is suitable for a replacement of a-Se because of the reduced manufacture processing and improved yield.

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Estimation of Rice and Soybean Growth Stage Using a Microwave Scatterometer (마이크로파 산란계를 이용한 벼, 콩 생육단계 추정)

  • Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young;Lee, Hoon-Yol;Lee, Jae-Eun;Lee, Kyung-Do
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2012
  • Microwave radar can penetrate cloud cover regardless of weather conditions and can be used day and night. Especially a A ground-based polarimetric scatterometer operating at multiple frequencies can continuously monitor the crop conditions. We analyzed scattering characteristics of rice and soybean using pauli decomposition method. Surface scattering (${\alpha}$) is the dominant component over the entire stages for all bands and pauli decomposition value was the highest for L-band. Double bounce scattering (${\beta}$) and volume scattering (${\gamma}$) were approximately equal for C-band and volume scattering was higher than double bounce scattering for X-band in rice field. In soybean, double bounce scattering becomes higher than volume scattering during the R2 stage (DOY 224) and there was a significant difference between the two components after the R4 stage (DOY 242) for L-band. The maximum growth stage of soybean can also be detected using L-band double bounce scattering. The peak of double bounce effect coincides with the peak of growth biophysical variables on DOY 271. We found that pauli decomposition can provide insight on the relative magnitude of different scattering mechanisms during the rice and soybean growth cycle.

Study on Soil Survey Results of Rapid Change in Landuse (토지이용 변화지역의 토양재조사 결과 분석)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Chun, Hyen-Chung;Hong, Suk-Young;Moon, Yong-Hee;Noh, Dae-Cheol;Jung, So-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2012
  • Recently, agricultural lands decrease sharply, which was caused by urbanization, land consolidation, road construction, and innovation city construction, etc. In particular, Goyang, Chenan and Wonju city were had severe land use change. Therefore, we analyzed changes of land use, soil properties, and soil information in order to provide the basic soil information and soil management practice in these cities. The results are summarized as follows. The area of crop cultivated land in Korea (2011) was reduced to 17.3ha compared to ones from the previous year (2009). The paddy field decreased by 24.2 ha but, upland field increased by 7.0 ha. The reasons for the reduction of the paddy field were converting paddy field to upland (20.7 ha) > public facilities (3.2) ${\geq}$ building (3.2) > idle land (1.3) > and others (0.9). Other reasons for reduction in the upland field were switching upland to paddy field, (20.7 ha) > land developed (4.5) > and restoration (0.3) respectively. The main reason of converting paddy field to upland was changing from rice to more profitable upland or greenhouse crops. The cropland area (paddy fields, upland, orchard) of Goyang, Cheonan, and Wonju city were reduced to 1,466 ha, 9,708 ha and 6,980 ha respectively. The ratio of cropland area in each city was reduced by 45~25% dramatically compared to upland soil survey project in Korea (1995~1999). These data were compared with MiFAFF statistics data to use for land use cover map of Ministry of environment. But they were differences significantly. Therefore, intensive investigation should be advised throughout the utilization plan. The paddy fields located in small valley in Wonju city were changed into upland or orchard. The drainage classes of soil have been deteriorated because the flows of water were intercepted by road construction and other disturbance to water flows. In particular, paddy fields have been changed to not only upland, orchard, greenhouse cultivation but also to fallow and soil dressing on paddy in Wonju city. The soil suitability classes of paddy field in Wonju innovation city were the 3rd grade for 70.8% of the area and the 4th grade for 29.2%. The soil suitability classes of upland was the 4th grade for 88.7% of the area. Fortunately, good soil suitability classes were not belong to innovation city in Wonju. So, the good farm land should be conserved and revise the related law.

A Study on the Manufacture of the Artificial Cardiac Tissue Valve (생체판의 제작 및 실험)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Mook;Song, Yo-Jun;Sohn, Kwang-Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 1979
  • Treatment of valvular heart disease with valve replacement has been one of the most popular procedures in cardiac surgery recently. Although, first effort was directed toward the prosthetic valve, it soon became popular that bioprosthesis, the valvular xenograft, was prefered in the majority cases. Valvular xenograft has some superiority to the artificial prosthetic valve in some points of thromboembolism and hemolytic anemia, and it also has some inferiority of durability, immunologic reaction and resistance to Infection. Tremendous efforts were made to cover the inferiority with several methods of collection, preservation, and valve mounting of the porcine valve or pericardium of the calf, and also with surgical technique of the valvular xenograft replacement. Auther has collected 320 porcine aortic valves immediately after slaughter, and aortic cusps were coapted with cotton balls in the Valsalva sinuses to protect valve deformity after immersion in the Hanks' solution, and oxidation, cross-linking and reduction procedures were completed after the proposal of Carpentier in 1972. Well preserved aortic valves were suture mounted in the hand-made tissue valve frame of 19, 21, and 23 mm J.d., and also in the prosthetic vascular segment of 19 mm Ld. with 4-0 nylon sutures after careful trimming of the aortic valves. Completed valves were evaluated with bacteriologic culture, pressure tolerance test with tolerane gauge, valve durability test in the saline glycerine mixed solution with tolerance test machine in the speed of 300 rpm, and again with pathologic changes to obtain following results: 1. Bacteriologic culture of the valve tissue in five different preservation method for two weeks revealed excellent and satisfactory result in view of sterilization including 0.65% glutaraldehyde preservation group for one week bacteriologic culture except one tissue with Citobacter freundii in 75% ethanol preserved group. 2. Pressure tolerance test was done with an apparatus composed of V-connected manometer and pressure applicator. Tolerable limit of pressure was recorded when central leaking jet of saline was observed. Average pressure tolerated in each group was 168 mmHg in glutaraldehyde, 128 mmHg in formaldehyde, 92 mmHg in Dakin's solution, 48 mmHg in ethylene oxide gas, and 26 mmHg in ethanol preserved group in relation to the control group of Ringer's 90 mmHg respectively. 3. Prolonged durability test was performed in the group of frame mounted xenograft tissue valve with 300 up-and-down motion tolerance test machine/min. There were no specific valve deformity or wearing in both 19, 21, and 23 mm valves at the end of 3 months (actually 15 months), and another 3 months durability test revealed minimal valve leakage during pressure tolerance test due to contraction deformity of the non-coronary cusp at the end of 6 months (actually 30 months) in the largest 23 mm group. 4. Histopathologic observation was focussed in three view points, endothelial cell lining, collagen and elastic fiber destructions in each preservation methods and long durable valvular tolerance test group. Endothel ial cell lining and collagen fiber were well preserved in the glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde treated group with minimal destruction of elastic fiber. In long durable tolerance test group revealed complete destruction of the endothelial cell lining with minimal destruction of the collagen and elastic fiber in 3 month and 6 month group in relation to the time and severity. In conclusion, porcine xenograft treated after the proposal of Carpentier in 1972 and preserved in the glutaraldehyde solution was the best method of collection, preservation and valve mounting. Pressure tolerance and valve motion tolerance test, also, revealed most satisfactory results in the glutaraldehyde preserved group.

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Effects of Application of Solidified Sewage Sludge on the Growth of Bioenergy Crops in Reclaimed Land (간척지토양에서 하수슬러지 고화물 처리가 에너지작물의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Gi-Hong;Lee, Sun-Il;Koo, Bon-Cheol;Choi, Yong-Hwan;Moon, Youn-Ho;Cha, Young-Lok;Bark, Surn-Teh;Kim, Jung-Kon;Kim, Byung-Chul;Kim, Sang-Pyeong
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to obtain the basic data for selecting the cultivatable bioenergy crops through application of solidified sewage sludge in reclaimed lands. The experimental plots consisted of the mixing with solidified sewage sludge plot (SS50), the covering with solidified sewage sludge plot (SS100), and the original reclaimed land plot (ORL) on reclaimed land for the intended landfill in Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation (SLC). The growth of energy crops (Geodae-Uksae 1, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, and Phragmites australis) were investigated from May to October, 2010 in each experimental plot. The soil from ORL showed higher salinity with high contents of exchangeable $Na^+$ cation than that of SS50 and SS100. Soil properties on reclaimed land used in this study must be improved by increasing the buffering capacity of saline with the treatment of solidified sewage sludge due to the fact that the contents of organic matter (OM) in both of SS50 and SS100 were higher than that of the ORL. Thus the growth of energy crops cultivated in the solidified sewage sludge plots were better than in ORL. Geodae-Uksae 1 which showed an excellent adaptability on reclaimed land treated with the solidified sewage sludge has considerably higher biomass than those of other energy crops (M. sacchariflorus and P. australis). This study suggested that Geodae-Uksae 1 is the most suitable biomass feedstock crop for bioenergy productions, and the solidified sewage sludge may be possible to utilize as a soil cover materials for cultivation of bioenergy crops in reclaimed land.

High-Resolution Numerical Simulations with WRF/Noah-MP in Cheongmicheon Farmland in Korea During the 2014 Special Observation Period (2014년 특별관측 기간 동안 청미천 농경지에서의 WRF/Noah-MP 고해상도 수치모의)

  • Song, Jiae;Lee, Seung-Jae;Kang, Minseok;Moon, Minkyu;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.384-398
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the high-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting/Noah-MultiParameterization (WRF/Noah-MP) modeling system is configured for the Cheongmicheon Farmland site in Korea (CFK), and its performance in land and atmospheric simulation is evaluated using the observed data at CFK during the 2014 special observation period (21 August-10 September). In order to explore the usefulness of turning on Noah-MP dynamic vegetation in midterm simulations of surface and atmospheric variables, two numerical experiments are conducted without dynamic vegetation and with dynamic vegetation (referred to as CTL and DVG experiments, respectively). The main results are as following. 1) CTL showed a tendency of overestimating daytime net shortwave radiation, thereby surface heat fluxes and Bowen ratio. The CTL experiment showed reasonable magnitudes and timing of air temperature at 2 m and 10 m; especially the small error in simulating minimum air temperature showed high potential for predicting frost and leaf wetness duration. The CTL experiment overestimated 10-m wind and precipitation, but the beginning and ending time of precipitation were well captured. 2) When the dynamic vegetation was turned on, the WRF/Noah-MP system showed more realistic values of leaf area index (LAI), net shortwave radiation, surface heat fluxes, Bowen ratio, air temperature, wind and precipitation. The DVG experiment, where LAI is a prognostic variable, produced larger LAI than CTL, and the larger LAI showed better agreement with the observed. The simulated Bowen ratio got closer to the observed ratio, indicating reasonable surface energy partition. The DVG experiment showed patterns similar to CTL, with differences for maximum air temperature. Both experiments showed faster rising of 10-m air temperature during the morning growth hours, presumably due to the rapid growth of daytime mixed layers in the Yonsei University (YSU) boundary layer scheme. The DVG experiment decreased errors in simulating 10-m wind and precipitation. 3) As horizontal resolution increases, the models did not show practical improvement in simulation performance for surface fluxes, air temperature, wind and precipitation, and required three-dimensional observation for more agricultural land spots as well as consistency in model topography and land cover data.

Influences of Bulking Materials on Sustainable Livestock Mortality Composting (부자재 종류가 친환경적 사축퇴비화에 미치는 영향)

  • Won, Seung Gun;Park, Ji Young;Cho, Won Sil;Kwag, Jung Hoon;Choi, Dong Yoon;Ahn, Hee Kwon;Ra, Chang Six
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제55권5호
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 2013
  • To develop a sustainable composting method for livestock mortality, a natural aeration-composting process was designed and the influences of bulking materials on the mortality composting process were studied. Bulking materials (e.g., compost, swine manure, sawdust, and rice husks), easily supplied at the scene of an animal mortality outbreak, were tested in this research. A lab-scale composting system (W34 ${\times}$ L60 ${\times}$ H26 cm) was made using 100 mm styrofoam, and natural aeration was achieved through pipes installed on the bottom of the system. Four treatments were designed (compost, compost + swine feces, sawdust, and rice husks treatment groups) and all experiments were done in triplicates. During composting for 40 days, no leachate was observed in compost and sawdust treatment groups, whereas 18 and 8.2 ml leachate/kg-mortality was emitted from the compost + feces and rice husks treatment groups, respectively. Dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) emission during the composting was very low in all treatment groups, possibly due to the bio-filtering function of the compost cover layer on the pile. The mortality degradability in compost, compost + feces, sawdust, and rice husks groups was 25.3, 25.8, 13.5, and 14.5%, respectively, showing significantly higher levels in compost and compost + feces groups (p<0.05). Also, only the compost + feces group produced enough heat (over $55^{\circ}C$) and lasted for 7 days, indicating that bio-security cannot be guaranteed without feces supplementation.

E-Commerce in the Historical Approach to Usage and Practice of International Trade ("무역상무(貿易商務)에의 역사적(歷史的) 어프로치와 무역취인(貿易取引)의 전자화(電子化)")

  • Tsubaki, Koji
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    • 제19권
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    • pp.224-242
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    • 2003
  • The author believes that the main task of study in international trade usage and practice is the management of transactional risks involved in international sale of goods. They are foreign exchange risks, transportation risks, credit risk, risk of miscommunication, etc. In most cases, these risks are more serious and enormous than those involved in domestic sales. Historically, the merchant adventurers organized the voyage abroad, secured trade finance, and went around the ocean with their own or consigned cargo until around the $mid-19^{th}$ century. They did business faceto-face at the trade fair or the open port where they maintained the local offices, so-called "Trading House"(商館). Thererfore, the transactional risks might have been one-sided either with the seller or the buyer. The bottomry seemed a typical arrangement for risk sharing among the interested parties to the adventure. In this way, such organizational arrangements coped with or bore the transactional risks. With the advent of ocean liner services and wireless communication across the national border in the $19^{th}$ century, the business of merchant adventurers developed toward the clear division of labor; sales by mercantile agents, and ocean transportation by the steam ship companies. The international banking helped the process to be accelerated. Then, bills of lading backed up by the statute made it possible to conduct documentary sales with a foreign partner in different country. Thus, FOB terms including ocean freight and CIF terms emerged gradually as standard trade terms in which transactional risks were allocated through negotiation between the seller and the buyer located in different countries. Both of them did not have to go abroad with their cargo. Instead, documentation in compliance with the terms of the contract(plus an L/C in some cases) must by 'strictly' fulfilled. In other words, the set of contractual documents must be tendered in advance of the arrival of the goods at port of discharge. Trust or reliance is placed on such contractual paper documents. However, the container transport services introduced as international intermodal transport since the late 1960s frequently caused the earlier arrival of the goods at the destination before the presentation of the set of paper documents, which may take 5 to 10% of the amount of transaction. In addition, the size of the container vessel required the speedy transport documentation before sailing from the port of loading. In these circumstances, computerized processing of transport related documents became essential for inexpensive transaction cost and uninterrupted distribution of the goods. Such computerization does not stop at the phase of transportation but extends to cover the whole process of international trade, transforming the documentary sales into less-paper trade and further into paperless trade, i.e., EDI or E-Commerce. Now we face the other side of the coin, which is data security and paperless transfer of legal rights and obligations. Unfortunately, these issues are not effectively covered by a set of contracts only. Obviously, EDI or E-Commerce is based on the common business process and harmonized system of various data codes as well as the standard message formats. This essential feature of E-Commerce needs effective coordination of different divisions of business and tight control over credit arrangements in addition to the standard contract of sales. In a few word, information does not alway invite "trust". Credit flows from people, or close organizational tie-ups. It is our common understanding that, without well-orchestrated organizational arrangements made by leading companies, E-Commerce does not work well for paperless trade. With such arrangements well in place, participating E-business members do not need to seriously care for credit risk. Finally, it is also clear that E-International Commerce must be linked up with a set of government EDIs such as NACCS, Port EDI, JETRAS, etc, in Japan. Therefore, there is still a long way before us to go for E-Commerce in practice, not on the top of information manager's desk.

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Oil Fluorescence Spectrum Analysis for the Design of Fluorimeter (형광 광도계 설계인자 도출을 위한 기름의 형광 스펙트럼 분석)

  • Oh, Sangwoo;Seo, Dongmin;Ann, Kiyoung;Kim, Jaewoo;Lee, Moonjin;Chun, Taebyung;Seo, Sungkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 2015
  • To evaluate the degree of contamination caused by oil spill accident in the sea, the in-situ sensors which are based on the scientific method are needed in the real site. The sensors which are based on the fluorescence detection theory can provide the useful data, such as the concentration of oil. However these kinds of sensors commonly are composed of the ultraviolet (UV) light source such as UV mercury lamp, the multiple excitation/emission filters and the optical sensor which is mainly photomultiplier tube (PMT) type. Therefore, the size of the total sensing platform is large not suitable to be handled in the oil spill field and also the total price of it is extremely expensive. To overcome these drawbacks, we designed the fluorimeter for the oil spill detection which has compact size and cost effectiveness. Before the detail design process, we conducted the experiments to measure the excitation and emission spectrum of oils using five different kinds of crude oils and three different kinds of processed oils. And the fluorescence spectrometer were used to analyze the excitation and emission spectrum of oil samples. We have compared the spectrum results and drawn the each common spectrum regions of excitation and emission. In the experiments, we can see that the average gap between maximum excitation and emission peak wavelengths is near 50 nm for the every case. In the experiment which were fixed by the excitation wavelength of 365 nm and 405 nm, we can find out that the intensity of emission was weaker than that of 280 nm and 325 nm. So, if the light sources having the wavelength of 365 nm or 405 nm are used in the design process of fluorimeter, the optical sensor needs to have the sensitivity which can cover the weak light intensity. Through the results which were derived by the experiment, we can define the important factors which can be useful to select the effective wavelengths of light source, photo detector and filters.

The Latest Progress on the Development of Technologies for $CO_2$ Storage in Marine Geological Structure and its Application in Republic of Korea (해저 지질구조내 $CO_2$ 저장기술의 연구개발 동향 및 향후 국내 실용화 방안)

  • Kang, Seong-Gil;Huh, Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2008
  • To mitigate the climate change and global warming, various technologies have been internationally proposed for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Especially, in recent, carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology is regarded as one of the most promising emission reduction options that $CO_2$ be captured from major point sources (eg., power plant) and transported for storage into the marine geological structure such as deep sea saline aquifer. The purpose of this paper is to review the latest progress on the development of technologies for $CO_2$ storage in marine geological structure and its perspective in republic of Korea. To develop the technologies for $CO_2$ storage in marine geological structure, we carried out relevant R&D project, which cover the initial survey of potentially suitable marine geological structure fur $CO_2$ storage site and monitoring of the stored $CO_2$ behavior, basic design for $CO_2$ transport and storage process including onshore/offshore plant and assessment of potential environmental risk related to $CO_2$ storage in geological structure in republic of Korea. By using the results of the present researches, we can contribute to understanding not only how commercial scale (about 1 $MtCO_2$) deployment of $CO_2$ storage in the marine geological structure of East Sea, Korea, is realized but also how more reliable and safe CCS is achieved. The present study also suggests that it is possible to reduce environmental cost (about 2 trillion Won per year) with developed technology for $CO_2$ storage in marine geological structure until 2050.

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