• 제목/요약/키워드: cost of arbitration

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중재상소제도 도입에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Introduction of Arbitration Appeal System)

  • 홍석모
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 2010
  • Traditionally, finality has been regarded as one of virtues of arbitration. However in many cases absence of appeal process in arbitration is also a factor deterring people from choosing arbitration. Even though unsatisfied party may resort to a court for annulment of an award, it is allowed only when there are procedural defects. When there are substantive defects in matters of fact or matters of law, it is not easy or almost impossible to bring the case on the table again. The introduction of arbitration appeal process has been discussed in international arbitration fora, and some countries have already been adopting appeal process. Realizing this trend, it is time for us to consider adopting similar appeal process. Arbitration being based on the party autonomy, there's no good reason to prohibit appeal when the parties agree to do so. Arbitration appeal should be allowed within arbitration system itself, rather than resorting to a court, so that many virtues of arbitration can be maintained in the appeal. In designing an arbitration appeal system, following measures should be considered: minimum amount in dispute to trigger the right of appeal should be set in order to reduce the volume of appeal; losing appellant should be responsible for the legal cost of his opponent in order to deter non-meritorious appeals; time limits on initial appeal application and subsequent briefs should be set in order to accelerate appeal process; and, appeal tribunals should be composed of more experienced arbitrators in order to provide more accurate award. If we are equipped with a well designed appeal process within arbitration system, Korea will be able to emerge as an attractive international arbitration forum.

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전자상거래 분쟁의 유형과 해결제도 (Type and Settlement System of Disputes in Electronic Commerce)

  • 이강빈
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.217-245
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    • 2001
  • Like traditional commerce, disputes are bound to arise in the course of conducting an e-commerce transaction. At present of June 30, 2001, 259 cases of dispute on e-commerce have been applied for the mediation of Electronic Transaction Dispute Mediation Committee, types of them are 170 cases of delayed delivery of commodity, 21 cases of contract cancellation and refund, 16 cases of personal information protection, 16 cases of false and exaggerated advertisement, 14 cases of commodity defect. The settlement systems of e-commerce dispute are litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR). ADR encompasses mediation, arbitration, and similar private tools for resolving disputes. ADR offers many perceived advantages. Speed of resolution and low cost are often cited as the primary benefits. Therfore e-commerce disputes may be settled more effectively by litigation. The settlement systems of e-commerce dispute by ADR are the mediation of Electronic Transaction Dispute Mediation Committee, the mediation of Consumer Dispute Mediation Commercial Arbitration Board, and the arbitration of Korean Commerical Arbitration Board. E-commerce sets up the probability that its merchants and customers will not exist in the same legal jurisdictions. The confusing application of laws and wide geographical dispersion of these parties will necessitate a faster and cheaper dispute resolution methodology. Therefore, online ADR may be effective for e-commerce dispute resolution. The examples of online ADR opetation are the cyber mediation of Electronic Transaction Dispute Resolution Committee, the cyber mediation of Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, the cyber mediation of Click N Settle, the online ADR of BBB online, and the cyber arbitration of virtual Magistrate.

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UNCITRAL 신속 중재의 도입과 전망 (Introduction and Prospects of UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration)

  • 이춘원
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2022
  • The modern arbitration practice recognises the need for a faster and simplified procedural framework for international disputes with fairly low amounts at stake. This has driven several institutions to expand their offer of procedural guidelines with a simplified set of rules that would fit this purpose. Expedited arbitration is increasingly used by parties and is growing in popularity. The basic idea behind establishing expedited arbitration rules is to create the possibility for the parties to a dispute to agree on a simplified and streamlined procedure and to have an arbitration award issued within a short period. The associated cost savings for the parties is another benefit. The importance of developing rules for expedited dispute resolution has recently also been considered by the UNCITRAL Working Group II, in light of the "increasing demand to resolve simple, low-value cases by arbitration" and "the lack of international mechanisms cope with such disputes." As a result, the UNCITRAL 2021 Expedited Arbitration Rules (UNCITRAL EAR) took effect on September 19, 2021. The EAR was adopted by the Commission on 21 July 2021 and, next to UNCITRAL's well-known instruments like the Arbitration Rules (UAR) and the Model Law, represent another chapter in the Commission's impactful work in the field of international arbitration. Overall, the UNCITRAL EAR has great potential to meet the need for more flexible and efficient arbitration proceedings, primarily because they provide the tribunal with strong managerial powers while still leaving room for consultation with the parties. However, parties must remember that not all disputes may be suitable for expedited arbitration, and disputes that are complex or have the possibility of being joint or consolidated may not benefit from simplified procedures and tight deadlines. This article will outline the core features and characteristics of the UNCITRAL EAR.

중재인 선정과 법원의 역할에 관한 연구 (Appointment of Arbitrators and the Role of the Court)

  • 박원형;김철호
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2010
  • The expanded role of courts in arbitral procedures is said to have certain detrimental effects on the cost-effective approach to arbitration. This is the case when the court is appointing an arbitrator, pursuant to the specific domestic legal regime. The danger of decisions, especially those with expanded role of courts can create delays and hurdles. Even with contradictory viewpoints, the role of the court should complement the arbitral tribunal and not impede the functioning of arbitration independent of the judicial system. In this paper, two recent cases in Korean Supreme Court are reviewed, trying to find the proper implications on further arbitration practices especially in the stage of arbitrator appointment. Even though the proper appointment of arbitrators is essential to the existence of valid arbitration proceedings, appointment of arbitrators by the courts should constitute an administrative power, and not a judicial power. The cases reviewed make clear that the court must play a facilitative role in international commercial arbitration by assisting the parties in appointing the arbitral tribunal, the court intervention must be kept to a minimum.

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미국의 조정-중재(Med-Arb) 제도에 관한 연구 (A Study of Med-Arb in the United States)

  • 정용균
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 2014
  • Mediation and Arbitration are two distinct ADR processes. Their dissimilarity lies in the principle that in mediation the parties themselves decide what the resolution to the problem is, whereas in arbitration the arbitrator makes that determination. Med-Arb, hybrid of the two methods, is a fairly new ADR process dating back to the 1970s. Med-Arb capitalizes on the advantages of both mediation and arbitration, while eliminating many of their disadvantages. Mediation has the advantage of allowing for resolutions rather than decisions. Arbitration has the advantage of guaranteeing that the matter will be resolved when the procedure is over. In Med-Arb, the participants agree to be parties to mediation, and if the mediation comes to an impasse, a final settlement will be reached through arbitration. This study first explicates the origin and the development of Med-Arb in the United States. This study shows that the emergence of Med-Arb is benefited from the fact that arbitration has lost its own advantages ie, speed, cost-saving, and maintenance of an ongoing relationship between the disputants. Second, this study analyzes four cases in which Med-Arb is applied to various kinds of disputes as a tool of dispute resolution: labor disputes, entertainment disputes, will disputes, and international commercial disputes, consecutively. All those case studies show the generality of Med-Arb as a dispute resolution channel. Third, this study compares the advantages and disadvantages of Med-Arb. Finally, this study discusses the implications of Med-Arb. In particular it provides the universality of this hybrid form of dispute resolution in the East and West. For example, we show that China has its own distinctive Med-Arb system, where it has developed from ancient Confucian philosophy. Japan also emphasizes the role of an arbitrator who settles the disputes in the course of arbitration. The domestic arbitration rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) have a similar process in that arbitration contains an element of conciliation. With regard to the universal characteristics of Med-Arb, it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons of Med-Arb at a deeper level in the future. One caveat is that it is necessary to handle the issues of the neutrality of the mediator-arbitrator.

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중재법시행령(안)의 체계에 관한 고찰 (A Study on the System of the Arbitration Act Enforcement Ordinance)

  • 남선모
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.3-24
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    • 2014
  • The Arbitration Act of Korea entered into force on December 31, 1999. It was modeled after the UNCITRAL Model Arbitration Law to meet the goal of the internationalization of the arbitration system of South Korea mainly in terms of the System (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Act. In general, a hearing of arbitration is made up of an arbitrator, claimant, and respondent. This is accomplished in a single core. The advantages of arbitration are low cost and confidentiality. In addition, there is the participation of experts and rapidity with a single core agent. However, under the current Arbitration Act, there is no provision expressly relating to the qualifications of arbitrators. This should be accomplished by the arbitration act enforcement ordinance. Following specific details of the 'party' in conjunction with all the provisions of the Arbitration Act, Article 1 should be revised in a timely manner so that "conflict of private law" covers cases in which a dispute between the parties is desirable. In addition, in Article 3 the phrasing of "also dispute 'judicial'" should be revised to over disputes between parties. Furthermore, the provisions of Article 40 are described in the Supplement and so it is preferable to address Supplementary Delete. In addition, this study will analyze ADR in Japan and present a plan to establish a law to resolve disputes outside of court in that country. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assist in the study of legislating fundamental law for alternative dispute resolution. In spite of this, there are many in business and academia who would like to modify the arbitration system in South Korea to improve its function. There is much interest in accomplishing this,so proposals for legislation should continue to be made.In order to accomplish this, the arbitration systems of developed countries such as the United States can be used as a model. It can be seen that despite the idea that the parties involved engage in arbitration autonomously, many elements of the process from the selection of the arbitrator of the arbitral tribunal are specified in legislation and thus it is necessary to develop legislation that will allow arbitration to perform its intended function. Any given arbitral tribunal can be specialized, typically in a case an arbitrator who is an expert in the field is selected. This helps to avoid complaints concerning the results of the arbitration. In the case of international arbitration, however, this provision is often not employed and instead it is necessary to provide a Schedule and Supplement concerning international arbitration. Finally, the promotion of the enactment of the Arbitration Law Enforcement Ordinance must be a top priority in order to ensure proper implementation of the arbitration law.

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Arbitrator's Reputation and PR Cost: A Signaling Approach

  • Joon Yeop Kwon;Sung Ryong Kim
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2023
  • We construct a signaling game model between the arbitrator and claimants, in which the arbitrator's marketing amount is adopted as the signaling device. Assuming that the parties to the dispute select an arbitrator, and if there is a difference in the arbitrator's fee depending on the arbitrator's reputation, the arbitrator will pay to further enhance his reputation. We would like to analyze the cost differences between arbitrators who already have a high reputation and arbitrators who strive to further enhance their reputation using the signal model. From the Analysis of our study, We derive perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the signaling game and refine the equilibrium into a unique equilibrium by invoking the Intuitive Criterion of Cho and Kreps (1987). Further, we characterize the refined equilibrium.

ODR을 통한 해외직구 분쟁해결방안 (A Study on Resolution Methods of Overseas Direct Purchase Dispute by ODR)

  • 신군재
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.3-23
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    • 2015
  • As the Internet rapidly emerges as a speedy and cost-effective way of purchasing goods from overseas websites, the number of disputes arising out of overseas direct purchases also increases. In such situations, a disgruntled consumer might be left without an effective remedy. Providing an alternative approach to redress such grievances might assist in resolving such disputes and in increasing consumer confidence in e-commerce. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) will allow consumers to solve their disputes without going to court, in a quick, low-cost, and simple way. It also helps to eliminate complex jurisdictional and choice-of-law problems. On the other hand, it has many problems such as having inadequate confidentiality and security, not being able to meet the "writing" requirement for arbitration of disputes, having difficulty in enforcing online arbitration agreements, having difficulties in enforcing online decisions and so on. This article investigates relationship online disputes and ODR and suggests ways that ODR can work best in resolving disputes arising out of overseas direct purchases. To expand the ODR system in online disputes, it is very important for domestic consumers to recognize the concept and usefulness of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and ODR systems. The Korean government must also help consumers recognize the ADR mechanisms of dispute resolution by public campaign advertisement of ADR systems. Further education of dispute resolution in higher educational institutions is also required as well as assisting the KCAB with funds and the establishment of ADR Law.

ADR 에 의한 건설분쟁해결의 문제점과 개선방안 (The Problems and Reform Measures of Conflict Resolutions related to Constructions through ADR)

  • 김상찬
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2011
  • There are two methods to resolve conflicts related to constructions which are through lawsuits and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) just like any other conflicts. Along with the special characteristics pertaining to the conflicts related to constructions, the advantages that ADR is in possession of such as its cost, duration and professionalism, resolving conflicts through ADR has been considered to be more logical than any other options recently. In Korea's case at present, the resolution of conflicts regarding constructions through ADR is mostly dependent on administrative mediation or through arbitration. However, in the case of the administrative mediation, its usage rate is very low due to problems caused by problems in its running and effectiveness. In the case of arbitration, the services of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board is comparatively used more but because of the fact that arbitration relies on a single trial system and the fact that its executive powers while having the same effectiveness as the final ruling does not get acknowledged leads to the phenomena of avoiding its usage. In addition, in relation to the selective arbitration clause, the problem of effectiveness of the arbitrative agreement is becoming a hindrance to the activation and promotion of the arbitration process. Furthermore, in the case where the ordering body is the government, the public servant involved in the case avoiding the arbitration process because of concerns of being penalized by the internal and external audit within the institution is becoming a problem as well. These problems are not only limited to conflicts regarding constructions and there needs to be actions taken to promote the activation of ADR by enacting a basic law. The more important issue at hand however is offering a resolution measure that would be the most appropriate for users and this could probably be done only through actions such as implementing the American partnering system or the dispute adjudication board system so that they can supervise the resolution of conflicts through mediation, arbitration, and assistance as well as offering consultations regarding conflicts related to constructions.

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중재계임을 이용한 송전비용배분비율 결정에 관한 분석 (Analysis on the Decision of Transmission Cost Allocation Rate Using the Arbitration Game)

  • 정구형;유청일;강동주;한석만;김발호
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2002년도 추계학술대회 논문집 전력기술부문
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    • pp.375-377
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    • 2002
  • In many parts of the world. the electricity industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. Hence, in order to reform the electricity industry readily and efficiently and minimize the confusion by these restructuring, it is required the systematic studies related to transmission pricing and transmission cost allocation issues. However, even now the basis of transmission cost allocation rate is not equipped so that the regulation body has determined the allocating rate under the common practice. In this paper it is demonstrated that the decision of transmission cost allocation rate is the regulation body's own right. For the analysis, game theory is applied to the procedure determining this rate and the competition to determine this rate between generators and distributors is modeled as the arbitration game.

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