• Title/Summary/Keyword: cornerstone

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A Study on Knowledge Map Development Methodology Focused on Knowledge Acquisition (Knowledge 추출을 중심으로 한 Knowledge Map 작성 방법론에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Sung-Il;Suh, Eui-Ho;Kim, Su-Yeon
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2000
  • With the rapid changes of business environments and the tremendous amount of information generated from those environments, most companies must learn to manage those changes and information more effectively. Furthermore, within those amounts of information, the information that meets with achieving the goal of each company should be selected and managed as a core competency, i.e. the knowledge, visible and invisible assets of the company. Knowledge management, as a tool of creating, sharing, and applying such knowledge, has pursued those requirements of companies and been studied by many researchers and consultants, especially focusing on the Knowledge Map'. It is said that a knowledge map is a powerful tool for scanning and managing the knowledge that exists in a company and that it is the most important part of establishing a knowledge management base. Until now, however, there have been no specific or practical models for establishing a knowledge map, in spite of the concern. For this reason, this paper suggests a practical model for establishing a knowledge map in terms of a knowledge acquisition procedure based on the traditional research concerning concept maps. In addition to this, for examining the validity of the model, a case study on the 'P' steel and iron company has been performed. This paper's methodology on developing a knowledge map and the procedures to apply them to the real business environment will suggest a cornerstone in the field of practical implementation of knowledge management.

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A Study of Medical Record about Delegation Dispatched to Japan in Chosun Dynasty (조선통신사 사행원과 기록 연구 -18세기 사행록과 의학문답 기록을 중심으로-)

  • Ham, Jeong Sik;Cha, Wung Seok;Yoo, Won Joon;Kim, Nam Il
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 2007
  • In 1607 a delegation was dispatched from Chosun to Japan (under the condition that prisoners of war were returned) to restore the destroyed relationship between the nations due to a war and to restore economic profits. This delegation later on became a delegation representing faith in each other. It contributed greatly to the Korea-Japan cultural exchanges in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was also a cornerstone for the exchange of Korea's distinguished studies as well as medical technology and Japan's results of international trade such as sweet potatoes, pepper, and tobacco. This thesis is one that discusses the study of documents produced during this process.

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European Community Legislation on Overall Migration of Plastic Food Packaging (합성수지제 식품 포장에 대한 유럽연합의 총이행량 규정)

  • Sung, Jun-Hyun;Lee, Young-Ja
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2006
  • The EU regulation of overall migration which is the cornerstone of the limitation to ensure that plastic materials and articles intended to contact with foodstuffs are fit for the intended application, was reviewed. In Council Directives, it was established in detail what simulants, contact times and temperatures are to be used in migration tests performed under standardized conditions. In some cases, conventional conditions for substitution test was provided, because of technical reasons. Moreover, a reduction factor ranging from 2$\sim$5 may be applied depending on the foods, because olive oil which is simulant for fatty foods, is severe solvent compared with most fatty food.

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A Parameter Estimation of Bass Diffusion Model by the Hybrid of NLS and OLS (NLS와 OLS의 하이브리드 방법에 의한 Bass 확산모형의 모수추정)

  • Hong, Jung-Sik;Kim, Tae-Gu;Koo, Hoon-Young
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2011
  • The Bass model is a cornerstone in diffusion theory which is used for forecasting demand of durables or new services. Three well-known estimation methods for parameters of the Bass model are Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE), Nonlinear Least Square (NLS). In this paper, a hybrid method incorporating OLS and NLS is presented and it's performance is analyzed and compared with OLS and NLS by using simulation data and empirical data. The results show that NLS has the best performance in terms of accuracy and our hybrid method has the best performance in terms of stability. Specifically, hybrid method has better performance with less data. This result means much in practical aspect because the avaliable data is little when a diffusion model is used for forecasting demand of a new product.

The Relationship beetween Furniture Purchasers and Producers in the Joseon Period (조선시대 가구 주문자와 생산자의 상호관계성)

  • Seo, Seok Min;Kim, Myeong Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2015
  • This study is a review on the relationship between furniture purchasers and producers in the Joseon period. Understanding the relationships in our traditional spirit and the Joseon furniture that reflects a aesthetic sense is a meaningful work. Joseon was to build an ideal country which put emphasis on the order and harmony through Theory of 'Yeak' as the confucianism nation. Human aesthetics, which emphasis on the spiritual value by confirmity to nature and forcus on the relaxed, deficient personality rather than completeness was established as the central formative consciousness of the Joseon Dynasty. The nature of things in the confucian scholar prior to the representations of things is expressed in the form of master craftsman's skill and soul. Formative consciousness of the confucian scholar is to realize ideals by communciation and interchange with master craftsman's soul in the form of the Joseon furniture. The beauty of restraint and brevity in the Joseon Dynasty furniture includes meanings and procedures of art work. It implies an orderer's purpose of production and a producer's products. Understanding the spirit of times in the production becomes the cornerstone capable of getting closer to the furniture ultimate proper function. These problems have a very close relationship with the problems of modern people's commnuication. We expect an even higher growth of the furniture by achieving more improved communication based on the consumer's great insight and the producer's passion.

The Analysis of Affective Dispositions in AASL(2007) and ACRL(2015) Information Literacy Standards (AASL(2007)과 ACRL(2015) 정보리터러시 기준에 내재된 정의적 성향 분석)

  • Choi, Jae-Hwang
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.115-137
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    • 2016
  • The research objectives of this study are twofold: to analyze affective dispositions in both 'Standards for the 21st-Century Learner(AASL, 2007)' and 'Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education(ACRL, 2015)'; and to look for implications from the two documents in information literacy instruction(ILI). A total of 18 and 38 affective dispositions were found in AASL(2007) and ACRL(2015) documents respectively. This study mainly discusses sequencing affective objectives and assessment techniques for the ILI. The affective dispositions found from the two documents will be a cornerstone of ILI in K-20.

Traumatic Aortic Injury: Single-center Comparison of Open versus Endovascular Repair

  • Cho, Jun Woo;Kwon, Oh Choon;Lee, Sub;Jang, Jae Seok
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 2012
  • Background: Conventional open repair is a suboptimal therapy for blunt traumatic aortic injury (BTAI) due to the high postoperative mortality and morbidity rates. Recent advances in the thoracic endovascular repair technique may improve outcomes so that it becomes an attractive therapeutic option. Materials and Methods: From August 2003 to March 2012, 21 patients (mean age, 45.81 years) with BTAI were admitted to our institution. Of these, 18 cases (open repair in 11 patients and endovascular repair in 7 patients) were retrospectively reviewed and the early perioperative results of the two groups were compared. Results: Although not statistically significant, there was a trend toward the reduction of mortality in the endovascular repair group (18.2% vs. 0%). There were no cases of paraplegia or endoleak. Statistically significant reductions in heparin dosage, blood loss, and transfusion amounts during the operations and in procedure duration were observed. Conclusion: Compared with open repair, endovascular repair can be performed with favorable mortality and morbidity rates. However, relatively younger patients who have acute aortic arch angulation and a small aortic diameter may be a therapeutic challenge. Improvements in graft design, delivery sheaths, and graft durability are the cornerstone of successful endovascular repair.

Radiation Induced Lung Injury: Prediction, Assessment and Management

  • Giridhar, Prashanth;Mallick, Supriya;Rath, Goura Kishore;Julka, Pramod Kumar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.2613-2617
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    • 2015
  • Radiation induced lung injury has long been considered a treatment limiting factor for patients requiring thoracic radiation. This radiation induced lung injury happens early as well as late. Radiation induced lung injury can occur in two phases viz. early (< 6 months) when it is called radiation pneumonitis and late (>6 months) when it is called radiation induced lung fibrosis. There are multiple factors that can be patient, disease or treatment related that predict the incidence and severity of radiation pneumonitis. Radiation induced damage to the type I pneumocytes is the triggering factor to initiate such reactions. Over the years, radiation therapy has witnessed a paradigm shift in radiation planning and delivery and successfully reduced the incidence of lung injury. Radiation pneumonitis is usually a diagnosis of exclusion. Steroids, ACE inhibitors and pentoxyphylline constitute the cornerstone of therapy. Radiation induced lung fibrosis is another challenging aspect. The pathophysiology of radiation fibrosis includes continuing inflammation and microvascular changes due to pro-angiogenic and profibrogenic stimuli resembling those in adult bronchiectasis. General supportive management, mobilization of airway secretions, anti-inflammatory therapy and management of acute exacerbations remains the treatment option. Radiation induced lung injury is an inevitable accompaniment of thoracic radiation.

Nanofilm Transfer Methods and Interfacial Fracture Mechanics (나노박막 전사 방법 및 계면 파괴 역학)

  • Kang, Sumin;Kim, Taek-Soo
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2020
  • Transferring of functional nanofilms onto target substrates is a cornerstone to developing nanofilm-based nextgeneration applications. In this work, we provide a brief review of recent advances on nanofilm transfer methods by categorizing them into the following three methods: wet-etching transfer, electrochemical delamination, and mechanical transfer. Furthermore, the mechanical transfer method, which is regarded as a promising technology owing to its facile, substrate recyclable, and widely applicable process, is overviewed by focusing on fracture mechanics approaches. Finally, the perspectives and challenges for future development of the mechanical transfer method are discussed.

Stduy on Personal Exercise Algorithm and Information Sharing Analysis System (개인 맞춤형 운동 알고리즘과 정보공유분석 시스템 연구)

  • Kang, Suk-hun;Park, Dea-woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.237-240
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    • 2015
  • Individual's body is different depending on the body type or growing environment. In particular, recent changes in the way the movement toward a healthy 100-year-old range. But the purpose of the exercise, each person, gender, age, physical condition and how this movement should be applied according to analysis, to be studied. In this paper, we share information through this exercide method by online, and provide personalized workout, and an algorithm for research analysis. This study will be the cornerstone of research by combining biotechnology and IT to contribute to the health of the people 100 years old.

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