• Title/Summary/Keyword: content validity

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Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Helicopter Parenting Scale (한국어판 헬리콥터 양육 측정도구의 신뢰도 및 타당도 검증)

  • Chae, Myung-Ock;Yim, So-Youn;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Kim, Ji-Hyun;Oh, Jina
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Helicopter parenting is emerging in parenting as a way of rearing adolescents and adult children. The aims of this study were to develop a Korean version of the Helicopter Parenting and Autonomy Supportive Behaviors Scale (HPASB). Methods: The HPASB questionnaire items were translated into Korean and reviewed by experts and Content Validity Index (CVI) in a preliminary study with 10 university students. During September and October, 2014 data were collected from 229 nursing students from five different universities in different locations. For data analysis, SPSS 21.0 statistics which included exploratory factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA were utilized. Results: Content validity was over CVI .8. The 6 factors of K-HPASB were extracted and accounted for 59.30% of variance. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .71 indicating high reliability. Conclusion: The Korean version of the HPASB was identified as a scale with a high degree of validity and reliability. The results of this study provide a valuable scale which can be useful in the study of parenting as a way of rearing adolescents and adult children in Korea. To enhance the positive aspect of helicopter parenting, we suggest the development of intervention programs on parenting.

Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Hospital Workers' Perception for Protection of Personal Health Information (의료기관 근로자의 환자 개인정보 보호 인식에 대한 평가도구 개발 및 검증)

  • Cha, Ki-Jung;Ha, Yeong-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1253-1263
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and examine a validity and reliability of an instrument to assess hospital workers' perception for protection of personal health information. The process included construction of a conceptual framework, generation of initial items, verification of content validity, preliminary study, and extraction of final items. Content validity was verified by 3 experts from nursing and health information management areas, and the construct validity was evaluated by item analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability was examined by Cronbach's alpha. The participants were 279 hospital workers including nurses, administrative officers, and other medical health professionals. Using a confirmatory factor analysis, a four-factor structure was validated with construct validity. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of a total of 13 items categorized into 4 factors was .83. Finally, the instrument is a valid and reliable to assess hospital workers' perception for protection of personal health information.

Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Transcultural Self-efficacy Scale for Nurses (간호사의 범문화효능감 측정도구 개발 및 타당화)

  • Oh, Won-Oak;Park, Eun Sook;Suk, Min Hyun;Im, Yeo Jin
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.293-304
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This methodological study was conducted to develop and psychometrically test the Transcultural Self-efficacy scale (TCSE-scale) for nurses. Methods: Initial 41 items for the TCSE-scale were generated based on extensive literature reviews and in-depth interviews with 18 nurses who had experience in caring for foreign patients. Cultural Competence and Confidence model was used as a conceptual framework. Content validity was evaluated by an expert panel. Psychometric testing was performed with a convenience sample of 242 nurses recruited from four general hospitals in the Seoul metropolitan area and Gyeonggi-do province of South Korea. To evaluate the reliability of TCSE-scale, a test-retest reliability and an internal consistency reliability were analyzed. Construct validity, concurrent validity, criterion validity, convergent validity and discriminative validity were used to evaluate the validity. Results: The 25-item TCSE-scale was found to have three subscales-Cognitive, Practical, and Affective domain-explaining 91.5% of the total variance. TCSE-scale also demonstrated a concurrent validity with the Cultural Competence Scale. Criterion-related validity was supported by known-group comparison. Reliability analysis showed an acceptable-to-high Cronbach's alpha-.88 in total, and subscales ranged from .76 to .87. The ICC was .90, indicating that the TCSE-scale has internal consistency and stability of reliability. Conclusion: This preliminary evaluation of the psychometric scale properties demonstrated an acceptable validity and reliability. The TCSE-scale is able to contribute to building up empirical and evidence based on data collection regarding the transcultural self-efficacy of clinical nurses. We suggest further testing of the applicability of TCSE-scale in different settings and community contexts.

Validity and Reliability of Translated Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue Scale for the Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (류마티스 관절염환자용 다차원적 피로척도의 타당도 및 신뢰도)

  • Lee, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.206-221
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to validate translated Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue(MAF) scale. The scale is a 16-item scale that measures four dimensions of fatigue : severity, distress, impact, timing. Fourteen items are numerical rating scales and 2 items have multiple choice responses. Data were collected from the 137 patients with rheumatoid arthritis after content validation. Criterion validity was tested by correlation coefficient with Piper Fatigue Scale, which resulted in 0.7573(p<.0000). Construct validity was tested by item analysis and factor analysis. Corrected item-total correlation coefficients were 0.63-0.88. And factor analysis showed 2 factors : fatigue degree factor and fatigue impact factor. These two factors explained 73.5% of total variance. Reliability of internal consistency was 0.96 in Cronbach's alpha. Further validation study is necessary in each factor in other settings with other subjects.

  • PDF

A Guide on the Use of Factor Analysis in the Assessment of Construct Validity (구성타당도 평가에 있어서 요인분석의 활용)

  • Kang, Hyuncheol
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide researchers with a simplified approach to undertaking exploratory factor analysis for the assessment of construct validity. Methods: All articles published in 2010, 2011, and 2012 in Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing were reviewed and other relevant books and articles were chosen for the review. Results: In this paper, the following were discussed: preliminary analysis process of exploratory factor analysis to examine the sample size, distribution of measured variables, correlation coefficient, and results of KMO measure and Bartlett's test of sphericity. In addition, other areas to be considered in using factor analysis are discussed, including determination of the number of factors, the choice of rotation method or extraction method of the factor structure, and the interpretation of the factor loadings and explained variance. Conclusion: Content validity is the degree to which elements of an assessment instrument are relevant to and representative of the targeted construct for a particular assessment purpose. This measurement is difficult and challenging and takes a lot of time. Factor analysis is considered one of the strongest approaches to establishing construct validity and is the most commonly used method for establishing construct validity measured by an instrument.

Validation Study of Korean Version of the Rothbart's Children's Behavior Questionnaire (한국판 Rothbart 유아용 기질 척도(Children's Behavior Questionnaire)의 타당화)

  • Lim, Ji-Young;Bae, Yun-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.477-497
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric property of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire(CBQ), including reliability, content validity, construct validity, cross validity, and concurrent validity with EAS(Emotionality, Activity, Sociability) scale. The CBQ is a caregiver report measure designed to provide a detailed assessment of temperament in children 3 to 7 years of age. In this study, two groups of participants were included to check cross validity. The first group of participants were 108 preschoolers, 3 to 7 years of age attending kindergartens or child care centers, and their mothers. The second group of participants were 168 preschoolers and their mothers. The CBQ subscales demonstrate adequate internal consistencies. Also, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the CBQ scale reliably recover a three-factor solution indicating three broad dimension of temperament: extraversion/surgency, negative affectivity, and effortful control. Evidence for concurrent validity derives from results of correlation analysis with EAS scale.

Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of a Tool to Measure Uncivil Behavior in Clinical Nursing Education (간호학생이 임상실습에서 경험하는 무례함 한국어판 측정도구의 타당도와 신뢰도)

  • Jo, Su Ok;Oh, Jina
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.537-548
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study aims to develop a Korean version of a tool to measure uncivil behavior in clinical training to examine the experiences of nursing students. Methods: The "Uncivil Behavior in Clinical Nursing Education Scale" was developed by Anthony and Yastik in 2011. This study procedure was based on DeVellis' instrument development guidelines. Data were collected from 220 senior-year nursing students from four different universities in four different locations. Two hundreds surveys were analyzed using SPSS software and AMOS. Results: Out of 20 questions, 13 were selected after reviewing the content validity, face validity, construct validity, and reliability. The factors of the Korean version scale were specified as "exclusion", "contempt", and "refusal." The general characteristics of the subjects that showed significant differences in the occurrence of incivility were gender, age, transfer student status, level of satisfaction with clinical training, and level of satisfaction with the clinical training environment. Conclusion: The "Korean-Uncivil Behavior in Clinical Nursing Education Scale" was partially modified to account for differences in language and culture, but its validity and reliability were verified. We suggest that nurse educators and supervisors will be able to better understand the relationship between nurses and nursing students in clinical training.

Development of a Tool in Measuring Yangsaeng(養生; traditional oriental health promotion; YS-TOHP) (양생(養生) 측정 도구 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김애정
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.729-738
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: 'Yangsaeng' is a traditional health care regimen for the promotion of health and prevention of illnesses ty means of specific principles and methods for the purpose of living a long and healthy life. The purpose of this paper was to develop a tool in measuring Yangsaeng and to verify its reliability and validity. Method: Content validity was conducted three times by 8 experts. Factor analysis was conducted to test its construct validity. Result: Thirty-one items were selected in 8 factors; Morality Yangsaeng, Mind Yangsaeng, Diet Yangsaeng, Activity & rest Yangsaeng, Exercise Yangsaeng, Seasonal Yangsaeng, Sleep Yangsaeng and Sex life Yangsaeng. The explanatory variance is 61.76%. Cronbach's alpha of the final tool is .89 and that of each factor is .68~.82. The analysis of the items shows that the item-total correlation is .40 or higher. Criterion-related validity was verified with the CMCHS V1.0 and the KoHSME V1.0. Conclusion: Since the tool developed in this study was verified in terms of its reliability and validity, it could be utilized as a tool for evaluating the extent of Yangsaeng.

Development of an Instrument to Assess the Nursing Professional Pride (간호 전문직 자부심 측정도구 개발)

  • Jeon, JaeHee;Lee, EunHee;Kim, EunJoo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.228-241
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to assess nursing professional pride. Methods: Fifty-six preliminary items were identified through literature review and focus group interview of nurses working in a hospital. Of these, 45 preliminary instruments were completed over 0.80 of content validity index. To verify the reliability and validity of the preliminary instrument, data were collected from 294 nurses. The data were analyzed using factor analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis. Results: From the factor analysis, 27 significant items were divided into 5 subscales. These subscales were as follows: feeling of vocation, role satisfaction, role of problem solver, self-achievement, and willingness to stay. The nursing professional pride also established criterion-related validity, discriminant validity, and group validity. Cronbach's α of the instrument was .92, and the subscales ranged from .74 to .85. Conclusion: The developed scale for nursing professional pride shows validity and reliability. The significance of this study is the development of an instrument capable of measuring nursing professional pride. To verify the relevance of this instrument, conducting comparative studies is suggested.

Development and Validation of the New Version of Spirituality Assessment Scale (영성 측정도구 개발과 평가)

  • Ko, Il-Sun;Choi, Soyoung;Kim, Jin Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.132-146
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a new version of Spirituality Assessment Scale (N-SAS) and verify its reliability and validity. Methods: The total of 59 preliminary items for the N-SAS were selected through a literature review, two rounds of experts' content validation, cognitive interviews, and pre-tests. Verification of its reliability and validity was divided into two phases. In Phase I, questionnaires were collected from 219 adults. Reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha, validity with item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. In Phase II, questionnaires developed based on the results of Phase I were collected from 225 adults. Reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha, validity with confirmatory factor analysis, and criterion validity. Results: The final version of the N-SAS comprised two dimensions (vertical and horizontal), four domains (relationship with God; meaning of life and self-integration; self-transcendence; and relationship with others, neighborhoods, and nature), and 44 items were identified. Total Cronbach's α was .97; those of each subscale ranged from .79 to .98. N-SAS scores were positively correlated with the scores of Howden's Spiritual Assessment Scale (r=.81, p<.001). Conclusion: Findings suggest that the N-SAS can be used to measure spirituality in adults. The use of N-SAS is expected to facilitate perceiving patient's spiritual needs and providing spiritual care.