• Title/Summary/Keyword: content validity

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The Group Counseling Program for Terminal Cancer Patients and their Family Members in the Seoul National University Hospital (말기 암환자와 가족을 위한 집단상담 프로그램 - 서울대학교병원 경험의 분석-)

  • Lee, Young-Sook;Heo, Dae-Seog;Yun, Young-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Choi, Kyung-Sook;Yun, Yeo-Jung
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : Seoul National University Hospital developed a group counseling program for the terminal cancer patients and their family members. This program consists of each of doctor, nutritionist, nurse, pharmacist, and social worker to provide them with the information and to enhance their ability to cope with terminal cancer. This research aims to introduce this new program per se, and to appreciate its validity and applicability to the terminal cancer patients and their family members by analyzing the concerns and specific questions of the participants. Methods : The methodological approach employed in this research is 1996 content analysis of the group counseling reports, and interview of the 312 participants. The analysis includes the general characteristics of the subjects, family relationship to the patients, times of attendance to the group session, source of information to the program. Results : The participants consist of 261 family members(84%) and 51 patients(16%). Majority responded to the program with a single-attendance. Diagnosis are mainly lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer. The ratio of participants by family members is decreased in the order of spouse, children, daughter-in-law, brothers and sisters, and parents. The source of information to the program is largely through medical staff(69%) as compared with posters in the hospital (26%). The participants are interested primarily in the medical information. Their interests are various, such as pain control, patient care, nutrition, psychosocial problem and etc. Conclusion : This program is characterized largely as a family-supporting program which primarily offers information for terminal cancer. This program is a sort of a hospice program, which maximizes the present quality of living of the terminal cancer patients as long as life continues by encouraging them to live with terminal cancer. Thus, this group program can be employed as an active support network for the patients and their family. In order to develop comprehensive care-giving services, it is required to have 24-hour telephone service, hospice facilities, home care service, and communication between the referral hospitals and the primary care physicians, in particular. Such a development of services is the ultimate goal for improving care. But the immediate goal of the program is to make possible better education for the patients and their family to live with terminal cancer.

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Development and Application of Creative Education Learning Program Using Creative Thinking Methods (창의적 사고기법을 활용한 창의교육 수업프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Han, Shin;Kim, Hyoungbum;Lee, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.162-174
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to develop a creative education class program using metaphor, one of the creative thinking techniques, and to examine the effectiveness of the program targeting for randomly sampled 338 students in six middle schools. The creative education class program with the metaphor was developed based on content elements concerning 'astronomy' in 2015 science curriculum revision in South Korea. The program was tested for validity after being modified and supplemented three times by forming a group of experts, and the final version of the program was applied to school education fields during four periods, including block time. To find out the effectiveness of the program and the implementation, creative education class satisfaction test and creative thinking process test were conducted. That is to say, the creative education class satisfaction test was conducted before treatment and the creative thinking process test was implemented both before and after treatment. The results of the study are as follows. First, in this study, the program was developed with the emphasis on students voluntarily and actively participating in creative education programs while utilizing creative thinking methods. Second, the statistical results of the pre- and post-class about the creative education program using the metaphor of creative thinking techniques represented significant results(p<.05). In other words, the two-dependent samples by students' pre-and post-score about the creative education class showed significant statistical test results (p<.05). It turned out that the creative education program using metaphor has had a positive impact on research participants. Third, in regards to the results of the creative education class satisfaction test, 101 out of 338 students(30%) answered 'Strongly Agree' and 137(41%) answered 'Agree', indicating the subjects' satisfaction with the class was high in general. On the other hand, concerning difficulties of the creative class, 137(41%) answered "Lack of time" as the main factor, followed by 98(30%) "Difficulties of problems they were required to solve", 73(22%) answered "Conflicts with friends", and 24(7%) said "Difficulties of contents." These responses were taken into account as considerations for further development of creative education programs.

Analysis of Church based parish nursing activities in Teagu city (목회간호사의 업무활동분석)

  • Kim, Chung-Nam;Park, Jeong-Sook;Kwon, Young-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.384-399
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    • 1996
  • The concept of parish nursing began in the late 1960s in the United States when increasing numbers of churches employed registered nurses (RNs) to provide holistic, preventive health care to the members of their congregations. Parish nursing role was developed in 1983 by Lutheran chaplain Granger Westberg, and provides care to a variety of church congregation of various denominations. The parish nurse functions as health educator, counselor, group facilitator, client advocate, and liaison to community resources. Since these activities are complementary to the population-focused practice of community health' CNSs, parish nurses either have a strong public health background or work directly with both baccalaureate-prepared public health nurses and CNSs. In a Midwest community in U.S.A., the Healthy People 2000(1991) objectives are being addressed in health ministries through a coalition between public health nurses and parish nurses. Parish nursing is in the beginning state in Korea and up untill now, there has been no research was conducted on concrete role of korean parish nurses. The main purpose of this study was to identify, classify and analyze activities of parish nurses. The other important objective of this study was to establish an effective approach and direction for parish nursing and provide a database for korean parish nursing model through analysis and' classification of the content of the nursing record which included nursing activities. This study was a descriptive survey research. The parish nurses were working in churches where the demonstration project developed on parish nursing. The study was done on all nursing records which were working in churches where the demonstration project developed on parish nursing. The study was done on all nursing records which were documented by parish nurses in three churches from March, 1995 to February, 1996. Namsan, Taegu Jeei and Nedang presbyterian churches in Taegu and Keimyung nursing college incooperated together for the parish nursing demonstration project. The data analysis procedure was as follows: First, a record analysis tool was developed and second, the data was collected, coded and analyzed, the classification for nursing activities was developed through a literature review, from which the basic analysis tool was produced and cotent validity review was also done. The classification of the activities of parish nurses showed 7 activitity categories. 7 activity categories consisted of visitation nursing, health check-ups, health education, referring, attending staff meetings, attending inservices and seminar, volunteers coordinating. The percentage of activities were as follows: Visitation nursing(A: 51.6%, B: 55%, C: 42.6%) Health check-ups(A: 13.5%, B: 12.1%, C: 22.3%) Health education(A: 13.5%, B: 13.2%, C: 18.2%) Referring(A: 1.4%, B: 4.2%, C: 2.4%) Attending staff meeting(A: 18.8%, B: 13.0%, C: 12.2%) Attending inservices and seminar(A: 1.5%, B: 2.2%, C: 2.1%) Volunteers coordinating(A: 0.3%, B: 0.4%, C: 0.0%) To establish and develope parish nursing delivery network in Korea, parish nurses role, activities and boundaries of practice should be continuously monitored and refined every 2 years. Also, It is needed to develope effective nursing recording system based on the need assessment research data of various congregation members. role, activities and boundaries of practice and arrangement of the working structure, continuing education, cooperation with community resources and structuring and organizing parish nursing delivery network. Also, It is needed to develope effective nursing recording system based on the need assessment research data of various congregation members.

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Finding Influential Users in the SNS Using Interaction Concept : Focusing on the Blogosphere with Continuous Referencing Relationships (상호작용성에 의한 SNS 영향유저 선정에 관한 연구 : 연속적인 참조관계가 있는 블로고스피어를 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyunjung;Rho, Sangkyu
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.69-93
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    • 2012
  • Various influence-related relationships in Social Network Services (SNS) among users, posts, and user-and-post, can be expressed using links. The current research evaluates the influence of specific users or posts by analyzing the link structure of relevant social network graphs to identify influential users. We applied the concept of mutual interactions proposed for ranking semantic web resources, rather than the voting notion of Page Rank or HITS, to blogosphere, one of the early SNS. Through many experiments with network models, where the performance and validity of each alternative approach can be analyzed, we showed the applicability and strengths of our approach. The weight tuning processes for the links of these network models enabled us to control the experiment errors form the link weight differences and compare the implementation easiness of alternatives. An additional example of how to enter the content scores of commercial or spam posts into the graph-based method is suggested on a small network model as well. This research, as a starting point of the study on identifying influential users in SNS, is distinctive from the previous researches in the following points. First, various influence-related properties that are deemed important but are disregarded, such as scraping, commenting, subscribing to RSS feeds, and trusting friends, can be considered simultaneously. Second, the framework reflects the general phenomenon where objects interacting with more influential objects increase their influence. Third, regarding the extent to which a bloggers causes other bloggers to act after him or her as the most important factor of influence, we treated sequential referencing relationships with a viewpoint from that of PageRank or HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Selection).

Stressful Life Events, Health Symptoms, Social Support and Coping/in Early Adolescents (스트레스생활사건, 건강문제, 대응, 사회적 지지의 관계 -청소년을 대상으로-)

  • 오가실;한정석
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.414-429
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    • 1990
  • Numerous research reports have substantiated the role of stressful life events in relation to the onset of health changes. The relationship tends to hold across different age groups. Theoretically, adolescence has been considered a developmental crisis period of great stress, impoverished coping skills and high vulnerability to biological, social and psychological demands. The research problem addressed by this study was to examine the relationships between stressful life events and health symptom patterns, and the effect of two variables, coping and social, support, theoretically considered to mediate the relationship between stress and health symptoms in adolescents. The following five hypotheses were tested in this research : 1. Health symptoms are positively related to stressful life events in adolescents, 2. Health symptoms are negatively related to coping in adolescents, 3. Health symptoms are negatively related to social support in adolescents, 4. When coping is controlled, the relationship between health symptoms and stressful life events will decrease, and 5. When social support is controlled, the relationship between health symptoms and stressful life events will increase. The study subjects consisted of 1090 high school students of the metropolitan city of Seoul. The following sampling procedure was used : 1. Of the 169 high schools in nine school administrative districts in the city, a proportional sample of ten schools was selected. 2. One class from each of the freshman and sophomore was randomly selected and all the students who were in the sampled class were used as the study sample. The study was limited to freshman and sophomore adolescents, aged 15 to 18(mean=16.6). Of the 1090 subjects 688(63%) were boys and 402(37%) were girls. An Adolescent Inventory of Stressful Life Events, a Health Symptom Questionnaire and an Adolescent Coping Inventory were adapted for this study. The Norbeck Social Support questionnaire was utilized to collect the data on perceived social support. Five high school teachers in the areas of school health and counselling reviewed the items of each questionnaire for content validity. A pilot study was undertaken to ascertain reliability. Fifty three high school students responded to the questionnaires and gave their opinions on the items. For stressful life events, health symptoms, coping, and social support, the Cronbach's alpha's on the study were .70, .94, .77, and .76, respectively. Research assistants attended all the sampled classes with the school proctor to explain the purpose and procedures of the study to the students. The questionnaires along with a ballpoint pen were distributed to the students who were asked to complete each item. The research assistants left the ballpoint pen with the students as a gift for their cooperation. An average of 50 minutes was required to complete the questionnaires. Using an SPSS, the first, three hypotheses were tested using Gamma, a measure of association for ordinal variables. Partial gamma was used to test the fourth and fifth hypotheses. Patterns of elaboration described by Babbie were selected to interpret the relationship of the three variable analyses. The significance of gamma was determined by Chisquare at a .05 level of significance. There was a positive relationship between health symptoms and stressful life events(Gamma=.35, p=.000). Thus the first hypothesis was supported. Unexpectedly, coping was positively related with health symptoms(Gamma=.13, p=.000). That is, the higher the coping levels, the greater number of health problems. The third hypothesis, the higher the level of social support, the fewer the health symptoms, was not accepted in this adolescent study group. When coping was controlled, under the condition of low coping the association between health symptoms and stressful life events increased significantly to a partial gamma of .39, and under the condition of high coping it was .30. According to the elaboration model, when one partial relationship is the same or greater than the original and the other is smaller, the control variable should be considered to be specifying the conditions. When social support was controlled the relationship between stressful life events and health symptoms increased under the condition of low social support, but with high social support, the relationship decreased. Both partial gamma were statistically significant at .05 level(.43 and .26 relatively). It can be interpreted that stressful life events are strongly and positively related to health symptoms under the condition of low social support, however this relationship can not be expected with high social support. Thus, the last two hypotheses were conditionally sustained. In this study, the relationships between stressful life events and health symptoms, and the specified me diating roles of coping and social support were found to have statistical interaction. This finding supports the theoretical position of this study. It suggests that stressful life events would create high susceptability to biological social and psychological health symptoms and coping and social support buffering the relationship between stressful life events and health symptom. The findings of this study have implications for nursing practice. When adolescents are confronted with non-developmental life events that are perceived as stressful, nurses should recognize the evidence of the stress-buffering effect of coping and social support on health symptoms and utilize the diverse sources of social support that are readily available to adolescents.

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The Development and Effectiveness of a PBL Based Career Education Program (PBL 기반 진로교육 프로그램의 개발 및 효과검증)

  • Lee, Hye-Suk;Kim, You-Me
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a PBL-based career education program and to examine its effectiveness on school children's career maturity. It's specifically meant to prepare a career education program to assist students to get an accurate grip on their aptitude, interest and personality and explore various sorts of occupations in the course of solving authentic and contextual career-related problems. After children's developmental characteristics and needs were analyzed, task analysis was implemented, and the objectives were defined. And then the core of the program, PBL problems were developed, and the validity of the problems were verified Evaluation plans and tools were prepared to assess children's problem-solving process and presentation, and an online learning space was designed. The program that consisted of 10-minute 21 sessions was provided to fifth-grade elementary schoolers for eight weeks. The findings of the study were as follows: The experimental group that participated in the PBL-based career education program showed a more significant improvement than the control group that didn't in career attitude and three career attitude subfactors involving planness, disposition and compromise. And the former made a more significant progress than the latter in career ability and its subfactors including vocational comprehension, self-understanding and decision-making skills as well. As a result of making a content analysis to make up for the survey, the students reported that they were able to get an objective understanding of themselves and acquire diverse and profound knowledge on work and the business world in the middle of solving the given PBL problems related to different areas in group and giving a presentation. In conclusion, a PBL based career education program developed by this researcher encouraged the students to have an objective self-understanding, to have a dynamic interactive discussion with their group members. Therefore the program had a positive impact on boosting the career attitude and career ability of the elementary schoolers. The findings suggested that in the field of elementary career education, autonomous learning attitude and subjecthood are the crucial factors to stimulate school children to explore and create their own future.

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Development of a Occupation-Based Bilateral Upper Extremity Training Protocol in a Medical Setting for Stroke Patients (뇌졸중 환자를 대상으로 한 병원 환경에서의 작업 기반 양측성 상지 훈련 프로토콜 개발)

  • Kim, Sun-Ho;Kim, Jung Ran;Park, Hae Yean;Han, A-Reum;Kim, Jong-Bae;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.24-44
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    • 2020
  • Objective : To develop an occupation-based bilateral upper extremity training protocol that can be effectively applied in a medical setting Methods : The research process using the delphi technique was carried out in 3 stages. The first stage was an open questionnaire development stage, The first draft is prepared through literature review and open questions were developed through preliminary research based on the draft. The second stage was the delphi survey. Based on the responses of the experts obtained through the open Delphi survey, the adequacy of the training protocol was shown on a Likert 5 point scale. The items were edited and deleted, reconstructed by analyzing the mean and standard deviation, stability, convergence degree, consensus, and content validity ratio through the questionnaire. The third step was the completion of the protocol. After discussions between researchers, the finalized protocol contents were reorganized to complete the occupation-based bilateral upper extremity training protocol for medical setting. Results : The final protocol consisted of 9 items across 3 areas in the occupation-based intervention selection domain and 81 items across 4 areas in the bilateral upper extremity training domain, intervention period, and evaluation. Conclusions : This study suggests an evidence-based method that collects the opinions of occupational therapists in order to use occupation-based activities as interventions in a situation that currently sees occupational therapy primarily performed in hospitals. It is also meaningful that the bilateral upper extremity training can be applied effectively in clinical situations by concretely presenting.

A Study on Needs of the Families of Head Injury Patients (두부 손상환자 가족의 간호요구에 대한 연구)

  • Cho Gyoo-Yeong;Park Hyoung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.414-433
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the needs which are perceived by one of the familiy members who have head injury parients by traffic accidents in the intensive care units. Subjects were 70 families members of head injury patients admitted to 2 general hospitals NICU located Pusan city, 1 general hospital NICU located Ulsan city from December 1. 1998 to February 28. 1999. For this study, 70 family members were interviewed with aid of a Likert scale which was developed by researcher for this study. For development of the survey instrument, literature review and open questionnaire technique with family members and the nurses working in NICU. The 50needs-items were classified into 7 groups according to the homogeneity of the items with the support of literature review. For the content validity, the instrument was reviewed by 1 nursing professor and the internal reliability of this instrument was Cronbach alpha=0.94 which is highly accepted. Data was analyzed by a SPSS computer program. Data analysis included frequency. percentage, mean, standard variance and t-test or ANOVA. The results were as followings : 1. The general characteristics of head injury patients shows that the male was 74.3%, the female was 25.7% and age distribution shows that the fifty-fifty nine years was 30%, the highest. Of religion the buddhism was the most, The diagnosis distribution shows that epidural hematoma was 32.9% and subdural hematoma was 24.3%. The mentalility distribution shows that semicoma was 31.4% and stupor was 31.4%. Hemiplegia was 42.9% 2. The general charaterisrics of the family needs of head injury patients shows that thirty-thirty nine years was 31.4%, the highest. sex distribution shows that the male was 20%, the female was 80%. Of religion the buddism was the most. 3. The family needs of head injury patients was $3.03{\pm}0.42$, needs for the information of a patient's condition was $3.65{\pm}0.48$, the highest. And needs for the information of care and treatment was $3.48{\pm}0.48$, needs to be supplied with comfortable facilities for family was $3.04{\pm}0.66$, needs to be participate in a patient's care was $2.90{\pm}0.55$, needs to be informed about the available resources was $2.83{\pm}0.59$, needs to be supported emotionally for family was $2.79{\pm}0.55$, needs for religious assistance was $2.51{\pm}0.85$. 4. Examining the family needs of head injury patients according to patient's characteristics, mentality, plegia degree and operation were shown be variables to make an effect on the needs for the head injury patients family. At all, according to severity of head. injury, the family needs of head injury patients was high. 5. Examining the family needs of head injury patients according to their general characteristics, we could know that religion, job. income were shown to be variables to make an effect on the family needs. Through the examination it can be seen that the characteristics of head injury patients and the family needs of head injury patients. In conclusion, the family needs of head injury patients was almost same the family needs of ICU patients. Therefore we must involve the family's care of head injury patients and we must provide exact and repeated explanation, education and support the family of head injury patients. As this study was resulted in selecting the families admitted to NICU of some general hospital, we couldn't stretch the result in our favor. Therefore, continuous studies are suggested.

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Development of a Theme-Selection Activity in 'Clothing Life' in Relation to SDGs for the Free Semester Program (지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 성취를 위한 의생활 자유학기제 주제선택활동 프로그램 개발)

  • Choi, Ye Ji;Park, Mi-Jeong;Shim, Huen-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.27-48
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a theme-selection activity in 'clothing life' in relation to SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) for the free semester program. After analyzing the contents of the 'clothing life' area of middle school home economics textbooks based on the SDGs, the content system and learning goals were set. Then a program was developed and the validity and the feasibility of the program were verified. As a result of the analysis of textbooks, the contents of 'clothing life' included all the three basic dimensions of social development, economic growth, and environment protection, yet focus only on 1 or 2 goals of each area. Based on the results of the analysis, a 'Righteous(義) Clothing(衣) Life' program was developed. The developed program consists of teaching-learning process plans and teaching-learning materials in eight class periods, including 'The future everyone dreams of' based on SDG12, 'Two faces of fast fashion' based on SDG1, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, 'Living as Homoclimatus' based on SDG13, and 'The future we create' based on SDG9 and SDG12. Through the expert evaluation process for the developed program, the program's teaching and learning adequacy and feasibility were reviewed and feedback was actively reflected to correct and supplement the program. Through this study, it is expected that it will contribute to laying the foundation for establishing home economics as a subject that educates citizens who practice sustainable life, and a pivotal subject in education for sustainable development.

A Diagnostic Study on High School Students' Health and Quality of Life - Based on the PRECEDE model - (고등학생의 건강 및 삶의 질에 대한 진단적 연구 - PRECEDE 모형을 근간으로 -)

  • Yoo Jae-Soon;Hong Yeo-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.3
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    • pp.78-98
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    • 1997
  • Health education, as the most fundamental concept for national health promotion, alms for developing the self-care ability of the general public. High school days are regarded as the period when most important physical, mental and social developments occur, and most health-related behaviors are formed. School health education is one of the major learning resources influencing health potential in the home and community as well as for the individual student. High school health education in Korea has a fundamental systemic flaw in that health-related subjects are divided and taught under various subjects areas at school. In order to achieve the goal of school health education, it is essential to make a systematic assessment of the learner's concerns connected with his health and life, and the factors affecting them. So far, most of the research projects that had been carried out for improving high school health education were limited in their concerns to a particular aspect of health. Even though some had been done in view of comprehensive school health education, they failed to Include a health assessment of the learner. Therefore, in this study the high school students' concerns related to health and life were investigated in the first place on the basis of the PRECEDE model, developed by Green and others for the purpose of a comprehensive diagnostic research on high school health education. This study was done in two steps : one was the basic study for developing research instrument and the other was the main one. The former was conducted at five high schools in Seoul and Cheongju for 2 months-beginning in March, 1996. The students were asked to respond to questions related to their health and lives in unstructured open-ended question forms. On the basis of analysis of the basic study, the diagnostic instruments for the quality of life, health problems, health behavior and educational factors were constructed to be used for the collection of data for main study. An expert panel and the pilot study were used to improve content validity and reliability of the instruments. The reliability of the instruments was measured at between .7697 and .9611 by the Cronbach $\alpha$. The data for this study were collected from the sample consisted of the junior and senior classes of twenty general and vocational high schools in Seoul and Cheongju for two months period beginning in July, 1996. In analyzing the data, both t-test and $X^2$-test were done by using SAS-$PC^+$ Program to compare data between the sexes of the high school students and the types of high school. A canonical correlation analysis was carried out to determine the relationships among the diagnostic variables, and a multivariate multiple regression analysis was conducted by using LISREL 8.03 to ascertain the influences of variables on the high school students' health and quality of life. The results were as follows : 1) The findings of the hypothesis tests (1) The canonical correlation between the educational diagnosis variables and behavioral, epidemiological, social diagnosis variables was .7221, which was significant at the level of p<.001. (2) The canonical correlation between the educational diagnosis variables and the behavior variables was .6851, which also was significant (p<.001). (3) The canonical correlation between the behavioral diagnosis variables and the epidemiological variables was 4295, which was significant (p<.001). (4) The canonical correlation between the epidemiological diagnosis variables and the social variables was .6005, which was also significant (p<.001). Therefore, the relationship between each diagnosis variable suggested by the PRECEDE model had been experimentally proven to be valid, supporting the conceptual framework of the study as appropriate for assessing the multi-dimensional factors affecting high school students' health and quality of life. Health behavior self-efficacy, the level of parents' interest and knowledge of health, and the level of the perception of school health education, all of which are the educational diagnostic variables, are the most influential variables in students' health and quality of life. In particular, health behavior self-efficacy, a causative factor, was one of the main influential variables in their health and quality of life. Other diagnostic variables suggested in the steps of the PRECEDE model were found to have reciprocal relations rather than a unidirectional causative relationship. The significance of this research is that it has diagnosed the needs of high school health education by the learner-centered assessment of variety of factors related to the health and the life of the students. This research findings suggest an integrated system of school health education to be contrived to enhance the effectiveness of the education by strengthening the influential factors such as self-efficacy to improve the health and quality of the lives of high school students.

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